Table of Contents - "S_250_299.doc"__
S-250. from Andrew Potter regarding external sources supporting UNITEL
S-251. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his possible new "day job" & new form of matter
S-252. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL's public-relations promotional efforts
S-253. from Larry Maurer forwarding correspondence on Dr. Robert Forward and a prospective
business venture
S-254. from Larry Maurer forwarding correspondence from ERL Corporation
S-255. from Andrew Potter regarding my UFO site and collection of e-mails
S-256. from Larry Mauer of UNITEL regarding Jerry Bayles message on UFO theories
S-257. from Larry Mauer of UNITEL regarding more on Jerry Bayles
S-258. from Larry Mauer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence regarding saucer vs. "cigar" shape
S-259. from Andrew Potter regarding other technology based on UFO sightings
S-260. from Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding his comments on Vuyk's "Theory of Everything"
S-261. from Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding his definition of "dis-information"
S-262. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL's methods of self-promotion
S-263. from Andrew Potter follow-up to previous e-mail
S-264. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding "history" of the technology behind UNITEL's
S-265. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Scientific American article on "Extreme Light"
S-266. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a follow-up to the previous e-mail
S-267. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a correspondence on comparing UNITEL's design
S-268. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his job interviews
S-269. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Mike Miller & the "Higgs particle"
S-270. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UNITEL progress updates
S-271. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding any other research being done in MQT
S-272. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding an upcoming NYC visit with prospective investors
S-273. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding reactions from conservatives on BBS's
S-274. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding e-mail from Hal Puthoff regarding his latest article
S-275. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a rebuke from Jack Sarfatti
S-276. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding "Niobium" and additions to UNITEL webpage
S-277. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence from Ed Halerewicz and his
difficulty comprehending non-classical MQT
from Bob King regarding Bob Lazar, Area-51
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Edward Halerewicz's classical physics group
from Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding his personal interest in cutting-edge technology
from Bob King regarding a rumored Michigan-based "Area-51"
from Matt Maurici regarding his planned trips to Montauk
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding construction plans for the aerospace vehicle
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Bernard Haisch
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding another company exploring similar concepts
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Boeing's past efforts into anti-gravity research
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding clarification of some of UNITEL's proposals
from Andrew Potter regarding growing UNITEL-like crystals in college labs
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL providing answers to why certain R&D paths were folowed
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding editing the "Aero" document
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding editing the "Aero" document
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding 'strange synchronicities'
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding corrections to the draft Aero document
from Andrew Potter regarding different machines using variations of the same physics
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding making short documentary films
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a "promo document" to advertise the Aero book
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding an e-mail regarding the upcoming book
from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL associate Ernie Brown
from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding final touches on the Aero book
S-250. from Andrew Potter regarding external sources supporting UNITEL
From : Andrew Potter <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: Thanks!
Date : Tue, 09 Apr 2002 15:53:51 -0400
At 09:01 AM 4/9/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> Hi Andrew ->
> MSN "magically" freed-up my email account which was in cyber-limbo land. I don't know
what's going on although I don't believe it's coincidental.
> I'm sending you the CD backup of my site as well as a 5-hr VHS tape containing various
UFO documentaries. The one segment on the famous missing person Philip Taylor Kramer
is very interesting. His retired electrical engineering professor father (Ray Kramer) had a
GUT theory for decades that proved to be unsolvable. Then his son made some advances on
it. The elder Kramer said it promised instantaneous communications anywhere within the
Universe. I've seen subsequent articles saying this also included "teleportation". If this
proves to be correct, why would you ever need a "UFO"? You could fold space-and-time
like the Navigators did in the movie "Dune".
> Reading my e-mail "diary" on the CD might take you awhile. Lots of it -- particularly the
ones Larry sent -- are very technical. But if you discipline yourself to not get hung up in the
"nitty-gritty" -- and focus on the "forest" rather than its individual trees -- some interesting
things appear.
> For instance, I have yet to find ANY two "experts" in the UFO/time-travel/PhiladelphiaExperiment fields who agree with each other. If any of these legends are true, then obviously
so much disinformation has been mixed-in that the real facts are seemingly impossible to
extract baring further revelation by the Government.
> Concerning UNITEL, I don't think their detractors are as much of the "bad guys" as we
would like to believe. Despite his ego, I actually believe Jack Sarfatti is hoping to find
someone whose space travel inventions work. The same goes for Tom Mahood, Dr. "Ark",
and many others. Mahood himself has criticized Sarfatti for his "Modanese physics" that fail
certain mainstream tests. And yet all of these people seem universal on one point: they are
highly skeptical of UNITEL's claims. The more generous of them label Larry a "sincere
crackpot" while the more hardcore suspect him of running a scam. Even his associates like
Fred Wolf and Joe Firmage seem careful to remain "politely" aloof.
> Do you know what their main 'beef' is? I asked Larry once (you can see it in one of the
latest emails) what the historic objections to UNITEL have been. He replied that there were
two that Yosharini subsequently mathematically proved to be invalid. There MUST be more
than that if conservatives and way-outs alike remain highly skeptical. Again, I believe a lot
of these guys are truly looking for something "magic" that will leapfrog current science. And
yet they still remain skeptical concerning UNITEL. Is it that they are convinced that Nature
will never permit quantum tunneling to take place in the real-world?
> If that's the case, then experiments have to be planned step-by-step to show this is possible.
We can't wait 1.7 years for some crystal to be grown! Maybe 10-20 DAYS for a smaller
version to prove the concept. Like-it-or-not, let's face it: the all-or-nothing approach to
acquire funding hasn't succeeded in all these years, and with the current recession it doesn't
look like it's going to in the immediate future. So a new "game plan" has to be devised to
start 'small' and prove as you go upgrade to the next level. This is done every day in the
engineering world. I witnessed it all-the-time during my years at DuPont and Union Carbide.
Lab bench to small-scale batch pilot plant. Then medium-scale continuous pilot plant to final
production unit.
> Actually I heard "1.7 years" from Bryan Willoughby, not from Larry. Then I heard
"decades" from you. I'm on UNITEL's side and yet I'm confused -- which is it? what's going
on? It appears that nobody is sure of anything. I can understand why investors would backoff in such cases. Again -- it's almost common-sense -- a plan has to be made to arrest their
fears and confirm claims of new technology. That may mean starting SMALL and
proceeding in increments. Larry says the Air Force and others pledge support ONCE they
are assured the technology will work. For a statement like that to be made, this technology
has to be so FAR-OUT and super High-Risk that the betting money is that it can't work
(which is echoed in the public statements of the Sarfatti's and the ! private mails of the
> I always thought "teleportation" (or quantum tunneling, what's the difference) is possible.
That may have been what caused the Philadelphia Experiment (although Chica's book
suggests it was a backward travel along a pre-established "time line" and not really
teleportation per se). What started out as "communications" between 2 entangled photons is
now up to a trillion atoms. It seems that IBM and others are serious about teleportation
(perhaps they found out something from Kramer's theory) but the jury is still out on whether
the information can be reassembled. I've seen DOE contracts on investigating how
hyperspace affects consciousness. That implies that the government believes in a 10dimensional universe and gives credence to the P-X legend (where the crew went crazy after
> One company that gives semi-credence to UNITEL's claims is Transdimensional
Technologies. They have proposed a laser-based propellentless-propulsion system at . Note that this is NOT quantum tunneling. Larry
said he wrote to them and asked if they wanted to participate in the 'hovering' part of
UNITEL's vehicle. But he was absolutely confident that UNITEL's superlattice laser was far
superior to their dye-based laser (like comparing a 3D color hologram to a 2D B&W photo).
But they are evidently getting NASA funding while UNITEL is not. They must have
substantiated their claims enough.
> Watching the VHS tape I'm sending, you will witness many investigators continually use
the words "like magic" in describing the behavior of UFOs. Estimates of this technology
range from 300 to 1,000 years beyond present Earth science. I think a lot of researchers
think that someday the QVF (ZPE) can be tapped in to; but the problems are daunting and
(see ).
If UNITEL's claims are
perceived to be in the same category as these, I can see why people would be very reluctant
to take up the cause. A DEMONSTRATED proof-of-concept is needed! No more talking,
it's time to do the walking. It should be painfully obvious ! that -- after all these years -butting heads against these "stone walls" aren't going to bring them down any time soon.
(Bearden has been doing the same thing for many years. Dr. "Ark" says that he likes Tom -and he's sure that Tom and Larry are nice people -- but when he sees these things that are
absolutely silly by physics standards, he has to take issue. I told him it wouldn't surprise me
if Bearden and UNITEL found something engineering-wise that would work but whose
underlying physics still needed to be ironed-out. Tom and Larry trying to propose theories as
to why their stuff will work aren't helping their causes any.
Check => . This is the attitude of many
people who are REALLY pulling for folks like Tom and Larry, but their logic kicks in after
the heart-felt "! high" has subsided. Plans, schematics, patents are fine ... but believing in
something doesn't make it real.)
> One thing that has always bothered me is how Larry & Mike were able to deduce so much
of this technology from an up-close inspection of the UFOs. Especially when they admitted
they were scared-to-death and almost had a "heart attack". That physical state cannot be
good for spontaneous theoretical and engineering judgment. Lazar and Corso said backengineering efforts on crashed discs have been on-going for decades with little progress.
And yet in one hour Mike & Larry solved all the mysteries?! Just by 'looking'??? I don't
think any engineer or scientist can just look at a complex machine and know all its secrets
without tearing it apart. Air Force scientists can tell you what every nut and bolt on a MIG25 is for, but they can't tell you how it "flies". My dad used to be a photo-journalist and
knew some camera guru who knew what every thing on any camera was for. The problem
was he didn't know how to take pictures. Of course, if Larry is holding back something -- if
he was "abducted" or taken on-board for detailed uploaded briefings -- that is another matter
> I've never seen a UFO. I did have a couple of instances of "missing time". But a good
college friend of mine went on to be a Navy A-7 pilot. And he told me that UFOs were "up
there" all-the-time. He said that he and other pilots were told just to watch out for them but
otherwise don't do anything. He said it in a non-caring tone of voice like they were
insignificant. In one of the first e-mails on my list, Tom Mahood said he's heard the same
thing from many pilots he has interviewed. I'm convinced the governments know WHY the
UFOs are here and WHERE they come from and HOW they have historically impacted our
culture. But revealing that may upset some of our traditional beliefs and create chaos and
disrupt civilized behavior. The "Horrible Truth" may be not the UFOs exist, but that 'they'
seeded the human race through genetic manipulation. (Of course, one could argue who
created them? And so on and so forth?)
> But I really am on UNITEL's side. Obviously, or I wouldn't have spent so much time
corresponding with Larry. (That's proven by looking at the e-mails table-of-contents.) My
heart tells me their technology is the "only game in town" and could well represent the
"magic" that others have talked about. But my mind can empathize with others who say
"extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof". Especially if this stuff is going to take 20
years! Let's concentrate on something that can be done in a year-or-two.
> I still think that there is a "consciousness" aspect to some of this advanced technology.
UFOs splitting into different vehicles, inside volume appearing to be "miles" while the
outside diameter is only 50-feet, claims by Corso (and others) that the craft appeared to be a
"mental extension" of the crew, artificial reality "bubbles" and soliton fields, etc. etc. Sarfatti
and "Ark" suspect this too. Maybe implanting the new nano-engineered bio devices will
facilitate this stuff. Remote-viewers have "fried" laptops by "influencing" quantum events
inside the computer (tunnel diodes etc.). The Montauk Project allegedly used psychics
whose thoughts were deciphered by supercomputers which in turn drove powerful RFgenerating machines to create time vortexes. I think there is more to all of this than just
MQT. I think all of these seemingly-unique phenomena may actually be related under some
greater post-Quantum physics! . But it will take the engineering of the Maurers and
Beardens to make it go down.
> You should get this package on Thursday.
> Later -> -- Mark
Mark Thanks. I've already posted in the thread you posted on as "gfresh" Also, I have the
crystalline stuff on my website. Looks interesting, especially since UNITEL is supposedly working with
UCLA. As far as Tom Bearden, I asked Maurer about him a while back and he said they were close,
though Bearden was spending most of his time working on the MEG device. I think it should be
interesting to see how the public reacts to UNITEL's story when it comes out.
Did Maurer ever send you info about the RGB lattice being supported by a modern scientist? I think
I recall that in the e-mail exchanges, yet I never saw a link or anything. It was something relating to
MQT or whatnot. Anyhow, thanks for any info. I'll compile the e-mails I've received from Maurer (at
least the interesting ones) and send them to you sometime. Later-Andrew Potter
S-251. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his possible new "day job" & new form of
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: Message from Mark
Date : Wed, 10 Apr 2002 18:42:32 -0700
Thanks for the info. I have (or I should say "we") have come to the realization of the "answer" for
the activities -- or I should say the "very existence" -- of UNITEL. I have been offered a position at
HLB engineering ( And I can at least make sure that we have a place to nest in to
continue UNITEL's functioning.
HLB is located on the NW Coast of Oregon. In its Seaside (Gearheart) location, I along with my
children from their Mother's (my ex-wife) family -- go back to my Mother Wilma and my Aunt Lola's
childhood. I have many fond memories of visits to Seaside and surrounding location. As a matter of
fact, my Uncle Hogan and his family moved from Seaside to LeMoore because he was a pipefitter for
the U.S. Navy and the Navy decided to close the Naval Base that was in close proximity to Seaside.
Anyway, my Uncle Hogan and family moved to LeMoore, CA Naval Air Station where he worked until
It was my Uncle Hogan that I mentioned in the book Flying Colors where he would come visit our
family when I was around 17-18 years of age with a 425 hp 327 ci. V8 '55 2D HT Chevrolet. He would
repeatedly taunt me to join the Navy and fly if I wanted to go fast. My answer would always be "But
Uncle, I wear glasses and you have to have perfect eyes as a requirement". His answer would always be
"I know that at least half the pilots wear contact lenses. You can wear contacts, Larry, can't you?" My
answer was "Yes, I wear contact lenses and my eyes are perfect for wearing contacts".
As you know, in the book I go on about how later in 1981, I tried to join the NAS Flight School and
my application was accepted. They were going to allow my application to be accepted because my
Uncle (almost like inside trading or all in the family) was right about the number of jet fighter pilots
wearing contact lenses were 50% or more. Every one of the pilots had perfect vision at the time they
joined the Navy before they wore contacts. The exception was made to allow my application because of
the vast amount of pilots wearing contacts. Ergo, I was on my "warm-up" trip to Mt. Jefferson area with
Mike Miller and a couple that were friends that we hiked with near the area earlier that year in late July.
Oh, that fateful night of October 18, 1981!
Well, much history about Seaside, that's for sure! Seaside is a very beautiful place on the Oregon
coast and still is my favorite place to visit and explore. Seaside is the "playground" of Portland and is a
busy, bustling area starting from around this time of year until October or so. There is quite a bit of
splurging money by partying visitors that is spent on weekends, etc. My family has many strong
business ties to the Seaside area involving realty, restaurant-resort, fishing guide service, and mass
business owners connected to the Moose, Elks, & Eagle's lodges including personal friends, etc.
This could be a great opportunity for UNITEL as we can continue to operate with doing computer &
network programming in the NW Coast area. Our Computer Designer Ernie Brown -- besides working
as a computer instructor at Coast Community College, Newport, OR (about 60 miles South of Seaside
on the coast)-- works as a partner for Coast Computer Support in Newport, OR. We could be the
northern "extension" of Ernie's business Coast Computer Support.
Besides that, I own a 1960 Blue Bird bus that has been converted to a land yacht complete with
shower, bed, couch, TV, etc. I have plans to bring the bus up north and fix it up -- complete with new
paint job and all -- to sell food at the beach or various concerts. Believe me, Mark, there is a lot of profit
to be made from a hot dog stand!
That's about the size of it. Larry gets a job suited to his (U.S. Federal Govmernment-trained) skills
that is being offered by HLB. That way, we can take care of UNITEL on a daily basis and complete our
book, games, etc. and eventually make enough money to pay for prototypes etc.
Keep up the good work, Mark. I think you have a good basis for a book yourself with the fantastic
amount of material you have been putting together. If our dreams and desires work out as far as the
Seaside deal goes, perhaps you could come visit us in Seaside. Wouldn't that be great?
We shall see what comes of the Seaside job. It is a pretty darned tough decision to pull up stakes
and move lock, stock, and barrel to Seaside from Portland. I'll keep you posted. Keep your finger's
crossed, Mark. There are a zillion fantastically beautiful pictures of the Seaside-Cannon Beach-Astoria
area to be taken. :-)
Best wishes
At 12:11 PM 4/10/02 -0400, you wrote:
> I thought the comment that "Nature was able to create forms of matter that has eluded laboratory
attempts to make it" was potentially significant to UNITEL's cause ... … … …
>> This article was forwarded to you from -- ©2000, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
>> "Evidence Found for New Form of Ultra-Dense Matter"
>> Astronomers announced Wednesday the discovery of evidence for a new state of matter
heavier than any previously known, equivalent in density to stuffing all of Earth into an
>> The apparent discovery, made with NASA's orbiting Chandra X-Ray Observatory,
provides support for a 2-decade-old theory suggesting the existence of so-called "strange
quark stars." The findings were discussed at a press conference at NASA headquarters in
Washington D.C.
>> The research involved two stars expected to be neutron stars, remnants of exploded
stars that are composed primarily of neutrons and would be very dense. One of the stars,
however, was found to be much smaller than expected.
>> "It is too small to be explained by the theory that governs neutron stars," said Jeremy
Drake, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Drake and
his colleagues examined a star called RXJ-1856. It was found to be about 1.2 million
degrees Fahrenheit (700,000 degrees Celsius) and has a diameter of roughly 7 miles (11.3
kilometers). Drake said it's possible they measured a hot spot. But he thinks it's more
likely that the observations are correct and the theory of neutron stars needs revision.
>> A paper on the work will appear in the June 20 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.
>> The other object (called 3C-58) became a new star in the sky in the year 1181 when it
exploded. According to neutron star theory, some of the material collapsed into a dense
core while the rest was cast off into space.
>> Now more than 8 centuries later, researchers observed the remaining core with certain
expectations about how much it should have cooled off. The star's temperature is less than
a million degrees Celsius. Far below what was expected.
>> "Our observations suggest that the core of this star is made of a new kind of exotic
material," said David Helfand, professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Columbia
University in New York. "It appears that neutron stars are not made of pure neutrons after
>> Instead, each of the stars in the 2 new studies may contain exotic particles called quarks.
>> Michael Turner -- a widely respected cosmologist at the University of Chicago -- said
both studies appear to show that Nature is able to produce forms of matter that scientists
have been unable to create in laboratories.
>> Quarks are thought to be fundamental building blocks of matter. But they have never
been observed alone instead always existing together as the components of other matter. If
they were liberated inside a star, they could theoretically be compressed into a smaller
sphere, researchers said.
>> The results "suggest the existence of a new state of matter that's made of
undifferentiated quarks," Turner said. "If this is indeed the case, then astronomers have
provided us with a stunning insight on quarks."
>> Turner said powerful telescopes like Chandra are making it more-and-more possible to
use the Universe as a laboratory to study Nature's tiniest phenomena.
>> Norman Glendenning is one of those researchers who has been unable to isolate quarks
in a lab. The senior scientist emeritus at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory said
that if the observations are correct, then RXJ-1856 appears to be made only of quarks and
as so it would have a sharp edge -- not the gradual fuzzy outer surface typical of neutron
stars and other stars. "If all that is so, this star is in a class quite by itself and will be an
astonishing discovery of fundamental significance," Glendenning said.
>> And there may be deeper implications to the 2 discoveries. If the work is correct, "it
will tells us that there were 2 paths that the Universe might have taken" at inception,
Glendenning said. The other universe -- had it developed instead -- might have been
limited in the sorts of matter that were created. "It made all the difference in the world that
the Universe evolved along one path and not the other or else we would not be here to
contemplate its wonders," Glendenning said.
>> Anne Kinney -- director of the Astronomy and Physics Division at NASA's Office of
Space Science -- cautioned, "I'd like to emphasize that this is evidence for -- and not proof
of -- a new form of matter."
>> Dark Energy: Astronomers Still 'Clueless' About Mystery Force Pushing Galaxies Apart
Dark Matter: Hidden Mass Confounds Science, Inspires Revolutionary Theories Single
Quasar Turns Out To Be Twins Chandra Captures Gas Plume Escaping Centaurus Galactic
Cluster Chandra Reveals Features of 30-year Galactic Mystery By combining Chandra and
Hubble Space Telescope data, astronomers found that RX J1856 radiates like a solid body
with a temperature of 700,000 degrees Celsius and has a diameter of about 7 miles.
Observations of 3C58 -- the remnant of a supernova noted on Earth in AD 1181 -- reveal
that the pulsar in the core has a temperature much lower than expected. This suggests that
an exotic, denser state of matter might exist inside this star as well.
S-252. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL's public-relations promotional efforts
From : Andrew Potter <>
To :
Subject : UNITEL (of course)
Date : Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:12:15 -0500
I sent you a message to your other address; just making sure you got it. Anyhow, I think the reason
scientists are skeptical of UNITEL is the in-your-face, somewhat arrogant method UNITEL uses to
present the info. Their website, for instance: "we're ready to build it", I don't think that would bode well
for theoretical physicists. And then there's their UFO claim which adds another realm of disbelief. It's
little things like that which scares off scientists and investors, I believe. However, they've proven -- at
least to me-- that they can back everything up. So now it's time to show the World.
Have you heard from Larry lately? I know he was supposed to be meeting with ERL in Canada. I
haven't gotten the package yet (I know it is supposed to come tomorrow). I'll let you know when it
I checked out that MEG device. I heard on one BBS that it worked ... barely. So I guess that at least
goes a long way towards proving the concept of vacuum energy. (One aspect of UNITEL's technology)
Anyhow, I'd be interested to see an mpeg of that thing turning on a light bulb or something, just to prove
it worked correctly. Looks interesting anyway...
S-253. from Larry Maurer forwarding correspondence on Dr. Robert Forward and a prospective
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
Date : Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:41:54 -0700
> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:41:01 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
> Bob:
> We met with Bob Forward at Edwards AFB in July 1984. Forward shot us down because we
based our design on the theoretical monopole that Chiao & Tomita became famous for by creating
monopole effects on a Macro level with RF waveguides and optical fibers (i.e., the same thing we
intended to do with our laser). I sure wish we could have a rematch.
> Oh well, we won at Boeing Aerospace & Electronics in 1989 with Dr. Barrett, Manager Advanced
Concepts Dept. I am afraid Mike Miller would tear poor Dr. Forward "a new one" if they ever met
again to discuss our project and the physics involved. Anyway, I found this diddy on Forward and I
thought you might find interest in reading it.
> Sorry I haven't been commenting much on the link you set me up with. I have been so busy trying
to deal with UNITEL and life. Time just flies! It is a shame seeing us on the outside idle while
others who seem to dominate and quell all other competitive advanced ideas. Maybe we could tempt
a debate between Miller and Forward on Art Bell's Radio show. Oh my! What an embarrassment
we would make of the USAF, DOD, and the likes. It might make them reconsider talking to us!
> Regards,
> Larry
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:25:03 -0700
>> To: Mike Miller
>> From: Larry Maurer <>
>> Subject: Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>> Dr. Robert L. Forward, Owner and Chief Scientist of Forward Unlimited, Whidbey
Island, WA
> Dr. Robert L. Forward is a science consultant, writer, and futurist specializing in studies of
exotic physical phenomena and future space exploration with an emphasis on advanced space
propulsion concepts. Dr. Forward obtained his B.S. in Physics from University of Maryland
in 1954; M.S. in Applied Physics from UCLA in 1958; and Ph.D. in Gravitational Physics
from University of Maryland in 1965.
> For his thesis, he built and operated the World's first bar antenna for the detection of
gravitational radiation. The antenna is now at the Smithsonian museum. Dr. Forward has 40
years of experience in advanced space propulsion, experimental General Relativity,
gravitational and inertial sensors, low noise electronics, and space sciences. For 31 years
from 1956 until 1987, Dr. Forward worked at the Hughes Aircraft Company Research
Laboratories in Malibu, California in positions of increasing responsibility, culminating with
the position of Senior Scientist on the Director's staff. During that time he built and operated
the world's first laser interferometer gravitational radiation detector; invented the rotating
gravitational mass sensor; published over 70 technical publications; and was awarded 18
patents. He left Hughes in 1987 in order to spend more time writing and consulting under his
own company Forward Unlimited.
>> From 1983 to the present, Dr. Forward has had a series of contracts from the Department
of Defense and NASA totaling more than $820,000 to explore the forefront of Physics and
Engineering in order to find new energy sources and new propulsion concepts that could
produce breakthroughs in space power and propulsion.
> In one study, Dr. Forward was able to show that the futuristic concept of antiproton
annihilation propulsion was technically feasible although expensive. As a result of his study,
the Air Force set up special programs to support anti-proton annihilation propulsion
research which are still ongoing today.
> In other studies, Dr. Forward found that high-strength rapidly-rotating space tethers could
revolutionize space travel by providing a space transportation network that could move
payloads from LEO to GEO to the Lunar surface, Mars, and back without the expenditure of
rocket propellant. In 1994 he formed a partnership Tethers Unlimited with Dr. Robert P.
Hoyt (the inventor of the "Hoytether" -- a highly-survivable, fail-safe interconnected multiline space tether with a probability of surviving cuts by space debris that is 500 times better
than a single-line tether). In the past 2 years, the partnership has received tether contracts
exceeding $200,000 and will shortly negotiate a 2-year $600,000 NASA contract for the
development of manufacturing methods for Hoytethers. This work should lead to flight
experiments and potentially a revolution in inter-orbit and interplanetary space travel.
>> Dr. Forward is a recognized expert on future technology -- especially exotic physics and
future space travel. He has given invited, paid lectures to the Okayama Prefecture in Japan;
the 1990 NASA/Lewis Vision 21 Workshop; and four National Space Society International
Space Conferences. He has presented invited review papers on the feasibility of interstellar
flight as part of a 1976 JPL Flyby Celebration; the JPL "Gossamer Spacecraft" workshop;
and the 1985 IAF Congressl and also an invited paper to the 1985 IAF Congress reviewing
the entire U.S. advanced space propulsion program.
> He was a visiting lecturer on advanced space propulsion at the 1993 summer session of the
International Space University. In 1994, he was the Keynote Speaker at the Practical Robotic
Interstellar Flight Conference. Dr. Forward's extensive review and bibliography -- "A
National Space Program for Interstellar Exploration" -- is published in Future Space
Programs 1975 of the House Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications.
> In 1990, he was invited by the AIAA to write the advanced space propulsion section of the
special propulsion issue of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In 1991, he was asked by the
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum to be a contributor of an article on interstellar
travel to a Columbus 500th Anniversary Commemorative Book Where Nextm Columbus?.
>> In 1993, he was asked to write the advanced space propulsion section of the U.S. Air
Force Academy sponsored textbook on space propulsion. He is a regular contributor to the
Encyclopedia Britannica with invited review articles "Ships to the Stars" in the 1988
Yearbook and "Antimatter" in the 1993 Yearbook. In addition to 126 technical publications
and 19 patents, Dr. Forward has written 69 popular science articles and 10 short stories for
publications such Omni, New Scientist, Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook, Science Digest,
Focus, Science 80, Analog, and Galaxy.
> His 13 published book-length works include 3 science fact books -- Future Magic (Avon,
1988), replaced by Indistinguishable From Magic (Baen 1995), and Mirror Matter:
Pioneering Antimatter Physics with Joel Davis (Wiley, 1988) -- and 10 hard science-fiction
novels -- Dragon's Egg (Del Rey, 1981) and its sequel Starquake (Del Rey, 1985),
Rocheworld (Baen, 1989) and its 4 sequels Return to Rocheworld with Julie Forward Fuller
(Baen, 1992), Ocean Under The Ice with Martha Dodson Forward (Baen 1994), Marooned
on Eden with Martha Dodson Forward (Baen, 1993), and Rescued From Paradise with Julie
Forward Fuller (Baen, 1995); Martian Rainbow (Del Rey, 1991), Timemaster (Tor, 1992),
and Camelot 30K (Tor, 1993).
> He has also turned in his 11th novel Saturn Rukh to Tor Books which is scheduled for
release in March 1997. His novels and short stories are "hard" science-fiction where the
science is as accurate as possible. As a writer, Dr. Forward writes under his full professional
name of "Dr. Robert L. Forward" in order to distinguish himself from his son Robert D.
Forward who writes under the name of "Bob Forward".
>> Dr. Forward is a Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society, Associate Fellow of the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a member of the American Physical
Society, Sigma Xi, Sigma Pi Sigma, National Space Society, Interstellar Propulsion Society,
Science-Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and Authors Guild.
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 22:36:01 -0700
>>> To:
>>> From: Larry Maurer <>
>>> Subject: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>>> Dennis:
>>> FYI- This is what I received from Felix Mallette and ERL. I haven't received
anything since so we shall keep digging. I am going to ask Mike Downey, CEO, CMR,
London, UK (KHD Prof. T. Williams' partner) if he has any interested backers. This
has gone on far too long. Hopefully something will break soon.
>>> Regards,
>>> Larry Maurer
>>> UNITEL, Inc.
>>>> Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 23:08:48 -0600
>>>> From: Felix Mallette <>
>>>> Subject: Re: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>>>> To: Larry Maurer <>
>>>> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
>>>> X-RCPT-TO: <>
>>>> Hi Larry,
>>>> Very soon, I will give you a call as soon as the proposal is ready to me
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Felix
>>>> ----- Original Message ---->>>>> From: "Larry Maurer" <>
>>>>> To: <>
>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 9:32 PM
>>>>> Subject: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>>>>> Felix:
>>>>> I didn't receive anything from you yet. Let me know what's up. Talk to
you soon, hopefully.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Larry
>>>>>> Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 21:11:10 -0800
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> From: Larry Maurer <>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>>>>>> Dear Felix:
>>>>>> I didn't hear from you today. Is there any interest in our projects?
>>>>>> Please advise.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Larry Maurer
>>>>>> UNITEL, Inc.
>>>>>> At 01:32 AM 3/25/02 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Larry,
>>>>>>> How are you.
>>>>>>> Monday, I will have my meeting with my Board of directors our discussion will be on our UNITEL and ERL project. I will get
back to you late in the afternoon.
>>>>>>> Looks Good.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Felix
>>>>>>> ERL
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ---->>>>>>>> From: "Larry Maurer" <>
>>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 7:28 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>>>>>>>> Felix:
>>>>>>>> Let me know if we can do business. I don't have a phone
number or any information on your firm to show my people. I hope this
is legit, Felix. We have a tremendous offering for you. The way we see
it, it is a win-win situation. In other words, we have many ways to win
whereby it will only take one to pay back invested funds. Give me a call
and/or email me some stuff.
>>>>>>>> Have a nice weekend.
>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>> Larry Maurer
>>>>>>>> UNITEL, Inc.
>>>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 18:20:42 -0800
>>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>>> From: Larry Maurer <>
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: UNITEL Aerospace & Electronics
>>>>>>>>> Dear Tom:
>>>>>>>>> How are things going? Good I hope. Here we are at yet
another weekend. My, the days are rolling by fast! We are moving
ahead with our investors next week. I haven't heard from you, Tom,
concerning the airport upgrades you requested. I answered 'yes! we
could do that' and alerted W&HPacific's Structural Engineer about
your request. I am not sure if this means your associates at your firm
are willing to invest into UNITEL or not. But please let me know the
status of your interest on your end -- especially concerning the airport
>>>>>>>>>We have the film "Tunnel Time, quantum computer
HOLO-1 prototype, aerospace prototype, Interactive PC game "Silver
Tear", our book Flying Colors, medical devices, and more. The two
(2) airport upgrades in Ghana could benefit all concerned. W&H
Pacific have awards to show for their upgrades on the Eugene,
Oregon, USA airport. I know! I used to stand in the break room and
stare at the impressive award plaques for the airport upgrade when I
would take my coffee breaks. All the other projects I have mentioned
are capable of bringing in a vast amount of profit. I hope to hear from
you soon.
>>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>>> Larry Maurer
>>>>>>>>> UNITEL, Inc.
S-254. from Larry Maurer forwarding correspondence from ERL Corporation
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Re: Felix
Date : Fri, 12 Apr 2002 10:07:54 -0700
> Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 10:04:43 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Re: Felix
> Hello Felix:
> I will try to answer your questions below. Look at the insert:
> At 12:39 AM 4/12/02 -0600, you wrote:
>> Hi Larry, How are you.
>> 1. Question - Holo-II, can your research company assure ERL that the CODEC software
would be in a functioning working state and ready to be implemented and license to
markets in a short time period of say 4-6 months? Is that safe to say and can be confirmed?
> We have a 2 year contract with UIC to produce the HOLO-1 Prototype and develop the magnetooptical software with KHD in UK. Please explain "Codec". We will be developing interphase
software with DSI Assoc. and our computer designer Ernie Brown. All should be complete within
the 24 month program.
>> 2.Q- If the CODEC does not materialize and cannot meet its timeline obligations, what
would be an alternative to the CODEC and or replacement with another? Would that be
> Yes, I believe we can make it work within 6 months after the 24 month contract deadline.
>> 3.Q-How long will you have the researchers working on the above prototypes?
> 24 Months
>> 4. Q-If the above fails, can UNITEL, Inc. be able to salvage and or have another
immediate replacement similar or better project that can lower our risk of loosing our
funding? And/or can UNITEL safely say that UNITEL's Holo II Codec can be materialized
with the professor at UIC University of Chicago?
> We have several alternative projects -- all of which each entity could easily pay for the expenditure
on HOLO-1. We would be able to write a "pro-Forma" clause stating that if we fail --which it would
surprise many brilliant minds -- we would produce revenue to repay the investment which would
convert to a loan after 2.5 years.
>> 5. Q-Would UNITEL be in a position to accept an alternative or similar or better
technology from an outside source for the above situation if arised?
> Yes, we have an interactive PC Game, Book, film for TV and our aerospace prototype projects -all of which could easily pay for the effort with HOLO-1.
>> 6. Q- Is UNITEL ready to accept and or sign an MOU and or Letter of Intent from ERL
as per satisfaction to a proposal and said funding arrangement needed for the project
>> Yes, of course as long as it is legally within our bounds etc.
>> Larry, can you email me answer to the above.
>> Best regards,
>> Felix Mallette
>> ERL
> I hope this answers your questions. Let me know what we should do (if anything) next. >
> Thank you,
> Sincerely,
> Larry D. Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
S-255. from Andrew Potter regarding my UFO site and collection of e-mails
From : Andrew Potter <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Wow
Date : Fri, 12 Apr 2002 23:10:21 -0500
Mark Your website disk rocks! It has lots of good info, images, etc. on UNITEL. Some really cool stuff
in those attachments. I've read through the first 50 e-mails so far. Thanks again.
Anyway, as far as Lazar, I like his idea on creating a wormhole by using gravity amplifying
substances. I'll have to read more on him.
S-256. from Larry Mauer of UNITEL regarding Jerry Bayles message on UFO theories
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: more on Lazar's UFO and yet another "Theory of Everything" variation
Date : Fri, 12 Apr 2002 19:09:18 -0700
Attachment : 206f077.jpg (79k), 206f0d6.jpg (94k)
Hi Mark:
Good old Jerry Bayles, aye. I didn't think he was into the UFO stuff. Interesting though, isn't it? I think
Jerry is "hip to our trip" for sure!
At 01:13 PM 4/12/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Found this posted at :
>> From:
>> Date: Thu Apr 11, 2002 8:30 pm
>> Subject: UFO Field Mechanics
>> Dear Associates in Electrogravitation:
>> Concentric rings of electrical standing waves on a superconducting surface are my
latest conceptual view of the field mechanics of UFO's.
>> In a video "The Best Evidence Caught on Tape" there are two clues to this above idea.
One is related to a scene where a UFO is seen above a light show concert which seems to
have a field that is in synchronization with the light show on the ground. The field
generates partial ionized rings of light on the surface of the UFO in pulsating rhythm to
the light show on the ground. These crescents of light are spaced apart in rings around the
edge and central surface of the craft.
>> On the same tape, videos of UFO's are shown as recorded during the famous "Tether
Incident" where a plethora UFO's estimated to be two to three miles in diameter suddenly
appear around the brightly glowing free floating tether, apparently curious as to what it
was. These UFO's are shaped somewhat li ….. ….
>> A strong extremely fast rise and fall time electrical impulse represents a wide
spectrum of frequencies, any of which may excite a tuned circuit to its natural resonant
frequency. Laying on the proper surface rings of superconducting material around the
surface of the disk shaped craft would guide this energy accordingly around the surface in
parallel rings of opposite phased standing waves from one ring to the next from the center
to the outside and vise versa. These rings are positioned naturally to interfere and interact
with the rings of energy associated with the electrogravitational force of the Earth.
>> Coupling the high energy pulse to the surface of the craft from the center to the
outside would require a v-shaped 'notch' feeder section since the radius of the craft is the
feed line. The feed line should be 1/4, 1/2, etc., wavelength of the rim and this is difficult
since radius is circumference divided by 2pi. A v-shape not cut all the way to the … …
> And I found yet another attempt to explain inconsistencies with leading "Theory of
Everything" candidates at :
>> From: <>l_vuyk
>> Date: Sat Apr 6, 2002 5:39 pm
>> Subject: The Fantastic outlines of a TOE
>> For more info: see:
>> The outlines of a Theory of Everything, with Cosmological and Philosophical
>>How a Chiral Quantum Vacuum and "Big Bang-entanglement" could lead to a causal
reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity, Consciousness and Free Will.
>> Abstract.
>> Albert Einstein couldn't accept Niels Bohr's Uncertainty of Quantum Mechanics,
because it took causality away from nature. He argued that Quantum Mechanics shountly
the real origin of all these vacuum oscillations must be found in some sort of bow tension
of these vacuum particles, which should have been evaporated smoothly in dual BBE
guided symmetry, out of a new semi-cold Big Bang nucleus. Standard models tell us that
the Big Bang should be infinite hot, however if the energy of the BBE dual anti mirror
universes is zero there is reason to postulate a semi-cold Big Bang.
>> The BBE is supposed to be constantly synchronizing all the individual twin particles,
such as vacuum particles, and elementary non-zero sized twin Quark- and Lepton particles,
living apart in dual -spatial separated- copy anti-mirror universes.
>> The anti-mirror twin- particles are supposed to be each other's alternate instantaneous
EPR correlated "conscious observers" "outside the system" (outside each others universe),
alternately initiating the collapse of each other's wavefunctions. Thus these twin particles
have a fully random altption according to John Bell's interpretation of special relativity,
including preferred vacuum reference frames[1], combined with the effects described
below, see: the LASOF. Like Gods dice, the real particle (die) FORM and structure, spin
and continuous collisions are the origin of the universal fine tuning and choices nature
makes. This seems to be the origin of a logic based uncertainty of a causal clockwork
universe, if we know all the different parameters to start with.
>> However, all these dice and vacuum oscillations are dual universal correlated by Big
Bang entanglement, which introduces an extra uncertainty to uncertainty. hus God plays
dice on multiple dual-non- local EPR correlated universal tables and probably on more than
2 tables (universes).
>> Consequently, every wave (additional vacuum oscillation) or particle is non-local EPR
correlated with its dual anti-universal copy wave or particle. The micro time fluctuations
and t … … … …
S-257. from Larry Mauer of UNITEL regarding more on Jerry Bayles
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: Many Worlds theory
Date : Sat, 13 Apr 2002 00:27:32 -0700
At 12:24 AM 4/13/02 -0400, you wrote:
> The second post was the one that interested me, though. It seemed to put constraints on
Heisenberg's Wave Function that coincides with our "common sense". If I read it correctly,
it seemed to hinge on "mirror (or parallel) universes" -- the kind that John Wheeler and Hugh
Everett proposed in their "Many Worlds" theory. When I saw "neutrino", I thought of that email you sent off to Yosharini questioning him concerning the Bob Beckwith interview in
Chica's book.
> I never heard of this "Jerry" person before. By your remark, I think maybe you alerted me
to his website before but I didn't think you thought very highly of him. He did give an
explanation for the "Sport Model" portholes which Lazar asserted were definitely not
"portholes" (although he didn't know what they were). I don't know if his disks could
achieve interstellar flight or not by using the 3 gravity "amplifiers" to fold/bend space. I can
see his disks in the hovering mode -- like Deyo's electrogravitic craft, no big deal -- but not in
the MQT mode unless they're doing something radically different.
> Did you ever come up with a theory on what causes some UFOs to burst apart in soundless
explosions into many different objects? Is this "reality engineering" on an advanced scale
like Nichols hinted?
Hey, Mark:
Check Jerry's very email address "Quark137". Now that is "Holy" to Mike Miller & I and Jerry
won't communicate with us. Maybe he is actually doing us a favor in not providing any "ties" between
us which gives us a better image, I suppose.
I will send you all the particulars concerning Mr. Bayles' propulsion system which mimics ours
down to a gnat's ass. But I don't give a damn anyway. No one is getting rich from our mutual exploits if
you have looked around lately. Not that I care about the money. But it is ridiculously sickening (Enron)
reality that was the original fuel for the Commies political format (poor fools).
Oh well, not ours to judge I suppose. We point the finger finally after a mighty long season of being
on the other end of that gun (finger). My God, Mark! Why can't we get the money to build our devices?
I am so tired of this stupid corporate game to play when the contracts laid on the table should be enough.
I defy anyone to produce a more secure and attractive investment package. Am I venting? Yes, Mark,
and I realize I don't need to lay this on you because you already know what's up.
We will focus on our book, game, and film unless some "Santa Claus" is going to jump out of the
closet and "save" us. We appear "to good to be true" and the powers-that-be take advantage of this and
relate to us as "competition" and hope we will fail. With the condition of our current economy, one
could say we have about as much as a chance as a popsicle in Hell. I suppose it is the "little guys" like
yourself, Mark, that will make the difference in the end. There must be a special place in the Afterlife
where team members of a given cause will reunite and slam their fists down hard on the table and
exclaim vividly "Why Not?!"
Your writing, Mark, is brilliant. You certainly have our approval to take what you know to the next
level. Don't ever cut yourself short, Mark. Like the high climber performer, don't look down. Go for
the greatest aspiration you know. (That's funny. I meant to say "greatest" but it came out "Greatest"
which we believe that the new frontier Oregon Trail leads straight up from here!). Keep up the good
work. Our ancestors I think would be proud of us, Mark. I shall keep you posted on any news
concerning our endeavors.
S-258. from Larry Mauer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence regarding saucer vs. "cigar"
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Re: How's it going?
Date : Sat, 13 Apr 2002 01:28:21 -0700
> Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 01:27:48 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Re: How's it going?
> Hi, Andrew:
> It's kind of funny in that I looked for a response in describing our proposed "cigar-shaped" design
amongst all tried&true aerospace technical people and UFO buffs that I would personally come in
contact with. I was amazed with the positive reply from several unrelated entities that clearly stated
that our ship design was more of a long distance propulsion system than the so-called "saucer"
design. I think about it from time to time, how quick and sure the response was like as if they were
saying "Oh, you have the old heavy long distance interstellar spaceship". They would go on to
saying that the saucer-shaped craft were only inter-galactical and couldn't match our design for
traveling across the Universe with our proposed cigar or Zeppelin design. I suppose I wouldn't get
very far in my attempts to find out who exactly said it and why. Doesn't much matter, I guess.
> How are things with you, Andrew? We are still working out who, when, why, etc. for our
proposed films. I got a Discovery Channel solicitation for new film ideas from one of our fellow
technical group Rep's Tim Ventura. I will forward his message to you for your review. We are still
plowing ahead and will hopefully get one of the TV businesses to make a move here. This economy
is disgusting, isn't it? We shall just muster through the situation and virtually lead our fellow
Earthlings to the stars.!
>We have a solid offer for sponsoring HOLO-1 and will work out the details in the next week or
two. I shall keep you posted, Andrew. Your interest and suggestions are very important to us. Only
out of great minds shall we overcome our setbacks. Have a nice weekend!
> Best,
> Larry Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
> At 02:26 AM 4/13/02 -0500, you wrote:
>> Larry,
>> Hi. Do you think it's probable that there's more than one method of instantaneous
interstellar travel? Perhaps some that are more advanced than others? For example, maybe
it'd be possible to travel through a wormhole AND quantum tunnel. And maybe both are
currently being done by alien beings. Kind of like flying with jet engines versus flying
with props.
>> Also, have you considered examining other's testimony of alien abductions/UFO
encounters to perhaps verify or refine or own theories of interstellar travel? I know there's
a lot of it out there -- some of which no doubt is hoaxed or false. But then again, some
might be interesting.
>> For example, you may come up with some good star destinations if you are ever are
successful in building your craft. I saw this post by <mygoditsfullofstars> on
>>> "It should be noted that Betty and Barney Hill (the World's first abductees) established
the home of where the species that were abducting them came from. The star's themselves
(Zeta and Zeta-2 Reticuli) were later discovered to both be main sequence stars similar to
our Sun and, in fact, the were 2 separate stars -- not binaries as originally thought and were
determined to be the closest pair of sun like stars that are not binary. They are within 50
light years. This checked out with the star map that they were shown and recovered under
hypnosis later. They stated that the species came from one of the stars originally in the
Zeta system and then due to proximity established an early presence on planets in the other
>>> What does this prove? Good question. Does this constitute proof that aliens are
abducting humans? No. It may, however, offer a degree of credibility to the people that
experience such events that could later (much later in the Hill case) be confirmed by
>>Also, I heard Lazar mention the Zeta system in an interview.
Oh, also: I heard a rumor that your technology comes in part from Incunabulist design. Is
this true at all?
S-259. from Andrew Potter regarding other technology based on UFO sightings
From : Andrew Potter <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: the Lazar video segment
Date : Sun, 14 Apr 2002 00:16:05 -0500
Mark I watched the video and read some more e-mails today. Interesting stuff.
Anyhow, you know UNITEL isn't the only group trying to build a UFO based on sightings. Richard
Philips saw a UFO on different occasions and in fact has patented his idea for a super-fast ion propulsion
system. Here's the link: . In fact, he has patents
on this system.
Also, here's an interesting link for you for an AI robot developed by Sony:
The videos are amazing. And the creators say that the goal is to give it free will and emotions. Pretty
So, are you going to write a sci-fi novel based on UNITEL?
Anyhow, later man-Andrew Potter
S-260. from Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding his comments on Vuyk's "Theory of Everything"
From : "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" <>
Reply-To :
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: a new and length TOE by someone named Leo Vuyk
Date : Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:23:44 -0500
On 15 Apr 2002, at 6:58, Stealth Skater wrote:
> Dr. Jadczyk :
> I ran across this TOE at => . I hardly understand any
of it. Is he trying to suggest that "Many Worlds" theory is offering an explanation for the
counter-commonsense predictions of the standard wave function? I never heard of the author
(Leo Vuyk) before, but his paper seemed to be lengthy. It didn't have that many references
(such as those listed in your submissions) so I wonder if that alone raises a "red flag" as to
his credibility. At least he goes so far as to propose confirmation tests. Did he copy any of
his ideas from others? I didn't see any of the current mainstream TOE authors like Witten,
Hawking, Kaku, etc., so I thought this may be too "radical". When I did read about
"quantum consciousness", I immediately thought about a certain theatrical physicist who is
not afraid to venture out on a theoretical limb. I don't know if Vuyk "borrowed" any of his
ideas from him or not.
> -- Mark
Hard to say. Sounds to me like a good disinformation package. It is well sandwiched -- i.e., things that
perhaps even can be true with other things which lead you astray.
I wonder who is behind iy?
Best wishes,
Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk
S-261. from Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding his definition of "dis-information"
From : "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" <>
Reply-To :
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: the source of that URL ...
Date : Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:03:41 -0500
On 15 Apr 2002, at 11:41, Stealth Skater wrote:
> Dear Dr. Jadczyk :
> You and others have used this term before -- "disinformation". I hate to ask what probably is
a dumb question, but it seems there may be more in its definition than I'm aware of. What is it
exactly? How does it differ from "mis-information"? I always assumed that it was a deliberate
mixing of "truths" with falsehoods or unfounded conclusions/extrapolations to purposely
mislead. I can better keep my guard up if I know what to be on the lookout for.
When I am using the term "disinfo", I mean the person spreading it is not necessarily doing it on purpose
but that there is some "force" behind which pushes the person onto this direction and feeds with the false
> …interact between these membranes. The other 3 forces are contained within the boundaries
of the individual membranes. If the effect/force known as "gravity" arises from the ZPE as in
that essay, then perhaps the Ekpryotic model is giving a subtle validation to that??? Maybe that's
the secret to the UFO stuff and it lies with "engineering" the ZPE.
Maybe... But maybe not.
> I've heard estimates that this technology was 300 to 1,000 years beyond present science. I
don't know if "quantum tunneling" is really more of an "entanglement" that -- if the problem of
reassembling the information can be figured out -- would permit evasion of the SOL barrier.
Another thing that jumped out at me in that essay was his reference to "bubbles" and "reality".
That's straight out of Preston Nichols' assertations of how he thought the UFOs worked by
generating an artificial reality bubble. For what it's worth ...
> Lastly, how's come I keep reading about mainstream advances in superstrings and M-theory
but never anything about the QVF or ZPE? Is it because most mainstreamers do not believe in
the latter? It seems like most treatises follow Kaku's Hyperspace book, starting with fields and
working through Maxwell and Riemann to Einstein, then exposing the subatomic world with
Yang-Mills, then the new stuff with strings and now M-theory. I rarely see ZPE or "Many
Worlds" mentioned. Just curious ...
ZPE is an undefined concept. As long as we do not understand what quantum theory is about, ZPE is a
dream. "Many Worlds", on the other hand, is a useless concept. It does not explain anything (even if
David Deutch tries to convince us that it does).
That does not mean that these two concepts will never be refined, redefined, made rigorous and
productive. But that is not the situation today.
But that is only my personal opinion and I tried to be make it short. Moreover, I may easily change this
opinion when I have more data or more knowledge.
Best wishes,
S-262. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL's methods of self-promotion
From : Andrew Potter <>
To :
Subject : UNITEL
Date : Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:53:17 -0400
One thing that bugs me about UNITEL is their investment deals. How many has there been? Like
10-20 in 6 months; 30 million, 40 million, etc. All have fell through, apparently, with no real
explanation. Why? Is this normal? They made it seem like when I was buying stock, that they were
about to sign a major contract. Then when my friend was about to sign up, they made it sound like they
had investors lined up and drooling.
This is making me think "scam". What are your thoughts? Am I right or way off?
S-263. from Andrew Potter follow-up to previous e-mail
From : Andrew Potter <>
To :
Date : Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:24:12 -0400
Subject : Ugh, I don't know
I guess I'm just frustrated. I thought things would be further along. But I guess they're going fine. I
have been e-mailing technology firms (so far 3DO and Analog Devices, lots more to come) to see if
they'd be interested in investing in UNITEL. I guess I don't want to look like a total ass if I find out
UNITEL's a "scam" or something.
I don't know. I'm tired. And I've been playing "Quake 3" a bit too much. Anyhow, keep up the
good work, brother!
S-264. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding "history" of the technology behind UNITEL's
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Date : Sun, 21 Apr 2002 20:30:02 -0700
Subject : Fwd: Re: SciAm May 2002 Comparison
> Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 20:26:49 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Fwd: Re: SciAm May 2002 Comparison
> Frank:
> Here's the ruff stuff I will break down to compare . Notice the "Chirped" signal for high spike gain
in pulsed laser field we are designing.
>> The 3-part, free-standing laser lens will be placed in a polished titanium lens frame. The lens
frame will attach to the front of the vehicle, being precisely congruent to the hull curvature.
Each section of the lens will be tuned to emit a coherent beam of separate wavelengths of red,
green, or blue. The combination forms a true electromagnetic wave packet of synthetic solar
(coherent) light. The beam will be projected from the 3-part red, green, blue, doped,
periodically-arrayed superlattice, RF-transparent, glass/CdS-CdTe:Te crystallite (A. Paul
Alivisatos, et al, Cal Berkeley, II-VI glass semiconductor compound crystallite), microwave
activated lens located in the forward area of the vehicle.
>>The construction of our free-standing 3 equal-part red, green, & blue II-Vl compound laser
lens sections will require a chemical etching or electro-polishing process to eliminate excess
material to produce the exact thickness of the required layer (down to nano-electronic
tolerances). To create our free-standing laser lens, each of the separate layers will be separately
constructed and then "joined together" by thermal bonding methods. Each of the layers will be
composed of 3 separate red, green, & blue sections with p-doped conduction, neutral intrinsic
and n-doped valence layers. These layers form the p-n junction with an energy band gap to
formulate the lasing process. They are:
>> 1). The conduction layer or outermost section of our laser lens structure will be composed of
Tellurium-doped Cadmium Telluride (CdTe:Te). The composition of the conduction layer will
include the following dopants: Copper, Phosphorus Antimony, Arsenic, & Sodium.
>> 2). The intrinsic or energy band gap layer shall be composed of neutral Cadmium Sulfide.
>> 3). The valence layer is located in closest proximity to the RF lens activator (magnetron) is
composed of Cadmium Sulfide. The n-dopants to be used are Zinc, Indium,Aluminum, or
>> NOTE: Lithium will be added to the conduction layer and Silver will be added to the valence
layer. Although both materials are difficult to work with, Lithium is known for its reinforcement
of its host II-Vl compound material and Silver lowers the lasing threshold.
>> The forward positioned microwave-activated lens support frame will be attached at the end of
the conical RF waveguide which is also attached at the opposite (rear) end to a square RF
magnetron horn. This is similar to an ordinary microwave relay system where the RF signal
wave packet is flat before leaving the horn.
>>The RF wavepackets become parabolic in shape when they leave the horn as a traveling wave.
The conical waveguide acts as an extension to the square horn. Square or rectangular horns are
required to produce circular RF wavepackets. In the generic patent design, the lens design is
parabolic (or more precisely, a "paraboloidic" shape) to receive the traveling wave lens
activating microwave packet from an internal excitation source. The curved lens hence matches
the microwave signal's parabolic shape as in a television antenna receiving dish.
>> The free-standing 3-part laser lens receives the microwave signal like a hand-in-a-glove. For
the purposes of testing simple versions of the patent, we have developed the "Prototype 1-A".
We must mate the square horn to the conical RF oscillating chamber to match the circular 2-D
pi-mode microwave signal to the flat 3-part red, green, & blue laser lens. The RF oscillator
magnetron will be variably pulsed to be used as a mechanical stress modulator that causes the
forward mounted laser lens to lase.
>> We have chosen the beacon ku-band tube type, tunable, pulsed VMU-1255 magnetron built
by CPI, Beverly Microwave Division (Beverly, MA). The VMU-1255 magnetron has a
frequency output of 16.25 GHz with a peak power of 500 Watts. The high frequency and low
wattage output should be optimal for non-destructive laser activation capabilities. The pulsed
magnetron will operate in the pi-mode (43) and be mode-locked to activate the laser lens so that
the positive (+) areas of the pulsed projected microwave packets activate the blue 1/3 section of
the lens. The negative (-) area of the RF wavepackets activates the red 1/3 lens section and the
neutral (o) area will activate the green lens section.
>> The circular RF wavepackets will also be left and right hand circularly polarized at the horn.
This means that the device will require an antenna attached to the horn. The left- and right-hand
polarization is analogous to Faraday rotation of laser beams where left- and right-hand
components of circularly polarized light are of equal amplitude. The lens will emit one (white)
ellipse per cycle in the projected laser plasma.
>> Excitons are coupled to the acoustic shockwave projected by the magnetron, creating
mechanical stress modulation of the lens (44). The crystal lens is piezoelectric, required for
mechanical stress modulation. An example of mechanical stress modulation occurs in a record
player. The phonograph needle is attached to a piezoelectric quartz crystal. As the needle
vibrates across the grooves in the record, phonons are created. The phonons couple with
electrons and are channeled in the form of an electric signal to the speakers.
>> This principle will be used to control lasing, navigation, and data storage with the UNITEL
lens. A RF pulse compression chamber is to be attached to the horn so that we may compress or
"chirp" the signal (45). Radar chirping and phase conjugate steering techniques are important to
UNITEL's aerospace flight propulsion system.
>> Design and fabrication of the RF compression chamber and oscillating cavity (horn) will be
completed by the contractor and manufacturing consultant who will work in a consulting
capacity to refine the overall design of the lens activating system. This will include working in
concert with the lens fabrication contractors as a consultant to coordinate the construction of the
lens that will be matched to the RF lens activation equipment. The crystal MBE growers are to
act as subcontractors to produce our II-VI compound laser lens.
>> In UNITEL's "Prototype 1-A" drawings, dimension's "A" and "B" of the RF waveguide
details are to be determined (along with the overall thickness) of the lens by sizing and functional
dynamics of the lens activating magnetron. The waveguides are attached together and to the
magnetron. The laser lens is attached to the conical waveguide at the forward mounted position.
These circular pi-mode wavepackets are produced in the square horn then introduced into the
conical waveguide that is congruent with the lens support frame.
>> The determination of overall dimensions are reliant on the design factors concerning the lens
thickness and its distance from the laser lens activating magnetron that are to be determined by
the lens and microwave system fabricators. Both the square horn and the conical waveguide are
to be composed of highly-polished Aluminum. The fabrication of the lens support frame shall be
of high-grade polished Titanium alloy steel. A thermal expansion gap coefficient allowance is to
be included in the fabrication of the lens support frame. All component parts -- including the
square and conical waveguides and lens support frame (excluding lens sections) -- shall be
fabricated and assembled with the RF compression chamber and the lens activating magnetron
system by a designated fabricator.
>> Once fabricated and assembled, the system will be shipped to a testing facility for the
detection of certain desired effects. The free-standing RGB lens acts much like a large pixel.
Each separate, equal 1/3 section is activated by mechanical RF modulation to produce 255
lumens in each section. This produces an over-all white (monochromatic) laser light beam. This
produces the true electromagnetic wavepacket that is effectively a (smoothly varying) potential
electromagnetic well at one ellipse per cycle (46).
>> The crystallite lens is paraboloidically curved and serves as a fiberbundle attachment point of
the projected beam with string-like effects to the vehicle (47) and provides a path for a quantum
parallel transport mechanism (affine connection) that automatically aligns all particles in the
beam in one direction (magnetization). The particles then move up the projected beam -- without
resistance -- in a superfluidic manner. The projected plasma will exhibit string-like effects
whereby the exteriorly charged vehicle will commute up the string (48). The current in the
projected superconducting laser plasma "string" produces electric and magnetic fields that -- in
empty space -- would propagate away from the string as electromagnetic waves.
>> But interstellar and intergalactic space is not exactly empty. It is filled with a dilute gas of
electrons and charged atoms that prevent waves from leaving the vicinity of the string (49). The
fiber bundle attachment is the starting point for the path of parallel transport of the projected
laser plasma charged particles and is a superconducting system that will produce quantum
topological and superfluidic magnetohydrodynamic effects (50).
>> The final step in the lens construction process after the blank (valence, intrinsic, &
conduction) p-i-n layers are thermally bonded is the exterior surface layer of each separate red,
green, & blue lens sections will be electro-polished to the exact overall thickness. The final or
last layer will be made of p-doped Cadmium Telluride (CdTe:Te) using the vapor deposition
growth technique Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). >> The last layer will be 1-molecule thick.
This is to ensure chromaticity or the ability for the lens to have the ability to produce coherent or
lased light. All other components of our proposed model of the Type VI System are readily
available as standard items.
>> The acousto-electric effect is the appearance of a DC electric field when an acoustic wave
propagates in a medium containing mobile charges. It is an example of the general phenomenon
of "wave-particle drag" of which the operation of a linear accelerator and the motion of
driftwood toward a beach are other examples. It can be quite strong in the piezoelectric
materials CdS and CdTe.
>> Concerning the piezoelectric properties of these II-VI semiconducting compounds, the wave
and mobile charges interact through the electric field arising from the strain associated with the
wave. This interaction is significant when the electric field is longitudinal (i.e., parallel to the
wave propagation direction) because of the interaction of the passage of an acoustic wave
through the medium causes a periodic spatial variation of the potential energy of the charge
>> If the mean free path l of the carriers is small compared to the acoustic wavelength l -- as is
the case for most of the usual (ultrasonic) frequency range -- this results in the bunching of the
carriers in the potential-energy troughs. Since the wave is propagating, it drags the bunches
along with it. This is the origin of the acousto-electric field and clearly causes attenuation of the
wave. The stronger the effect, the stronger the bunching.
>> The foregoing discussion suggests that if an external electric field were applied to the sample
to give carriers a drift velocity nl greater than the drift velocity ns, the carriers should drag the
wave (i.e., the wave should be amplified). This conjecture was verified experimentally on CdS
samples at frequencies of 15 and 45 MHz by Hutson, McFee, and White in 1962. They found
acoustic gain for shear waves at fields greater than 700 V/cm, at which field nd equals the shear
wave velocity.
>>For not too large acoustic wave amplitudes, it was possible to account quite well for the size
of the gain and its variation with frequency etc. with a linear phenomenological theory taking
into account the currents and space charge produced by the piezoelectric fields that accompany
the acoustic wave. The gain -- called the acousto-electric gain -- is found to be low at low
frequencies (less than the conductivity relaxation frequency s/e) where the carriers can
redistribute themselves quickly enough to essentially cancel out the piezoelectric field. It peaks
at the frequency for which the acoustic wavelength is of the order of the Debye length where the
bunching is optimum.
>> In the fairly strong piezoelectric material such as CdS, acousto-electric gains as high as 40
dB/cm have been found, leading to consideration of this effect for practical use as an amplifier
(acousto-electric amplifier). This type of amplification has been found particularly useful for
amplification of acoustic surface waves (SAWs). Because the amplitude of a SAW decays
exponentially with distance below a free surface, the surface acts as a waveguide for such a
wave. SAWs at microwave frequencies are easily introduced into a piezoelectric material by
coupling in microwaves within our freestanding periodically arrayed superlattice laser lens. A
similar transducer such as LiNbO3 can reconvert the SAWs into microwaves. The SAW velocity
being smaller by a factor of 105 than electromagnetic wave velocity, a short length of a SAWpropagating material is useful as a delay line and for various types of signal processing.
>> For maximum utility, the losses of the SAWs in the guide are conveniently overcome by
incorporating acousto-electric gain. If the piezoelectric material is insulating, this is easily
accomplished by providing a conducting layer. The conduction layer CdTe, is used to support
both the SAW and the electrons drifting in the electric field.
>>As a special case for this, a single large wave the interaction of its piezoelectric field with its
own carrier bunches results in the generation of a DC current (called the acousto-electric current,
flowing in opposite direction opposite to the useful or Ohmic current) and may result in the
generation of the second harmonic. When an outside acoustic wave is not introduced,
application to a highly conducting sample of CdS, for example, of a field high enough to make
nd>ns. But in a short time, the current will drop to a much smaller value and remain there. In
this theory, acoustic gain, for example, may be thought of as due to an excess of stimulated
phonon emission by the carriers over absorption.
>> UNITEL will be testing mixtures of the same II-VI compound semiconductors as described
in the patent with various types of glass including RF transparent and armor plate varieties. In
1980, A.I. Ekimov and his colleagues at the Ioffe Physical-Technical Inst. in St. Petersburg
Russia discovered distinctively different optical spectra from samples of glass containing the IIVI compound semiconductor Cadmium Sulfide or Cadmium Selenide. The samples had been
subjected to high temperature.
>> Ekimov suggested that the heating caused the nano-crystallites of the semiconductor to
precipitate in the glass and that quantum confinement of electrons in these crystallites caused the
unusual optical behavior. This is valid proof that a much thicker and more rugged laser lens can
be constructed from a glass CdS-CdTe mixture for aerospace purposes.
>> Ekimov's work set a precedent for work later performed by groups of researchers at Corning
Glass, IBM, City College of New York with more elsewhere. Many experiments were
performed with recorded data for the correct glass preparation techniques and convincingly
demonstrate quantum confinement. Luis E. Brus and colleagues at Bell Labs were making
colloidal suspensions of nano-crystallites by precipitating from solutions containing the elements
that make up semiconductors. A dramatic shift in fundamental absorption energy to higher
energies suggested quantum confinement. A. Paul Alivisatos and staff at the University of
California at Berkeley and other researchers all over the World have expounded on this
>> Michael L. Steigerwald of Bell Labs and others have used an organic "soap bubble" wrapping
known as a "reverse micelle" to stabilize the surface of a semiconductor. Research groups at the
University of California at Santa Barbara, the University of Toronto are stuffing clusters of
atoms into nanometer-scale cavities of Zeolites -- a technique that confers the advantage of
precise dimensional control of constucting the lens.
>> The lens will emit coherent monochromatic laser light from the 3 separate red, green, & blue
sections, forming an overall white light. The paraboloidical curve serves as the base or point of
attachment for a light string. This curved lens provides the uplifting path for parallel transport
superconducting mechanism that attaches the light beam to the vehicle.
>> This is the fiber bundle connection of the projected light string to the vehicle. The dielectric
and ZPE forces play an important role in producing the particle pair mode from this arrangement
so as to become a gigantic electron-hole or electron-positron pair at Macroscopic scales. The
glass mixture will provide the ruggedness required for aerospace propulsion.
S-265. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Scientific American article on "Extreme Light"
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Re: SciAm May 2002
Date : Sun, 21 Apr 2002 20:30:21 -0700
Attachment: 1484017.pdf (250k)
attachment : 1484017.pdf (250k)
 [ Documents/"Extreme_Light" ]
> From: "Frank Mulligan" <>
> To: "Larry Maurer" <>
> Subject: Re: SciAm May 2002
> Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 13:38:14 -0700
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
> X-RCPT-TO: <>
> Here you go!
> ----- Original Message ---->> From: "Larry Maurer" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 1:10 PM
>> Subject: Re: SciAm May 2002
>> Great Frank:
>> I need to get a copy of the "Extreme Light" article on line so I can make the comparison
to ours and offer more info such as our use of excitons which do operate in the vacuum (of
>> Mo out!
>> At 01:01 PM 4/21/02 -0700, you wrote:
>>> I've read the article. You are right! Yessir!
>>> They just have no idea the projecting laser could travel in the electron wake as
well. How could they? They weren't trying to produce acceleration!
>>> Couple of questions.
>>> Why don't they mention 'excitons'? Because they're neutral? Or is this because
excitons are only produced specific materials, such as CdS and Cu2O?
>>> In the model offered in the article, the laser would push its electrons into space and
in the process becomes positively charged. The charged laser will be attracted in the
direction of its electron wake with increasing acceleration.
>>> Please describe how your theory improves on this model, including excitons
>>> ----- Original Message ---->>>> From: "Larry Maurer" <>
>>>> To: <>
>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 3:10 PM
>>>> Subject: Fwd: Re: Test Page - HTML [What do you think]
>>>>> To:
>>>>> From: Larry Maurer <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: Test Page - HTML [What do you think]
>>>>> Tim:
>>>>> You must check out the May '02 issue of Scientific American magazine
for the article on super lasers on pg. 80 entitled "Extreme Light" by Gerard A.
Mourou & Donald D. Umstadter. Their work proves our laser system will
produce a vast amount of charge. These fellows at Lawrence Livermoore Labs
produced the power of 1000 Hoover Dams in a point the size of a cell nucleus. I
want to contact the authors to discuss our laser design with them. Basically, the
Wake-Field Effect comes into play to produce energy by accelerating electrons
as we will. I like your website design, too.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Larry
S-266. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a follow-up to the previous e-mail
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: More Re: SciAm May 2002
Date : Sun, 21 Apr 2002 20:49:44 -0700
> Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 20:48:48 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: More Re: SciAm May 2002
> Frank:
> I had to add this tidbit:
>> The paraboloidical curved AASL lens provides a stress-energy gradient (62) producing
a change in energy of the excitons per unit distance created in the crystallite II-VI
compound lens and is a motive force on the excitons, as is the applied periodic alternation
in electric potential (63). The trapped excitons assume the role of Hydrogen atoms and
have five times the mobility and a lifetime of hours rather than a billionth of a second. The
projected potential electromagnetic wells are, therefore, ponderomotive phase-spaces of
extremely dense hydrogenic nuclear structure with a vacuum expectation charge value.
>> The pressure exerted as tension on the crystallite lens by the acoustic wavepacket forces
the excitons to attach to the shock-wave that slows down the lasing photons (leading-edge
wave) so that (64) charge/vibrational transference of information goes from the quasi-level
-- or phase-space oriented oscillating gas of polarized excitons -- to the coherent photon
wave (65). The curved AASL lens effectively takes on the role of a hadron face (66).
>> The projected, pulsed, true "white light" charged particle beam automatically rotates to
produce the helically-wound plasma with a beaded structure that is patterned after a
microscopic "string". The beaded electromagnetic wavepackets (67) will assume the
character of a light string that can be described as "beads on a chain". The projected
potential electromagnetic wells in the beam are modulated in a computer clocked manner to
produce left-handed Larmor precession, mimicking the rotation of frustrated overlapping
wave sections of closed Wilson loop plaquettes (68) in a hadron string.
>> High-frequency harmonics create electro-optical effects such as the magneto-optical
Faraday polarized states of photons (three-part overlapping integrity pattern). Clocking
controls the Larmor precession in odd-numbered processing "frustrations" (half-twists).
These half-twists (69) connect electric (three-parts) and magnetic (three-parts) fields
through the six-tensor GVP shape of the projected potential electromagnetic wells. The
wells are electromagnetic wavepackets with smoothly varying sides that are a 3-D mirrored
shape of the vehicle.
>> Color mixing the red, green, & blue beams to form the white light source and an
increase in current flow of heat by wave propagation (discussed later along with "second
sound") of the microwave current trapped in the electromagnetic potential wells forces
flux-bundles to grow in energy until the flux-bundles begin to jump (i.e. the vehicle moves
or commutes up the projected string) over pinched or pinning barriers (70). This process is
known as "flux-jumping" and the mixing of colors (RGB) excites or enhances this effect.
S-267. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a correspondence on comparing UNITEL's
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Table Top Laser Technology R&D Subcontractor ?
Date : Tue, 23 Apr 2002 15:22:51 -0700
> Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 15:18:56 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Table Top Laser Technology R&D Subcontractor ?
> Bob:
> After years of telling everyone that we can produce vast amounts of power with our laser system,
we haven't really gotten very far except receiving much criticism and misbelief. Now it's like
someone has built a similar system to ours that produces the energy we have been talking about all
these years! This should really get a lot of attention to our design now after it is a proven fact we
can produce vast amounts of power. We have several industrial and medical spin-offs of our
patented system.
> Notice in the article I sent you ("Extreme Light") the statement on page 82 (please excuse me as I
can't find upper case for power symbols in my Eudora):
>> "These compact lasers can fire a hundred million shots per day and can concentrate their
power onto a spot the size of a micron, producing the highest light intensities on Earth.
Associated with these gargantuan power densities are the largest electric fields ever produced
(in the range of a trillion volts per centimeter). Such intense laser light interacting with
matter recreates the extreme physical conditions that can be found only in the cores of stars
or in the vicinity of a black hole: the highest temperatures (1010 Kelvins); the largest
magnetic fields (109 Gauss); and the largest acceleration of particles (1025 times the Earth's
> We chirp our laser by chirping the RF activating wave packets that essentially will produce the
same result; a huge gain in energy in the projected laser field.
>> On page 90, "....electron oscillation velocities near the speed-of-light, it curls the paths of
the electrons and gives them tremendous momentum in the direction of the light beam. This
effect plays a central role in Relativistic optics."
> We take advantage of that curl effect along with timing or clocking the pulsed laser field to instill
proper rotation to create Berry's Phase and parallel transport mechanism effects in the beam. The
red, green, & blue equal parts forming white light produce true electromagnetic wells or buckets
(slang term for potential EM wells). Let me know if you have any opinions on who we should show
this comparison of Laser Optics technology to.
> Regards,
> Larry
>> Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 13:55:59 -0700
>> To:
>> From: Larry Maurer <>
>> Subject: Re: Table Top Laser Technology R&D Subcontractor ?
>> Gary:
>> None of the attachments would not open. But I have sent Dr. Umstadter an email. Yes!
right on the money, Gary! Notice our laser system is pulsed and will produce a vast amount
of power through "chirping" the RF field that creates the same spikes as their laser which in
turn produces trillions of Watts (more power than all the power plants in our World!). Show
this to Merrill-Lynch!
>> L.
>> at 02:47 PM 4/20/02 -0400, you wrote:
>>> Message from Gary Dean. I will start researching places in New York City for
your daughter to visit via FD NY sources. I will need to know more information on the
nature of the visit as to who, where, and what exact UNITEL technology are being
discussed. I do suggest that she visit Steve Allen at Merrill Lynch on 200 Park Avenue
in Manhattan.
>>> In theory, if you and her can raise sufficient money to cover operating costs plus
payment for IPO fees, then Merrill Lynch can step in and raise $1,000,000. Here is
contact information for Professor Donald Umstadter at the Center for Ultrafast Optical
Science at University of Michigan. The University of Michigan is in Ann Arbor zip
code 48109-2099. Phone number id 313-764-2284. Fax is 313-763-4876. Email
address is
>>> The attachments have R&D background on the process. I am contacting him right
now about film interviews and joining the UNITEL team project. If I am understanding
the table-top experiments, you might be able to better low-cost yet high-power
applications and inexpensive UNITEL technology.
S-268. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his job interviews
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: more on the ZPE / phase conjugate
Date : Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:33:10 -0700
At 10:07 AM 4/29/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Perhaps everything in is already
known to you. But "phase conjugate" and "interference wave" jumped out at me in this essay
( ) on the ZPE plus the name of a Russian scientist who
claims to have insight into the nature of Gravity.
> Is the new job working out? How much is will it cut into your UNITEL stuff?
>-- Mark
Thanks for the site. I haven't been hired yet. Only interviews at this point. Shouldn't cut much into
UNITEL much. Should compliment our work. Stay in touch.
S-269. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Mike Miller & the "Higgs particle"
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics
Date : Mon, 29 Apr 2002 20:05:15 -0700
At 09:02 PM 4/29/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Did you check out that site in general at ? Note that featured article
at the bottom on "Mass Without the Higgs". They said it was from that New Scientist
magazine which I've seen references made to it before. I don't know if you could get any
peer-quality contacts from these guys (a la Dr. Wolf) or not ...
> -- Mark
Thanks, Mark:
I forwarded the article to Mike Miller. Mike had been in correspondence with Prof. Gerard t'Hooft
about his Higgs' application to our proposed system design. Mike affectionately calls the Higgs'
particles "Higgs' Pigs" as Mike describes the particles gobble up the particles trapped in our laser plasma
which renders the "gobbled up" particles mass. That's pretty much what I gather from it all. We sure
need to get Mike's PC fixed so he can get involved with the correspondences more.
S-270. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UNITEL progress updates
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics
Date : Wed, 01 May 2002 09:39:50 -0700
At 09:33 AM 5/1/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry -> In those articles, I kept seeing reference to the Ponyting (spelling?) vector that Bearden is
always talking about and that Dr. "Ark" always takes issue with because the math isn't
correct. It seems that the majority of physicists view the ZPE/QVF as a consequence of
Quantum Mechanics mathematics but it doesn't really exist. The oft-quoted Casimir force
has been explained in terms that would not substantiate an accessible ZPE. There is a
minority of physicists who argue that this "vacuum" is real and possible accessible. They
include Bearden and apparently Haisch and Puthoff (unless I'm reading these articles wrong).
> If the ZPE is real, then maybe accessing it is perhaps what others (Dean, Lazar, etc.) have
said that UFO-technology was 300-1,000 years ahead of our present-day science. I don't
know -- just guessing. Maybe it will take a materials science breakthrough (like what
UNITEL is proposing or perhaps through nano-engineering) to access this "new physics".
> I can't understand what all the holdup is developing a rigorous mathematical quantum
gravity. But neither do I understand why it's taking so long to define black-hole physics. Is
it because that there are so many mathematical sub-theories that experimentation is needed to
eliminate those that aren't correct? I'm guessing that there are those engineers like you and
Bearden who are attempting to go full-speed ahead in spite of the lack of a rigorous
mathematical foundation. At the same time, I can sort of understand why Firmage and others
would be hesitant to pour resources into something which might take a century to develop.
> Any progress on the book? Did you ever make contact with ABC's "Debbie" whose
husband Paul works with?
> -- Mark
Make that "Poynting" vector.
We are kind of in a lull (again). But we have our same plans with the book, film, game, etc. I never
did hear from Debbie. Who knows if she is interested or not. We shall see, aye? Keep in touch,
S-271. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding any other research being done in MQT
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: Scientific American articles
Date : Wed, 01 May 2002 12:07:55 -0700
At 12:51 PM 5/1/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Check this out => . I don't know
what the ".hk" stands for (i.e., what country). But it references two Scientific American
articles (1999, 1988) and talks about "squeezed light" via lasers. I didn't check the rest of the
site out to see if had articles on MQT without the need for wormholes.
>-- Mark
Did you happen to catch the "NOVA" show on PBS about the 9/11 WTO incident? It was awe
inspiring! A great mixture of graphics, film clips, and interviews as ours will be.
We have a great theme with MQT applied to space travel which should be very exciting. Perhaps
you could assist by collecting any and all research individuals and orgs that are doing work in this area
(MQT). We want to include all so we aren't just putting together an ad for UNITEL. We will definitely
list your efforts as a major contributor if you like. Stay in touch, Mark.
S-272. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding an upcoming NYC visit with prospective
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: Google results on MQT
Date : Thu, 02 May 2002 12:16:21 -0700
Thank you so much for your assistance here. I will add your compilation of other MQT work &
authors to what we have on hand for what we have compiled so far. I will keep you posted on what we
are doing on this end to get your opinion, etc.
I wonder what shape NASA is in these days? I am on Pres. Bush's side to cut the failing ($5 billion
deficit) "Tour" business with NASA and Space Shuttle in favor of NASA doing strictly R&D work.
Keep up the good work!
We have much planned for the month of May with my daughter Kristin flying back to NYC to meet
with 69 different FD Chiefs and their Dept's. I am coordinating our Seattle FD investors with Jim
Richeson as their representative to help Kristin acquire investment support from NYC FD's.
Also, I just received a faxed invitation from Congressman Tom Davis to the Business Advisory
Council in Washington, DC to a dinner to honor George W. Bush. They appointed me (of all people!)
as an "Honorary Chairman, Oregon" and are supplying two Dinner tickets. I need to work out the flight
and per diem costs and then I will be able to attend their conference and Dinner party. This is a really
excellent opportunity for me to sell UNITEL and its projects to the President and various advisors. We
shall see what our Government can do to save our technology from being taken by foreign countries, etc.
I will keep you posted.
S-273. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding reactions from conservatives on BBS's
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: typical knee-jerk reactions
Date : Sat, 11 May 2002 20:04:44 -0700
Attachment : Berkeley Lab Superconducting Magnet
attachment : Cal Berkeley Lab Superconducting Magnet
[ Documents/"Magnet_1" ]
At 11:28 AM 5/9/02 -0400, you wrote:
Check-out the last 20-or-so messages at . Look for only those with
UNITEL in the subject line. They are commenting on a message I originally posted.
These are typical reactions of the "average UFO guy on-the-street" who evidently has
trouble believing in the MQT claims of UNITEL. And I'm not talking about the more
common, everyday non-scientific close-minded conservative, either!
I don't know why these people have such a hard time believing MQT might be possible if
you can adequately trick Mother Nature. I think that is what happened to the Eldridge in the
Philadelphia Experiment, whether on-purpose or by-design. If one allows that -- however
unlikely and difficult it may be -- a large object could be made to behave as a quantum
particle, then why is MQT such a "ridiculous" taboo notion? It's no more outlandish than
time-travel, which can be made to occur if "exotic matter" and "negative energy" can be
created/used. Physicists don't have any trouble admitting to that loophole in General
I have been trying for months to find out exactly what it is about this that people find so
ridiculous (they make the same claims about Bearden's stuff, too). The fact that it is difficult
to achieve (but theoretically possible) means that it is an engineering problem, not a physics
one. And that's where your background comes into play!
I couldn't help but read these responses again. My! how typical a response it was! Boy, I guess
having Onternational patents, world-class subcontractors & associates don't mean anything! I mean to
even be called "fiction" is beyond odd. It's insane!!!
Perhaps you should send that person a copy of the current Sci Am article "Extreme Light" and see if
the guy has any vision at all to see that we have nearly the same type of laser system that produces the
power of 1,000 Hoover dams. Speak of Niobium (that the person said they had never heard of before)
that we are using they should check out the World Record smashed by Berkeley Labs with their
"Niobium-Tin-Titanium" electromagnet. They claimed that their "Niobium" magnet has the power than
the combined thrust of a dozen or more 747 Jets per square cm.
I was watching a TV advertisement about a patent support group. They had a cartoon caveman
character just finishing up a wheel that he just carved out of stone. I was thinking they must had to draw
the item before patenting whereby one can judge whether-or-not the device will work. Can't people
visualize the power of the Niobium electromagnet and pulsed & chirped lasers applied to a propulsion
system? The caveman probably didn't get the funding to build his patented device (i.e., wheel) because
no one could visualize the device and that they certainly could trust the patent office!
Oh well, Mark, with graphics, films, more drawings and refined descriptions may finally get people
to understand our device enough to take the chance with money and fund the prototype project. I have
attached a copy of the world record-breaking magnet. Perhaps you should send it to the fellow?
Probably not worth enlightening someone of that spiteful caliber. Your choice …
S-274. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding e-mail from Hal Puthoff regarding his latest
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Re: Discovery Channel Program Information4-13-02
Date : Fri, 10 May 2002 11:09:12 -0700
Attachment : jbisrevisedOK.pdf (138k)
attachment : Engineering the ZPE for Interstellar Flight
[ Documents/"Puthoff_1" ]
Mark: FYI
> From:
> Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 11:04:07 EDT
> Subject: Re: Discovery Channel Program Information4-13-02
> To:
> X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Mac sub 39
> X-RCPT-TO: <>
> Larry,
> I appreciate the invitation to be involved. But I must admit that my schedule is so jammed I'm
having trouble finding time to sleep let alone new involvements!
> Meanwhile, attached is my latest.
> Cheers,
> Hal
S-275. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding a rebuke from Jack Sarfatti
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Fw: Comments on this?
Date : Sat, 11 May 2002 22:57:39 -0700
Mark: FYI -- Shades of "the real world" by Jack Sarfatti
> From: "Tim Ventura" <>
> To: "Larry Maurer" <>
> Subject: Fw: Comments on this?
> Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 22:30:21 -0700
> Hate mail from Jack (by proxy, nonetheless).
> Maybe he has hayfever, too. You and I are probably having the same problem. Oregon is what -100 miles south of here? Sounds about right ...
> Tim
>> ----- Original Message ---->> From: "Wes Thomas" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 11:02 AM
>> Subject: Comments on this?
>>-----Original Message---->>> From: Jack Sarfatti []
>>> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 10:04 AM
>>> To: Wolfr@Usfca. Edu; William L Smith; Wes Thomas; Editor@Infinite-Energy.Com;
Decker@Ufomag. Com; DarkEditor@aol. com; visions; Dr Jack Sarfatti
Vecker@Ufomag.Com; Uri Geller; UFO Files; Truzzi; Steve New Wolff; Sergio Lub; Saul
Paul Sirag; Russell Targ; Ron Pandolfi; Raymond Hudson; Puthoff; Purple; Paola Harris;
Michael Sarfatti; Mata Hari Von Brownie; Klaskey; Jfwoodward; Jeffrey;
ItalianPhysicsCenter; Ibison; Henry Monteith; GeorgeWeis; Gary G. Ford; Foggy Writer;
Fernando Loup; Etimes@Teleport. Com; Eldon Byrd; Edgarmitchell; Don Tveter; Doctor
Jibar Rish; David Gladstone; Davey Crock Full Of Macro Shift; Creon Levit; Carrawae;
Alan Parker; Allen Cohen; APOLLINAIR; Bobj137@Hotmail. Com; Bruce D. Curtis
>>> Subject: More Anti-American Gravity UFO Garbage Disinformation
>>> To Dim Wit Visions who sent me the garbage URL :
>>> You really are a complete technically incompetent moron misleading the Public with
more incompetent worthless trash Cargo Cult pseudoscience. You have no critical judgment
at all. You are a public disinformation menace.
>>> The real story on all this stuff is at .
>>> Everything else in terms of theories of anti-gravity propellantless propulsion including
the NASA BPP for the most part, BTW, is pure garbage by lunatics, UFO death cultists, and
con-men hustling the gullible with fraudulent claims. In terms of NASA BPP, what is 'right'
on their site has nothing to do with propellantless propulsion. And what allegedly has to do
with propellantless propulsion on their site is wrong.
As wrong as can be as shows in detail. A major upgrade of that document (50
pages with index) will be online soon with mathematical details never before seen on this
Planet. (At least by ordinary humans from this time including the role of Ray Chiao's new
"gravity radio" discovery and Sir Michael Berry's "topological phase".)
>>> -----Original Message---->>>> From: visions []
>>>> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 9:36 AM
>>>> To: Dr Jack Sarfatti
>>>> Subject: American AntiGravity
S-276. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding "Niobium" and additions to UNITEL webpage
From : Larry Maurer <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: added more documents to UNITEL page
Date : Thu, 23 May 2002 19:45:00 -0700
At 08:24 PM 5/23/02 -0400, you wrote:
> I added the articles about Berkely Labs, "Extreme Light", and Puthoff's latest to the page. > It's "UNITEL" in a B-I-G
nutshell and where I route people to get background information. Because the <links> have
their corresponding MS-Word documents, the reader can still get the info from the .doc files
even if a server or a site is down
> I may post to that other yGroup telling that guy to read about "Niobium" here.
Wow, Mark! Sounds like you really got a handle on our technology. That's great. Very refreshing!
I was beginning to think that I am selling light bulbs to monkeys.
Yes, Niobium! Remember Berkeley Labs' world-record electromagnet composed out of Niobium
that produced as much force as having a dozen 747s at full throttle per That's what we are
talking about!
The interactive hull and the fiber bundle topology interacting with the extremely powerful pulsedchirped laser that has the capability of producing more power than 1000 Hoover Dams! Now that's
pretty easy to understand. I guess all the naysayers that don't believe we have a viable, feasible
spaceship and propulsion system. Good luck!
-- Larry
S-277. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding correspondence from Ed Halerewicz and his
difficulty comprehending non-classical MQT
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: KeelyNet archives
Date : Wed, 22 May 2002 21:27:18 -0700
> Larry ->
> Just wanted to make you aware of a huge KeelyNet archive of files on various topics at =>
=> .
> I don't understand the majority of it. But a lot of long-deceased John Keely's theories (e.g.,
vibrational harmonics affecting magnetic&electric fields) are "modernized" by today's
authors and there are many applications of "scalar fields" to widely-different projects. The
value of such material is not so much in their accuracy but in that they may allow you to look
at some current hypothesis in a new light or different "angle".
>I don't know ... maybe some of those discussions may help your explanation of propulsion
by light.
>-- Mark
Hi Mark:
Thanks for the info on the KN archives. I am forwarding you the answer to Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
announcement about his group is of Classical Physics nature:
(First, my reply to Ed Halerewicz's email message). This is cheezy stuff and I am wondering what
your response to his email and my reply. I keep thinking of quality TV shows on various subjects
ranging from modern spaceship designs and MQT to medical applications and so forth. Let me know.
BTW, I have attached the nearly-completed newsletter for your review and comments. Any
additional stuff would be greatly appreciated.
-- Larry
> Dear Edward:
> I wonder what the Group thinks of the Tunneling Electron Microscope and all the proven
research of related tunneling technology that's been around for 30 years? I do understand
what the Group sees concerning vacuum engineering. Adiabatic vacuum is a very important
aspect in the working mechanism of our ship interacting with the projected plasma.
>What they must realize is that the dielectric force that permeates the EM field (and our
Universe) renormalizes our entire system to one gigantic exciton (electron-hole or positron
pair) that allows us to do a myriad of interactions with space-time including MQT. If we
could only just build and test our prototypes, it would put it all to rest or kick it in gear.
> BTW, if you get the chance, read "Super-Symmetry" by Gordon Caine with subject matter
being Higgs' particle (composes quarks & electrons) and Higgs' Zero particle. My coinventor Michael Miller is very good at comparing and explaining the differences between
Classical Physics and Quantum >echanics.
> Stay in touch!
> Regards,
> Larry
> At 07:02 AM 5/22/02 -0700, you wrote:
>> Thanks again for providing some insight into QMT. I am sorry but most of the
members of the Group are more interested in Classical-based physics. So they're slow
on the whole QMT premise. The Group has been recently discussing the manipulation
of vacuum field equations as a way to induce a gravitational field (at least from a
theoretical perspective). However, recently addressing the problems brought up by
Jose Natario about the Warp Drive producing infinite radiation has taken precedence as
with this problem still alive it makes little since to discuss such physics. I am
estimating that some group will have a paper ready on this subject perhaps by late
August. Qualitatively, the Group hypothesis is that infinite blue shifts can not occur
because there is no acceleration in a warp drive space-time and Lorentz invariance
becomes meaningless. The end result is that a blue shift occurs due to the dynamics of
a warp bubble and not an external mechanism.
>> In retrospect, our short-lived vacuum discussions would be the only real connection
to your active program. From what I understand, the lens and skin shell that you
propose for QMT is, in fact, a form of vacuum engineering. And from what's been
going on, I don't suspect that we will be discussing that issue until Fall, And even then,
it may take a year-or-so before we would be discussing anything that may be of interest
to you.
>> But then again, we are essentially trying to tackle the same problem. Just going
about it different ways. Beyond that, I have nothing really to add. If there is anything
that may relate to your endeavors, I will surely contact you.
>>--Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
>> Independent Researcher
>> ATPG Founder; screen name halgravity
>> ATPG homepage:
S-278. from Bob King regarding Bob Lazar, Area-51
From : bob king <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: Lazar -- down but apparently not out for the count !
Date : Wed, 22 May 2002 08:45:01 +1200
Hi ya Mark,
Tuesday, May 21, 2002, 5:31:30 AM, you wrote:
> When I e-mailed the company that Lazar owns -- United Nuclear Technologies (or
whatever it's called ... it distributes radiation monitors) -- they told me that Lazar was no
longer interested in any "black project" work and was distancing himself from anything
connected to that "world".
Made his money and no longer interested??
> Furthermore, he was working on a more technical video documentary as well as negotiating with
several movie companies about selling autobio rights based on his S-4 experience. Then
discrepancies were found in his stated educational background. Many people (correctly or
incorrectly) concluded that he probably was lying about hands-on reverse-engineering experience
and made up the whole thing from rumors he had accumulated. He was working on converting an
old ICBM silo into a prototype Mars habitat in a government-sponsored program (therefore the
government couldn't have disliked him that much or maybe they offered him a job to keep his mouth
shut). Con artist, government disinfo agent, or whistle-blower ... The jury is still out and we may
never know.
The truth dies with them.........
> So it was with some surprise that I saw this message posted at . (There's some good
stuff posted in this yGroup "Skywatch_Discussion" and at Hamilton's home sites if you want
to peruse them.)
> Also I converted some web pages into more readable MS-Word documents and listed them
under item 'H' at They were from a site
("Black Dawn") referenced in that "Black Triangle" site. The last one dealing with "UFOs
and the FOIA" was particular noteworthy because the author contends that the NSA is more
of a "good" guy rather than "bad" in this area. Information was suppressed not because of
secret research or conspiracies but because it would have been obvious how the information
was gathered; and such knowledge of interception methods would endanger the lives of
active agents in the field. Don't know if this applies to 100% of all accounts. But I've heard
this before and it makes some sense.
Always a good reason or excuse -- whichever.
> "The Real X-Files: True Area-51 Story set for Big Screen Bob Lazar - the man who
exposed secret military base cover-up signs deal with Bluebook Films …"
> "Bob Lazar, the man behind the legend of Area 51 as the center of a massive …"
I take them all with a pinch of salt
> "Deep in the heart of the Nevada Desert lies one of the most Top-Secret military
installations in the World…."
It doesn't match the ones in Australia for secrecy. Nor Montauk.
S-280. from Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding his personal interest in cutting-edge technology
From : "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: magnetospheric plasma propulsion
Date : Tue, 28 May 2002 08:59:19 -0500
On 28 May 2002 at 6:51, Stealth Skater wrote:
> … Also note the post was from Bill Hamilton, whom I like for information purposes but I
suspect a good portion is unintended disinfo a la Boylan.
Probably. I am not much interested in these kinds of technological possibilities except as examples
of ways to perpetuate the unfortunate human condition.
When a cataclysmic event will come (like a supernova explosion or dimensional "universequake"),
none of these technologies will make a difference. My main interest is in those techniques that are
enabling us to make a "phase transition" (thus in the interface between matter and "spirit").
Thanks for all the info,
S-281. from Bob King regarding a rumored Michigan-based "Area-51"
From : bob king <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: strange things in Michigan
Date : Wed, 29 May 2002 09:19:13 +1200
Hi ya Mark,
Wednesday, May 29, 2002, 3:57:00 AM, you wrote:
> Something 'strange' might be happening in a remote location of Michigan. Maybe another
"Area-51" under DOE auspices. This might afford a good opportunity for a Montauk-like
investigative field trip! [starts at =>
463 ]
By pure chance, I was reading these pages the other day until I got tired of all the crosstalk etc. I have
the website filed and may go back there sometime. IMO -- unless one lives there or has easy access,
then discussing it is a bit pointless especially in the way they are doing.
S-282. from Matt Maurici regarding his planned trips to Montauk
From : Matt Maurici <>
To :
Subject : My Montauk site
Date : Sun, 2 Jun 2002 06:08:26 -0700 (PDT)
Found your site on the 'Black Vault' website (might of seen "Umbro666" there, also) about my trip to
Camp Hero. Going again today for more info.
S-283. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding construction plans for the aerospace vehicle
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Subject : Fwd: Aero Paper 2002
Date : Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:41:28 -0700
> Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:23:33 -0700
> To: Y. Minami
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Fwd: Aero Paper 2002
> Yoshinari:
> FYI -- Please read the following. I will send you a hard copy. But please download article
carefully and give me your thoughts and opinion to improve. There is no reason why we
can't build our vehicles at Honda or Toyota either! Your work that we included is a major
part of this history-making paper.
> Best,
> Larry
> Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:20:32 -0700
> To: Bob Roach
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Fwd: Aero Paper 2002
> Bob: FYI
> Let me know what you think!>
> Regards,
> Larry
> Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:18:12 -0700
>From: Larry Maurer <>
>Subject: Fwd: Aero Paper
>Jim-> FYI, Take your time (probably at night) and download the latest and the greatest. There is
no reason why we can't build it at Boeing's old facility in Kent.
>- Enjoy!
>- Larry
> Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:12:26 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Dear Maxann:
> I have finally finished our Aerospace document update. You can download all 13 parts (do
it one-at-a-time) for your review. Go to to download the
> Thanks a million. I hope this will give everyone a new insight into our very powerful
patented laser system. The paper also contains a discussion of our aerospace vehicle's
quantum tunneling capability giving our space vehicle a potential to travel to distant regions
of outer-space that would not be attainable within our lifetimes (even at the speed-of-light!).
>I will be calling Robert Siegal today to discuss moving ahead with our film project which I
will keep you abreast of. Talk to you soon!
> Regards,
> Larry D. Maurer, Principal & Director, Engineering
> Unitel, Inc.
> (503) 232-2740
> P.S.- I have been calling the number for Robert Siegal that Gary Dean gave me and there is
no answer. The phone just rings and rings. I tried to call Gary but his line is constantly
busy! Oh well, wish me luck.
S-284. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Bernard Haisch
From: Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: Haisch's view on the ZPE and Higgs
Date : Tue, 11 Jun 2002 15:41:25 -0700
At 07:44 AM 6/11/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Converted a KeelyNet post to the attached MS-Word document. It makes it sound like this
concept has been around since 1994. You may have mentioned it to me before, Larry, but I
was too dense or somehow overlooked it.
> Haisch makes the argument that the ZPE causes inertia and "mass". I'm guessing this
would rule out any type of "Higgs" particle. If that is true, it would give me cause to view
the ZPE as a viable "non-dream" force which would challenge engineering geniuses to learn
how to tap into it.
> -- Mark
I have made attempts at contacting Dr. Haisch a few years ago and got a bad response from his
superiors stating that they are not interested in any of our proposals. I think that Haisch -- along with
Kaku and many other "Primadonnas" -- are only interested in wallowing in their own glory and not into
working with others to produce real designs.
We shall see what they want to do when we are in the limelight. Turnabout is fair play, I guess!
S-285. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding another company exploring similar concepts
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Re:
Date : Fri, 14 Jun 2002 21:41:35 -0700
Mark: FYI
> Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 10:39:22 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Re:
> Thanx! I shall check it out!
> At 09:21 AM 6/14/02 -0400, you wrote:
>> Larry,
>> An interesting corporation that seem to be developing propulsion along the lines of
what you're working on:
>> -Andrew
S-286. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Boeing's past efforts into anti-gravity research
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: has Boeing been in the anti-grav game all along ?
Date : Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:45:34 -0700
Thanks for the info. Yes, we were told by Boeing Aerospace & Electronics that when they
changed their names to Boeing Aerospace & Defense Products, that they were no longer interested
in advanced propulsion and/or experimental electronics devices. Perhaps they changed their
minds but I doubt it. As far as the Greenglow group goes, I used to belong but I got tired of
getting a zillion messages that tantamounted to just gossip between a few members. When I would
mention anything, they would jump all over me for just about any reason. I finally quit but you
can join the list as a UNITEL representative if you like. I would be curious to what they would
say to you. I know "B.G." was on the list and he pretty much killed his goat with us by not
responding after he said he was sending money to invest and never sent it. Oh well! They seem
like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at a tea party.
Here we have an application of the Strong Force which is much stronger than gravity and no one
is interested. It seems like everyone is interested in harnessing the gravity force which is relatively
a weak force. Have you downloaded the Aerospace article yet? I am curious as to what your
opinion of the paper is and what you would do to change it.
I have sent out links to our paper to several news entities. We shall see if any of them respond. It
seems strange to me that we have not gotten anywhere after we have been awarded patents, been
underwritten by several top aerospace & electronics associates, and have subcontractors ready to
build our devices. Perhaps everybody is happy with the way things are on the planet? You tell
me. It's a hard one to figure!
Stay in touch,
At 09:17 AM 6/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
> I don't know enough about these guys that post at this "Greenglow" yGroup. I don't know
if they are legit or what. You might want to check it out to see if the group is worth adding
to your list.
> I found another interesting posted message at . (If true,
maybe your friends at Boeing haven't been entirely up-front with you all these years.)
>>From: "hizlimurat"
>> Date: Mon Jun 17, 2002 1:02 am
>> Subject: Nieuwenhuizen papers
>> Hi all,
>> I look for Nieuwenhuizen in the archives. Is it possible that Boeing is seriously
looking for antigravity?
>>> "Strong Antigravity -- Life in the Shock Wave"
>>> Authors: M. Fabbrichesi, K. Roland
>>> Comments: 33 PAGES
>>> Report-no: REPORT SISSA/ISAS 172-91-EP
>>>Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. B388 (1992) 539-569
>>> Strong anti-gravity is the vanishing to all orders in Newton's constant of the net
force between 2 massive particles at rest. We study this phenomenon and show that it
occurs in any effective theory of gravity which is obtained from a higher-dimensional
model by compactification on a manifold with flat directions. We find the exact
solution of the Einstein-ged states need not be very heavy and can appear in the
process of supersymmetry breaking.
>>> This leaves open the most important question about anti-gravity. That is,
whether ordinary matter is charged or not under the internal U(1) group of the
graviphoton. If ordinary matter turns out to be charged, the mass of the graviscalar
and the graviphoton cannot be truly zero since this would violate many experimental
bounds on the principle of Equivalence [24].
>>> Among fifth-force candidates, antigravity is singled out by the prediction that the
new force couples with the same strength of gravity. While a more complete
discussion of the experimental relevance of anti-gravity is outside the scope of this
paper, we want to stress here that (as we have seen in the previous sections) antigravity is the low-energy signature of having a at compact dimension. Flat compact
directions are incompatible with Calabi-Yau compactications and will tend to produce
too much …
231; A. Chodos and S. Detweiler, ibidem 879.
[6] D. Gar nkle, G.T. Horowitz and A. Strominger, Phys. Rev. D43 (1991) 3140.
[7] D. Pollard, J. Phys. A16 (1983) 565.
[8] See, for example, M. Green, J. Schwarz and E. Witten, Superstring Theory
(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1987).
[9] See, e.g., J. Wess and J. Bagger, Supersymmetry and Supergravity (Princeton
University Press, Princeton 1983).
[10] E. Cremmer and B. Julia, Phys. Lett. B80 (1978) 48.
[11] E. Cremmer, B. Julia and J. Scherk, Phys. Lett. B76 (1978) 409.
[12] J. Scherk and J. Schwarz, Phys. Lett. B82 (1979) 60.
[13] J. Scherk and J. Schwarz, Nucl. Phys. B153 (1979) 61.
[14] E. Cremmer, J. Scherk and J. Schwarz, Phys. Lett. B84 (1979) 83.
[15] C.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne and J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation (W.H. Freeman and
Co., New York 1973).
[16] H. Reissner, Ann. Phys. (Germany) 50 (1916) 106; G. Nordstrm, Proc. Kon.
Ned. Akad. Wet. 20 (1918) 1238. 32
[17] B. Car … …
S-287. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding clarification of some of UNITEL's proposals
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: basic questions
Date : Fri, 21 Jun 2002 21:33:33 -0700
Hi Mark:
You are absolutely right on target again as the MQT is for deep space traveling and isn't needed in
the atmosphere. We created the paper to focus somewhat on the MQT part because we had come to a
standstill with Prof. Kaku attempting to squelch our idea in his scrutiny by stating that "according to the
WKB Approx., MQT is zero for Macroscopic levels".
We put in one of our associates (Yoshinari Minami's) math that proves that the WKB Approx.
doesn't pertain to our design (to be right up front about it).
Perhaps we should do a separate paper on MQT and only briefly mention it in the general paper. We
are very confident that our system will work just fine to outdo any competing propulsion system.
See insert answers to your questions below:
At 02:05 PM 6/21/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> ... while it's still on my mind ...
> I'm trying to simplify these proposals as much as possible in order to divide them up into
smaller, more manageable tasks. This could result in a starting point for a more detailed
business "Action Plan".
> I'm a little confused on this MQT issue. I understand the end goal is to trick Mother Nature
into allowing real-world quantum events.
> How much of that is necessary for Laser Plasma Propulsion and the medical applications?
Not necessary at all
> Even for the QC (quantum computer)?
No. But a QC is best suited to manage quantum systems. Especially undergoing or performing MQT
> It wouldn't surprise me if all these supporting contracting companies took 10+ years to
work out the new holographic software and all that other stuff mentioned AFTER you have
cracked the MQT part. And for a tiny transistor-sized 'whatever', it should be a lot easier to
generate MQT the smaller the size of the end object. Right?
That is correct. A prime example is the recent teleportation experiments in the news
> If you have nano-sized MQT transistors inside a computer, that should be a "piece-of-cake"
compared to a large spaceship. Simple minds like mine would say "what's the holdup, then?"
denero (money)!!
> I'm starting to feel that MQT isn't needed for atmospheric flight. You can do this from the
Laser Plasma part. I remember you sending a letter to Tdimensions asking if they wanted to
participate in the hovering mode. I think if you can achieve this propellentless operation, it
would be a momentous breakthrough. Forget about MQT for the time-being if it's not
needed for this. You probably wouldn't need the Niobium-Tin doped diamond stuff either,
would you?
Yes. We need the smartskin for our propulsion system to work.
> And if you don't MQT, I imagine any off-the-shelf military computer would suffice for
flight control fly-by-wire or fly-by-(optical fiber)light. Use existing technology whenever
possible. Is the Laser Plasma Propulsion like a "black box"?
Not sure about that one. Please explain
Not sure about that one. Please explain.
> Can you "mount it" to any existing airframe (or car or other structure) with minimal
Only if we want to use the beam for industrial or military purposes.
> You should be able to reap billions from this alone. Then reinvest later for the interstellar
> If the laser plasma provides exterior "protection" to the craft, will it work underwater too?
Not sure about that onem either.
> The Navy has more money than the Air Force these days and is reported to be the prime
operator in the greater Dreamland complex. I'm sure they would be interested in sonarresistant, non-nuclear ships that could operate on the surface as well as below it.
> I need at least another week to finish adding touches to these documents. I'm going to try
to manually enter 'text boxes' in some of the figures whose captions are unreadable. I hope I
can "anchor" them to a relative position within the image so if you add other stuff to the
document, they will move along accordingly. If documents 2-11 were from one large
"master", I may end up dividing them differently. Of course, these are just interim
corrections and you, Mike (Miller), and Paul (Kirsch) can adjust them as you see fit.
We just want to build our laser at any size. We firmly believe it will produce certain effects that should
sell itself so we can obtain the funding to build and test larger prototypes. Keep up the good work,
S-288. from Andrew Potter regarding growing UNITEL-like crystals in college labs
From : Andrew Potter <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: organizing the documents
Date : Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:40:48 -0400
Mark Hey, a friend and I are progressing on with the help of Larry and others on our "prototype" UNITEL
spacecraft. From my understanding, the lens and laser combo create the electromagnetic effects (light is
an electromagnetic wave of sorts) to induce the 1/3 fractional electron charge on the ship and to polarize
the electrons. Laser light is the best way of doing this, and perhaps the only way for a spacecraft.
However, for our small prototype we'll attempt to create the same effects as the laser using
electromagnetic induction and such. In this way, we're hoping to allow the craft to tunnel (or at least do
something cool).
I would be happy to help you revise the Aero Documents.
Here's some stuff Larry's sent me over the past few days:
>> You should "grow" your Niobium and dope it layer-by-layer w/ MBE methods to form a
doped p-i-n layered free-standing junction (in a tear-drop shape).
>> It's easy. Mass doesn't matter. Geometrodynamics, intensive frequency pulsed-chirp
controlled patterns on the hull surface in a Rayleigh-Stonely wave manner that produces the
1/3 fractional charge that mimics the soliton-like microscopic wave pattern on the surface of
an electron. Of course, there's more to it than that. But that is the "off the cuff" just as I see
>> Anyway, it can weigh as much as an aircraft carrier. And as long as all the bases are
covered, Mother Nature will give the royal quantum nod and then we can match the pair
phase to where we wish to transfer the pair (shgi[p and massive rotating end point of the
projected beam (required to move at SOL).
>> BTW, check out the Free Space Optics article entitled "Last Mile" in the July Issue of
Scientific American magazine, pg. 49. I swear the article was conceived to fit our patented
QC computer laser system design "HOLO-1" which is an ideal FSO as it is an automatic
transmitter that -- with the RGB lens -- eliminates blurring and distortion over Macroscopic
distances, will become the better mouse trap (as it were) than even the current FSO systems
design (not to mention the data massive storage capacity that is unmatchable with current
conventional technology by using holograms, quantum entanglement, and superposition).
>> All for now, Red Rider!
>> Andrew:
>> I don't really think you can perform MQT without first "fooling" Mother Nature into thinking
that your ship is part of a quantum system (see attached drawing) whereby you have the
complete recipe to create your quantum cake, as it were... :-) See inserts for answers>>
>> At 02:56 AM 6/22/02 -0400, you wrote:
>>> Larry,
>>> Sorry if that last e-mail was confusing. We just want to create MQT using a very small
craft (i.e., the size of a marble). Is there any way to do so without the EM packets generated
by the RGB laser?
>> No. Unless you were to teleport the object via the methods used at JLN (see "'Star Trek' teleporter nearer reality" - June 17, 2002 ). But that would only reprove what has
already been done.
>>> Is there another way to polarize the electrons to function as one?
>> Perhaps producing fractional 1/3 -e charge on the surface (i.e., mimicking the surface of an
electron) on that particular (capped-cone) (hemi)spherical shape may produce some interesting
>>>I know that perhaps this laser light would be best for a spaceship, but we just want to
create a "model rocket" as opposed to the Apollo V. My friend suggested electromagnetic
induction on the surface of the target could polarize electrons. Would this work?
>> I personally couldn't say. But it sounds plausible.
>>> If not, is there another way or... Is there perhaps a way simply to increase the probability
of them becoming polarized?
>> I shall check out the 1/3 fractional charge along with other experimental Niobium sphere
research papers and see if I can find anything.
>>> Also if you could tell us what distance the electrons need to be apart when saturating the
hull, that would be helpful. And what if you were able to supersaturate the target with
enough electrons so that the total mass of all the electrons in the target were equal to the total
combined proton and neutron mass of the target. When polarized, would this have enough
force to coerce the protons and neutrons into following the lead of the electrons?
>> Not sure about that one without research. You are on the right track, Andrew, working with
Niobium (hemi)spheres. The only way to find out is by R&D construction and testing of various
prototypes. Hopefully you will have access to the proper measuring tools to perform your
research. Good luck and keep me informed of your progress. I shall come up with more detailed
answers to these questions. Keep in touch!
>> Best,
>> Larry"
S-289. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL providing answers to why certain R&D paths were
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: organizing the documents
Date : Mon, 24 Jun 2002 14:50:51 -0700
Yes, thanks... See answers below....
At 07:23 AM 6/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Hi Larry ->
> You have done an excellent job of combining most all of what you have been sending me
over all these months into a single document. Rather than reading it from a scientific
viewpoint, I'm looking at it as if I were planning or prioritizing projects (from simple to
complex, standalone to sequential). Completing this should make the grand schemes of
UNITEL a lot easier to follow; and if somebody needs to go into the nitty-gritty technical
details they can access the bottom-level ("common-ized") "subprograms".
> Right now, the people who are vigorously attacking everything about UNITEL do so
because -- for example -- they don't believe that engineering the ZPE is possible (Puthoff and
Haisch notwithstanding).. But you have other projects that don't depend on this. They are
camoflauged within this longer-term stuff. Hopefully I can help separate them and make
them more visible. At that point you might get debates questioning the estimated costs &
time. But at least they are now talking to you instead of dismissing you right-off-the-bat.
You will have gotten your "foot in-the-door".
> But this task will take some more time. Meanwhile I will finish "polishing" up the Aero
documents this week (or next) and send them back to you.
> BTW, I thought I saw in the documents that the prototype lens was going to be 5-feet in
diameter instead of 2-feet. Is this right?
That would be the largest yes, however. We are talking about the II-VI compound doped RF transparent
glass crystallite lens with p-i-n junction composed out of the nano-sized, sandwiched layers with precise
thicknesses at 1/2 lightwave tolerances. This was suggested by MBE manufacturer Rep. Mike
DeBruzzi. He said we could grind&polish of the 3 lens sections (in each RGB section) that would be
produced out of the crystallite material and "melted into one section (per RGB sections). Mike (Miller)
also pointed out the last layer would have the final one molecule thick layer grown by MBE method to
ensure monochromoticity (lased light) of the lens. Otherwise it may not produce "lased" light but
regular lamplight instead.
> Since none of this stuff with Type II-VI compounds has been made, how are these
dimensions being calculated? For the sake of argument, say these materials cause the lens to
be even more powerful than you thought. Maybe you can get by with a 6-inch-diameter lens
then? I recall reading that new machines will probably have to be designed to do the
growing/fabricating of these crystallite structures. If it takes 1.7 years to grow a 2-foot lens,
does that include the time it takes to make these machines? If the growth rate is linear, is
there anything you can demonstrate with a 1-inch lens (costing $20,000 instead of $5MM)?
Not the crystallite lens! we could produce a complete 5 ft. diameter lens in 6 months flat. Can you
imagine the power? In the Scientific American article "Last Mile", it was mentioned that the larger the
diameter lens, the more efficient it would be and that it would be able to extend the beam further with
larger diameter lens.
> It might make a good high-tech "rifle" for the military.
How about drilling? It cost $1million-a-day to operate the big driller for car tunnels like they did in
Portland a year-or-two ago. Mike Miller and I were eating in a restaurant downtown Portland. We were
talking about how our laser system would outdo the giant 20-ft. diameter drilling machine that Portland
MAX transit paid so much money to drill the car tunnel from Portland to Beaverton, OR. A fellow
heard us talking and came over to our table. He gave us a business card. The man introduced himself as
the guy they hired to operate the huge drilling machine. He was from Australia and promptly told us
that he had "always believed that someone would invent a laser to outdo the drilling machine he was
operating". Interesting, aye?
With the War going on, we could produce the ultimate flame thrower with our laser "stumblaster"
hand-held weapon that would put out a tremendous amount of heat (10 megaton nuclear blast).
> The lens seems to be the key to the QC and atmospheric flight applications. Where does MQT fit
into this? Are both of these projects independent of MQT?
Yes pretty much. MQT is just a deep-space long distance traveling mode. We certainly don't need to
perform MQT merely cruising around in our atmosphere.
> If so, how is MQT invoked for interstellar travel?
Seems obvious. We would jump from one place away from earth to a spot in open space close to the
place we want to travel to then travel around exploring the planet in regular travel mode.
> It sounds like it has nothing to do with the laser but more of RF-modulating the smartskin.
If that is the case, then you don't need the laser to do MQT but merely to propel the craft
once you get to your destination. Right???
The adiabatic pressure operating in the vacuum that "sweeps out" the flux Meisner flux tube-like
projected laser plasma in front of our ship. We have much more going on than that however with the
end-point (moving at SOL) is both rotating and charged while the end-point is compressed down to its
irreducible size that becomes a very dense generating vertex that effectively becomes synthetic a KerrSchwartzchild black hole. This is mimicking an exciton at a huge level whereby the system; two bodies
held together by a springlike structure is our ship at one end of the string connected to the massive,
charged, rotating end-point of our beam. So both ship and beam are needed to perform MQT.
It's easy. Mass doesn't matter. Geometrodynamics, intensive frequency pulsed-chirp controlled
patterns on the hull surface in a Rayleigh-Stonely wave manner that produces the 1/3 fractional charge
that mimics the soliton-like microscopic wave pattern on the surface of an electron. Of course there's
more to it than that. But that is "off the cuf"f just as I see it. Anyway, it can weigh as much as an
aircraft carrier and as long as all the bases are covered Mother Nature will give the royal quantum nod
then we can match the pair phase to where we wish to transfer the pair (shgi[p and massive rotating end
point of the projected beam (required to move at SOL).
> One could argue that you can make an Incunabula-type "egg" from the smartskin without
worrying about any kind of internal propulsion mechanism. That one TAP-TEN affiliated
site was going to do something like this for time travel ("The Star Chamber"). Somehow
they planned to produce a thin adhering layer of "exotic matter" long enough to permit
migrating into subspace. (Isn't that sort of how the "Navigators" did it in the book/movie
> Talk to you later -> -- Mark
S-290. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding editing the "Aero" document
From : Larry Maurer <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: editing the Aero documents
Date : Thu, 27 Jun 2002 20:20:22 -0700
At 07:06 PM 6/27/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> Well, initially I started "cleaning up" the Aero documents from the standpoint of making
some of the Figures easier to read. Some of their "text" got fuzzed-up in during scanning.
> After a whole week, I'm just about ready to start on that (probably end up superimposing
"text boxes" with manually-entered type over the appropriate places on the figures). I've
been "polishing up" other things in the meantime.
> I used "keys" from the documents to organize them into one master (such as you would
hand-out out a symposium) with table-of-contents and lists-of-figures. I also took the liberty
of appending the "UNITEL Team" of contractors & consultants (that you had send me in
March) to the document. You acknowledged Froning and Minami already and I wanted
others to know this is more than a 4-man deal (although those two plus you and Mike
definitely are the nucleus).
> I need you to give me "simple" titles for some of these figures. Also title the supplemental
drawings/covers/letters that I added at the end in a section called "Supplemental Documents".
There are itemized as 'A', 'B', 'C' ... as opposed to '1', '2', '3' with the Figures in case you want
to refer to any of them.
> You have well over a hundred pages here. I've turned "ON" the mirror-margins option in
MS-Word so I can print them off in "duplex" mode and bind them like I did with my father's
book. Except your's will be 8.5x11-size as opposed to his 5x8". I'm also going to add a few
'blank' pages at the very end in case others want to take notes during a lecture by you or
Mike. I'll put the UNITEL logo on each one for P/R. (I seem to recall some conference
(TAP-TEN?) in San Diego that's going to feature you and that Sovier inventor as keynote
> I'm going to send you a COLOR copy as well as several B&W copies that you can give to
Mike, Paul, Doug, Dennis, whomever. They will be printed on the heavy-stock paper that I
used in my dad's book. These are "working copies" pending your final touches. Feel free to
override anything I did. This is YOUR work -- not mine -- and could be equated to your
LIFE as well. I'm just doing a small part -- something that I seem to be good at -- in making
your concepts & statements "jump out". I emphasized certain statements in the paragraphs
through "bold" or "color" fonts. In reading these lengthy highly-technical pages, I found that
I myself was losing "focus" after awhile. By emphasizing certain this … … …
> I can print off many B&W copies using the laser copier at work. I cannot do that with
COLOR, though. They have a color printer that uses separate color cartridges. It's more
economical in that single ink-jet cartridges in the long run. However it is PAINFULLY S-LO-W! I'll have to use my H-P ink jet printer at home for the color version. Unfortunately it's
very expensive to do that en masse. The cartridges run about $40. We'll have to see how
much impact is "lost" printing in B&W compared to "color". Certainly for friends like
Yoshirani, Hal, and Dave -- and potentially important people like "Debbie" or Ann -- we
would want to send them color copies. I'll do that ... it's my small contribution.
> But of course, making it all look "pretty" won't stand up to the criticisms you know will be
coming from certain camps. That's why we have to look closely at the equations. If a
detractor finds one thing wrong with an equation, they'll immediately unfairly brand the rest
of the document as bogus. We want to nip that in the proverbial bud ("an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure"). I recall reading where somebody found a mistake in
an Einstein-authored paper where he made a schoolboy's mistake and divided-by-zero. But
later in the document he made the same mistake again which -- as luck would have it -negated what he did previously. Calling "a spade a spade", at this point in time anyway I
don't think you've garnered the universal adoration Einstein had. So we have to be more
diligent in our proof-reading. Until experiments by Chaio and others validate what you … …
> I'll let yet know when to expect the package. I'll probably send it overnight express. Even
at that, I doubt it will arrive in Portland the next day regardless of what the Post Office says.
It may seem like more work on your part than I initially planned. But if I didn't feel it was
important to MAXIMIZE its impact, I wouldn't be asking for your help. This represents a
MAJOR part of the life of Larry Maurer -- and potentially a huge leap for mankind -- and I
want to give it my best.
> I'll also send my MS-Word files on CDs. I can upload them at my web-site, too. But they
are so massive (because of the images -- why can't they make a better compression utility for
images than zipping?) that (1) it will tie up anyone's machine if they are using a modem and
(2) they may exceed my pre-allocated monthly bandwidth allowances and I'll have to remove
them or at least make them available to an extremely small group.
> BTW, concerning 'color', I was reading about printing technology. Unlike the "additive"
colors (red-blue-green) used for certain applications, color printers used "subtractive" colors
(4 of them: cyan, etc.). I can get the details if you want. I don't know if "additive" vs.
"subtractive" has any usefulness in the UNITEL stuff. Just some trivia I came across.
> -- Mark
Hi Mark:
Hey! thanks for all your hard valuable work. Pretty exciting stuff, aye?! We do have to be careful
about name-dropping/ name-attachment to any of our associates. They are fickle and sitting on the PR
fence. Sad but true. They are deftly afraid of the 'UFO' word and anything related which is the Kiss-ofDeath for them.
Just imagine of writing a story on HOLO-1 with the latest poop from the news circles! Our RGB
lens eliminates blurring and distortion over long distance signaling. We can pack a trillion bits per cm
of beam as it travels. Check out the Free Space Optics article entitled: "Last Mile" in the July Issue of
Scientific American magazine, pg. 49. I swear the article was conceived to fit our patented QC computer
Laser system design "HOLO-1" which is an ideal FSO as it is an automatic transmitter that -- with the
RGB lens -- eliminates blurring and distortion over Macroscopic distances, will become the better
mouse trap, as it were, than even the current FSO systems design (not to mention the data massive
storage capacity that is unmatchable with current conventional technology by using holograms, quantum
entanglement and superposition. More stuff for yet another book or film for TV, aye?
Can you imagine the graphics and interview material for TV viewers? What about interviews with
Eugene Police and FBI about the many witnessed reports of the craft near Eugene Oregon shortly after
our sightings which they called a special Wash. DC UFO investigator that blew it all off as swamp gas
or whatever because the craft were radar invisible? That pissed the cops off as some police officers
made reports as well. I have proof that we can make our craft radar-invisible.
We could get the Russian Scientists and the aerosol radar cloaking that outdoes the expensive stealth
design. This plus the fact that we have patents, important related spin-offs from our patent, and all the
associates&subcontractor/manufacturers. You know the Public is just going to shit! This is a major
blockbuster of events that have all but been conveniently swept under the rug by our Government. With
the tremendous and valuable technology combined with a visit from the Future and/or aliens that gave us
this technology, the Public is going to be outraged!
Anyway, you are right smack in the middle of it with several associate writers to really lay this on
the public. My God! what does it take to get funded to build prototypes? We have working models that
were viewed by hundreds which really makes a difference. In other words, we aren't just hoping it will
work. We know it works! Let me know how you are fairing, lad...
S-291. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding editing the "Aero" document
From : Larry Maurer <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: it's in the mail ...
Date : Fri, 28 Jun 2002 19:34:52 -0700
Attachment : [UNITEL HOLO-1 FSO]
At 01:37 PM 6/28/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> I'm mailing you a "working copy" of your touched-up Aero document today. I can't start
printing them off until I get the all of the Figures and Documents correctly labeled anyway.
So I don't repeat myself here, I've included some things to watch out for in a cover letter sent
with the document.
> Unfortunately the working copy is not in color. I can't print that many in color anyway
since I have to use my home ink-jet printer for that. I can do a reasonable amount in B&W
though. (I suppose I could print off only those few pages that would suffer greatly from noncolorization and merge substitute them in an already-printed B&W copy.)
> I maximized the figures as much as needed without regard to size. Why use them at all if
they are too small for anybody to read?! The resulting document is stored in "pieces" at
"UNITEL_Aero_Section_14" . But you may want to wait for the CD as it will tie up your
machine FOREVER if you are using a modem.
> Later -> -- Mark
Sounds cool! Notice the time below at 137! Yahoo! Check out rough paper I am doing to compliment
this month's (July) Sci Am mags "Last Mile" article.
S-292. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding 'strange synchronicities'
From : Larry Maurer <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: strange 'synchronicities'
Date : Sat, 29 Jun 2002 13:48:15 -0700
At 11:07 PM 6/28/02 -0400, you wrote:
> You know, I sit back and reflect on all that's been happening. I sort of take after my father
a little in that I can think "outside the box". It could be outrageous or legitimate. Sometimes
it provides new ideas to others. It's just something you're born with, I guess.
> I think you have a similar trait. You "see" things that exist to most others as 'abstract'. I
know great chess players and musicians can "see" the patterns & music in their heads.
Whereas everybody else has to trudge along. I can relate to Maccabee's perplexion as to
what he was supposed to be seeing in that real-time simulation of the UFO sighting that
Drew created for you on your site. I can't follow it either. And I can see where "Ark" came
from that one time when he challenged you in your using mathematical fiberbundles as
something real-life. I don't doubt you, of course. I'm beginning to think that despite the
formalized training of others, you have an almost "seventh sense" in making engineering
sense out of far-out abstract concepts. And because others don't have this gift, it is extremely
frustrating for you to get across a concept that is common-sense to you. So in a sense, both
you and them are right. You in your correctness, and they
> If I turn out to be right (for a change) in that, then maybe that's why you and Mike were
"chosen" for this technology demonstration/inspiration/exchange. They needed someone
who could engineer "outside the box". For the sake of argument, say Lazar was right as to
what he was told about Element-115 and its ability to make the color force accessible. The
trouble is there is no Element-115 on Earth! That was the whole point of the backengineering effort -- to try to manufacture these things using Earth-based materials. There
appears to be another way of generating these electron-hole pairs for MQT and that's what
you were shown. Though quite advanced, that methodology is within graps of our science &
> Of course, all of this is a little alarming in that others may be "controlling" or pedestining
our lives. I still can't figure out why 2 years ago I happened to pick up Kaku's "Multiverse"
article in the Astronomy magazine. Never saw that magazine before or since. But it
introduced me to current physics thinking and led me to learn all that I am presently capable
of concerning superstrings, etc. Maybe I was getting "primed" for something and didn't
know it? I don't like the thought of being a puppet on a string, but it sure is exciting!
> Did I ever send you the articles on "Zeti Reticuli" that appeared in Astronomy magazine
and written by its former editor Terrence Dickinson? John Andrews referenced them in his
Testors model kit instructions and I tracked Terrence down in Canada. It was based on the
Betty and Barney Hilla abduction and recreation of a star map Betty was shown. It revealed
stars which weren't known until years later. Oak Ridge employee and amateur astronomer
Majorie Fish pinpointed the unknown Zeti Reticuli after painstakingly constructing hundreds
of 3D models. Of course these conclusions invited stiff debate, and Sagan was one of its
major detractors. After many pages and subsequent issues, Dickinson finally laid the matter
to rest. He said while it doesn't prove conclusively the Hill's story, it did reveal stars in the
exact positions that were unknown at that time until several years later. Now figure it out, he
said. I can send you the reprints if you want.
Hi Mark!
Got the Aero Prop Doc hard-copy you sent me today! Wow! Quite the book! Heck, we could sell color
copies for $59.95 like hotcakes! You think?
Your rap reminds me of when I worked for the BLM and the Director (Eugene District) held a
special meeting one time where by a short story was passed around to everyone (about 100 people)
attending the meeting and we were supposed to find all the word "ifs" (I think that's was the word if my
memory serves me right) and circle it with a pencil. The exercise was timed and I was one of the only
ones that didn't find any of them.
The director asked everyone in the crowd to raise their hands that didn't find any of the words. I
sheepishly raised my hand. The Director laughed and said "It's okay, Larry. You actually get an "A" for
the test!" It was because of my RADS (Rectular Activating Defense) Mechanism. The Director went
on to describe RADS as where a mother could be sleeping with her infant child in a loud subway, but as
soon as the baby whimpers she is alerted by the sound of the baby. He went on to say that the great
sportstars, songwriters, etc. have high RADS for their interest. Interesting, aye? I was sure
I shall look over the material. It will be much easier to work with having a hard copy to work with.
S-293. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding corrections to the draft Aero document
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Re: A friend has sent you a Business 2.0 article.
Date : Thu, 04 Jul 2002 11:00:56 -0700
At 05:38 PM 7/3/02 +0000, you wrote:
> Can't remember if I sent this article to you already? It's a little different than the previous
one on nanotechnology ...
I just sent you the corrected hard copy of the Aerospace document you sent me last week. Please
make the necessary changes and/or additions-subtractions. Good job, Mark! The document looks so
good that I am contacting a publisher (Morris Publishing Co.) who is sending me the poop on what we
should do to publish the book.
For the most part, I like the format except I don't like so many bold-underlined parts. Perhaps you
could change the article to be more standard (e.g., especially MACROscopic would not be underlined
and have it just like Macroscopic). I can't find the tools to show you in this e-mail but hopefully you
understand what I am trying to say.
Please make changes and send me the finished copy ASAP. The guy at Morris (ask for Steve) says
the optimum format they want to use for publishing is pdf because its less blurring, etc. Also he said
that they have 2 basic styles -- 8.5x11 or 4x8.5. I chose 8.5x11 because of the drawings etc. which
would be easier to read. That will make the book generally the size of a telephone book. Do you
concur? Perhaps you could burn a disk of the finished book and send one copy to Morris. If you want
to discuss the publishing, please call Steve at Morris Publishing: 1-800-650-7888.
Morris said they don't have color capability but that they can do a custom job if so desired (which we
must do since our system relies on colors RGB). They also said that they do not do distribution and they
can only supply a list of distributors for us to contact. I was thinking about translating the book in
Japanese and distributing them in Japan. I am also thinking of doing the book in Spanish and selling the
book in Mexico and S.&C. America. I figure that each book will cost somewhere around $20 and we
will sell them for $59.95. That way, we could make some profit. What do you think, Mark?
I added your name to Paul Kirsch' name in the title (only fitting or deserving). Is that alright? Also I
want to kick you down some cash from each book sold. We are coming out with our Quantum
Computer (HOLO-1) book right away as well. Andrew is working on his book and expects to publish it
in the near future. We are talking to Producers to create films too. We shall see what happens! Aye,
Mark? I hope to hear from you soon! Happy Fourth of July!!
S-294. from Andrew Potter regarding different machines using variations of the same physics
From : Andrew Potter <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: different "mousetraps" doing the same thing
Date : Sat, 06 Jul 2002 20:08:12 -0400
At 12:47 PM 7/1/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> Andrew ->
> We all know the Lazar story. He was told a joint ET-human technology transfer program
abruptly ended in 1979 and the U.S. began a back-engineering effort on their own to try to
figure out the stuff. I had read where it really wasn't a "total" exchange -- one of the
conditions was that the ETs ran all the experiments and were demonstrating applications of
the new science they were teaching.
> Anyway, on one of Lazar's interviews he said the craft seem to function by generating and
then "chasing" a tiny distortion -- almost like a bubble. This was for atmospheric flight (not
interstellar). Boy, that sure sounds like Larry's electroon-hole "attraction". He was always
wondering why the ETs seem to have chosen him and Mike for an up-close demonstration
and inspection in 1981. Lazar said the craft he worked on depended on the alien Element481
115 which can't be found on Earth. I wonder if there are other ways of generating the same
phenomena -- perhaps by laser plasma? (And perhaps by massive rotating and counterrotating electric and magnetic fields a la the Eldridge?) With that in mind, I'm wondering if
there was some basis afterall for this being revealed to Larry & Mike. I don't know how
much of this was known to them beforehand. Sarfatti claimed he was the recipient of a
phone call f! rom the "future" identifying him as one of the best young minds. I wonder if
the ETs searched high-and-low for somebody with Larry's unique gifts of translating
complex theoretical stuff into engineering design???
> Do you want to start conceiving the action plans? I see the following projects:
> (1) Interstellar Craft
> (2) Atmospheric Craft
> (3) Mag-Lev mass transit train
> (4) quantum computer
> (5) "stumpblaster"
> (6) medical mini-proton beams
> (7) Niobium-based smart-skin
> (8) smartskin technology (more advanced than today's stealth, but NOT related to (7) )
> Now I need to identify what prototype modules are needed by each. For example, (2)
needs the laser but not necessarily (7). And you can't use a 2'-diameter laser (in the Aero
document, 2' is now suddenly 5' !) in (4) if it's going to be desktop-size. I need to clearly
identify what each project needs and then work backwards to find a much simpler lessexpensive starting point. Doing that will generate the action plans. Why can't UIC create a
3mm laser lens for the QC in 2 weeks for $10,000 ?
> -- Mark
Yes, I've also wandered if there's more than one way of achieving interstellar flight. Perhaps Lazar
and Miller/Maurer are both correct. Though if I had to guess and I knew only one was correct, I'd have
to go with UNITEL just because the Lazar story sounds a bit fishy.
That would be something if Mike and Larry were "chosen" to build this craft by the ETs. I don't
know if we'll ever find out, though, until we pay a visit to the planet where this craft originated.
re. Action plans … I don't know enough of the technical details of these projects -- what is required
to create an "action plan". I think that's best left to Mike and Larry. Especially since they're the ones
who will be carrying this out. That said, however, I see no harm in creating a "prototype" action plan to
get them thinking. Anyhow, keep up the good work and I'll talk to you later.
S-295. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding making short documentary films
From : Larry Maurer <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: Members-only section of the UNITEL site
Date : Sat, 06 Jul 2002 22:45:29 -0700
At 03:05 PM 7/6/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Larry ->
> There are more websites that are adding a "Members" section. I think they're taking a cue
from the "Adult" sites. Lazar has done it to his and that Argentina-based time-travel site has
also done it. Sometimes it's a yearly-fee to join, other times it's on a monthly basis. The
trick is to determine what to put in a members-only area without killing the non-member
public interest. That might be a good place to put the interactive "game" rather than selling it
> But I don't think you've reached "critical mass" yet of a core group of supporters that can
pay your monthly expenses. You need more advertising to change the public image me and
Andy have seen on some BBS boards. I don't think some of these people -- and I used to be
one of them -- realize that these plans are going to take longer to materialize. In-thebeginning I actually thought the ship was halfway built already. Maybe due to their
impatience, some of these people have unfairly labeled UNITEL some sort of "scheme". We
need to get you and Mike on Art Bell and similar shows to dispel that image. Then
detractors become supporters and join the "Members-only" area. I imagine whatever show
interviews you up first, the rest will follow suit. Bell, Rense, and the others should be among
the first to receive promotional copies of the book.
> I'm assuming you mailed the corrections to P.O. Box 18044 . I checked today and they still
weren't there. As soon as I can label the Figures and Drawings, we can get out the
Abstract_promo now. ~4-MB is too BIG to download. I may try converting it to a webpage
and see if I can't whittle the size down that way. I could send you the .htm files and let Drew
do his thing. IF that size reduction works, you can add them to your site -- and I'll ad them
to mine -- and we won't risk a huge increase in bandwidth usage. If it doesn't work, it's back
to downloading and manually mailing/passing them out.
> Give some thought to what you could put in a Members-only section. Drew can come up
with the code to process the credit-card stuff. Remember, you don't want to make everything
exclusive because the general public will continue to stay in the dark concerning UNITEL.
> -- Mark
Amazing that you haven't received the package yet. Now I am going to start to worry. I have been
wary of the Feds putting me (I should say "us" meaning Unitel in general) under a microscope for one
reason or another. Please let me know when you do get the package as soon as you can.
I sent it to the very same address you put on your return address written on the mail package you
sent to me. In fact, I placed the corrected document in the very same mail pouch you sent to me with
your address and mine on the front of it. I do not remember if I specifically wrote the P.O. Box 18044
address or not. I simply wrote in the return address on the package I just sent you with the corrected
document in it. I am assuming it is the same but hopefully you will know if it is otherwise.
We want to get the book ready to distribute as soon as possible as the Dire Wolves are at our door.
And if we don't come up with some money in the next 60-or-so days, we may be history. We have
always been the 11th hour boys and apparently it is continuing to be that way (hopefully).
I just talked to my Producer-Director friend Dave Hendrickson about my conversation with Jonathan
Streich who is a filmmaker for National Geographic and the Discovery channel. He is located (based
out of) here in Portland. He said he is going to be on a ship at sea until August 6th when he returns to
Portland and will be looking to do another film. He says he is interested in our film "Tunnel Time" and
will meet with us when he gets back. I talked to Dave about getting a trailer together for Jonathan and
Dave concurred. We will talk more tomorrow.
Looks good! Lets finish this one and get on to the HOLO-1 QC book!
S-296. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a "promo document" to advertise the Aero
From : Larry Maurer <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: file inaccessibility theory
Date : Sat, 06 Jul 2002 23:02:39 -0700
At 10:46 AM 7/6/02 -0400, you wrote:
> Hi Larry ->
> When I "publish" my FrontPage code, any files other than .htm (such as .doc, etc) are
automatically uploaded as well. If anybody had trouble accessing them, I've never heard
about it.
> Occasionally I will use my server's "File Manager" to manually upload files outside of the
FrontPage publishing utility. I have seen some "Preferences" boxes next to the files but have
never paid any attention to them. Based on your inability to access that .doc file, I'm
guessing that files uploaded in this manner have to have this "Preference" box checked to
allow public-browsing. That must be the default setting. I have e-mailed my server to see if
this is the case. (If so, you won't be able to access any of the "book" files until I get those
changed too.)
> All this Internet-related stuff is very user-unfriendly and not as robust as the mainframe. I
don't want to have to call a system administrator for every little problem that pops up.
Sounds to me like somebody is intentionally putting out less-than-optimum code to safeguard
their jobs.
> -- Mark
I like your format for the Promo Document. The front & back covers will help along with the final
"tighten-up". Of course, you haven't gotten my package yet to add the titles etc. to the document. TW- I
want to shit-can the UNITEL "Team" corporate structure until we decide exactly where we stand, etc.
with the SEC with all the fal-de-ral going on.
It's a battle, I tell you, that really tries a man's patience when all we are trying to do is better
Mankind (or possibly save it) to be able to travel vast distances and hopefully open up the new frontier
to habitable land. Our reward is a battle to prove we aren't creating fraud. Fun, huh? It's important we
get known real quick for our invention with publishing the book and so forth. Nerves of steel we are!
S-297. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding an e-mail regarding the upcoming book
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Hello Larry any additional news
Date : Tue, 09 Jul 2002 11:12:59 -0700
> Reply-To: "Davida Paul" <>
> From: "Davida Paul" <>
> To: "Larry Maurer" <>
> Subject: Hello Larry any additional news
> Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 13:27:27 -0400
> Message from Gary Dean.
> Hello. I just got your good news. May I have book copy sent to me when possible. Maybe you
should give a call to Ellen Fitzsasimmons at Barnes&Noble, 33 East 17 Street, New York New York
212-539-2193. She can give you a quick personal book review. If she finds a desirable
product, they will release it into the Barnes&Noble book chain. They do not publish books. They
just distribute them and give you a small percentage.
You got to start somewhere. They never buy in advance first. You should sent a book copy to Ayn
Rand Bookstore. Email adress Their mailing address is Second
Renasissance Books, 17 George Washington Plaza, Gaylordsville CT 06755-1500 Phone 800-7296149.
Oh by the way, I think they do advance books. I will e-mail them and call them today.
S-298. from Andrew Potter regarding UNITEL associate Ernie Brown
From : Andrew Potter <>
To : "Stealth Skater" <>
Subject : Re: Yoshinari's original paper
Date : Wed, 10 Jul 2002 19:38:32 -0400
At 05:09 AM 7/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> The "Ernie Brown" character is a new one to me. Who is he?
> I'm going to send you Yoshinari's original paper that Larry just sent me. Larry took things
line-for-line from it and incorporated them into the Aero documents. He didn't bother
changing the Equation and Figure numbers to "blend in" with others already in the Aero
documents. Plus he threw some Figures in without mentioning them in any text. He did that
with drawings from other authors, too. The point is with Yoshinari's stuff is that his "time"
equations are based on a ship that was going at 0.999999999c before it made the jump into
Hyper-Space. I would like to see what the equations would be at a much more modest speed.
Plus Yoshinari makes the point repeatedly that this is all just theory/ It is a good exercise in
how coordinate systems can be computed for Hyper-Space based on our properties for 4D
space-time. But until they actually prove the existence of these extra dimensions -- and then
run tests to determine their properties -- all of this is simply conjecture. Very interesting and
thought-provoking. But certainly not proof by any means.
> The editing effort is going to take a lot more time due to these wrinkles and curves he's
thrown at me. I have to establish textually a need for every Figure and re-write some parts
entirely to improve their readability. I can do that with Yoshinari's stuff because I can
generally understand it. The other stuff in the document ... I don't know how successful I'll
> -- Mark
Ernie Brown new to you? Well that surprises me! He's their computer genius. Here's some
messages with info about him:
>> "We noticed that every CdS-CdTe molecule -- when given a number -- we could control
the lasing process down to a fairly fine resolution. We gave each molecule a label of a
"charge data point" and the controllable areas of lasing "charge data zones". We discussed
this with our friend Ernie Brown at Oregon State University. He said he could instill two I/O
functions and 3 memory functions at each charge data point. After that, we were on our way
with further assistance from Floyd George Steel who was formerly with the U.S. Army Think
>> "Prof. Williams, KHD will tune the lens (during MBE lens constr. at UIC MP Labs) for
storage and retrieval in their standard magneto-optical system to be combined with Ernie
Brown's Color Holographic OS"
>>Unitel Teleconference people:
">>Announcements of individuals for Unitel present (members for discussion forum for
Unitel will introduce their presence one at a time):
>> Ernest Brown
>> Dave Froning
>> Larry D. Maurer
>> Michael E. Miller
>> Andrew Moore
>> Douglas Starfield"
>> "Larry D. Maurer, Secretary-Treasurer, Director - Engineering Dept.
>> Michael E. Maurer, President, Director - Research
>> Andrew C. Moore, Vice President - Computer Dept.
>> Ernest S. Brown, Vice President - Computer Dept.
>> R. Bryan Workman, Vice President - Communications
>> Douglas Starfield, Vice President - Marketing
>> Jack E. Quinn, Office Manager
>> Jason D. Maurer, Communications"
>> "Prof. Ernie Brown
>> Professor, Computer Science
>> Coast Computer Support, Newport, OR
Ernie has dedicated many hours of work developing HOLO-1 since its conception in 1983. Ernie
worked with the late Floyd George Steele, formerly of the U.S. Army Think Tank, Litton and Northrop
Aircraft Company up until George's death. Ernie has much experience in computer design and
programming. He was formerly with the supercomputer firm Floating Point Systems Inc and has been
on the faculty of Oregon State University and Coast Community College "
It's interesting that Yoshinari's work is only theory. I'm looking forward to the paper. I'll send you
some movies or Family Guy / Beavis&Butthead episodes if you want. What video card do you have?
How fast is your processor?
S-299. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding final touches on the Aero book
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Short Bio
Date : Sun, 14 Jul 2002 13:26:04 -0700
At 03:05 PM 7/12/02 -0400, you wrote:
> If you want to add any other specific people in the "Acknowledgements", let me know.
(Doug & Tim's photos triggered that thought in me.)
> I'm planning on making a couple of copy runs. Each will take a good 2 days to make the
finished books. I'm guessing I can make 20 copies of 80 8.5x11 pages (printed on both sides:
2x80=160 pages).
> So I'm going to send the first batch out to you so you can distribute to Mike, Paul, Doug,
and whomever else you think could help in constructively critiquing them and noting any
errors, omissions, or maybe we said too much in one section and not enough in another.
> Hopefully they will get those quickly to you to forward to me so I can make the next batch
which you can send off to high-valued recipients like the Barnes & Noble people, that other
publisher you mentioned, "Debbie", Ann, Art Bell, Jean at NASA, etc.
> I'm going to start printing the first batch this weekend.
I traveled 250 miles to hook up with Michael to try to get his input on the bio you requested. I could
not find him as there were at least 150,000 people crammed into a park that was meant to hold maybe
50,000 at the most.
It was frustrating not to hook up with him after searching, driving, etc. for hours on end. So below is
an excerpt from our business plan that is short and sweet but should be sufficient until a more permanent
copy is produced. Feel free to custom edit it to fit the book.
Good luck and God speed as we really need to get this book into the hands of prospective publishers.
If you find any last minute flaws, please correct them the best you can. I am going off to work now so
please do the best you can for all concerned.
>> Mr. Michael E. Miller, President and Director of Research, is a scientist and inventor
with the rare ability to apply recently proven theoretical physics to the development of
useful products. Mr. Miller concentrated on developing and refining the application of
quantum mechanical theory to the construction of practical devices during the '70's and
formed Unitel, Inc. with Mr. Maurer in 1982 for the express purpose of patenting,
manufacturing and marketing Unitel's products.
>> Mr. Miller has had several successful technical meetings with leading scientists in
various disciplines with many compliments on his ability to understand thoroughly,
modern physics concepts at Ph.D. or advanced college graduate level. His interview by
Dr. Rudolph C. Hwa, Director of the Theoretical Institute of Science, University of
Oregon in March, 1983, exemplifies Mr. Miller's skills and knowledge of physics. Dr.
Hwa set up the initial meeting with Mr. Miller to determine what level of physics Mr.
Miller's ability was at before Dr. Hwa would commit himself to review Unitel's aerospace
propulsion system. When the meeting was over after almost three hours of an in-depth
discussion of physics concepts had passed. Dr. Hwa congratulated Mr. Miller of being a
brilliant physics expert and stated he "wished that there was someone with his vision at
the University of Oregon". The formal technical review of Unitel's Type IV aerospace
propulsion system took place a few days later. This was an official evaluation of our
propulsion system by Boeing Aerospace & Electronics. Present at the meeting was Dr.
Terence W. Barrett, Manager, Advanced Concepts Dept. and Chip Meserole, Propulsion
Engineer, Boeing A&E.
>> Mr. Miller has had many successful formal technical meetings with top physicists and
engineers at the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Boeing Aerospace &
Electronics, McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Co. and many more. He is any qualified to
meet with any scientist regarding Unitel's inventions, and he is recognized as a competent
scientist with comprehensive knowledge and vision regarding quantum physics.
>> Larry D. Maurer, Secretary-Treasurer and Director of Engineering, has actively
worked in the structural and mechanical engineering industry in a design capacity since
1978. His career has been very successful and Mr. Maurer has generated hundreds of
complicated electro-mechanical and structural engineering designs and detail drawings.
He has had the experience of being project manager for many successfully completed
construction projects spanning a variety of construction technologies and has performed
as technical representative for several engineering firms in Eugene, OR.
>>Mr. Maurer knows every aspect of the engineering and construction industry. He has
had the experience of working in a very large engineering firm Bonney, Bennett and
Peters, who were the second largest engineering consultant firms on the West Coast in
1978. Mr. Maurer's job performance of handling interdepartmental coordination of a
complicated construction project concerning installation of materials handling equipment
located in a new multi-million dollar facilities between electrical, structural and
mechanical departments gave him the experience needed to run an engineering
department of his own.
>> Both Mr. Miller and Mr. Maurer have proven their skills as top innovators in quantum
electronics design by winning patent awards and compiling positive scientific and
professional peer evaluation.
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