Freshman English Guidelines

Freshman English Guidelines
September 2010--June 2011
Language Center
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Soochow University
General Goals of Freshman English for Non-English Majors
Freshman English for Non-Majors is a required course for the 1majority of freshmen at Soochow University.
The course is intended as a general English course, meaning that students should be able to use their general
knowledge about the world to understand and communicate in English. Starting from 2008 academic year
(97 學年度), all students who enroll in Soochow are required to reach the English proficiency level
equivalent to 全民英檢中級複試,or pass the Soochow English Proficiency Test as part of the requirement
for graduation. The general goal of the program is to help students improve their overall English proficiency,
thereby assisting them in passing either of the exams.
Introduction to the curriculum design
Two separate courses are offered under the cover term “Freshman English” i.e. Freshman English Reading
(2 hours/2 credits) and Freshman English Listening & Speaking (Lab) (2hours/1 credit). Basically, the
two separate courses are to be taught by the same teacher unless under a special condition. All students who
enroll in the Freshman English course will be placed into one of three levels (Level A -High, Level B- Mid,
and Level C-Low) based on their scores from the English section of the JCEE. Those who did not take the
JCEE (ex. transfer students) will have to take a placement test administered on campus in the first week of
the fall semester.
Reading: The midterm and final exams, 100%, of the three levels are unified exams, administered at the
same time (Day School: Fall Midterm: 11/6; Fall Final: 1/8; Spring Midterm: 4/16; Spring Final: 6/18; Night
Extension School: Fall Midterm: 11/12; Fall Final: 1/14; Spring Midterm: 4/22; Spring Final: 6/24) with
exam contents corresponding to different levels.
Listening/Speaking (Lab): For Level B (mid) and Level C (low) classes, 80% of the midterm and final
exams are unified listening comprehension tests with exam contents corresponding to different levels, with
the remaining 20% to be prepared by individual teachers for different classes. For Level A (high) classes,
60% of the midterm and final exams are unified listening comprehension tests, with 40% to be prepared by
individual teachers for different classes.
Note: In the class of the11th week of the second (spring) semester, students are to take two English
proficiency tests, composed of listening and reading comprehension developed by the Center, the results of
which will account for 10% of students’ semester scores for reading and listening respectively.
Coordinators of the Freshman English Program
Head coordinator:
Level A (High) coordinator: 趙佳音老師
Level B (Mid) coordinator: 李玉華老師
Level C (Low) coordinator: 陳淑芳老師
Remedial coordinator:
分機 6475
分機 6474
分機 6475
分機 6478
分機 6461,6472
(September 2010 – January 2011)
Remedial assistant :
分機 5824
(September 2010 – January 2011)
Language Center T.A.:
分機 6466
Must-knows for all faculty members
Only freshmen who have already passed the 全民英檢中級初試,or 學測或指考英文考試達頂標 are exempt from the
freshman English programs and allowed to study languages other than English for the required two-year foreign language
Teachers are assigned to teach a specific level by the Center.
Teachers are responsible for showing professionalism toward students and teaching duties
(arriving in class on time, making up missed classes, giving valid test questions for midterm and final
exams before deadlines, grading midterm and final exams, and proctoring examinations).
Teachers are required to upload their syllabi before the date set by school. In their syllabi, teachers are
required to specify the guidelines for evaluation, dates for the exams, lessons to be covered, ways of
giving assignments as well as all the other details.
Teachers are required to proctor midterm and final exams of one of their own classes. The exam dates
(Day School: Fall Midterm: 11/6; Fall Final: 1/8; Spring Midterm: 4/16; Spring Final: 6/18; Night
Extension School: Fall Midterm: 11/12; Fall Final: 1/14; Spring Midterm: 4/22; Spring Final: 6/24)
should be included in the teacher’s syllabi. Please be sure to make yourself available at those times.
Teachers are required to upload their students’ scores of quizzes and exams on the school system so that
students have a general idea as to how they do in the course.
6. Teachers are encouraged to build up whole-English learning environment. If not feasible, the following
percentage of English used in class is suggested: Level A: (about) 80%, Level B: 70%, Level C: 50% of
the class time.
7. Teachers will be able to download the name list of the students in their classes after the add-and-drop
week. Students must attend the class for which they are registered. Teachers must call the roll at the
beginning of the semester to ensure that students are in the correct class.
8. In order to learn how to use the equipment in language labs, new teachers must attend a workshop. They
will receive a notice from the Language Center about the workshop information, classroom policies and
related regulations.
9. At the end of each semester, the school will administer a class survey to check each teacher’s teaching.
The teacher whose teaching performance is found to be less than satisfactory will not be given classes to
teach again.
10. Each teacher will be given a Soochow account number to upload or download necessary documents.
11. Teachers are expected to give presentations or workshops on ESL/EFL teaching at the request of the
Homework Inspection of Freshman English Reading
1. As teachers get extra pay for correcting students’ homework, which varies in accordance with the number
of students in their class, they are required to correct at least 6 assignments in each semester, and the total
amount of assignments should be equivalent to that of making 60 sentences.
2. During each semester, teachers have to download their class name lists to enter their students’ grades
using letters (A, B, C…) /scores (1~100) for the homework.
3. At the end of the semester, this form will be collected and reviewed by the Head Coordinator and Level
Duties of the Reviewers for Midterm and Final Unified Exams
The reviewers for midterm and final unified exams have to:
1. Choose appropriate questions to make 2 tests with keys: one for day school, and the other for night
extension school. However, only one test is needed for high level.
2. Revise words or phrases to fit the students’ level, especially the passages of reading comprehension
which should be tailored for testing. After getting the questions, if the reviewer thinks the passages are
too difficult to be used, s/he can ask the teacher who prepared them to provide new ones in three days.
3. Distribute the questions evenly over the lessons covered.
4. Correct errors if any.
Important notes on testing
1. All teachers should contribute to the preparation of these unified tests.
2. It is extremely important that all teachers meet the deadlines listed on the test timetable. Many things need
to be done to produce the midterm and final exams. If just one deadline is not met, the entire schedule is
threatened and many people are inconvenienced. Problems arising from missed deadlines will put pressure
on the coordinators and the TA.
3. Teachers should be aware that if the questions they make for the midterm and final exams are found to be
unacceptable, they have to make another set of questions in lieu of the old ones.
4. For Freshman English Listening & Speaking, the test format of the remaining 20% (Level B & Level C) /
40% (Level A) of the midterm and final exams are at the discretion of individual teachers. A copy of the
remaining 20% (Level B & Level C) / 40% (Level A) of the test is to be submitted to the Center.
5. At the beginning of each semester, a timetable, plus sample question types, will be given to teachers,
along with the testing duties.
6. CDs must be played only once during exams and the questions and answers will only be given in audio
form. Teachers will be given a copy of the scripts along with the keys from the TA prior to exams.
7. It is important that all classes finish their tests within the exam week to avoid students’ cheating in the
exam. The CD is to be picked up at the Curriculum Office at both campuses. The CD can only be played
through students’ headsets and a copy of the answer keys is included in the testing package.
8. The teachers should grade the midterm and final exams themselves. The keys to all the exam questions are
not to be disclosed to the students until the following week to prevent students from cheating.
Adjustment of Semester Grades
In order to be fair to students placed into different levels, teachers are required to adjust their semester
grades according to the following distribution. That is, 70%~75% of the students in each class should be
placed in the following score ranges:
score range
Level A (High): 70 – 85
Level B (Mid): 60 – 80
70% ~75%
Level C (Low): 50 – 75
70% ~75%
Useful resources
1. The audio scripts and video/DVD scripts of the textbooks are available at the Language Center Homepage
2. 非英文系學生英文課程網站:
3. Live ABC/ CNN (互動英語):
4. A website to improve students’ writing skills
5. Teachers should encourage their students to use the Self-Access Lab, which is open daily from Monday to
Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:20 pm.
Self-Access Lab: #G103, Language Center, Main Campus
#5316, Language Center, Downtown Campus
Introduction to Level A (High) Classes
A. Freshman English Reading:
A 2 hours/2 credits course conducted in a regular classroom, with a focus on reading and
Reading: The midterm and final exams, 100%, of the three levels are unified exams, administered at the
same time (Fall Midterm: 11/6; Fall Final: 1/8; Spring Midterm: 4/16; Spring Final: 6/18) with exam
contents corresponding to different levels.
a. Course objective for Level A (High):
To develop students’ ability to successfully interact with the texts and to cultivate them the ability to read
critically and analytically and to develop their ability in paragraph writing
Fall semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
40% --- Homework, quizzes,
attendance and participation
Spring semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
30% --- Homework, quizzes, attendance
and participation
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
1. Teacher’s Manual
materials for teachers 2. Audio CDs
3. Exam View (CD-ROM)
4. CNN Video for Concepts for Today
Some possible writing 1.Making sentences using the taught phrases or expressions
2.Writing short essay questions
assignments are
3.Writing summary paragraphs
1. Teachers are required to have students make sentences with the phrases in the vocabulary list as their
homework. The vocabulary list is available at the Language Center Homepage
2. Teachers are encouraged to use the vocabulary questions and outside reading comprehension questions
in the accompanying Exam View to give quizzes to students.
b. Lessons to be covered:
Textbook for Reading: Concepts for Today 2nd Ed.
Lessons to be covered in Midterm,
2010-2011 fall semester:
Unit 1
Living in Society
Lessons to be covered in Final,
2010-2011 fall semester:
Unit 2
Safety and Health
Unit 3 Government and Education
Lessons to be covered in Midterm,
(Chapter 7 The Federal System of Government
2010-2011 spring semester:
not included)
Lessons to be covered in Final,
Unit 4 Science and Technology
2010-2011 spring semester:
c. Question Types for Level A (High):
1. (a) Vocabulary: 15% (15 questions)
(b) Derivatives: 10% (10 questions)
All words and expressions in the vocabulary list are to
be included in the exam.
10 sentences from the texts. Each sentence has four
2. Written Expression:15% (10 questions)
underlined words or phrases, one of which is incorrect
grammatically or doesn’t make sense.
3. Reading Comprehension: 10%
( 10 questions)
There will be two passages from outside materials
(relevant to the lessons taught), five questions from each
4. Cloze: 10% ( 10 questions)
A related passage from other sources with every 10th
word deleted.
5. Short answer questions:20% (5 questions)
There will be one to two questions from each
Three questions (facts) are based on the contents of the
lessons while the other two questions (opinions) provide
target lesson.
students a chance to express themselves more freely.
6. Sentence-making:20% (10 questions)
A list of idioms and phrases are available online.
B. Freshman English Listening & Speaking (Lab)
A 2 hours/1 credit course conducted in a language lab, with a focus on listening and speaking
Listening/Speaking (Lab): For Level A (High) classes, 60% of the midterm and final exams are unified
listening comprehension tests, with 40% to be prepared by individual teachers for different classes. A copy
of the remaining 40% of the test is to be submitted to the Center.
a. Course objective for Level A (High):
To help students develop their ability to actively and fully participate in discussions on a variety of topics
Textbook for Listening: Summit 1
2010-2011 fall midterm: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 (~p.31)
2010-2011 fall final: Unit 3 (from p.32), Unit 4, Unit 5
Units to be covered 2010-2011 spring midterm: Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 8 (~p.91)
2010-2011 spring final: Unit 8 (from p.92), Unit 9, Unit 10
b. Testing and grading:
In the Fall semester, the listening tests will be administered in individual class time during the midterm
week (November 8~ November 13) and the final week (January 10~January 15) respectively. In the Spring
semester, the midterm week is from April18 to April 23 and the final week is from June 20 to June 25.
The grading policy is as follows:
Level A (High): Teachers of high level classes should use CNN as a supplement for the course,
accounting for 10% of the semester grade. The form of the assessment is at the teacher’s discretion.
Some possible options are written quizzes, role-play and oral presentation.
A list of corresponding units in CNN is available at the Language Center Homepage
Fall semester
Spring semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
30% --- Final
30% --- Homework, quizzes, attendance
20% --- Homework, quizzes, attendance
and participation
and Participation
10% --- CNN
10% --- CNN
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
c. Format of the unified midterm and final exams
40% individualized
(to be prepared by individual teachers.)
60% unified: 30 questions, 2% each
Three choices are provided for each question and the
choices should be kept as short as possible.
Suggested question types:
Slot Cloze,
Types of questions:
Writing a dialog,
Short answer questions
Short dialogues (2-3 exchanges, 1-2 questions per dialog),
Long dialogues (6-8 exchanges, 3-4 questions per dialog).
Introduction to Level B (Mid) Classes
A. Freshman English Reading:
A 2 hours/2 credits course conducted in a regular classroom, with a focus on reading and
Reading: The midterm and final exams, 100%, of the three levels are unified exams, administered at the
same time (Day School: Fall Midterm: 11/6; Fall Final: 1/8; Spring Midterm: 4/16; Spring Final: 6/18; Night
Extension School: Fall Midterm: 11/12; Fall Final: 1/14; Spring Midterm: 4/22; Spring Final: 6/24) with
exam contents corresponding to different levels.
a. Course objective for Level B (Mid):
To equip students with basic reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, reading for main idea, making
inference, and guessing vocabulary in context, through intensive reading, to accustom them to reading
more complex English texts and expressing their ideas in simple writing
Fall semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
40% --- Homework, quizzes, attendance
and participation
Spring semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
30% --- Homework, quizzes, attendance
and participation
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
1. Teacher’s Manual
materials for teachers 2. Audio CDs
3. Exam View (CD-ROM)
Some possible writing Making sentences using the taught phrases or expressions
assignments are
Writing short essay questions
1. Teachers are required to have students make sentences with the phrases in the vocabulary list as their
homework. The vocabulary list is available at the Language Center Homepage
2. Teachers are encouraged to use the vocabulary questions and outside reading comprehension questions
in the accompanying Exam View to give quizzes to students.
b. Lessons to be covered:
Textbook for Reading: Interactions 2 (Reading), Silver Ed.
Interactions 2
Lessons to be covered in Midterm,
2010-2011 fall semester:
Lessons to be covered in Final,
2010-2011 fall semester:
p. 2~ p. 56 except Ch. 2 Part 1,
Part 3 Activity 1
1. Education: A Reflection of Society
2. Campus Life is Changing
2. Sick-Building Syndrome
1. Working on Poor Women
Interactions 2 p. 57~ p. 99
2. Consumerism and the Human Brain
1. Changing Career Trends
2. Looking for Work in the 21st Century
1. Trendspotting
Interactions 2
Lessons to be covered in Midterm,
2010-2011 spring semester:
p.116~p.167 except Ch. 7 Part 1,
Part 3 Activity 1
1.Global Trade
2. Global Travel … and Beyond
2. Parentese
Interactions 2
Lessons to be covered in Final,
2010-2011 spring semester:
p.180~p.240 except Ch. 8 Part 3 Activity 7
& Ch. 9 Part 1, Part 3 Activity 4
2. Fashion: The Art of the Body
2. Personality: Nature or Nurture?
1. Rites of Passage
2. New Days, New Ways: Changing Rites
of passage
c. Question Types for Level B (Mid)
The active/passive vocabulary list (with useful phrases
1.Vocabulary: 25% (25 questions)
for sentence-making) is available at the Language
15 active vocabulary questions
In these questions, students will be given the Center Homepage (
first and last letter and in most cases, the A vocabulary list is available online. Teachers who are
definition of the word.
responsible for questions in this part should choose
words from this word list and test them in a different
10 passive vocabulary questions
In these questions, students are given a list of
context from the original text.
20 words and they have to choose a word from
the list to complete each sentence.
2. Sentence structures: 30% (15 questions)
These questions are taken directly from the original text.
Students have to choose the best answer among the three
choices to complete each sentence.
A list of important phrases from each lesson is available
3. Sentence-making: 20% (10 questions)
at the Language Center Homepage
10 phrases will be taken from this list and students have
to make a sentence with each phrase.
Three questions (facts) are based on the contents of the
4. Short answer questions: 15% (5 questions)
lessons, while the remaining two questions (opinions)
There will be one to two questions from each
provide students a chance to express themselves more
target lesson.
5. Reading Comprehension:10%
(10 questions)
There will be two passages from outside materials
(relevant to the lessons taught), five questions from each
B. Freshman English Listening & Speaking (Lab)
A 2 hours/1 credit course conducted in a language lab, with a focus on listening and speaking
Listening/Speaking (Lab): For Level B (mid), 80% of the midterm and final exams are unified listening
comprehension tests with exam contents corresponding to different levels, with the remaining 20% to be
prepared by individual teachers for different classes. A copy of the remaining 20% of the test is to be
submitted to the Center.
a. Course objective for Level B (Mid):
To increase students’ listening and speaking abilities by focusing on practical, real-life skills
Textbook for Listening: Top Notch 2
2010-2011 fall midterm: Unit 1, Unit2, Unit 3 (~p.31)
2010-2011 fall final: Unit 3 (p.32~), Unit 4, Unit 5
Units to be covered 2010-2011 spring midterm : Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 8 (~p.91)
2010-2011 spring final: Unit 8 (p.92~), Unit 9, Unit 10
b. Testing and grading:
In the Fall semester, the listening tests will be administered in individual class time during the midterm
week (November 9~ November 13) and the final week (January 11~January 15) respectively. In the Spring
semester, the midterm week is from April 26 to April 30 and the final week is from June 28 to July 2.
The grading policy is as follows:
Teachers of mid level classes should use Live ABC as a supplement for the course, accounting for 10%
of the semester grade. The form of the assessment is at the teacher’s discretion. Some possible options
are written quizzes, role-play and oral presentation.
A list of corresponding units in Live ABC is available at the Language Center Homepage
Fall semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
30% --- Homework, quizzes, attendance and
10% --- Live ABC
Spring semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
20% --- Homework, quizzes, attendance and
10% --- Live ABC
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
c. Format of the unified midterm and final exams
20% individualized
(to be prepared by individual teachers.)
80% unified: 40 questions, 2% each
Three choices are provided for each question and the
choices should be kept as short as possible.
Suggested question types:
Slot Cloze,
Writing a dialog,
Short answer questions
Types of questions:
Short dialogues (2-3 exchanges, 1 question per dialog),
Long dialogues (6-8 exchanges, 3-4 questions per dialog).
Introduction to Level C (Low) Classes
A Remedial Program (Fall semester 2010 only) , sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Resource Center
(教學資源中心) of the University, is associated with the Level C (low) classes of the Freshman English
Program. (Night Extension School is not included.) There is a teaching assistant for each Level C (low)
class to keep track of the students’ extra online learning via the Remedial Program (補救教學 e-learn).
Besides, the teaching assistant is required to tutor those (names supplied by the teacher) who have learning
problems on a weekly basis.
A. Freshman English Reading:
A 2 hours/2 credits course conducted in a regular classroom, with a focus on reading and
Reading: The midterm and final exams, 100%, of the three levels are unified exams, administered at the
same time (Day School: Fall Midterm: 11/6; Fall Final: 1/8; Spring Midterm: 4/16; Spring Final: 6/18; Night
Extension School: Fall Midterm: 11/12; Fall Final: 1/14; Spring Midterm: 4/22; Spring Final: 6/24 with
exam contents corresponding to different levels.
a. Course objective for Level C (Low):
To help students with vocabulary building and grammar knowledge and to improve their speed and
comprehension in reading English and sharpen their skills in writing perfect English sentences
Fall semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
20% --- Online-learning (線上補救
including vocabulary tests, grammar
tests and sentence making.
20% --- Quizzes, attendance and
Spring semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
30% --- Quizzes, attendance and
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
40%--- Quizzes, attendance and
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
30%--- Quizzes, attendance and
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
materials for
1. Teacher’s Manual
2. Audio CDs
3. Exam View (CD-ROM)
Some possible
assignments are
Making sentences using the taught phrases or expressions
Writing short essay questions
1. Teachers are required to have students make sentences with the phrases in the vocabulary list as their
homework. The vocabulary list is available at the Language Center Homepage
2. Teachers are encouraged to use the vocabulary questions and outside reading comprehension questions
in the accompanying Exam View to give quizzes to students.
b. Lessons to be covered:
Textbook for Reading: Active Skills for Reading 2
Lessons to be covered in Midterm,
2010-2011 fall semester:
1. Oh, No, not Another Test!
2. For Better Grades─Use Your Brain!
1. Safe Travel
1. Moviemaking Behind the Scenes
Lessons to be covered in Final,
2010-2011 fall semester:
2. Sports Success--Yao Ming
1. You Are Amazing: You Are Human!
2. Beyond the Body’s Limits
2. Work Hard, Play Hard?
Lessons to be covered in Midterm,
2010-2011 spring semester:
1. Where’s That Music Coming From?
1. Be Your Own Boss
2. The Right Job for Your Personality
2. Addicted to Chocolate
Lessons to be covered in Final,
2010-2011 spring semester:
4. 10
1. Ads Are Everywhere!
2. How Advertising Uses Psychology
2. Is Your Diet Destroying the Environment?
2. Resources for the Future
c. Question Types for Level C (Low)
The active/passive vocabulary list (with useful phrases
1.Vocabulary: 25% (25 questions)
for sentence-making) is available at the Language
15 active vocabulary questions
In these questions, students will be given the Center Homepage (
first and last letter and in most cases, the A vocabulary list is available online. Teachers who are
definition of the word.
responsible for questions in this part should choose
words from this word list and test them in a different
10 passive vocabulary questions
In these questions, students are given a list of context from the original text.
20 words and they have to choose a word from
the list to complete each sentence.
2. Sentence structures: 30% (15 questions)
3. Sentence-making: 20% (10 questions)
These questions are taken directly from the original text.
Students have to choose the best answer among the three
choices to complete each sentence.
A list of important phrases from each lesson is available
at the Language Center Homepage
10 phrases will be taken from this list and students have
to make a sentence with each phrase.
4. Short answer questions: 15% (5 questions) Three questions (facts) are based on the contents of the
There will be one to two questions from each lessons, while the remaining two questions (opinions)
target lesson.
provide students a chance to express themselves more
5. Reading Comprehension:10%
(10 questions)
There will be two passages from outside materials
(relevant to the lessons taught), five questions from each
B. Freshman English Listening & Speaking (Lab)
A 2 hours/1 credit course conducted in a language lab, with a focus on listening and speaking
Listening/Speaking (Lab): For Level C (low) classes, 80% of the midterm and final exams are unified
listening comprehension tests with exam contents corresponding to different levels, with the remaining 20%
to be prepared by individual teachers for different classes. A copy of the remaining 20% of the test is to be
submitted to the Center.
a. Course objective for Level C (Low):
To help students understand all kinds of verbal messages and be able to respond to these messages
Textbook for Listening: Open Mind Level 1
2010-2011 fall midterm: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3
2010-2011 fall final: Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6
Units to be covered 2010-2011 spring midterm: Unit 7, Unit 8, Unit 9
2010-2011 spring final: Unit 10, Unit 11, Unit12
b. Testing and grading:
In the Fall semester, the listening tests will be administered in individual class time during the midterm
week (November 8~ November 13) and the final week (January 10~January 15) respectively. In the Spring
semester, the midterm week is from April 18 to April 23 and the final week is from June 20 to June 25.
The grading policy is as follows:
Level C (Low):
Fall semester
Spring semester
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
20% --- Online-learning (線上補救教學:
20% --- Quizzes, attendance and
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
10% --- Live ABC
30% --- Midterm
Night 30% --- Final
School 40%--- Quizzes, attendance and
30% --- Midterm
30% --- Final
30%--- Quizzes, attendance and participation
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
20% --- Quizzes, attendance and participation
10% --- Proficiency test (Week 11)
c. Format of the unified midterm and final exams
20% individualized
80% unified: 40 questions, 2% each
(to be prepared by individual teachers.) Three choices are provided for each question and the
choices should be kept as short as possible.
Suggested question types:
Slot Cloze,
Writing a dialog,
Short answer questions
Types of questions:
Short dialogues (2-3 exchanges, 1-2 questions per dialog).