In the summer, my best memory is going to the carnival with my

In the summer, my best memory is going to the carnival with my family at the
Brockton Fair. My favorite ride is the ferris wheel because it’s relaxing and me and my
family can just talk there. Another memory with my family is playing basketball on
Saturdays and Sundays. We get to compete against one another which is fun.
- Giovannie
One thing I like to do with my family is cook. My quilt square shows a picture of
me, my mom, my grandmother, and my little sister cooking. Some things we cook are
cupcakes, cookies, and cakes. We also talk and laugh when we are baking together. This
square also shows my sister holding a tray of cookie dough waiting to be baked.
- Shania
When my baby sister was born April 15, 2009, I was happy. Her name is Arianna
Rose Botelho. She was supposed to be born on my birthday which is on April 19th. She is
very cute. She’s only 1 year old and she mimics everything I say and she says her “haha”
to me when she mimics me. She almost died because the umbilical cord got caught
around her neck and she turned blue.
- Lauryn
One day, me, my big brother, my big sister, my dad, and my mom went fishing at
Crocodile Island (but there was no crocodile at all). There was many people and what
you did with the fish when you caught it was kiss it for good luck and throw it back. You
could not keep it. So me, my dad, and my brother all kissed at least one fish. My sister
and mother did not kiss the fish and my dad went to go kiss the fish, but the fish slapped
him with his tail. After we were done fishing we all went home and fell asleep.
- Devonte
When I was younger I would visit my uncle in Puerto Rico. I would play
Nintendo 64 with my cousins and my uncle. We would play for a long time after
breakfast. Everyone was happy and smiling. My uncle died two years ago and I was very
sad. When I am sad, I think about happy memories.
- Angel
This quilt design represents old memories of family members and fun stuff I did in
America and Brazil. There’s an album in Brazil that shows pictures of the past and the
present. It also reminds me of old times like when I raced my cousin and when I got my
first sugar rush after eating a whole jar of sugar and chocolate. I also danced with my
cousins in Brazil.
- Jheymis
We are fishing. We’re trying to get the biggest fish we can. I go fishing with mom,
dad, and my sister at Horseneck Beach. My dad likes to fish in the cold, but we go in the
summer. When we catch fish, they smell weird, like salt. Sometimes my dad keeps the
fish we catch, but other times we throw them back. It is fun to go with them and my
favorite memory with my family.
- Alex
Mixed Martial Arts is a tradition in my family. All of the men in my family took it.
Its been a tradition in my family for a long time. Every time I see my brother we always
talk about MMA. I even practice MMA with my family. Sometimes, even though me and
my dad don’t get along we still have something in common, MMA. When I see him we
practice and talk about it.
- Luis
My quilt square is about Thanksgiving because that is the time my family gets
together and we eat turkey, beans, potatoes, and lady finger cheesecake. My mom
makes all the food and I help with the mashed potatoes. All my brothers go to my house
because it is big and my family comes over and my cousins come over too and we play
X-box 360. I like Thanksgiving because I get to see all my family members and I get to
drink a little bit of wine (only on the holidays).
- Macklin
Some good times I had with my family are when we saw the fireworks at
Kennedy Park because we get to spend time with each other. Another good time is
spending time with my great-grandfather before he died. We would watch Spanish
movies and he would give me challenges for fun. I also remember when I moved with
my family to our new house, near Kennedy Park, because it’s a bigger house than the
other houses I’ve lived in.
- Chris
I went to Disney World for the first time with my whole family. It was so fun. My
favorite thing was the aquarium where I got a stuffie of Nemo. And we went on a ride
where you have to command a ship like the test from StarTrek. And we also went to all
the eateries and got food.
- Owen
Every Christmas at 12:00 in the morning I open my Christmas presents with my brother
and parents and play with them. We only open them if we are good and if we’re awake.
My alarm clock would go off for about one minute so we can open them. The youngest
person gets to go and open them up first. The order is: Dawson (brother, 8 years old),
Brandon (me, 12 years old), Manny (step-dad), and Sonia (mom). I like it because I like
spending time with my family and I get what I want most of the time, but there is usually
also a surprise.
- Brandon
My family and I like to go in our pool. It is in my backyard and is surrounded by
flowers, roses and dandelions. We got our pool at least two years ago. My sister and I
were so excited to get it. The day we put it up we were waiting and waiting to go in it,
but we couldn’t. The next day we did and it was worth the wait.
- Sara
Birthdays in my family are special days. We have cake, mostly chocolate cake with
chocolate frosting. We open our presents before we have dinner and cake. After we’re
done opening presents and eating we get the cake and sing “Happy Birthday”. When it’s
my birthday it makes me feel special. I count down the days before my birthday every
- Kassandra
Once every year my family goes camping. 2008 ws me and Phearom’s first time.
It was a 1 hour ride to pick up our cousins then 2 hours. We set up our tents then went
to eat. After that we went to swim in a waterfall that was really cold. I got used to it
because my uncle knocked me in. Me and my cousins pushed each other down the
waterfall, but the water was so powerful it pulled me down. That’s the scariest 5 feet of
waterfall! We also played a lot of Frisbee and roasted a lot of marshmallows.
- Phearake
My mom cooks big meals all the time. This is important because if she didn’t I’d
starve. My mom’s cooking is original and tastes like heaven. My favorite meal that she
cooks for me is chicken, corn, and macaroni. I help my mom cook all the time and I
enjoy cooking with her.
- Chris
Even though I never met my grandfather I know so much about him. He was in
the navy and he was also a firefighter in Fall River before that. While in the navy he
served on an aircraft carrier called the USS Hancock and in the Vietnam War. He was a
lieutenant in the fire department. He fought major fires like Kerr Mill and Notre Dame
Church fire. When he was 37, he suffered a major heart attack and left behind his wife
and two kids. Even though I never met him, I feel like I knew him forever.
- Dylan
This is a memory quilt square of my family’s Easter at memere and pepere’s house.
I usually see lots of plants and roses in their house because people gave them to my
grandmother for an Easter gift. We go to church with the family then we go back home
to have an Easter egg hunt and then a cookout. And sometimes we decorate eggs, play
horseshoes, and pass the football. This is my favorite Easter memory because everyone
gets together.
- Brenden
Some of the most fun times I have with my family are going skiing, cooking, going
to Water Country, and going places by boat. I also like spending time with my brother.
We love doing all these things together as a family. We have fun as well. We share ideas
while we’re cooking. We laugh when someone falls when we go skiing and we have fun
splashing each other in the water. Sometimes when I and my brother play we always end
up fighting then laughing, then fighting again, but it’s all good in the end.
- Alyssa
In my quilt the border represents how I draw. I draw different and my drawings are
animals. The American flag and Portuguese flag represent the halves in my family. My
dad’s side speaks English and he is American. My mom’s side speaks Portuguese. So I’m
half American and half Portuguese. The people represent my parents, my little sister, and
dog. They are the best things that have ever happened to me.
- Jayda
My dog is awesome, but he is not too intelligent. When I play tug-of-war with
him he thinks he is stronger than me. But he does not like me that much, especially when
I beat him at tug-of-war. My dog is a Fawn Chihuahua which means he looks like a baby
Sometimes I play fetch with him, but it doesn’t work out well. I’ll throw the ball
and it will never come back. But most dogs do that. My dog is really improved and is a
little bit more intelligent.
- Dustin
My quilt story is about me and my family at my Ti Toni’s house watching Super
Bowl XLVI. It was the Green Bay Packers versus the Pittsburgh Steelers. Every Super Bowl
my family has a bet to see the total score of both teams combined. This year it was my
dad who won the money. He won $58.00 because the total score combined was 56.
We ate pizza, pasta, chicken, potatoes, steak, and a lot more. The thing I like most about
this is that my whole family is there and we get to spend time together.
- Eric
My mom, dad, brothers, and I went to Florida during February vacation. We
spent ten days at Disney World. During the first day we went to the Magic Kingdom and
we went on the Haunted Mansion and The Mad Tea Party rides. The Mad Tea Party ride
was my favorite because it spun around really fast. The bad thing was that we had just
eaten and almost got sick. My brothers and I rode the Speedway and almost crashed into
each other. We had fun in Florida because we liked spending time together.
- Marissa
These are memories of my mom. When I have dirty clothes, my mom goes to the
Laundromat to wash them. When I have a wrinkled uniform my mom irons all of them.
And when we get out of school at 2:40, she makes food for us. When we are bored we
go to the mall so she can buy us stuff. That’s why I love my mom.
- Andy
When I was 10, I was on a basketball team called the 76er’s. The thing that I liked
most was playing with my friends. The position that I played was point guard. We
played at the park and the Boys’ and Girls’ Club. My favorite game was when we faced
an undefeated team called the Heat and won. The final score was 46 to 43.
- Michael
A memory from three years ago was when it was my uncle’s birthday and my
great-grandmother came from Puerto Rico. The flowers on my quilt are because my
grandmother has a lot of flowers in her house and it reminds me of her. The flag is
because I’m Puerto Rican and the cake looks like the Puerto Rican flag too.
- Joel
This is an important memory because it was my first time going to Canobie Lake
Park. The people that I went with were my cousins, my dad, and my aunt. My favorite
rides were the Corkscrew, the Boston Tea Party, the bumper cars, and the Sky Shooter.
At lunch we ate sandwiches, watermelon, and chips. I had so much fun that I asked my
aunt if we could go again, and she said yes!
- Jacob
Almost every year on Easter, we go to my aunt’s house. But last year, it was our
turn and the whole family came, which doesn’t really happen a lot. So me, my cousin
Kevin, and my cousin Veronica went outside and hid the eggs in the grass for the little
kids to find. After we ere done hiding the rest of the eggs, we found three more bags of
eggs that were empty and we thought it would be funny. And we threw them
everywhere. Then my Aunt Lisa came and took the eggs from the little kids and laughed
and laughed. I remember this because this was the first time me and my family had lots
of fun.
- Kayla
One of my favorite things to do was play soccer with my Dad. Dad and I enjoyed
playing in our backyard. I remember one morning when I was sleeping and he woke me
up. After I got dressed, we went downstairs. Dad and I were watching T.V. and he put it
on Tom and Jerry. We were watching it for quite sometime. Then he asked, “Do you
have any soccer balls?” After searching the backyard, we found one. He and I started to
play soccer. Dad was really good and he beat me. After the game, we ate breakfast at
McDonald’s. I sure do miss him, but I know that Dad is looking out for me.
- Nicholas
Every summer my family and I go to the beach. My mom, cousins, and aunts go
with me. I play “monkey in the middle” with my cousins. We bury each other in the
sand and make sandcastles. We lie in the sun and tan. After having fun, everyone gathers
around and eats.
- Tiffany
One day my grandfather found a necklace that was oddly shaped. It was red and
black. It was like a medallion. It was cool. He used to wear it. But he gave it to my dad
when he was a boy. He wore it every day no matter what. It was very important him.
Then my dad gave it to me when I was eight years old. This necklace was passed down
to my dad and then to me. I’m going to keep that necklace until I give it to my son.
- Ryan
We go to Disney World every year. I enjoy it because my sister’s leave me alone
and I don’t get in trouble at all. I also enjoy it because my mom isn’t screaming at me
every five minutes. My favorite rides are the roller coasters. I like them because my sisters
are afraid to go on them so I’m happy because they are not bugging me. I go on the
roller coasters with my dad because my mom is afraid of heights so she watches my
sisters until me and my dad get off the roller coasters and then we go on other rides or
go to shows. I go every summer for two weeks. We hang out with my cousin, aunt,
uncle, and my grandmother and grandfather. I have a good time at Disney World every
summer. It’s fun!
- Austin
My favorite uncle is my Uncle Ronnie. I always had fun with him. We played
baseball. We would play at Abbot Court Field all summer long. He would take me and
my brother to Tony’s Variety Store after playing to get drinks. When he passed 3-4 years
ago, I was upset because he was funny and I enjoyed being around him. I miss my uncle
very much.
- Eric
Some of my oldest memories with my dad are going out with him to the baseball
field and playing baseball. It was really fun and every time I hit the ball really far my dad
needed to go get it and I laughed all the time at him. Then it’s my dad’s turn and when I
throw the ball he hits it so far that I can’t even get it. Memories like this are always good
to have so you’ll never forget the good times.
- Austin
In my family, we celebrate each other’s birthdays. We either go out or have a
party. We mostly have a party. It’s fun. I like the birthday parties because we eat cake
and other junk foods. We listen to music, play games like the piñata or Pin the Tail on
the Donkey, and open presents. We have lots of fun.
- Briana
My quilt square is an Easter egg because my favorite holiday is Easter. My family
has a big dinner with my dad’s side of the family. My vavo cooks “bunny” and other
Portuguese foods. After we have lunch we open Easter gifts that have candy and toys. I
also get to see my cousins and we play with the new toys we got. Sometimes we get to
go to vovo’s friend’s house to see and pet sheep, goats, pigs, and cows. This is what I like
to do on Easter.
- Sara
I remember when my grandmother cooked for me every morning and afternoon.
We would g o to the store and get spaghetti for lunch and when we go back home I
used to help her cook the food. She always asked me to help cook. Then when she went
back to Portugal and I never got any calls or letters from her. Then one day when I came
home from school my mother was crying because her mother, my grandmother, passed
- Josh
Having dinner at my grandma’s is important to me because me and the whole
family are together. We enjoy eating dinner and opening gifts on Christmas. My
grandma makes mash potatoes and turkey. While my grandma cooks and my mom and
aunt help, I watch the dog and play with him. The dinner and gifts is fun and we all have
a good time.
- Ashley
This is a memory of my grandfather. He died not too long ago and this was one
of his favorite things to do. He would usually buy a scratch ticket once a week. He
would buy the Bingo scratch ticket or the one when you had to match letters. Once in a
while when he bought a scratch ticket he would win and he would share the money with
me and my cousin. This is one thing we did together before he died and something I will
remember doing.
- Larissa
It was about four or five years ago and it was Christmas morning when I got my
dog. It was in my brother’s stocking. I was surprised that I didn’t hear her bark. Spikette
is black and white. She was small like a Chihuahua, but now she is bigger. My step-dad
picked her up out of my brother’s stocking and put her on the floor and she ran around
the dining room table. I tried to catch her and I couldn’t catch her so then me and my
brother boxed her in and brought her in my room and closed the door so we didn’t
have to chase her again. Then we fed her and walked her and brought her in the car to
my dad’s house.
- Steven
My quilt square is about me going to church every Sunday and the little buckets show
that we are raising money for the other churches that don’t have much and to build
churches. Our preacher is always talking about how we are going to build a church in
every country in Asia and South America.
- Amber
This quilt story is about my uncle, Bruce. Before he died, he used to play the
guitar. When I was little I used to watch him play with my grandpa. And he always
practiced. When my mom got married, my uncle and his band played a song for her at
the wedding.
- Makayla
One of my favorite times with my mom was when we went to Six Flags. My
mom went on some rides with me. There was a ride called Bizarro that she did not want
to go on or want me to go on because she thought that it was too dangerous. Our
favorite ride was the Batman rollercoaster. My mom and I went on it twice because it
was fast and had a lot of loops.
My dad works on a lobster and crab boat that is in New Bedford. When I was
younger my dad always took me to a dock near his friend’s house. We would go out on
his friend’s boat and fish. My dad taught me how to put sandworms on a hook. I was
very happy to catch my first fish when I was six years old.
My niece, Alexandria, is fun to spend time with because she can be silly.
Whenever I go outside to play basketball or baseball, she wants to come along.
Alexandria’s favorite thing to do is ride her scooter while I ride my skateboard. She
doesn’t want to go in the house because she is having so much fun.
My grandpa and I ride quads or four-wheelers through trails in Freetown. When I
was 10 years old, I rode one by myself. We have lots of fun because we climb hills and
drive through sandpits really fast. My grandpa is fun to spend time with and riding quads
with him is my favorite thing to do.
- Gage