Grade 9 Science Exam Outline Exam Date: Monday June 25 – Science The following outline reflects the topics throughout the term. It is a guide. Review your notes along with the textbook pages. I am available for help during and after school. Please come prepared to ask specific questions. Major Topics Covered Chemistry Chapter 6 – Meet the Elements Understanding Formulas Different kind of metals Families of Elements Pg 190 - 225 Pg 194-197 Pg 203-204 Pg 215-222 Vocabulary: element symbol, non-metals, metals, metalloids, chemical family, periodic table, group, period Chapter 7 – Models of Atomic Structure Pg 226 - 255 Thompson’s Proton Pg 234 Neutron Pg 241 Bohr-Rutherford model Pg 242-243 Basics for the Periodic Table Pg 245-247 Isotopes Pg 248-249 Dmitri Mendeleev, Dalton’s Atomic Theory, Metals Vs. Non-metals Vocabulary: electron, proton, nucleus, neutron, electron shell, Bohr-Rutherford model, atomic number, atomic mass, isotope, ductility, malleability Chapter 8 – Chemical Bonding Chemical Families Ionic Compounds Molecular Compounds (Covalent) Ions –cation, anion Pg 256 - 283 Pg 258-264 Pg 265-267 Pg 268-269 Vocabulary: ion, ionic compound, ionic bond, valence electrons, molecular compound, covalent bond Electricity Chapter 9 – Static Electricity Pg 292 - 321 Carpet shocks and lightning Pg 296 Conductors and insulators Pg 297 Types of charges Pg 301-302 Testing for Charge Pg 303 Gaining and Losing Electrons Pg 307-308 Grounding Pg 311-312 Lightning Pg 313-315 Using Electrostatics Pg 316-317 Vocabulary: Electric charge, Static electricity, Electrostatics, Neutral, Insulator, Conductor, Positive charge, Negative charge, Electroscope, Induction, Spark, Ground, Lightning, Lightning rod, Electrostatic precipitator, Law of attraction and repulsion Chapter 10 – Electricity on the Move Making a circuit & symbols Current & calculating current Potential Energy (Voltage) & measuring voltage Resistance & measuring resistance Power & measuring power Energy & measuring energy Efficiency & measuring efficiency AC/DC Ohms law – (triangle) EnergyGuide & Energy Star labels Pg 322 – 351 Pg 324 Pg 325-328 Pg 330-332 Pg 337-342 Pg 343 Pg 345 Pg 345-346 Vocabulary: positive terminal, negative terminal, circuit, switch, circuit diagram, battery, resistor, load, current, coulomb, ampere, ammeter, electrical potential energy, potential difference, volt, voltmeter, resistance, ohm, Ohm’s law, power, watt Chapter 11 – Practical Electricity Circuits –Series/Parallel Comparing circuits Fuses & Breakers Resistance in Series/Parallel Paying for energy Pg 352 - 379 Pg 354-358 Pg 359-363 Pg 364-365 Pg 365-367 Pg 368-369 Vocabulary: series circuit, parallel circuit, fuse, circuit breaker, equivalent resistance, kilowatt hour, short circuit The key to your success lies with your preparation.