View Syllabus on Screen

Fall 2007
Dr. Gary Lampman
E-mail address:
Lampman Web page, available from the Chemistry Dept website:
CB 340. Phone: 650-3151.
Office hours MWF 10 and Th 9. Feel free to come by for assistance or discussion at your convenience. I
am also available at other times. It would be best to notify me in advance.
Course Prerequisites:
The prerequisite for this course is a passing grade in Chemistry 352 or the equivalent. Students who do not
have this prerequisite should consult with me as soon as possible. It is recommended that you not start
Chemistry 353 unless you have received a C or better grade in Chemistry 352.
Required: D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, and G. S. Kriz, Organic Chemistry (Volume 3), Mason, OH:
Thomson Learning Custom Publishing, 2004 edition. Organic Chemistry is extremely cumulative and one
must keep up with the readings. One course is definitely prerequisite to the other. You will also need
chapter 14 from Volume 2 that was used in Chemistry 352.
ACS Examinations Institute, Preparing for Your ACS Examination in Organic Chemistry, the Official
Guide, Clemson, SC: Examinations Institute, American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Education,
2002. Students have found the guide to be very useful in studying for the ACS standardized test. The
bookstore should have copies.
Molecular Models:
The preferred set is Proteus Organic Chemistry Models Kit, Molecular Design, Inc. Other molecular model
sets can be substituted for the recommended set.
SL 130, MWF 8. These three class periods per week will be used for lectures and working problems,
according to the attached schedule. It is a good idea to read ahead in the text in advance of the lectures.
PowerPoint slides are available on my Webpage accessible from the Department of Chemistry website.
Computer Lab:
Programs are available in CB 280 on the network:
Organic Nomenclature for all chapters arranged by functional group
ORM- full screen is great for mechanisms!
Organic Reaction Drills (OGRE) is good for simple reactions
Comprehensive Chemistry, Introduction to Organic Chemistry.
PC Spartan for molecular modeling and molecular mechanics.
There will be three midterm exams, one quiz, and a final exam given during the quarter, according to the
attached schedule. No make-up exams will be given. Copies of old midterm exams are available from my
website. Students have found the sample tests to be very helpful.
3 Midterm exams @ 100 points each, 1 quiz @ 25 points, and a 100 point final exam covering the entire
year course for a total of 425 points.
Final Exam:
The final exam will be the American Chemical Society standardized test in organic chemistry. The exam
consists of 70 multiple-choice questions and covers the entire year of organic chemistry. The test is
normalized so that the average student will achieve at the 50th percentile. Since a C grade in my course is
somewhere in the 70's, your percentile grade will be adjusted according to the following formula:
Score = (ACS percentile) + [(100 - ACS percentile)(0.4)]
Using this formula, if you are at the 50th percentile, you would receive 70 pts on the “final:” 60% would be
76 pts; 70% would be 82 points; 80% would be 88 pts; 90% would be 94 pts.
All students are required to take this ACS standardized test.
A and AB+, B and BC+, C, CD
90 to 100%
80 to 90%
65 to 80%
55 to 65%
below 55%
Schedule for Chemistry 353
Sept 26, 28
Oct 1, 3
Alkenes and Alkynes II
(Chapter 14)
Oct 5, 8
Reagents with carbon-metal bonds
(Chapter 15)
Oct 10
Start Chap 16
Oct 12 (Friday)
Test 1
(Chapters 14 and 15)
Oct 15, 17, 19, 22
Aldehydes and Ketones I
(Chapter 16)
Oct 24, 26, 29
Aldehydes and Ketones II
(Chapter 17)
Oct 31
Start Chapter 18
Nov 2 (Friday)
Test 2
(Chapter 16 and 17)
Nov 5
Carboxylic Acids
(Chapter 18)
Nov 7, 9, 14
Veterans Day, Nov 12
Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
(Chapter 19)
Nov 16 (Friday )
Test 3
(Chapter 18 and 19)
Nov 19, 21, 26, 28
Thanksgiving Nov 22, 23
Reactions of -Hydrogens
(Chapter 21)
Nov 30
Start Chap 22
Quiz on Chapter 21
Dec 3, 5, 7
Aromatic Substitution
(Chapter 22)
Dec 10 (Monday)
ACS standardized test (includes Chapter 22)
3:30-5:30 pm