Anthony Kurt Brown OBJECTIVE To gain a position developing software for cutting edge technologies EDUCATION BS, Computer Science University of South Alabama August 2004, GPA 3.94 RELEVANT COURSEWORK Data Structures Operating Systems Algorithms Computer Architecture EXPERIENCE ATI Graduate Assistantship, January 2005 - Present University of South Alabama Mobile, Alabama Assisted students in learning about embedded software development Developed embedded software with Codelab and SH4 motherboards Trained in embedded APIs: Nuclus PLUS, Nucleus NET MS, Computer Science University of South Alabama Graduation Date: May 2006 Artificial Intelligence Automata Theory Robotics Researcher, June 2003 - Present University of South Alabama Mobile, AL Gained funding by submitting research proposals Developed sophisticated vision system to facilitate robot navigation Programmed Artificial Intelligence of navigation and logic modules Computer Programming Tutor, August 2002 - May 2004 University of South Alabama Mobile, AL Taught students Java programming language Conducted sessions to improve students’ problem solving skills Codelab UML Modeling MySQL Java SOFTWARE EXPERTISE Nucleus PLUS Nucleus NET HONORS/ ACTIVITIES Former President of local ACM chapter ACM Graduate Fellowship recipient Graduate of South Alabama’s Honors Program References available upon request C++ PHP