HW1 - Calderglen High School

Environment Homework
Question 1.
Study the information in the table about seaweeds then use it
to copy and complete the branching key diagram below.
Question 2.
Look at the key below and use it and the two leaf diagrams
to answer the questions which follow.
(a) Identify leaves X and Y shown in the diagram. (2)
(b) From the information given make a diagram of a horse chestnut leaf. (2)
(c) Give 1 difference and 1 similarity between an oak and a beech leaf. (2)
(d) There are different ways to draw a key. What type of key is shown? (1)
Question 3.
Students from Calderglen High went on a fieldtrip and
carried out some sampling of a field to find out which plants
were found in that area. Their findings are shown on the
diagram of the quadrat below.
Key: Daisy
0.5 m
0.5 m
(a) Which organism is the most abundant in this sample ? (1)
(b) What is the number of Clover found in the quadrat sample above ? (1)
(c) What is the abundance of Toadstools in 1m2 ? (2)
Question 4.
The instrument below is used to sample tiny soil organisms.
What is the name of this piece of apparatus ? (1)
Name and state the function of the parts labelled A, B, C and D. (2+2)
Question 5.
Study the diagram of the Polar Bear below then choose
any two of its physical features labelled and explain why
these enable it to survive better in cold climates. (2+2)
Very Long
Short Tail
Flat Feet
Question 6.
To find out which organisms are found in rivers scientists
can use a method called Water Trampling/ Kick Netting.
Here the investigator stands upstream of the net and kicks
the soil/stones under his/her feet to try to dislodge and small
fish, amphibians and invertebrates in the river bed which are
washed down into the net. These are then counted, examined
and released back into their habitat.
Using a Kick Net
A Kick Net
Question 7.
What name do we give to collecting a few individual
organisms to estimate how many are found in an area ?
What is kick netting used for ?
Choose and name an area of the World where the activities
of humans are destroying the natural habitat and endangering
the future of many species and write a short essay describing
the problems and state what is being done to prevent it (4)
It’s A Bugs Life – Answers to Homework No.1
Q.2 (a)
X – Rowan Y – Laurel
Anything similar to this . . .
Horse Chestnut Leaf
Q.3 (a)
Similarity : Oak and Beech both have leaf in a single part.
Difference : Oak leaf has wavy edges
Beech leaf has straight edges.
A branched diagram type key
Dandelion (12)
9 Clover Found
24/m2 (6 in 0.25m2 so 4 x 6 = 24/m2)
Q.4 (a)
Tullgren Funnel
A – Lamp : Used to dry out soil sample
B – Soil Sample : Contains small soil living invertebrates
C – Mesh Grille : Keeps soil sample above killing chamber
D – Killing Chamber : Quickly kills organisms which fall in
preventing them from eating each other
(Both parts required for each single mark)
Q.5 Any two from the following:
Small Rounded Ears
Conserve heat / Avoid frost bite
Black Skin
Allows it to absorb more heat from the sun
Large Flat Feet
Allows walking on snow without sinking in
Small Tail
Conserve heat / Avoid frost bite
Very Long Claws
Enable it to pull prey out the water
Large Shoulder Muscles For pulling large prey out the water
Q. 6 (i)
To find out what small organisms are found in a river.
Q. 7 Any suitable answer however they must mention:
The location of the habitat they are referring to.
What people are doing to cause the stated problem.
The name(s) of some of the species being affected.
What can be done to stop it happening.