독자의견 설문조사

< Stakeholder Questionnaire >
We thank all our stakeholders for taking the time to read LG Electronics’ Sustainability Report.
If you would mind taking the time to complete this questionnaire, your feedback is of great value
to us and will certainly help in publishing a better report in the future.
1. Which of the following groups best describes your affiliation with LG Electronics?
□ LG Electronics Employee
□ Shareholder & investor
□ Customer
□ Supplier
□ Civic activist
□ Local Resident
□ Press
□ Student/ Academic group
□ Expert on sustainable management
□ Other (Please specify :
2. Which of the following parts of this report were you most interested in?
(You may check more than one category)
□ Introduction
□ LG Electronics Profile
□ CSM System
□ Winning in Recession
□ Raising Customer Value
□ Environmental Leadership
□ Responsible Business Partners
□ Community Engagement
□ Improving Employee Value
□ Appendix
3. Please indicate how much you agree with each of the following statements.
(1) Strongly agree
(2) Agree
(3) No Opinion
(4) Disagree
(5) Strongly disagree
The report was easy to read, with easy terms and simple descriptions.
The content of the report was effectively expressed through the design of the report.
The report contains a wide array of important content.
The content of the report is reliable.
The report has given me a good understanding of LG Electronics’ sustainability management.
I will recommend this report to others.
The report is satisfactory overall.
4. Did you opinion about LG Electronics change after reading this report?
□ Positively changed
□ No change
□ Negatively changed
5. Fell free to write down what you would like us to add/change in this report in the future
or any opinion you might have concerning LG Electronics’ sustainability report, if any.
※ LGE’s Acquisition and Processing of Personal data
- LG Electronics handles your personal data and information confidentially, in compliance with all
current information protection laws.
- LG Electronics uses your personal data and information only within the company and the group
for the purposes of considering feedback given by you for the development of LGE’s sustainability
activities and to be able to offer the information demanded by you.