Science – Electricity - Welford and Wickham C of E Primary School

Welford and Wickham CE Primary School
Term: Autumn
Subject: Science
Termly Planning
Year Group:2/3
Learning Objectives
Teaching Activities
Week 1
Understand that many
appliances use electricity –
some use mains electricity
through a wire and plug and
some use batteries.
Understand the dangers of
Discuss electric power from mains and batteries.
Discuss how we use electricity. Observe in classroom,
walk round school and playground. Ask- Where and for
what purpose is electricity used?
Do the appliances use mains or battery?
Discuss electricity safety. What do they already know?
Make a complete circuit using
a battery (cell), wires and
To identify and give reasons
why a particular circuit will
or will not work.
Make circuits using wire, bulb, batteries and clips. Draw
and label circuit.
Week 2
Make poster showing safety tips or dangers.
Using circuit diagram cards, children work in pairs to
decide which will and will not work and say why. Then
test by building the circuit illustrated and mark their
Discuss insulators and conductors
Children construct circuits and use a range of materials
within them to check whether they conduct electricity.
Week 3
Recognise some common
conductors and insulators,
and associate metals with
being good conductors
Week 4
Recognise that a switch
opens and closes a circuit and
associate this with whether
or not a lamp lights in a
simple series circuit.
Discuss different switch actions, push, pull, slide, turn
etc and think of examples.
In pairs plan then make a switch with a range of simple
Week 5
Recognise some common
conductors and insulators,
and associate metals with
being good conductors
Record findings using labelled
Identify differences related
to simple scientific ideas
Investigate the work of
scientists in the field of
Investigate plugs and cables. Disassemble
Week 6
Investigate static electricity
Franklin, Faraday and Edison. Children chose 1 and find
out about their life and work using internet/library.
Create a fact file.