Falling Leaves WS

Falling Leaves
Name: _____________________
Collect 2 deciduous leaves from outside. What makes these leaves
deciduous? _______________________________________________
Use a colored pencil/crayon to make a rubbing of your leaf (place the
leaf under your paper with the underside of the leaf facing the paper.
Use the side of your pencil/crayon to rub your paper gently).
Use a different color for each leaf that corresponds to two different
leaf pigments that we learned. Write the leaf pigment on top of the
Label the following parts of your leaf: tip, blade, midrib, lateral veins,
Is your leaf a monocot or a
dicot? How do you know?
Create an acrostic poem using one of the following concepts: photosynthesis, autotrophs, producers
Draw and label a picture showing how the reactants and products of photosynthesis are used by producers
and consumers