Of the many types of engineering disciplines, mechanical


Of the many types of engineering disciplines, mechanical engineering is the most diverse. Mechanical engineering “is specifically concerned with the design, development, installation, operation, and maintenance of just about anything that has moveable pa rts” (imeche.org.uk). Mechanical engineers have probably been involved at some point in the construction of any man-made object. A wide range of skills are needed to become a mechanical engineer as one will have to deal with a wide variety of tasks. The types of industries we can find a job in include production, design, and research and development. Design industries relate to turning plans of something into new products or the revision of an old product to make it better. The production industry deals with the planning and designing of new processes to produce materials. Finally, in the research and development field we are trying to find solutions to problems using the newest technology available.

The automotive industry is a specific place where a mechanical engineer might find work. This industry deals with almost anything that has to do with cars including making them run better and more efficient. A current opening in the automotive industry for a young engineer would be with Formula 1 cars. There has been an increase in jobs specifically in the area due to its rapid increase in popularity.

The design and production of cars is an example of something a mechanical engineer would do.

It seems as though a young mechanical engineer could have almost any job they wanted seeing as they are qualified for it. If he or she has had internships or has been in research labs they could do a variety of jobs. There is a lot to do as far as research in this field. A young engineer could definitely find work in a lab working to develop their resume. As they get older, they could work their way up in companies, or even direct some research projects. A senior engineer who has worked on a variety of projects could end up doing almost anything they want to. There is a great demand to do research for many things, especially in the automotive industry. There they are always looking for newer and better ideas for cars, cleaner ways to run cars. More features to have in a car, all while making them less expensive. This is a difficult task and because of this there is a great need for research and development in this field. An engineer will always need to continue to be trained to learn how to use the newest technology and many other areas of the job. Being bilingual has become a good tool to have as an engineer because of the increasingly global community that one could end up working with.

In the manufacturing industry mechanical engineers are needed for a variety of tasks. One such task would be to help design the circuit board of a cell phone. They also would be involved in the production of the battery, design, set up of the phone, and the set-up and maintenance of the tools used to produce the cell phone.

A cell phone is an example of something a mechanical engineer would help produce in the manufacturing industry.

A final example of what a type of job a mechanical engineer could do would be something in the medical field. A mechanical engineer could help in the design of prosthesis, artificial organs (kidney), joint replacement techniques and many other things. This is a growing field because of the new technology of joint replacements, the need to artificial organs like a kidney, heart, or a lung.

Aiding in the design of artificial organs, like a heart, is a growing field.

A mechanical engineer could use his skills to design this heart.

In conclusion, a mechanical engineer can work in almost any field that they want to. The degree gives you a good background that allows you to aid in the completion of almost any task. From cars, to cell phones, to artificial organs and limbs, a mechanical engineer is needed in almost every aspect of the work force.

Information from this report was found on the institution of mechanical engineers website at http://www.imeche.org.uk
