COMMUNITY BOARD SIX GENERAL BOARD MEETING JANUARY 8, 1997 PUBLIC SCHOOL 27 ATTENDANCE: PRESENT: M. ANDINO J. ARMER P. BADER J. BIASCI P. BLAKE W. BLUM B. BROOKHART E. BROUGHTON B. BYRD A. CABBAD C. CACACE I. CURE J. T. DAILEY A. DE MARTINI M. FAVUZZI L. FINNEY P. FLEMING B. GINSBERG S. GONSALVES S. HENDERSON H. HENKIN R. LEVINE B. LONGOBARDI I. LO RE B. MESH E. MIELES M. MURPHY A. NEMBHARD G. O'CONNELL S. PEEBLES T. ROJNA-ASH M. ROSENTHAL B. ROSTANSKI D. SCHACHTER A. SCOTTO S. TWIN L. VALENTINO T. WHELAN R. WHITLEY EXCUSED: A. BENI A. DE MAIO E. JOYCE JR. L. KING J. PHEIFFER ABSENT: N. ALMONTASER M. BURNS R. MICHIELUTTI E. SANTIAGO J. TARANTO GUESTS: B. MAIONE, BOROUGH PRESIDENT GOLDEN'S REPRESENTATIVE M. KOZIACHOW, COUNCILMEMBER FISHER'S REPRESENTATIVE A. WALSH, COUNCILMEMBER McCABE'S REPRESENTATIVE C. FISCHER, CONGRESSMAN SCHUMER'S REPRESENTATIVE D. LIPPNER, CONGRESSMAN TOWNS' REPRESENTATIVE M. DE LA UZ, CONGRESSWOMAN VELÁZQUEZ REPRESENTATIVE N. SCHAEF, ASSEMBLYMAN BRENNAN'S REPRESENTATIVE A. RODRIGUEZ, ASSEMBLYMAN ORTIZ REPRESENTATIVE H. GRAUBARD, SENATOR CONNOR'S REPRESENTATIVE C. GREER, SENATOR MARKOWITZ REPRESENTATIVE H. P. BRENT, RED HOOK BOXING AND FITNESS CTR. D. DE MATTEO R. F. CARDILLO V. CHISARI 1 R. MASSLOT T. WILLETT, KSBA U. SKRODELIS, CARROLL GARDENS BRANCH, BPL A. MATEO, GCCDC R. MELZER, ROSAS D. JENKINS/P. CARROLL, AMERICORPS K. BUTLER, BROOKLYN PAPER G. SHAW, KCDA O. B. LINDSAY, RED HOOK BRANCH, BPL R. GEBERER, BKLYN HEIGHTS PRESS C. FURTADO B. KRONGEL A. BONILLA/J. HANSEN, CARROLL GARDENS DOG OWNERS GROUP HON. J. MILLMAN, DISTRICT LEADER, 52 AD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*** MINUTES *** At 6:37PM Chairperson Blake called the meeting to order. Chairperson Blake wished everyone the best for 1997 and introduced the new officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Board Member Susanne Gonsalves made a motion, seconded by Board Member Anita De Martini, to accept the minutes as read. VOTE: 32...YEA 0...NAY 1...ABS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 6:39PM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT........PAULINE BLAKE Three motions came out of the Executive Committee meeting regarding Board Members who have had attendance problems. motion: by the committee: -to begin the process of removal from the Board for Elizabeth Santiago. Ms. Santiago has not responded to either the warning letter or phone calls. VOTE: 32...YEA 0...NAY 1...ABS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 6:40PM 2 motion: by the committee: -to begin the process of removal from the Board for Robert Michielutti. VOTE: UNANIMOUS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 6:41PM motion: by the committee: -to begin the process of removal from the Board for Ed De Maio. After receiving the warning letter Mr. De Maio spoke to the District Manager and indicated his interest in meeting with the Executive Committee. He did not, however, attend the meeting. He can still present an explanation to the committee. VOTE: 31...YEA 0...NAY 3...ABS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 6:44PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chairperson Blake recognized the representatives of the elected officials. Kelly Steier, former staff person for Assemblywoman Eileen Dugan, is now working for Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein. The Chairperson extended good wishes to the Board from Kelly in her absence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISTRICT MANAGER'S REPORT........CRAIG R. HAMMERMAN The District Manager wished everyone a Happy New Year. As part of the replacement of missing parking signs in the district, a DOT contractor, replaced signs on Imlay Street and Commerce Street in Red Hook that read "NO PARKING, Monday through Friday, 8AM-6PM." The signs had been missing for several years and as soon as they went up the District Office began receiving complaints from the businesses in the area. Upon researching this further with DOT, it was discovered that the regulations on the books date back to at least 25 years ago when the waterfront was bustling with maritime activity. In response to our request DOT has stopped work on the sign replacement contract until we can review the contract work with DOT and DOS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On January 20th Brooklyn Borough President Howard Golden and the Brooklyn Academy of Music are sponsoring a morning program of events at BAM in tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Edison O. Jackson, President of Medgar Evers College and a resident of CB6. The Borough President invites everyone to attend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Water Main replacement work has begun in CB6 on DEP contract BED-743 under contractor Felix Industries Inc. Actual water main replacement results in a temporary disruption of water service but 3 the contractor must restore water service at the end of the day. As part of the contract, a professional arborist will pre-inspect the block with the Engineer and arrange for tree pruning before construction occurs. A complete list of the affected block was prepared and made available at the Board meeting, will be sent out in the next monthly Board mailing, and the District Office will do a targeted mailing to all the individual affected blocks for which the office has registered Block Associations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As part of the Fire Department's plan to station ambulances in a neighborhood based system, a new ambulance station is proposed for Community Board Six. CB6 will be working with the Fire Department in siting the facility. Anyone interested in this subject should attend the Landmarks/Land Use Committee meeting of February 20th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Departments of City Planning and Transportation will plan and design the Brooklyn Waterfront Trail, an urban trail parallel to the Brooklyn Waterfront from Fulton Ferry to Erie Basin, as part of the Citywide Greenway System and Bicycle Network. CB6 has been invited to participate on the Advisory Committee for the project and will invite the planners out to attend a future meeting of the Transportation Committee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HPD will begin restructuring commercial rents in CB6. The process is as follows: -Commercial spaces will be appraised and the appraisal will be reviewed to determine the fair market rent. -Tenants will be notified at least 30 days prior to the effective date of increase. -Tenant appeals can be submitted within 60 days of the effective date. Rent increases will be phased in over a five year period; qualified not-for-profit will be appraised at 50% of fair market rate and increases may be phased in over a longer than 5 year period. Anyone interested in a description of the process and a copy of the rules that were legislatively enacted on this should contact the District Office. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On January 4th, five voluntary drop-off locations for persons who wanted to recycle their Christmas trees were set up and manned in the district. Claire Merlino, of Neighbors United for the Columbia Street District, reported to the District Office that the following locations recycled Christmas trees into wood chips: Cobble Hill Park (250-300 trees); Carroll Street Community garden (112 trees); Carroll Park (300+ trees); and Fort Defiance Community Garden in Red Hook. Mulch was distributed to Fort Defiance, Carroll Street, Sackett Street and Summit Street Community Gardens and Mother Cabrini Park. Parks Committee Chair Mike Rosenthal, coordinator of the tree drop-off site at Prospect Park West and 3rd Street, added that Prospect Park took in over 1,000 trees and that they hope to do even better next year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A fire that occurred on 5th Avenue between 7th and 8th Streets destroyed 5 businesses. The Fire Department unable to attribute a cause, labeled the fire suspicious. There were no major injuries. The Borough President had a meeting January 3rd with affected businesses, elected officials and DOB, DBS, EDC to help the businesses get back on their feet. Unable to open for business, the Apple Farm Deli donated their merchandise to CHIPS. The Fire Department will keep us apprised of the results of their investigation. 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMITTEE REPORTS LANDMARKS/LAND USE......ROBERT LEVINE/JERRY ARMER, CHAIRPERSONS Explaining that the committee disliked the aluminum and glass and the bulk of the proposed addition, Robert Levine, Landmarks Chair read the motion: by the committee: -to recommend disapproval of the Certificate of Appropriateness application submitted to Landmarks Preservation Commission to construct an enclosed sidewalk cafe extension at 160 Court Street due to the inappropriateness of the design submitted. A discussion ensued and various issues were raised. No one at the committee meeting spoke in favor of the proposed extension, however, a petition in favor was delivered to the Committee Chairs. The proposed cafe addition would extend further out on the Amity Street side than Court Street because the courtyards on Amity Street extend so far. The Land Use Committee suggested an unenclosed sidewalk cafe instead because they opposed the design and size of the addition. The applicant intends to take the proposal to the Landmarks Preservation Commission without modifications. VOTE: 33...YEAS 5..NAYS 1..ABS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:23PM. motion: by the committee: -to recommend disapproval of the application submitted to the Dept. of Consumer Affairs for an enclosed sidewalk cafe permit that would allow 28 tables, with 72 seats, at 160 Court Street (a.k.a. Cardari Lounge) however, an unenclosed outdoor cafe to be located only in the front of the restaurant (Court Street side) would be acceptable. VOTE: 35..YEAS 3...NAYS 1...ABS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:24PM. motion: by committee: -recommendation to disapprove the Certificate of Appropriateness application submitted to Landmarks Preservation Commission to legalize replacement of areaway paving at 45 8th Avenue and to recommend the installation of a fence in an appropriate style to be developed with LPC staff. 5 VOTE: 38...YEA 0...NAY 1...ABS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:28PM In an attempt to relieve the committee from reviewing all applications to the LPC regarding sidewalks, the Chair read the following motion intended to represent the policy of the committee and the Board: by the committee: -that the Community Board reiterate its position to the LPC that the use of bluestone material is preferred within its Historic Districts where appropriate, and furthermore, that when bluestone material is not possible that cement or concrete be tinted to match the bluestone used in the surrounding community. VOTE: UNANIMOUS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:30PM. motion: by the committee: -to encourage the expeditious preparation of a ULURP application, to be prepared by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, for the disposition of a vacant City-owned property adjacent to an existing building at Hicks Street between Warren Street and Baltic Street (Site 27 in the Columbia Street Urban Renewal Plan) for continued community facility accessory use by the Long Island College Hospital, pending the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the hospital and the community. VOTE: 35...YEA 2..NAY 1..ABS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:38PM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE......CHAIR, LOUISE FINNEY The Department of Transportation failed to send a representative to CB6's Transportation Committee meeting to discuss the maintenance and protection of traffic plans for the 9th Street Reconstruction. Construction will begin on or after January 6, 1997 and will take a year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMUNITY SESSION Henry Pepper Brent, of the Red Hook Boxing and Fitness Center at 155 Bay Street, announced the Grand opening, January 28, 3:30PM-9Pm. Regular hours are Monday through Friday, 3:30PM10PM. 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uldis Skrodelis, Branch Librarian for the Carroll Gardens branch, announced that the Park Slope branch of the Brooklyn Public Library will be closed for painting January 20th through February 1st. The Branch will reopen Monday, February 3rd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Donna Jenkins, Community Team Leader for Americorps in Red Hook at 135 Richards Street, encouraged people to apply to Americorp. Membership is not limited to Red Hook Houses tenants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW BUSINESS Board Member Bea Byrd announced a joint installation ceremony of the Red Hook Houses East and West Tenants Association Officers at P.S. 27, January 14th. The Chairman of NYCHA will speak. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Board Member Al Cabbad, President of the Merchants Association on 5th Avenue (Flatbush Avenue to Union Street), spoke out against the Giuliani Administration's plan to place megastores throughout the City at the expense of the Mom and Pop stores. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Board Member Celia Cacace made a motion, seconded by Board Member Barbara Brookhart, to send a letter to the owner of the Apple Farm Deli to thank them for their donation of food to CHIPS. VOTE: UNANIMOUS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:55PM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Board Member Anita De Martini made a motion, seconded by Board Member Madeliane Murphy, to support the Borough President's efforts to bring the Dodgers back to Brooklyn. VOTE: UNANIMOUS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:55PM. Board Member Jerry Armer made a motion, seconded by Board Member Stephanie Twin, to adjourn. VOTE: UNANIMOUS MOTION PASSED. TIME: 7:57PM. Minutes submitted by Adriana Scopino, Assistant District Manger; into district office 1/13/97. 7