Project 1 - Electricity

Score _____/20
Project #1: Lesson Design with Digital Video as Content
Part I: Develop a lesson design involving digital video as content. Use at least one
short video clip in the lesson.
Part II: Critique the instructional principles applied to your lesson.
Fill in the right-side column in table below. Note that the cells expand to fit your contents
as necessary. Submit this file and any attachments (student worksheets, video clip
Part I: The Lesson Design
Lesson Title: Electricity – What do we know about electricity?
Tim Brown
4th Grade Students at Bristol Elementary School, Webster Groves
Science – Electricity
Objectives /
Students will be able to:
1. Explain the components of an electrical circuit that form a
complete loop.
2. Predict materials that will be electrical conductors or insulators.
>Electricity and Magnetism: Current Electricity. Colgren
(2004). Retrieved November 4, 2009, from
Discovery Education:
>Getting to Know: Electricity. 100% Educational Videos.
(1998). Retrieved November 4, 2009, from
Discovery Education:
Teacher poses the question,
what do we know about
Students volunteer their ideas orally.
Teacher uses YTT model
First, teacher reviews
yesterday’s (Y) lesson with
Students write down agenda in their
science notebooks. During this time
students can ask questions.
E. McKenna
EDTC 5290.01 Digital Movie Making - PC
Fall 2009
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Score _____/20
students and asks students if
they have any questions.
Second, teacher states the
purpose of today’s (T) lesson.
The purpose of today’s lesson is
that students will be able to
explain the components of an
electrical circuit that form a
complete loop. Students will be
able to predict materials that will
be electrical conductors or
Third, the teacher addresses
what big ideas will be covered
tomorrow (T) – conductors and
insulators and circuits in parallel.
Checkpoint for understanding
Teacher poses two questions:
1. In yesterday’s activity what
was the source of energy?
2. In yesterday’s activity what
was the desired object?
Students individually write an answer
to the checkpoint questions.
1. Battery
Teacher assigns a “minute
paper” that asks students to
draw an example of a circuit that
uses the least amount of
batteries, bulbs, and wires.
Students have a minute to draw on
an index card how to light a bulb
using the least amount of batteries,
bulbs, and wires.
Teacher explains expectations
of note taking during a film. On
the front board teacher lists the
vocabulary words that the
students will need to define from
the video.
Vocabulary Words – Current,
closed circuit, open circuit,
conductor, insulator
Students will define the following set
of vocabulary words from the video
segment “Electricity and Magnetism:
Current Electricity”.
Vocabulary Words – Current, closed
circuit, open circuit, conductor,
Students redraw a series circuit in
their science spiral notebooks.
Teacher demonstrates and
defines a series circuit.
Students revise or elaborate on the
picture of the circuit they drew on the
index card earlier in the lesson.
Teacher shows students a
picture of a circuit and asks if
the set-up of the light bulb,
Students volunteer their ideas orally.
E. McKenna
EDTC 5290.01 Digital Movie Making - PC
Fall 2009
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2. Light Bulb
Score _____/20
battery, and wires will form a
complete loop and is a circuit in
Teacher uses an analogy to
connect prior knowledge with
information learned.
The chain on a bicycle tire = the
wire that forms a complete loop.
Students ask questions about the
Think – pair – share activity
Students will think of 2 or more
examples of conductors and
insulators from the video. Students
will pair with a student and generate
a list of conductors and insulators.
Students will share ideas and
generate a class list for conductors
and insulators of electricity.
Teacher explains that from the
following video segment, Getting
to Know: Electricity”, students
should be able to explain and
draw a series circuit and a
parallel circuit.
Students identify the differences
between a series circuit and a
parallel circuit.
Students write their ideas in their
science notebooks.
Teacher closes activity by
restating the lessons objectives:
1. Students will be able to
explain the components
of an electrical circuit that
form a complete loop.
2. Students will be able to
predict materials that will
be electrical conductors
or insulators.
Tomorrow students will
investigate whether materials in
our classroom conduct
Homework - Students draw an
example of a series circuit and a
parallel circuit.
E. McKenna
EDTC 5290.01 Digital Movie Making - PC
Fall 2009
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Score _____/20
Evaluation /
1. Minute Paper – Index Card Activity
Facts from the video “Electricity and Magnetism: Current
2. Student identifies the difference between a series circuit and a
parallel circuit
3. Student drawings of series circuits and parallel circuits.
4. Anecdotal notes on students abilities to correctly identify a circuit
with a complete loop.
Tips for
Using This
The PowerPoint created enhances the lesson by combining questions,
activities, videos, and organization for teacher and students.
Lesson can be enhanced through the use of a Smart Board or projector.
Other Notes:
Science Unit was created through the use of the Five E Learning Cycle
(engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate).
Teacher organizes science lessons using the YTT organization tool
(Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow).
E. McKenna
EDTC 5290.01 Digital Movie Making - PC
Fall 2009
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Score _____/20
Part II: Lesson Critique
Lesson Title: Electricity – What do we know about electricity?
Tim Brown
Instructional Principles:
Did the lesson meet this principle? Explain.
1. Write learning objectives /
outcomes that are specific,
focused and achievable.
Teacher states the learning objectives of the
day and posts them on the board.
1. Students will be able to explain the
components of an electrical circuit that form
a complete loop.
2. Students will be able to predict materials
that will be electrical conductors or
During the lesson students explore
information, explain their understanding of
circuits, and later elaborate on whether an
item is a conductor or insulator of electricity.
2. Use short video clip(s)
Electricity and Magnetism: Current Electricity
(Optimal length is less than 2
segment was 4:30 seconds.
minutes) to address the
learning objectives /
Yes Getting to Know: Electricity segment was 36
outcomes. Segment or edit
or seconds.
the video if necessary. Do
not use an entire program for
3. Use multi-sensory media
Teacher created and taught lesson through
content: Use multiple video
the use of Microsoft PowerPoint. Teacher
clips or other multimedia
enhanced lesson through the use of multiple
content (photos, PowerPoint, Yes video clips and interactive PowerPoint
web pages, text, audio, etc.)
or slides.
or other print resources (from No
textbook, books, articles,
4. Give students a personally
meaningful objective or
purpose for watching the
video clip. For example,
(a) pose a challenge
E. McKenna
EDTC 5290.01 Digital Movie Making - PC
Fall 2009
Teacher provides students with a purpose
for watching the video clips.
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1. Students will label key vocabulary that
will later be used during student
discussions and student lab write ups.
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2. Students will label the difference
between parallel and series circuits.
Students will be asked to both draw
and write the differences.
(b) present a puzzle or
problem to solve using the
information presented in the
(c) or relate the learning
objective or the video to the
student's personal
experience or interest.
5. Ensure that including the
digital video "adds value" to
the lesson.
E. McKenna
EDTC 5290.01 Digital Movie Making - PC
Fall 2009
Electricity and Magnetism: Current Electricity
is used to give students basic information on
what current electricity is and how it is used.
Students then apply the information learned
by drawing a circuit. Students are exposed
to key vocabulary terms which they will use
Yes during discussions and lab experiments.
No Getting to Know: Electricity video clip defines
both a series circuit and a parallel circuit.
Students will be asked in their final
assessment the differences between a
series circuit and a parallel circuit and they
will have to be able to identify both from
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