NEWS FROM ST. JOSEPH’S Email: Telephone: 01943 463840 Website: 12th March 2010 RE COMMITTEE We would like to form a RE Committee which will be comprised of Fr. Tom, Mrs Smith, a Teacher, one or two Governors, one or two parents and one or two parishioners. The purpose of this committee would be; 1. In the short term – to provide a working party to discuss a new Diocesan recommended RE scheme, “The Way, The Truth and The Life”. 2. To continue to promote home, school, Parish links. It is anticipated that two or three meetings would be required initially for both 1 and 2. Following this, meetings could possibly take place once or twice a year. If anyone would like to join this committee, please contact Mrs Smith. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK - To ease another’s burden, help carry it. And a note on the above – after 8 years of providing the Thought of the Week it’s increasingly difficult to find a “positive” pearl of wisdom! If you have any you wish to share do let us know Mrs C. Pratt Saturday 13th March 2-4pm at Otley Ashfield Primary School, come along and join in the fun games, art, craft and story telling INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS We are always keen to celebrate the links our school community has with other countries. If your family has a link with someone in another country, could you please ask that they send us a postcard depicting the area in which they live. We aim to create a display to celebrate the multitude of cultures represented within our school. Thankyou Miss Barghout and Mrs Pratt The Spanish Club - This half term we are learning phrases about the weather and the names of some common articles of clothing which we then relate to the weather. We are playing numerous games to practise the new vocabulary and the children will create their own weather chart, which they will be able to take home. Mrs McGrath CAR PARKING – Please would you give the attached letter about car parking to whoever brings your child to school or collects them at the end of the school day. Thank you CONGRATULATIONS !! to Miss Tymoshyshyn on her engagement. Year 6 have been working really hard again this week finding out the truth behind the legend of Robin Hood and presenting their information to the class in their own preferred style, linking to our smarts we discovered back in September. We have been furiously complaining in Literacy, writing letters about some very dodgy holidays! Maths has seen us looking at coordinates, translation and rotation - very tricky. Maybe we could work on these in our revision books? Just to let you know that Y6 are leading the St. Joseph's Mass on Friday 19th March at 9.30 rather than leading the assembly. Mr. Gallacher, Mrs. Condliffe you paid your Building Fund Contribution? Please support us whilst we try to keep our building in good state of repair. £5 per child per term. Have Year 5 have had a very exciting week in Literacy. Looking at the Legend of Robin Hood, we have been the Sheriff's Guards, investigating a suspicious incident. We interviewed witnesses and suspects to come up with our official report and conclusion... Will Robin be found guilty? In Numeracy, we have been working with proportions and representing them as fractions. Tricky stuff, but we soon got the hang of it! Miss Tymoshyshyn CROSS COUNTRY Years 3,4,5 and 6 participated in the annual inter school cross country event last Saturday. All completed the challenging course and showed great enthusiasm, strength of character and teamwork. Congratulations to: Rebecca Richard, Sophie Gilberthorpe, Emily Clapham, Saleena Ahktar, Erica Bowers, Declan Boswell, Ruari Waterworth, Edward Shepherd, Ripudaman Singh, Harsimran Singh, Kieran McGrath, Stephen Ginty, Christopher Ginty, Sam Holmes, Dane Casserley, Sam Ostrowski, Ray Ostrowski, Joey Williamson, Dylan Lyons. Year 2: We had a wonderful afternoon making “healthy choice” wheels as part of our IPC topic this week, making sure we Baseball caps on sale from the school office £3 each – get ready for summer!!! understand the major food groups. We are still looking at information texts in our literacy topic and we have been thinking about how we find information online – which led us to designing our own webpage on Florence Nightingale (we even put hyperlinks in some of them). Maths lessons have been very exciting this week – forget whiteboard pens, we went back to chalk and wrote all our number bonds to 20 on the key stage 1 playground, luckily Mrs Smith didn’t see us! Mr Garden & Mrs Skeoch Wednesday 16th June and 17th June wrapping for Fathers day stall 2pm – 3:15pm see Mrs J. McGrath YEARS 3/4 PRODUCTION 1:30pm and 7pm on 31st March. Do come along and see your children perform. HORSE RIDING LESSONS £10 per half hour money made goes toward fund for the Bambisanani partnership. Phone Isabelle Scott 07540552524 FAITH LUNCH REMINDER! 1st April 2010. Hot Dinners & Packed Lunch children are asked to forego their usual lunch and be provided with a simple lunch of a sandwich, fruit and water. Their usual lunch money or the equivalent for packed lunch children (£1.80 / £1.85) will be donated to CAFOD’s Haiti Fund. Any additional donations are gratefully received so no change will be returned. Thank you for your support. This week in Reception we looked at houses in hot and cold countries and compared them with our own. We designed patterns for the outside of African mud huts and painted pictures of houses we would like to live in. We continued to talk about 3d shapes and used the digital camera to take photographs of 3d shapes around school. Mrs. Dykes, Miss Procter & Mrs McGrath. Thank you to all our parents and the other members of our St Joseph's family who came to the Year 3 class Mass on Thursday. The children worked hard to make it such a moving spiritual experience. It is always appreciated when parents, family and friends come to our Masses as this is at the heart of our Catholic values, and the best way of transmitting these values to the next generation of Catholics, is to show them that our faith is an important part of our life. It has been handed down to us over two thousand years by committed members of their faith which now includes them. Our Easter play is progressing well and we are very nearly at the stage of contemplating costumes. We have some at school and next week hope to rope ourselves together, bring torches and breathing apparatus and have an expedition into the depths of Mrs Bates’ stock cupboard to see exactly what we have. Do run an eye over your wardrobe and if you have any outfits that look as if they would have fitted into village life circa AD 30 then perhaps it is time to update your wardrobe or loan the outfit to us! We shall be in touch. Mrs Heatley Year One The children have been really enjoying our Circus topic. We have made some juggling balls which are now in our circus skills area of the classroom and used big construction materials to invent our own circus clown cars with impressive results. Thank you for helping your child learn their assembly parts Year 4 - Calendars This week in Year 4 we have been talking about the different months of the year and looking at how the days are organised and set out in calendars. We discussed special dates and marked them on a 2010 calendar. Next week the children will have the opportunity to design and paint a picture for a calendar competition. Mrs Bates FOOTBALL IS ON SATURDAY @ 10AM AS USUAL ________________________________________________________________________________ Friends of St Joseph are having a very successful year so far. We have a very healthy bank balance and are well on the way to raising the funds required to purchase the fold away staging for the school performances. Forthcoming events for your diary include: Quiz Night - Friday 26th March 8pm in school Tickets £3 per person to include a chilli supper. Please come along for what will be a great fun evening. Teams up to maximum of 8. A bar will be available. Bags 2 School. Please fill and return to school on Monday 22 nd or Tuesday 23rd March Sponsored Walk - Sunday 23rd May 2pm start with cream tea in school afterwards Spring Disco for Children - Friday 21st May Otley Carnival is Saturday June 19th this year. We have had a school competition to decide on the theme which this year will be Under the Sea! Next carnival meeting Tuesday 23rd March 2.30pm in school. Further details of these events will be available soon. If you can offer any help however small it will be greatly appreciated. Keep an eye on newsletter for help required. Thank you for your continued support. SUNSHINE AWARDS THIS WEEK: Rec – Jack Lay, Y1 - Clement Faure, Y2 - Benjamin McCormick, Y3 - Jamie Cottle, Y4 - Maya Lao, Y5 - Ripudaman Singh, Y6 - Jacob Hargreaves GOLDEN TABLE THIS WEEK: Declan Boswell (Y3), Ethan Horwood (Rec), Jonjoe Boswell (Rec) and Maya Lao (Y4) Fruit is on sale in the school daily 25p per item DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tuesday 16th March Wednesday 17th March Friday 26th March Thursday 1st April Monday 19th April Tuesday 27th April Monday 3rd May Saturday 8th May Monday 10th May Wednesday 19th May Friday 28th May Monday 7th June Wednesday 9th June Thursday 10th June Monday 5th July Tuesday 6th July Wednesday 7th July Thursday July 8th Friday 9th July Wednesday 14th July Thursday 15th July Friday 16th July Wednesday 21st July Thursday 22nd July Wednesday 1st September 2010 Tuesday 4th January 2011 Monday 25th July 2011 4pm-5:30pm 9:30am All Day 3:15pm 8.55am 6pm 1:30pm 3:15pm 9am Pm Pm All day During the day All day All day Return time TBA 1:30pm 7pm All day 7pm 6:30pm - 8pm School closed High 5 Netball at St. Marys Yr. 6 Year 4 visit Sainsburys Pyjama Day - £1 donation Faith lunch and School closes for Easter School re-opens E-Safety Training for Parents Public Holiday First Holy Communion SATS WEEK IN SCHOOL New parents meeting in school School closes School reopens Sports day Reserve Sports day Year 6 Deanery day at TASC Year 6 to St. Mary’s Menston Year 6 residential Year 6 residential Year 6 residential Years 5 & 6 performance Years 5 & 6 performance No school for children Staff Training Day Leavers Mass Year 6 Leavers’ Party Staff Training Day School closed School closed Staff Training Day Staff Training Day 10am Baseball caps on sale from the school office £3 each – get ready for summer!!!