Poster Session 1

Poster Session 1
July 3, 10.45-12.45
DIF investigation of TIMSS 2007
science items in terms of test language
and gender
Poster Session 2a
Scholarship Session
July 3, 13.30-15.30
Urdu adaptation and validation of
State Self Esteem Scale in young adults
Poster Session 3
A Bayesian model comparison
approach in mixture IRT models: An
empirical analysis using the TIMSS
mathematics assessment
Yoon Soo Park
Young-Sun Lee
An application of a multiple-group
CDM to compare cognitive attribute
distributions based on eighth grade
TIMSS mathematics
Jung Yeon Park
Matthew Johnson
Young-Sun Lee
Jianzhou Zhang
The effect of assessment as learning
components training on the selfconcept and mathematic academic
Mohammad Asgari
Good intentions, difficult challenges:
Feeding grade 8 continuous
assessment scores into national
examinations’ scores in Malawi
Ella Gift Banda
July 3, 15.30-1715
The Chinese revision of the SON-R 640 non-verbal intelligence test
Qian Wang
Houcan Zhang
Interpretation of the Performance
Scale of the SON-R 2½-7[a] a
nonverbal test of intelligence
Felipe Valentini
Jacob ArieLaros
Predicting school achievement beyond
intelligence: Does metacognition
Hudson F. Golino
Cristiano Mauro
Verification of differential item
functioning in the Brazilian version of
the SON-R 2½-7[a]
Jacob ArieLaros
Camila Akemi Karino
Expanding the social goal taxonomy:
Construction and validation of the
Social Obligation Scale
Ronnel B. King
David A. Watkins
Invariance of Predicting Mathematics
Achievement by Motivation and SelfEfficacy Across Gender and
Achievement Levels
Othman Alsawaie
The moderation of school academic
optimism effect on student
achievement: DIF and multi-group SEM
Liang-Cheng Zhang
Jia-JiaSyu (National
Tian-Ming Sheu
Cross-cultural differences between
standardization samples of the Test of
Motivational Orientation
The adaptation of the Brazilian
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of
Denise Balem Yates
Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva
Clarissa MarceliTrentini
Assessment of intelligence in Greece
using the General Ability Measure for
Adults: Concurrent validity with the
Elena C. Dieti
Achilles N. Bardos
Need for achievement influences test
taking motivation influences
achievement test performance
Ludwig Kreuzpointner
Ines Giermann
Validating the Filipino version of
Academic Delay of Gratification Scale
Fraide A. Ganotice, Jr.
Ronnel B. King
History and Current Developments of
Clinical Assessment in Bulgaria
Reading tests: A Decade of sources of
validity evidence
Betty-Jean Usher-Tate
Population Heterogeneity in the Effect
of Consuming Value on Compulsive
Jieting Zhang
Poster 1.9 is cancelled.
Poster Session 2b
July 3, 13.30-15.30
Construct validity of the WISC–IVUK
with a large Irish sample of referred
Gary L. Canivez
Marley W. Watkins
Trevor James
Kate James
Rebecca Good
The WISC Arithmetic and Digit Span
subtests: What do they measure?
Christina M. Ravert
Marley W. Watkins
Analysis of French WISC-IV index score
scatter and level of performance with
gifted and nongifted children
Thierry Lecerf
Long-term stability of the French
WISC-IV: An exploratory study
Online Learning Strategies Scale
adaptation to a Colombian population:
Factor analysis and Rasch model
Meneses Alba
Organista Pedro
MasiasJacquelinne y
Assessing teacher students’
knowledge about the educational
system in Germany
Olaf Köller
Jens Möller
The uniform and non-uniform DIF of
Personal Epistemology Beliefs Scale for
senior high school students
A review on the reform of high school
certificate examination in China
Yang Wu
Evaluation of stress level and related
factors using DASS-21
The effect of item presentation style
on a Japanese language reading test in
a high school admissions examination
Kazuhiro Yasunaga
Makoto Saitoh
Hidetoki Ishii
The effect of assessment systems
reform on schools and classrooms
Hamid Reza Badiei
A psycholinguistic approach to foreign
language proficiency testing
Higher education evaluation in Brazil
Claisy Maria Marinho-Araujo
Mauro Luiz Rabelo
About trying to catch water with two
Almut Thomas
Doris Latschen
Erik Frank
Annette Weishaupt
Johann Weishaupt
DIF analysis for medical education
students on the ICDL Test
Hassan Gholami
Hassan Ghavami
Sara Samadi
Factorial validity of a measure of
motivation toward career decisionmaking alternatives
José Tomás da Silva
José Pacheco Miguel
Mapping and evaluation of
competencies in higher education
Cynthia Bisinoto
Obedient and worrier: A portrait of the
successful university student in Russia
Ekaterina Orel
Assessment of general education
goals: Challenges and solutions
Ramezan P. Dowlati
Psychometric equivalence of PISA2009
across languages in Spain
Isabelle Reverte
Nathalie Scherrer
Nicolas Favez
Thierry Lecerf
The relationship between results on
the WISC-IV-HR intelligence indices
and academic achievement
The correlation between general
intelligence and a general factor of
Anders Sjöberg
Sara HenryssonEidvall
Maria Åkerlund
Concurrent validity of the General
Ability Measure for Adults (GAMA)
with the K-BIT2 in Greece
DemetriosKatsikis Aristotle
Achilles N. Bardos
Subtests Matrix Reasoning and
Coding of BETA-III in Brazilian
Ivan Rabelo
Silvia Pacanaro
Gisele Alves
Irene Leme
Test Information Function and DIF of
a 12-item-version of the Raven's
Silvia Galli
Marianna Donati
Francesca Chiesi
A set of methodological strategies to
Identify Developmental Stages on
Cognitive Tests
Hudson F. Golino
Cristiano Mauro
Michael Lamport Commons
Patrice Marie Miller
Bridging intelligence and
developmental testing - The
Intelligence and Development Scales
PriskaHagmann-von Arx
Alexander Grob
Predicting intelligence and academic
achievement in primary school: The
predictive validity of the Viennese
Developmental Test
Ursula Kastner-Koller
The influence of lexical knowledge on
the proportions correct of verbal
intelligence test items
Ekaterina Kochergina
Measuring identification with career
Nicole de Jong
Hans A. Hoekstra
Karin I. van Oudenhoven- van der Zee
Creating through course assessments
for the Advanced Placement Program®
Rosemary Reshetar
James Daubs
Elizabeth Daniel
Edward Hardin
Brett Mayhan
Are serious games a reliable approach
to the assessment of vocational
Pierre Vrignaud
Even Loarer
Thierry Boy
Jan van Bebber
Liesbeth E. van Leeuwen
Reliability and validity of the SyllableWord Working Memory Test in
Russian language
Poster Session 4
July 4, 08.45-10.45
Assessment of creativity in the
educational setting: Brazilian
Eunice M. L. Soriano Alencar
Denise de Souza Fleith
Poster Session 5
July 4, 10.45-12.45
A comparison of methods for
univariate and multivariate time series
Tanja Krone
C.J. Albers
Marieke E. Timmerman
Thinking and Creating Styles:
Psychometric studies with a
Portuguese sample
Sara IbéricoNogueira
Leonor Almeida
Solange Wechsler
Thinking and Creating Styles Scale:
Portuguese adaptation
Margarida Pocinho
Solange Wechsler
Saul Neves de Jesus
The Creative Functioning Test (CFT):
Emils Kalis
Do you feel cautions as an ant or
nonconformist as the grasshopper?
Leonor Almeida
Sara IbéricoNogueira
Sara Goulão
Constructing guidelines for
psychological assessment teaching for
undergraduate psychology courses in
MaianaFarias Oliveira Nunes
Monalisa Muniz Nascimento
The use of Automated Test Assembly in
continuous improvement of fixed
length tests
Thomas Proctor
Rosemary Reshetar
Gerald Melican
A comparison of two approaches of
dimensionality assessment in Rasch
Rudolf Debelak
Psychological testing in Argentina:
Some indicators about research
developments (2001-2011)
Mercedes FernándezLiporace
María Josefina Scheinsohn
Alejandro Castro Solano
An alternative to Cronbach's alpha
coefficient: The ordinal index of
Paula Elosua
Bruno Zumbo
The development of Guidelines and a
Primer Book for psychological testing
in Brazil
Lucas DanniloAragãoGuimarães
Ana Valeria Lopes Lemos
Andrea Thaís Xavier Rodríguez
Ana Rayonara de Sousa Albuquerqu
Fernanda Tamyris de Oliveira Lopes
Larissa de Carvalho Muniz
Can tests define human knowledge?!
Ahmad Shahidov
Coping with Heterogeneity thru
Hadassah Weitzman Bennett
Rachel Haller
Rasch analysis of a preliminary selfreport measure of psychopathy
Nelson Hauck-Filho
Marco Antonio Pereira Teixeira
Necker cube copying and cognitive
dysfunction in longterm social welfare
Tove K. Marberger
Øyvind Sundseth
Development and preliminary validity
of the new scales of Halstead Category
Jorge Costa
Paulo Rodrigues
Isabel Santos
Mónica Ferreira
Hugo Almeida
Nick DeFillipis
Benton Visual Retention Test: An Item
Response Theory analysis
Denise Balem Yates
Stela Maris de Jezus Castro
JerusaFumagalli de Salles
Denise RuschelBandeira
Identification of symptoms in
childhood by CBCL
RoselaineBerenice Ferreira da Silva
Marcio Luis Paveglio da Silva
Applying principles of universal design
to the development of psychological
tests in Brazil
Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva
Human Figure Draw in the Rain:
Evidence of validity in Brazil
RoselaineBerenice Ferreira da Silva
MarcioLuísPaveglio da Silva
Exploring the relationship between
item difficulty distribution and passing
Brad Ching-Chao Wu
Current best practices in item selection
Tzu-Yun Chin
Psychometric analysis of a 4-point
unequal scale
William Fernando Durán
Pablo Santamaría
Poster Session 6
July 4, 13.30-15.30
Latent structure of Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder symptoms among
Chinese adolescents after an
Richu Wang
Li Wang
Jianxin Zhang
Psychometric properties of the
Millontm Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
– III personality disorders scales in
Russian Language
A comparison of persons with PTSP
and the normative sample with the
Trauma Symptom Inventory
KrunoslavMatešic, jr.
Assessment of quality of life in
individuals with chronic low back pain
Sergio Fernando Zavarize
Solange Muglia Wechsler
Assessing the dimensionality of the
Revised Life Orientation Test in a
Brazilian sample
Micheline R.Bastianello
Claudio S. Hutz
Testing for measurement invariance in
the Satisfaction With Life Scale: A
comparison between USA and Brazil
Cristian Zanon
Claudio S. Hutz
Quality of life of adults with
intellectual disability: Individual, proxy
and caregiver inter-rater agreement
Alessandra Coscarelli
Giulia Balboni
Personality, habits, and the quality of
Katharina Lochner
Precondition guidelines and Test
translation/adaption guidelines. A
practical guide.
Paola Bully
Paula Elosua
Leandro Almeida
Cassandra Melo Oliveira
Construction and validity studies of a
Computerized Adaptive system for
personality assessment in Brazil
Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva
MaianaFarias Oliveira Nunes
Leonardo Pereira Lima
Trust behavior in a computerized
investment game
Pei-Chun Shih
Alejandra Montoro
Agustin Martinez
Eduardo Estrada
INSIGHT: Development of a new
computer adaptive test measuring
abstract reasoning
Luisa Fossati
Influences of item selection methods
on item exposure control in
multidimensional computerized
adaptive testing
Po-Hsi Chen
Jar-Wen Kuo
Yao-Ting Sung
Kuo-En Chang
Hsien-Sheng Hsiao
Hak-Ping Tam
Tzu-Chien Liu
Equivalence between paper and pencil
and computer based tests to assess
personality traits
David Arribas-Aguila
Real time item collusion detection in
Computerized Adaptive Testing
JiEun Lee
Shungwon Ro
Supervised online testing: A way to
reduce faking?
Matthias Stadler
Computer-assisted testing of stability
vs. susceptibility to failure stress
Openness in assessment for the
stakeholders of a Computerized
Adaptive Test
The assessment of delusional-like
experiences in college students
Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero
Mercedes Paino
Marta Santarén-Rosell
José Muñiz
Development and psychometrics of an
adult self-report on emotion regulation
strategies within negative emotions
Dina Horowitz
Alexander Grob
The Hand Preference Test HAPT 4-6 – a
comprehensive procedure to assess
handedness and consistency of hand
Ursula Kastner-Koller
Johanna Bruckner
A systematic evaluation of ten early
childhood social-emotional
development measures
Rebecca Gokiert
Rebecca Georgis
Clara Lee
Melissa Daniels
Karen Edwards
Mood scale: Adaptation and validation
in Spanish children using CFA
Vicente Javier Prado-Gasco
A. Ordóñez
I. Montoya
M.C. Mateu
R. González
Cross-cultural validation of the Peer
Aggressive and Reactive Behavior
Questionnaire in the Brazilian and
Italian context
Juliane Callegaro Borsa
Bruno Figueiredo Damásio
Paola Gremigni
Denise RuschelBandeira
Ipsative and nonipsative versions of
the Picture Based Value Survey for
Jan Cieciuch
Anna, K. Doering
Second version of the Picture Based
Personality Survey for Children
Jan Cieciuch
Marta Mackiewicz
Different applications of the Scale of
Self-Perception for Preschool Children
Eduardo Doval
Rebeca Garcia-Rueda
Laura Riera
Mick Sumbling
Pablo Sanz
From paper
to digital testing
Andress P. Kooij
Interaction of item bank, scoring
method and termination criteria in
Computerized Adaptive Testing
Lisabet M. Hortensius
David J. Weiss
Comparison of empirical methods in
the study of discriminant validity
Paola Bully
Paula Elosua
Psychologycal assessment in hearing
handcapped in Brazil
EliezerFernandes Gums
Tatiana Cassia Nakano
Solange Muglia Wechsler
Phonological awareness: State of art in
Brazilian scientific production
Yung Sun Lee Damasceno
Cristina Maria D´AntonaBachert
EliezerFernandes Gums
Solange Muglia Wechsler
Poster Session 7
July 4, 15.30-17.30
Development of an instrument for the
assessment of the quality of motherchild interactions
Nicole Hirschmann
Ursula Kastner-Koller
Construction of a scale to assess
parent-child relations in the child
custody dispute context
Vivian de Medeiros Lago
Denise RuschelBandeira
Poster Session 8
July 5, 08.15-10.15
Validation of Saville Consulting Wave
Professional Styles and Swift Analysis
Aptitude in Mauritius
Rainer Kurz
Poster Session 9
July 5, 10.15-12.15
A general factor of personality and
interpersonal problems: Test of a
structural model.
Björn Johansson
Anders Sjöberg
Facebook vs CVs: The impact of social
networking sites on recruitment
Paula Cruise
Needs and challenges for the
psychologists using forensic
assessment instruments in Brazil
Lucas DanniloAragãoGuimarães
Ana Rayonara de Sousa Albuquerque
Ana Valeria Lopes Lemos
Andrea Thaís Xavier Rodríguez
Fernanda Tamyris de Oliveira Lopes
Erica Diana Rodrigues do Nascimento
Indira Rachel Arrais Oliveira
Larissa de Carvalho Muniz
A self-report version of the Scale of
Effectiveness of Adaptation:
Development and validation
Elisa M. P. Yoshida
Mileny Cia
Adriana R. Freitas
Rodhys R. Sigrist
The process of constructing the
Bandung Family Relation Test
Kai Welzen
Peter Nelwan
Toni Toharudin
Leo Polhaupessy
Marisa Moeliono
Lucas Pinxten
Desire for children: Development and
validation of a scale with a Brazilian
Jean Carlos Natividade
HeitorBarcellos Ferreira Fernandes
Claudio Simon Hutz
The Five Factor Personality Inventory
as predictor in police selection
The development and test of a short
version of the Cross-Cultural
Personality Assessment Inventory - 2
MingJie Zhou
ShanShan Zhang
JianXin Zhang
Cross-national comparison of
personality profiles of Estonians,
Latvians, and Lithuanians
Maria Veltmann
A cross-cultural validated scale of
emotional and sexual jealousy
Jean Carlos Natividade
HeitorBarcellos Ferreira Fernandes
Claudio Simon Hutz
Personality profiles of occupational
groups: A case of Hansabank Estonia
Maria Veltmann
Helle Pullmann
CUIDA, a self-report questionnaire for
psychological assessment of adoption
Pablo Santamaría
Exploratory study of patterns in the
personality traits of employees at an
ICT company
Haniza Yon
KokMun Yee
Personality traits and intelligence as
predictors of police officers'
performance in Estonian Police College
Maria Veltmann
Criterion validation study of an
integrity questionnaire using an
experimental design
Louisa Tate
Dimmy van Zanten
Marina Goldmann
Psychometric properties of the SelfEsteem Test for Adolescents
Carlos David DíazLópez
Luis ÁngelContrerasNiño
Juan Carlos RodríguezMacías
Mental abilities vary by managerial
level: A case of Hansabank Estonia
Maria Veltmann
Helle Pullmann
Psychometric properties of the
Brazilian reduced Positive and
Negative Affect Scale for Children
Juliana CerentiniPacico
Bruno Damásio
Michele Poletto
Claudio Simon Hutz
The University Self-Efficacy Scale: First
analyses and future research
Enrique Merino-Tejedor
Positive and Negative Affect SchedulePortuguese version: A psychometric
José Pacheco Miguel
José Tomás da Silva
Interpersonal empathy: Differences
between boys and girls in a Spanish
Enrique Vila Abad
Pablo HolgadoTello
Isabel Barbero
The Romanian validation of the High-K
Strategy Scale: Preliminary results.
Ioana R. Cocia
Lavinia C. Uscătescu
Alina S. Rusu
The linear and nonlinear relationship
between personality and friends on
social network sites
Zheng Zhang
Yinfei Li
Effects of culture, motivation, and test
platform on online personality test
results: Implications from the SOSIE
Xiaobin Zhou
Uncovering systematic sources of
variability: The case of self-perceived
communication competence
Flaviu A. Hodis
Georgeta M. Hodis
Establishing measurement invariance
of the Openness Scale across job
Haniza Yon
KokMun Yee
The impact of organizational
citizenship behavior, emotional
intelligence and job satisfaction on the
employees in Haft Almas Company
Construction assessment tool Brazilian
Communication Styles
Maria Angela Lourençoni
Solange Muglia Wechsler
Social Skills Scale for the Greek
population: Psychometic properties
and factor structure
Kostas Mylonas
Measuring interpersonal sensitivity:
Introducing the Geneva Emotion
Recognition Test
Katja Schlegel
Didier Grandjean
Klaus R. Scherer
Need for cognition and affectivepriming on accuracy of faking
detection in employment interviews
Chenxiao Tang
Verbal ability, personality, and
emotional intelligence as predictors of
sales proficiency
Janneke K. Oostrom
Lonneke A.L. de Meijer
Nicole Soetiin
Marise Ph. Born
The meaning of unidentified
multidimensionality in the assessment
of emotional intelligence
Johnny R. J. Fontaine
Validating the Filipino version of the
Classroom Friendship Questionnaire
Fraide A. Ganotice, Jr.
Jonalyn B. Villarosa
The adaptation and validation of the
EAQ to the Spanish context using SEM
V. Prado-Gasco
A. Ordóñez
I. Montoya
L. Villanueva
R. González
Examining the cultural validity of the
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale across
social contexts: Implications for a
revised measure
Pedro Portes
Motor performance tests in talent
promotion: The MT2-B Leichtathletik
for Sport Schools
Cornelia Moll
Ilka Seidel
Klaus Bös
Using the SOGS-RA to measure
adolescent problem gambling: IRTbased analyses
Romanian translation and cultural
adaptation of the Dutch Work
Addiction Scale
Miguel Ángel Carrasco Ortíz
Psychometric properties of the
Brazilian 14-item Resilience Scale
Bruno Damásio
Joilson Pereira da Sílva
Exploratory factor analysis of the
Brazilian 10-item Perceived Stress
Scale in a sample of school teachers
Bruno Damásio
Wagner de Lara Machado
Joilson Pereira da Sílva
Mean-level change in FFM traits: A
meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
with the NEO-PI
Sofia Sjöberg
Anders Sjöberg
Testing the psychometric properties of
the Adaptive Behavior Assessment
System - II in Latvia
Pauls Legzdiins
Sandra Sebre
Aleksandra Andrejeva
Divergent validity in measuring
approach and avoidance goals: It is
only goal-engagement?
Scott R. Ross
Heidi N. Keiser
Psychometric analysis of the Enright
Forgiveness Scale: What do subscales
Scott R. Ross
Heidi N. Keiser
Amanda Brinkman
Joanna Will
Jarrod A. Johnson
The structure and diagnostics of action
control: The role of the additional
subscale reflective orientation
Olga Mitina
Elena Rasskazova
Measuring Mindfulness: Insights from
Tibetan, Theravada, and Zen Clergy
Michael Christopher
Varinthorn Christopher
Lisa Woodrich
Exploring measurement invariance of a
teligiosity scale across two religion
Maria Anna Donati
Psychometric approach to basic
motivation: Progress report
Dmitry Leontiev
Tatyana Ivanova
Svetlana Dosumova
The Need for Achievement Scale:
Reliability, factor structure, and
criterion-related validity
Heidi N. Keiser
Scott R. Ross
Subjective well-being and time
experience on senior professor’s at
MaianaFarias Oliveira Nunes
Claudio Simon Hutz
Haniza Yon
JieXin Lim
Rohani Pa
Mun Yee Kok