CIVE 3610 - Environmental Engineering I

CIVE 3610
Fall 2004
CIVE 3610 – Water Supply and Treatment
Fall Semester 2004
Course Information:
CIVE 1170 Fluid Mechanics
Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering
Reynolds and Richards; 1996 2nd Edition
Optional Text:
Water Treatment Plant Design
ASCE (McGraw Hill); 1998.
Class Instructor:
Class Hours:
Office Hours:
Laboratory Hours:
Dr. Cyndee L. Gruden, PE, PhD
Nitschke 3024
419-530-8128 (includes voicemail)
MW 10:00 – 10:50 PL 2450
MW 1:00 – 3:00 or by appointment
M or W 3-4:50 Location TBA
Course Description: This design course is a requirement as part of the
undergraduate curriculum in the Civil Engineering Department (Theory and Design
Courses). The lecture, in conjunction with the laboratory section and CVEN 3630:
Wastewater Engineering, are intended to provide the students with an introduction to
environmental engineering processes and to prepare students for the FE exam. The topics
covered in the lecture will include water supply, design of the physical and chemical
treatment processes associated with water treatment, water distribution systems, and
contemporary issues related to drinking water.
Course Objectives:
1. Prepare students for the chemistry and environmental portions of the FE exam.
2. Enhance student’s ability to apply math, science and engineering concepts to the
analysis and design of the components of engineered processes.
3. Conduct laboratory experiments involving chemical parameters integral to design
of water supply and treatment systems.
4. Teach students the approach to solving design problems as required to prepare a
conceptual engineering design for a conventional water treatment facility.
5. Teach students to effectively communicate the results of their technical work
through professional quality written reports and oral presentations.
6. Enhance teamwork skills through the use of team project assignments.
7. Present contemporary issues relating to the supply of safe drinking water to the
CIVE 3610
Fall 2004
Course Assignments:
Several homework assignments will be distributed throughout the semester (a minimum
of one week before their due date). Due dates for the homeworks will be announced in
class and included on the handout. Occasionally, the instructor will provide an ungraded
in-class assignment to gauge the student’s learning.
There will be a midterm (October 6th in class) and a final examination (December 13th
10:15 to 12:15). Both exams are mandatory for all enrolled students.
A term project involving the conceptual design of a surface water treatment facility will
be assigned following the midterm examination. This team project will include a visit to
a water treatment facility and the completion of project-related homework assignments,
an oral presentation, and a final report. Details for the project will be provided following
the midterm exam.
% of Final Grade
300 points
Course Policies:
Class attendance is expected. Most of the information included in my lectures is not in
the book or in course handouts. There will be a class and laboratory sessions designated
for teams to coordinate their design project. On these days, attendance is ALSO
Make-up exams and late homework assignments will not be permitted unless an
acceptable excuse has been provided in accordance with the University of Toledo Missed
Class Policy (
In the case of excused absences, the instructor should be contacted prior to the scheduled
assignment or exam. In case of extenuating circumstances, please contact the instructor
as early as is possible.
Academic Dishonesty: You are encouraged to work together in groups and discuss
assignments. However, any written work that you submit must be substantially your
own. Do not submit someone else’s work as your own and do not lift unattributed
material from the web. Penalties range from an F on the assignment, to suspension and
expulsion. Refer to the university’s policy on Academic Dishonesty found on pp. 25-26
of the university catalog.