Electronic Module Chronicle preparation Submission instructions Your files should be submitted to the designated folder on the university server, which is \\james.wiut.uz\Module Chronicles\Academic Year 2013-2014 You must copy and paste this address to you explorer window (see Image 1), which you access by double clicking icon. Image 1. Accessing Module Chronicles repository The structure of the folder is given below Image2. Module Chronicles Repository You should create your module folder in a relevant subfolder and name it xxx_yyy, where xxx is the module abbreviation and yyy is the module code. For example if your module is ICT, which is taught on level 3 in the first semester than you should go o the directory: Module Chronicles/ Academic year 2012-2013/CIFS/Semester 1 and in this directory you should create a folder ICT_2UZF306. Your module folder (chronicle) should contain 4 subfolders as shown on image 3 below. Image 3. Electronic Module Chronicle Folders. Below Each folder is considered separately and its contents are detailed. Documents folder. This folder should contain the following documents files: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Module Syllabus (.doc, or .docx formats) Module Assessment Schedule (.doc, or .docx formats) 13 week teaching schedule (.doc, or .docx formats) Completed module mark sheet (.xls, format) Module Leaders report (.doc, or .docx formats) Module Statistics Analysis (.doc, or .xls, or .pdf formats) Module Evaluation Questionnaire Lectures Folder. This folder should contain as many subfolders as there were lectures on the module and any additional tasks given to students during GIS weeks. Image 4 below shows contents of the Lectures folder. Image 4. Contents of the Lectures folder Each folder should contain all relevant materials namely: presentation files, video/audio files, reading files, any additional resources used. For example contents of Lecture 6 folder are shown on image 5. Image 5. Example of content in Lecture 6 folder. Tutorials Folder This folder should contain as many subfolders as there were tutorials on the module and any additional tasks given to students during additional tutorials organized. Image 6 below shows contents of the tutorials folder. Image 6. Contents of tutorials folder. Each folder should contain all relevant materials namely: presentation files, video/audio files, reading files, any additional resources used. Example of the contents of Tutorial 3 folder is shown on Image 7 below. Image 7. Example Contents of Tutorial 3 folder Assessments folder. This folder should contain as many subfolders as assessment components administered on the module. Image 8 below shows possible contents of the assessment folder. Image 8. Contents of the Assessments folder Each folder should contain the following files and subfolders: 1. Task file – moderated copy of your coursework task 2. Marking Scheme File – moderated marking scheme of the coursework task 3. Moderation Evidence file – copied from the moderation system 4. Students work folder(if Applicable) – if students submitted their work through university intranet, then copies of all their works should be in this folder. 5. Marking folder (if Applicable) – All completed marksheets or marked scripts with comments should be in this folder if marking is done through electronic means. 6. Assessment Offences folder (if Applicable) – Any cases of assessment offences should be reported using standard assessment offence report template, and copies of those should be kept in this folder. 7. Feedback Folder (if Applicable) – if any feedback was given in the electronic form the copy of it should be kept in this folder. Example of contents of the CW1 Folder is given on Image 9. Image 9. Example content of CW1 folder. Appendix A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Module Syllabus Module Assessment Schedule 13 week teaching calendar Completed module mark sheet Module Leaders report Module Statistics Analysis For Each Assessment component: a. Task b. Mark Scheme c. Samples of Students’ work d. Feedback Sample (if applicable) e. Moderation Evidence f. Assessment offence Reports 8. Module Evaluation Questionnaire 9. Lectures 10. Tutorials Appendix B MODULE LEADER’S REPORT Please download Module Leader’s report template from http://www.wiut.uz/modulechronicles/downloads.htm Appendix C Westminster International University in Tashkent Assessment Schedule Lecturer: Course: Module Code: Module Title: Academic Year: Semester: Schedule Summary Assessment Component Date Set Deadline Value Feedback date Results date Coursework 1 Final Exam Coursework 1- Written report and spreadsheet FINAL EXAM IMPORTANT NOTE You should be aware of the Academic Regulations and the consequences for failing to abide by these regulations, such as plagiarism. If you are not sure then refer to the Essential Information handbook and/or contact the module leader or course leader or Academic Registrars Office How to contact: Email: Office Hours: Appendix D WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT CERTIFICATE OF INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION STUDIES Module code TEACHING SCHEDULE ACADEMIC YEAR 20xx-20xx, SEMESTER x Week Commencing Teaching Week (TW) Lecture Topic Induction TW 1 TW 2 TW 3 TW 4 TW 5 Guided Independent Study Week: TW 6 TW 7 TW 8 TW9 TW 10 TW 11 TW 12 TW 13 - Assessment Week 1 Final Exams Assessment Week 2 Final Exams Tutorial Topic Appendix E Assessment Offence Report Module: Module code: Assessment component: Component weighting: Module leader: Student ID: Nature of offence: To the Academic Officer on Quality Assurance: Module Leader_____________________________________________ Date_____________________________________________________ Signature_________________________________________________