QC Meeting Minutes 7-11-12 - Community Resources for Justice

Quality Council
July 11, 2012
10a.m. – 12 noon
500 Harrison Avenue
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Andy LeClair, Adrienne Methot, Susan Jenness Phillips, Gabriella Priest,
Heriberto Crespo, Leslie Nelson (via phone)
Members Absent: Leonard Andrews, Michelle McCormick, Rafael Medina, Tim Perdue, Scott
Perrin, Tito Rodriguez
Before Check-ins started, it was announced that Samantha Bugler resigned as the QA
Manager for Youth Services. Her last day was 7/6/2012. Effective 7/9/2012, Heriberto
Crespo, who had been the Administrative Support Coordinator, assumed the position
with much enthusiasm.
Hampshire House will undergo a full monitoring in the fall. Andy continues to work
with HH in getting ready for this monitoring visit. He is working with Shannon to
move forward with accreditation process.
Conducted a basic Accreditation training for staff at Brooke House and trying to
coordinate a training for McGrath House
The adult client satisfaction survey evaluation results from SJS were completed. The
results were emailed to their respective programs and Andy gave credit to Heriberto
for completing the evaluations on his behalf.
Andy announced his resignation as the QA Manager for Adult Programs effective
7/23. He is assuming a new position within CRJ. He will be the Assistant Director of
Project Management at Coolidge House.
 Started on 7/9 as the new QA Manager for Youth Services – learning a lot and
excited to be on board.
 The CPR Evaluation Results from 1/2012 through 5/2012 have been uploaded and
can be found on the SQA web page.
 Completed inputting the results of the adult programs satisfaction surveys.
Ruth Galvin hired as the new Benefits Manager. She earned her Master’s degree in
Rehabilitation Counseling and working towards her second Master’s degree. She
has vast experience in many HR areas, including worker’s compensation and is
looking forward to contributing to CRJ.
HR will be focusing on safety and wellness program development. A “safety”
committee will be convened to help address the growing HR needs in this area. HR
is also looking at establishing a wellness program to meet the demands and needs of
HR has spent a significant amount of time dealing with the increasing worker’s
compensation claims. As of July 1, 2012 this will be outsourced.
Moving forward with the development of the Advanced Management training. The
trainings, which will involve 2 weeks - 1 week in the fall 2012 and 1 week in the
spring of 2013, will reinforce the skills outlined in the Emerging Leaders Training. HR
is working with an outside consultant and the dates for the trainings are pending
The Performance Management Initiative due at the end of June has been delayed
due to being short-staffed. Hopefully, the applicant tracking system and the
management performance system will be rolled out at the end of the summer.
Payroll: HR initiated the new pay card system in lieu of manual checks for staff not
having direct deposit.
o There was one minor glitch in the new system, which has been resolved. Prior to
the new pay card system, CRJ had 119 employees who received manual
paychecks. 79 out of the 119 staff opted for the pay card system.
CJI has a new summer intern, Melissa Hanes. Planning ahead to search and hire fall
CJI is now working in two new states: Oregon and South Dakota, as part of the Pew
Foundation work. Gabriella is working with Len on the Oregon project and Colby and
Len are working on the South Dakota project.
CS/CJI Collaborative: working on a new FY ‘13 work plan. Developed a pilot of an
ICAP assessment tool (a tool for residents living with development disabilities). Tim
Perdue will conduct the ICAP training on July 27th for CS staff. The pilot program
will be limited to 10 residents and 10 staff and will determine whether CS will move
forward with the tool.
Hired a new Coordinator for Keene. His name is Charles. Hopefully he will start on
Catherine, CS staff member, was involved in a car accident. Hit by young driver and
is out recuperating from injuries.
One new client in Keene and overall things are good.
A new client was supposed to move into Unity House but due to a situation out of our
control, he did not move in.
Working on the CQI Plan.
Developing the Shared Living Manual. The manual is in final stages and is geared for
the home providers. The manual outlines all of the requirements and responsibilities
of shared living providers as defined by their contract.
SQA staff changes: need to hire a new Administrative Support Coordinator and a
QA Manager for Adult programs.
Tim is unable to attend today. As part of his scheduled audits at the CS programs, a
discrepancy in the financial processes was discovered at one program. Tim is
conducting additional audits at other programs to determine if this is an isolated case
or if there is a systems-wide issue. Michelle is working with Tim to conduct a more
intense review of the audit at the program site in question.
o Side Note: QC members noted that it was the audit process put in place that
helped to catch this issue.
Adult SJS position for QC still open and waiting for recommendation from SJS
Department for member. Janaya Mike-Pierre and Matt LeFrancois have been
recommended so far but need to wait for SJS approval. Matt has been part of the
emerging Leaders Training program and it is a matter of his availability.
o QC member(s) suggested that Andy be the delegate from SJS Adult programs
given his new job duties at Coolidge House
o CQI training is still pending. The original trainer scheduled to conduct the training
is unable to do so.
 Gabriella suggested that we outreach to the “Boston Facilitators
Networking Group” and seek their input on a trainer. She will send Susan
the information. Susan also outreached to Heidi Pihl-Buckley at DYS.
o CQI Initiative – timeframe/Process. Susan put together an outline of the
timeframe for the CQI initiative per requests of QC members.
o Coaching Packet – Continuous Quality Improvement. This tool outlines the basic
steps for establishing a CQI within the prisoner reentry programs.
Questions from QC Members:
1. QC Members asked for clarification on what the objective of the CQI training is.
2. QC Members requested clarification on the CQI Plan.
The objective of the CQI training is to provide CRJ staff with a basic understanding of
what CQI is and what some basic tools are to help staff/programs identify areas of
improvement and make necessary changes based on CQI principles. The training will
instill awareness of CQI principles.
The CQI plan that is under development focuses on the processes that we, as an
organization, should enlist to make continuous quality improvement part of the CRJ
culture and provide guidance for completing CQI in our daily activities. The CQI Plan’s
goal is to provide a structure for processes that we undertake and ‘unite’ the current CQI
initiatives within CRJ.
In addition to the CQI training, we need to refine the next steps for moving forward with
the pilot CQI Team.
 QC Members acknowledged that there are various CQI activities underway at CRJ.
o These include but are not limited to: CS/CJI Collaborative – looking at
specific issues and is time limited; QC Council – ongoing group; CRJ
Committees – some of which are time limited and/or have completed their
objectives; Financial audits at CS and SJS (tool); The Emerging Leaders
Training; Technology Group; HR developing a Safety Group; and more CQI
initiatives across departments.
o The issue is how do we communicate these CQI initiatives as part of CRJ’s
overall CQI Plan
o Question posed: How do we decide which CQI process to undertake? Who
makes these decisions?
Action/Follow Up by QC Members:
o The “Implementing Evidence-based Practice in Community Corrections:
Quality Assurance Manual, (2005), is a resource within CJI. This manual
was referenced in page 37 of the CQI handout. Gabriella and Heriberto
will work to find the PDF file and send to QC members.
o Andy will send out the PDF file containing today’s CQI Handout,
“Coaching Packet”. QC Members are requested to read this document
and send thoughts/ideas about what a CRJ CQI Plan should contain to
Susan within the next 5-10 days. (Members may cut and paste section of
the PDF). In addition, brief notes on current CQI initiatives should be
noted in your feedback to Susan.
o Susan will present the CQI plan at our next QC meeting
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, August 8th at 500 Harrison Ave., 10 am – Noon
Respectfully Submitted:
Heriberto Crespo