October 2013
Workers entitlements are again under threat as a result of the State LNP Government. Constant lobbying by big business for change to Queensland Work Cover has been front and centre in the Murdoch press.
This is ongoing with the Queensland Chamber of Commerce and Industry advocating that Journey Cover be scrapped and the Master Builders calling for changes to Common Law access.
Why? Quite simply a reduction in costs and therefore an increase in profit margins - to slash premium costs.
The Branch News has previously indicated that the Queensland Parliament Finance and Administrative
Committee tabled their Report into the operation of the Queensland Workers Compensation Scheme on 25
May 2013. That Report recommended no changes to Common Law and Journey Cover. The QCU has been calling on the Attorney General, Jarrod Bleijie, to come clean about any proposed changes to Workers
Compensation legislation. Those requests have fallen on deaf ears. One has to comprehend why there has been such silence, particularly when the Report was handed down in May?
Perhaps a cynical view is that there was a little matter called a Federal Election that took place last month with QLD as always being pivotal in the outcome.
The Branch participates in the QCU Workers Compensation Committee, which often has senior departmental heads at both Q-Comp and Work Cover in attendance, and as previously indicated, we have regular dialogue with Work Cover. Work Cover has advised us directly that the Stevedoring Industry has seen a 40 cents reduction in premiums per $100.00 in wages for 2014.
The MUA has been pursuing a National Stevedoring Code of Practice, to ensure the safety of our members in a dangerous and unique industry, whereby our members go to work on floating factories. Stevedoring is an industry where injuries do, unfortunately occur.
When injuries do happen, workers should be able to ensure that their livelihood is protected for them and their families.
The Stevedoring Industry has seen employees, our members tenure curtailed based on one predominant position put by ALL employers that the member “cannot perform the inherent tasks required as per the contract of employment.”
Therefore, the only avenue left to pursue is a Common Law, to ensure that families are provided for.
The Branch is aware on a significant number of members who sustained work place injuries and can no longer work as wharfies. Similarly, we have members who have sustained injuries to and from work, and are no longer working. The premiums in this State are the second lowest in the country and the scheme is sustainable.
Further to the above, all other Government Agencies Annual Reports have been tabled but not Work
Cover’s, perhaps because that the scheme is financially sound.
The Work Cover Queensland should remain as is, so what can MUA members do about it?
In the first instance go to the website, www.standforqld.com.au
and make yourself aware of the changes.
If there are rallies called, attend.
We want to minimise injuries in the work place, however if they do occur, workers rights should be protected.
Members engaged at DP World endorsed the consent variation (part B) as a result of the pending automated terminal on Tuesday 1 st October 2013.
The negotiation has been a long and drawn out process, extremely arduous and difficult and it also included interaction by the National Secretary after the process broke down in June of this year.
Further to this, negotiations for the entire EA Agreement will commence in January of next year.
The meeting was held in a comradely and democratic manner.
The Branch Executive in conjunction with the National Office would like to thank the Committee that has been front and centre during the negotiations. Rank and file participation is paramount to our democratic process and the heart and soul of our Union.
Branch Secretary, Mick Carr and Deputy Branch Secretary, Trevor Munday will attend National Council from
Tuesday 8 October to Friday 11 October.
AGM venue and dates will be advised in due course. Assistant Branch Secretary, Paul Sheehan returns from annual leave on Tuesday 8 October, a week after the Deputy Branch Secretary returned on 30
Patrick Branch Committee Member - Paul Williams, will be a relief Official in the Branch until 13 October.
Paul can be contacted on 0409 729 702 or brisbanerelief2@mua.org.au
The Branch would also like to thank DP World Delegate - Mick Lang who relieved in the office for 2 weeks in
Trevor Munday’s absence.
The Queensland Youth Committee and Branch Executive extends an invitation to members to attend a film night in the Union rooms on Friday, 11 October at 6.00pm – 9.00pm.
The films will be associated with the struggles of the Labor Movement. Guest speaker will be Col Davies –
Secretary of the MUA Vets. We would like to see an equal number of members to youth. Refreshments provided.
We invite female MUA members to attend the WIMDOI conference on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 October in Brisbane. WIMDOI stands for Women in Male Dominated Industries.
The conference will cover topics like Harassment, Bullying, Women and Super, WH&S Issue Resolutions
Procedures and Factory tours.
The attendees will also have the opportunity to attend the Emma Miller awards on Friday 18 October.
Emma Miller was a pioneer Trade Union Organiser and founder of the Australian Labor Party in Brisbane.
Please call the Branch on 3395 7215 by 4pm on 4 October to obtain your free ticket (tickets are limited).
Authorised by Mick Carr, Branch Secretary and Trevor Munday, Deputy Branch Secretary, Maritime Union of Aust.
QLD Branch, 73 Southgate Avenue, Cannon Hill Q. 4170 Ph: 3395 7215 Fax: 3395 7688 Email: muaqld@mua.org.au