2012-2013 LITERACY REPRESENTATIVE POSITION DESCRIPTION, APPLICATION & REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Literacy Representative is a school based educator who is knowledgeable in the field of literacy. This person may be a Reading Specialist, school based support staff, or a classroom teacher with a deep comprehensive understanding of and enthusiasm for literacy instruction. The Literacy Representative must also have a working knowledge of City Schools Literacy Instructional Model and Instructional Framework, specifically in how these initiatives are intimately related to the literacy content area. GOAL The goal of the Literacy Representative is to assist in the administration, coordination and implementation of the literacy assessments adopted by his/her school; to support the development of data driven instruction; and to be intimately involved with literacy intervention implementation at their school. The Literacy Representative will also communicate district initiatives at the school level, which will require release time during the school day and after school on some occasions. QUALIFICATIONS Minimum of three years of literacy teaching experience preferred Experience with the diagnostic assessment for which you are applying is preferred Applicants must teach or support the grade levels where the assessment is administered Excellent collaboration, communication, and interpersonal skills are required REPORTING STRUCTURE School principal, in conjunction with the City Schools’ Office of Teaching and Learning DUTIES 1. Learn all components of the literacy assessments implemented in your school 2. Support adherence to City Schools’ assessment calendar for the 2012-2013 school year 3. Serve as the liaison between school colleagues and the Office of Teaching and Learning a. Communicate key information to school administrators and faculty b. Provide timely feedback to the Office of Teaching and Learning 4. Provide support to all teachers in preparation for the assessments and during the testing windows a. Train teachers in the administration of the assessments if necessary b. Provide and track all testing materials for the school 5. Attend monthly full day Literacy Representative meetings/professional development 6. Provide monthly updates to school faculty based-on monthly Literacy Representative meetings (during collaborative planning, a faculty meeting, data meetings, etc…). A recommended schedule/format for these meetings will be provided to the Literacy Representative. 7. Support the use of data in order to inform instructional practices a. Use reporting tools to monitor student progress 8. Support the use of data informed instructional choices 9. Maintain a log and portfolio of all activities conducted in the role of Literacy Representative 10. Honor all test-specific requirements (see page 2) 11. Manage all intervention specific duties appropriate to the materials utilized at your school COMPENSATION A onetime stipend of $1500 will be paid to the designated Literacy Representative at each school. If schools are administering multiple assessments (Wireless, STEP, and/or RISE), the administrator may opt to appoint two Literacy Representatives. However, one stipend of $1500 is designated for each school location. Schools that designate two Literacy Representatives will need to demonstrate a need for this decision. Individual cases will be considered, basedon students completing each diagnostic assessment, not overall student enrollment. Final decisions will be determined by the Office of Teaching & Learning. APPLICATION PROCESS To apply for the position of Literacy Representative for the 2012-2013 school-year, please provide your principal with the following information on or before Wednesday, June 13, 2012. THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR WILL SUBMIT 2012-2013 LITERACY REPRESENTATIVE POSITION DESCRIPTION, APPLICATION & REQUIREMENTS THE LITERACY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THEIR SCHOOL. A complete application includes: Literacy Representative Updated Resume (PDF format) A Letter of Interest written by the Literacy Representative, including the following information: 1. position for the 2012-2013 school year 2. education related experience 3. additional literacy-specific qualifications 4. explain why you are interested in becoming the Literacy Representative for your school 5. statement of your understanding and willingness to complete the duties of the Literacy Representative Next, the principal will: 1. Fill out the brief “Literacy Representative Application” through a K12Insight survey: CLICK HERE 2. Submit an updated resume in PDF format and a Letter of Interest to the following email address: litrep@bcps.k12.md.us Please complete both of these no later than Wednesday, June 13, 2012 to be considered for the Literacy Representative position for 2012-2013 school year. ALL LITERACY REPRESENTATIVES ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND A 2-DAY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: AUGUST 20 AND 21, 2012. DETAILS WILL BE FORTHCOMING. ASSESSMENT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING THREE LITERACY DIAGNOSTICS, THE LITERACY REPRESENTATIVE MUST: STEP Become an expert in all components of the STEP test and scoring procedures Model how to set up data in binders for teachers Assist teachers with Data Binders Meet with each teacher to facilitate the process of data analysis Support proper and accurate data entry Encourage teachers to email support@steptool.org with any roster changes or data issues Attend all mandatory Literacy Representative PD WIRELESS GENERATION RISE Become an expert in all components of the Reading 3D test and scoring procedures Be comfortable with using the IBM ThinkPad computer and www.mclasshome.com Assist administrators to track the school’s inventory of MONDO kits Help administrators to track the school’s inventory of IBM ThinkPad computers Learn how to utilize administrative functions and aggregate reporting tools on www.mclasshome.com Interpret aggregate reports Become familiar with teacher-level reports and Now What? Tools and instruct others on their usage Communicate with Wireless Generation, Inc. about On-Site visits Attend all mandatory Literacy Representative PD given by Wireless Generation and the Literacy Office Encourage teachers to contact Customer Care with software and testing questions – help@wgen.net/800-8231969 Become an expert in all components of the RISE test and scoring procedures Create necessary testing schedules, including reserving computer labs/carts. Keep a list of all student ID numbers necessary for the administration of the exam Communicate with teachers administering the RISE about students with testing accommodations Communicate testing procedures with all classroom teachers administering the RISE to students Manage the assessment results and ensure all teachers have access to and are familiar with the RISE data