FL O R IDA D EPA RTME N T O F R EV E N U E TR A I NI N G RE PO RT FY 2007 -2 0 0 8 501 S. CALHOUN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL, 32399-0100 F L O R I D A D E PA R T M E N T O F REVENUE TRAINING REPORT FY2007-2008 A RESPONSE TO DEPART MENT OF MANAGEMENT S ERVI CES TRAINING DATA QUESTIONNAIRE AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: Department of Revenue NAME: Office of Communication and Professional Development DATE: July 23, 2008 Instructions: Under Section 110.235, Florida Statutes, please complete the following questionnaire about the training programs completed by your agency and the success of these programs in furthering the mission and goals of your agency. TRAINING PLAN The vision of the Department of Revenue (DOR) is: An agency that is accessible and responsive to citizens, provides fair and efficient tax and child support administration, and achieves the highest levels of voluntary compliance. To achieve the agency’s vision, it is every employee’s mission: To serve citizens with respect, concern and professionalism; To make complying with tax and child support laws easy and understandable; To administer the laws fairly and consistently; and To provide excellent service efficiently and at the lowest possible cost. 2 1. For FY 2007 - 2008, did your agency have an established training plan? Training plans are integrated into Revenue strategies and the strategic leadership system (SLS). As a strategy is developed and deployed, so is the required training and communication. Please see Figure 1a and 1b for a diagram of the SLS and associated activities. 2. Was a needs assessment conducted in order to identify training topics? Needs assessment is part of the strategic planning process and the strategic leadership system. We identify gaps in performance, and if training is the right solution, we develop or buy training to fill those gaps. 3. What training goals were identified? The training goals are directly related to the Department strategies and the strategic leadership system. The Department’s focus is on performance support and improvement. We use an individual development planning process we developed in-house for every supervisor and employee to identify and plan for individual performance improvement. A 360 feedback process supports continual improvement for the leadership team (every supervisor and business process owner or core process owner) by identifying areas for leader performance improvement planning. The 360 process identifies the top and bottom five attributes of each supervisor based on feedback from their direct reports, supervisor, and co-workers. Training is viewed as one means to prepare an individual to do their job efficiently and effectively such that individual performance supports unit, process, and Department performance. 3 Figure 1a: Department of Revenue’s Strategic Leadership System 4 Figure 1b: Strategic Leadership System Activities Steps 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Figure 1b: Strategic Leadership System Activities Activities Document & Understand Business Processes Identify Suppliers & Define Supplier Requirements Identify Inputs Define Activities & Work Flows Identify Outputs Identify Customers & Customer Needs (Outcomes) Link Business Processes & Process Flows Align Organizational Structure with Business Processes Identify Process and Sub Process Owners Identify Functional and Site Managers Align Support Functions and Processes Identify Cross-Functional Management Teams Validate Organizational Structure Establish Standard Process Metrics Communicate Workflows, Organizational Structure and Metrics Set Strategic Direction Define Vision, Mission & Values Assess Internal Environment Assess External Environment Calculate Performance Projections Identify Gaps & Opportunities Set Measurable 3-5 Year (Stretch) Goals Communicate Vision, Mission, Values & Goals Develop Strategies Develop Operational Strategies Linked to Stretch Goals Develop Support Strategies Linked to Stretch Goals Identify Resource Needs (LBR) Identify Legislative & Policy Needs (Legislative Concepts/Policy Changes) Prioritize & Select Final Linked Strategies Communicate Strategies Develop and Deploy Operational Plans Modify Budget, Organizational Structure & Strategies Align Program Resources with Goals and Strategies Set Performance Targets by Process and Site Establish & Align Individual Critical Job Tasks Develop Strategy Implementation Teams and Operational Plans Communicate Performance Targets and Expectations Monitor and Improve Performance Review and Communicate Performance Against Targets Modify/Change Performance Measures & Targets as Necessary Review Employee and Team Performance Recognize and Reward Employees, Teams and Operational Plans Identify Improvement Opportunities Identify Root Causes & Select Solutions Develop Corrective Action Plans & Determine Performance Impact Deploy Corrective Action Plans (Create Implementation Teams as Necessary) Communicate and Replicate Improvements as Necessary Develop Successful Leadership & Employee Performance Recruitment and Selection Evaluation and Development Ethics and Discipline Social Responsibility Reward and Recognition Review System Effectiveness Collect and Analyze Data from Steps 0-5 Identify Opportunities for Improvement Adjust System as Necessary 5 4. What training was implemented? Please refer to Appendix A. 5. How many employees participated in each course? Please refer to Appendix A. 6. Overall, what percentage of staff received training? In what areas? Refer to Appendix A for topics trained. People Attend Training 92 3392 224 2331 189 2183 172 8583 PROGRAM ASP CSE ESP GTA ISP PEX PTO Total Employee Count for FY 2007 119 3936 264 2607 224 4307 183 11640 Percentage 77.31% 86.18% 84.85% 89.41% 84.38% 50.68% 93.99% 73.74% ASP = Administrative Support Program CSE = Child Support Enforcement EXE = Executive Support Program GTA = General Tax Administration ISP = Information Services Program PTO = Property Tax Oversight PEX = Property Tax Externals 7. What methodology was used to measure the success of the training offered? Kirkpatrick's evaluation method is used to measure the success of the training offered. Attachments B through F provide examples of data collected in this effort. Level 1. Reaction and planned action. What is participants’ reaction to the program? Level 2. What they learned. What skills, knowledge, or attitudes have changed? By how much? Level 3. Applied learning on-the-job. Did participants apply what they learned on-the-job? 8. What percentage of your salary budget was used for training purposes? 2.75% 6 9. Describe any other accomplishments or goals achieved or the progress made in the area of training. We continue to deploy learning content and evaluation through the Pathlore Enterprise Learning Management System (LMS). All employees have online web-based access to their training plan, training transcript, and course registration. Managers have online access to their direct report’s information and can assign training as required. In addition, we can automatically populate learner’s training plans with required courses based on curriculum groups. We are also deploying training to our sizable external learner population (legal services providers, Dade and Manatee contracted sites, Tax Collectors and Property Appraisers and their staff) through the Pathlore Enterprise Learning Management System. Child Support Enforcement Automated Management System (CAMS) implemented Phase 1 and we will support implementation of Phase 2 along with the SAP upgrade. Much of the required CAMS training is delivered as either web-based or WebEx distance learning to participants found throughout Florida which will help us avoid travel and facilities costs. We are continuing ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standards certification for our information services processes this fiscal year. We have made great strides in using Books 24 x 7 (www.books24x7.com) reference ware and other informal learning approaches to support information technology (IT) and our Department’s performance. We renewed 5,000 licenses from Skillsoft Corporation to make e-learning courses available to all employees and have an additional 4,000 licenses to serve our external learners. As always, much time and energy is spent at Revenue recognizing individual and team initiative and accomplishment. Our recognition process continues to mature and prosper and to support worthy performance. This year all Recognition Champions received training about their role in supporting the recognition process locally and at the Department level. We continue to use virtual classroom to deliver cost-effective training. In FY2007-08, we renewed the Webex contract and upgraded to 100 subscriptions at the enterprise level. We used WebEx meeting center and training center to deliver CAMS and other Revenue training. We continue to explore choices to develop AICC and SCORM compliant E-learning materials. Apart from Authorware, we are using Toolbook, Captivate, and Flash to develop industry standard E-learning materials for Revenue employees and Florida taxpayers. For example, we used Captivate to develop “how to e-file and e-pay sales and use tax” and Toolbook to develop an “Estimated Tax Tutorial” for Florida taxpayers. 10. What barriers, if any, prevented your agency from achieving your identified goals? Barriers faced relate to technology and learner mind-set. External partners required to take CAMS training had difficulty accessing the courses through our firewall. Some learners still prefer classroom training, which is less cost-effective than e-learning. The biggest barrier based on our learner surveys is time to complete training. We are working on strategies to provide more time for learning just as we have done to encourage mentoring and service to the community. Because of state budget cuts, our training delivery team is constrained by travel and budget reductions. 7 11. What are your agency’s training goals for the next fiscal year? As an agency, we plan to direct our training efforts to support our Department strategies and the strategic leadership system. We will focus on the following: Develop and implement training resources that will allow Revenue employees to gain skills to enhance their promotional opportunities. Develop and implement training resources to increase and enhance supervisory and management skills of Revenue employees. Develop and implement training and mentoring opportunities to prepare the future leaders of Revenue. Work with senior leadership to expand their understanding of the training and development requirements of a new generation of Revenue employees. Increase the number of hours employees spend learning during work and non-work hours. Develop a five-year plan to be ranked among the five top training organizations on earth based upon the American Society for Training and Development workplace learning and performance benchmarks. Develop and deploy Revenue’s Strategic Training Plan to prepare Program Directors, Core Process Owners, and Business Process Owners to work efficiently and effectively while performing their responsibilities in the strategic leadership system. Deploy “Ethics and Social Responsibility” training to all employees; deploy customized modules for Reporting Individuals, and for Procurement Employees and implement an ethics reporting system. Research ways to get more electronic performance support for post-training activities, such as, Plain English Stylewriter software used to support the Governor’s plain language initiative. Create a leadership assessment center to help with leader selection and leader development. Continue Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) assessment and training as we aim for ITIL ISO certification for our information services processes. Continue CAMS Phase II training using the WebEx virtual classroom running in our Pathlore enterprise learning management system blended with web-based and classroom instruction. Use multicast and two-way video technology as methods of communication and training delivery. Encourage and guide employees to use Skillsoft e-learning to address opportunities for improvement as noted in their individual development plans including: ethics, professional development and certification opportunities, human resources, six sigma, and continue to explore college credit for some Skillsoft e-learning ACE certified courses through Tallahassee Community College and other community colleges and universities. Continue to support leader development by making learning and performance support available through our 360 feedback follow-through resource process. 8 Appendix A: List of Training Topics and Numbers Of Employees Trained FY2007-2008 9 COURSE_CODE AI AI CE DL *SQ CFE CFE CFE CFE FPL FTC HRD PTA SBA SBA TPP TPP TPP TPP ARMA CFCA CFCA CFCA CFCA FAPA FAPA FAPA FREA IAAO IAAO IAAO LGIP PAAF PAAF DHSMV DHSMV DHSMV DHSMV FABTO QTEST ADM100 FINMGT HRD120 CLASS_NAME ANALYZING DISTRESSED REAL ESTATE LIABILITY MANAGEMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL APPRAISERS LGIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DRIVER LICENSES EXAMINER TRAINING SK TEMPLATE DESIGNATION APPS 1ST QUARTER 2008 DESIGNATION APPS 2ND QUARTER 2008 DESIGNATION APPS 3RD QUARTER 2007 DESIGNATION APPS 4TH QUARTER 2007 FPL 2008 APPRAISAL WORKSHOP FTC SPRING CONFERENCE 2008 IRS VIDEO ¿ STOP UNAX IN ITS TRACKS ADVANCED TAX CERTIFICATES AND TAX DEEDS LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL PARTICIPANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AUDITING AS A DISCOVERY TOOL AUDITING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY USING IRS RETURNS AS A DISCOVERY TOOL IRS RETURNS AND TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 2008 FLORIDA GULF COAST ARMA CHAPTER SEMINAR DESIGNATION APPS 1ST QUARTER 2008 DESIGNATION APPS 2ND QUARTER 2008 DESIGNATION APPS 3RD QUARTER 2007 DESIGNATION APPS 4TH QUARTER 2007 2007 ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF FAPA FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY APPRAISERS PRELEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY APPRAISERS POSTLEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE FLORIDA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL LICENSE LAW IAAO SPECIAL TOPICS SEMINAR UNIFORM STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL APPRAISAL PRACTICE 73RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 104TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF PAAF 2008 MID-WINTER CONFERENCE OF THE PROPERTY APPRAISERS' ASSOCIATION OF REGISTRATION LEVEL II REGISTRATION LEVEL III VEHICLE DOCUMENT EXAMINER CERTIFICATION DHSMV TAX COLLECTOR STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING FABTO ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2008 QUIZ TEST NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND PERSONNEL 10 Count 1 1 1 1 3 46 23 93 48 1 5 1 1 1 1 14 12 34 35 1 6 58 33 41 19 20 19 1 1 1 2 1 26 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 HRD141W ISP101W ISP102W ISP102W ISP102W ISP201W ISPSA01 MGT130W MGT135W MGT140W PTA-002 PTA-003 PTO 003 DEPARTMENT STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND PERSONNEL PROCEDURES DOR SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION DOR SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION POLICY INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY NACTFO 2007 ANNUAL CONFERENCE NACTFO 2008 LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCIAL VALUATION LAND VALUATION MARSHALL & SWIFT INTERSTATE/UIFSA NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION APPROPRIATE WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR CONTINUING EDUCATION WORKSHOP FOR PROPERTY APPRAISERS CONTINUING EDUCATION WORKSHOP FOR TAX COLLECTORS CONTINUING EDUCATION WORKSHOP FOR PROPERTY APPRAISERS DCF SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING 2008CFA 2008CFC 2012CFE PUBLIC LAND SURVEY SYSTEMS INTERPRETATION OF REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS BASIC MAP COMPILATION FLORIDA CHAPTER IAAO 2008 TPP CONFERENCE FLORIDA CHAPTER IAAO 2007 FALL CONFERENCE FLORIDA CHAPTER IAAO 2008 SPRING CONFERENCE DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX ASSESSMENT DOR SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION POLICY IRS VIDEO - STOP UNAX IN ITS TRACKS IRS VIDEO ¿ STOP UNAX IN ITS TRACKS TRAVEL & REIMBURSEMENT TRAINING GUIDE FL LAW AND DOR POLICY ON ACCEPTING GIFTS FOR ALL EMPLOYEES & PE FL LAW AND DOR POLICY ON ACCEPTING GIFTS FOR REPORTING INDIVIDUALS SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING INFORMATION SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING INFORMATION SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING - 2007 INFORMATION SECURITY AND AWARENESS TRAINING - 2007 HEAT TRAINING DESKTOP PROBLEM SOLVING TOOLS FOR TEAMS - WEB-BASED BALDRIGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - WEB-BASED EVOLUTION OF QUALITY - WEB-BASED BANKRUPTCY EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING PTO EXL PTO MAP PTO MAP SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE FOR MASS APPRAISAL WORKSHOP GIS 101 PROPERTY MAP COMPILATION HRD120 HRD121 HRD121 ISP100 NACTFO NACTFO PTO CV PTO LV PTO102 XCF106 ADM 101 ADM 110 CEW 980 CEW 981 CEW 982 DCF100W DUESCFA DUESCFC DUESCFE FACM 02 FACM 03 FACM 04 FLCIAAO FLCIAAO FLCIAAO GTA012W HRD 121 HRD 550 HRD 550 HRD125W HRD140W 11 525 2 4499 564 1 3 27 14 16 4 1 1 58 60 58 21 64 61 192 17 15 13 1 7 1 60 1 2 1 29 2 2 210 1 5949 1 107 1 22 4 2 7 11 1 15 13 17 PTO MAP PTO-002 PTO-003 SQ83501 TCC 501 TCC 504 TEC 108 XEP24-1 ADM 100 READING & UNDERSTANDING PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS BANKRUPTCY EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING Security in Windows Vista DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITES OF FLORIDA TAX COLLECTORS THE COLLECTION OF LICENSES, TAXES AND FEES Effective Use of the DOR Intranet and Internet Course TEST FLORIDA UIFSA FORMS NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION 17 1 7 1 124 136 14 4 1 ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION - CBT APPROPRIATE WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR BUILDING RESPECTFUL WORKPLACE BUILDING RESPECTFUL WORKPLACE-AM BUILDING RESPECTFUL WORKPLACE-PM ETHICS ACCOUNTABILITY LINK SYSTEM TRAINING FOR REVENUE CAPS TRAINING MEET ME CFA CONTINUING ED COMPLETE BY 12/31/08 CFC CONTINUING ED COMPLETE BY 12/31/08 CSE OVERVIEW FLORIDA FUNDAMENTALS PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SCREENS INTERSTATE/UIFSA FLORIDA UIFSA FORMS OCSE: TRAINING OF CHILD SUPPORT TRAINERS CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING FOR CSE WORKERS CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING FOR CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT WORKERS NEGOTIATING PAYMENT OF PAST DUE SUPPORT THE TELEPHONE DR: THE SERVICE MENTALITY THE TELEPHONE DR: DETERMINING CALLER NEEDS ALERTS/TRAC/NAA ALERTS/TRAC/NAA(CM) CLIENT REGISTRATION FLORIDA SYSTEM INTERACTIVE INTERVIEWS CLERK OF COURT/CONVERSION NONCOOPERATION/GOOD CAUSE INTRODUCTION TO INITIAL CASE PROCESSING INITIAL SEARCHES CADET FINANCIAL REVIEW-MODULE I (LEARNING ACTIVITY PACKET FINANCIAL REVIEW MODULE I - LEARNING ACTIVITY PACKET FINANCIAL REVIEW MODULE II - INDIVIDUAL NCP REVIEW FINANCIAL REVIEW MODULE III - MULTIPLE NCP REVIEW FINANCIAL REVIEW MODULE IV - CHALLENGING SITUATIONS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT-MODULE 1-INTRODUCTION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MODULE 2 ORDER ENTRY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - MODULE 2 - ORDER ENTRY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - MODULE 3 - ADVANCED CASE CLOSURE 8 265 302 34 38 40 101 101 110 111 111 111 ADM 112 CAPS 101 CFA 2008 CFC 2008 CSECF700 CSECF701 CSECF702 CSECF703 CSECF704 CSECF711 CSECF714 CSECF714 CSECF715 CSECF716 CSECF717 CSECM100 CSECM100 CSECM101 CSECM102 CSECM103 CSECM104 CSECM106 CSECM108 CSECM112 CSECM113 CSECM113 CSECM114 CSECM115 CSECM116 CSECM120 CSECM121 CSECM121 CSECM122 CSECM126 12 21 15 29 43 528 246 52 90 87 9 19 117 77 231 54 8 76 6 104 25 5 95 40 25 16 18 33 39 33 175 7 72 53 26 CSECM127 CSECM129 CSECM131 CSECM132 CSECM133 CSECM133 CSEHRD01 DCF100BW DUES/CCF DUESCFCA EXT 000 EXT 000 EXT 000 EXT 000 EXT 000 EXT 000 EXT 000 EXTBC400 EXTCR700 EXTCR900 EXTGOV01 EXTPST01 EXTSAPEP GIS/CAMA GTA 001 GTA 002 GTA 004 GTA 005 GTA 007 GTA 018 GTA 019 GTA 025 GTA 037 GTA 116 GTA 138 GTA 139 GTA 155 GTA 156 GTA 157 GTA 158 GTA 159 GTA 161 GTA 171 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS & LEGAL REFERRAL RESPONSIBILITIES FAMILY VIOLENCE SAFEGUARDING FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION FLA SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS FOR LEGAL SVCE PROVIDER STAFF FEDERAL IV-D & CSE PROGRAM OVERVIEW FOR LSP FEDERAL IV-D & CSE PROGRAM OVERVIEW FOR LEGAL SERVICE PROVIDERS WORKING WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLE DCF SECURITY AWARENESS RECERTIFICATION 2006 2010 CCF 2008CFCA ITIL FOUNDATION V3 COURSE FRAUD PREVENTION TRAINING SEMINAR MOTOR FUEL TAX ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE THE REID TECHNIQUE OF INTERVIEWING & INTERROGATION 2007-FINANCIAL INSTITUTION/LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING SEMINAR ADVANCED COURSE ON THE REID TECHNIQUE OF INTERVIEWING & INTERROGATION ADVANCED COURSE ON THE REID TECHNIQUE OF INTERVIEWING & INTERROGATION ABAP WORKBENCH FUNDAMENTALS CR700 - CRM SERVICE ANALYTICAL CRM OPEN GOVERNMENT PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST TRAINING PERSONAL SAFETY TRAINING COURSE SAP NETWEAVER PORTAL FUNDAMENTALS 2008 GIS/CAMA TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE SALES AND USE TAX COURSE SALES AND USE TAX TECHNICAL CORPORATE INCOME TAX COURSE CORPORATE INCOME TAX - SURVEY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX COURSE - AUDITORS LEGAL RESEARCH TAX LAW LIBRARY COLLECTION TRAINING PILOT-CONTINUOUS LEARNING COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TAX (CST) LAW FIELD AUDITS (PREREQUISITE FOR GTA 001) U T LAW UT TAX APPLICATION AND BLOCK CLAIMS INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AUDIT COMM SVS TAX(CST) LODGING ESTABLISH & OTHER FIXEDSITE COMM SVS PROVID COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TAX (CST) MULTIJURISDICTIONAL PROVIDERS BASIC NAVIGATION FOR E-SERVICES BASIC INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TAX (CST)-ONLINE UNDERSTAND THE COMMUNICATION SERVICES TAX (CST) RETURN HOW TO USE TUMBLEWEED SECURE E-MAIL 13 5 7 217 17 1 25 3 199 38 1079 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 114 19 3 1 14 71 9 126 9 6 30 18 28 1 11 5 22 6 7 365 46 30 5 GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA 172 201 202 203 205 206 209 211 213 215 218 224 228 231 232 GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA GTA 234 235 236 250 300 302 303 304 HRD 102 HRD 110 HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD HRD 120 151 152 153 160 221 223 224 305 305 310 400 401 405 550 550 750 751 754 HRD 755 HRD 850 HRD 851 HRD 852 IAAO 101 TSP MANAGERS TAX ASSESSMENT SUNTAX-ONE STOP REGISTRATION 2003 SUNTAX-REGISTRATIONS SERVICE CENTER 2003 SUNTAX-REGISTRATIONS CENTRAL 2003 SUNTAX-COLLECTIONS SERVICE CENTER 2003 - PHASE ONE SUNTAX-COLLECTIONS CENTRAL 2003 - PHASE ONE SUNTAX-REFUNDS 2003 SUNTAX-BUSINESS PARTNER INQUIRY 2003 SUNTAX-REGISTRATIONS CENTRAL RDPS 2003 SUNTAX-ACM CASE CREATION TO DISPOSITION ACM - TECHNICAL INTAKE AND REVIEW SUNTAX-BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE CASUAL USER SERVICE CENTER ACCOUNTANT 2003 E-SERVICES ADJUSTING POSTING CLERK NAVIGATING THE E-SERVICES TRAINING & COMMUNICATIONS INTRANET PAGE 2008 E-SERVICES UPDATE NAVIGATING THE E-SERVICES INTERNET PAGE INTRODUCTION TO SUNTAX AUDIT CASE MANAGEMENT FOR AUDIT SUPPORT STAFF INTRODUCTION TO KEY RESOURCES FOR AUDITOS FL ELECTRONIC RECORDS AUDIT SYS (FERAS) QUICK GUIDE TO USING THE AUDIT VIEWER PLAIN LANGUAGE COURSE FOR VOLUNTEERING/MENTORING PRINCIPLES OF PLAIN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND PERSONNEL PROCEDURES MY FLORIDA MARKET PLACE APPROVER TRAINING MY FLORIDA MARKET PLACE ONLINE REQUESTOR TRAINING MY FLORIDA MARKET PLACE ONLINE APPROVER TRAINING DISASTER RELIEF TRAINING MEETING MANAGEMENT PROBLEM SOLVING FACILITATOR TRAINING FIRST AID CERTIFICATION-AM FIRST AID CERTIFICATION-PM CPR ADULTS, CHILDREN & INFANTS TRUE COLORS TRUE COLORS - TEAM BUILDING TRUE COLORS TRAIN-THE-TRAINER IRS VIDEO - STOP UNAX IN ITS TRACKS IRS VIDEO ¿ STOP UNAX IN ITS TRACKS TRAVEL CARD TRAINING PURCHASING CARD TRAINING PURCHASING CARD APPROVER TRAINING OPERATIONAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES(OFS) TRAININGWINTER/SPRING 2007 PURCHASING CARD RECONCILER (TRAVEL) TRAVEL CARD CARDHOLDERS (FUEL AUTHORIZATION) PROGRAM PURCHASING CARD ADMINISTRATOR FUNDAMENTALS OF REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL 14 1 1 39 22 60 19 1 15 5 26 2 6 5 4 2 7 162 10 1 4 9 2 2 14 18 8 2 14 9 20 89 61 61 16 14 37 242 11 3 270 7 42 16 8 10 5 41 1 90 IAAO 102 IAAO 112 IAAO 151 IAAO 201 IAAO 300 IAAO 311 IAAO 312 IAAO 320 IAAO 400 IAAO 402 IAAO 500 IAAO 600 IPS 100 ISP 100 ISP 102W ISP102WA MGT 100 MGT 125 MGT 130 MGT 135 MGT 140 MGT 160 MGT 180 MGT 180 MGT 180 MGT 502 PTA-001A PTA-001B PTA-001B PTA-001B PTO-001B PTO-001B SQB00001 SQB00002 SQB00003 SQB00004 SQB00005 SQB00006 SQB00007 SQB00008 SQB00009 SQB00010 SQB00011 SQB00012 SQB00013 SQB00014 SQB00015 SQB00016 INCOME APPROACH TO VALUATION INCOME APPROACH TO VALUATION II UNIFORM STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL APPRAISAL PRACTICE APPRAISAL OF LAND FUNDAMENTALS OF MASS APPRAISAL RESIDENTIAL MODELING CONCEPTS COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL MODELING CONCEPTS MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION TAX POLICY ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY PRINCIPLES & TECHNIQUES OF CADASTRAL MAPPING INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY INFORMATION SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING - 2007 UPDATES FOR THE INFORMATION SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING 2007 ISP102W SUPERVISOR SEMINAR I EXPERT SUPERVISOR TRAINING PROBLEM SOLVING TOOLS FOR TEAMS BALDRIGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EVOLUTION OF QUALITY ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS WORKSHOP STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP SYSTEM:PRELIMINARY TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN-GTA STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP SYSTEM:PRELIMINARY TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN-ISP STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP SYSTEM:PRELIMINARY TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN-EXE&ADM HIRE REFRESHER COURSE ADVANCED TAX CERTIFICATES AND TAX DEEDS BASIC TAX CERTIFICATES & TAX DEEDS BASIC TAX CERTIFICATES AND TAX DEEDS BASIC TAX DEEDS AND TAX CERTIFICATES BASIC TAX CERTIFICATES & TAX DEEDS BASIC TAX CERTIFICATES AND TAX DEEDS e-Learning Effective Administrative Support Professional Simulation Getting Started--Administrative Support Overview to Effective Business Communication Using Effective Business Communication Administrative Functions Advancing Your Administrative Career Advanced Administrative Support Simulation Behavior: Putting Your Best Foot Forward Managing Yourself and Those Around You Partnering with Your Boss Communicating with Power and Confidence The Process of Interpersonal Communication The Mechanics of Effective Communication Communication Skills for the Workplace Communicate for Results 15 79 12 34 92 24 19 4 9 27 10 67 43 1 6 1 321 70 43 61 4 2 51 24 43 15 20 6 1 7 1 2 1 7 20 13 17 11 9 11 6 14 4 7 5 9 14 21 2 SQB00017 SQB00018 SQB00019 SQB00020 SQB00021 SQB00022 SQB00023 SQB00024 SQB00025 SQB00026 SQB00027 SQB00028 SQB00029 SQB00030 SQB00031 SQB00034 SQB00035 SQB00036 SQB00037 Communication Skills for Leadership Communication Skills for Resolving Conflict Communicate for Contacts Interpersonal Communication Skills for Business Simulation Interpersonal Communication Skills for Teams Simulation Writing with Intention Avoiding Errors in Usage and Punctuation Avoiding Grammatical Errors in Business Writing Crisp Composition Writing to Reach the Audience Getting the Most from Business Documents The Writing Process International Communications Simulation The Impact of Culture on Communication The Art of Global Communication Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Simulation What Is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence at Work Teamwork and Emotional Intelligence 8 7 3 5 3 10 9 4 54 2 1 1 1 3 1 5 11 4 4 SQB00038 SQB00040 SQB00041 SQB00042 SQB00043 SQB00044 SQB00045 SQB00046 SQB00047 SQB00048 SQB00049 SQB00050 SQB00052 SQB00053 SQB00054 SQB00055 SQB00056 SQB00057 SQB00058 SQB00059 SQB00060 SQB00063 SQB00064 SQB00065 SQB00066 SQB00067 SQB00068 SQB00069 SQB00070 SQB00071 SQB00073 SQB00074 SQB00075 Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence Effective Listening Skills Simulation The Basics of Listening Listening for Comprehension Listening for Higher Purposes Enhancing Your Listening Skills Managing and Working with Difficult People Simulation Difficult People in the Workplace Working with Aggressive People Working with Negative People and Procrastinators Working with Arrogant and Duplicitous People Communicating Effectively with Difficult Coworkers Simulation Professional Assertiveness Assertiveness from the Inside Out Business Etiquette and Professionalism Simulation Everyday Business Etiquette Communication Etiquette Etiquette and the Business Meeting Etiquette for Supervisors Building Better Work Relationships Simulation Building Effective Interfunctional Relationships Working Effectively with Customers Working Effectively with Business Partners Foundations of Grammar Sentence Construction Understanding Writing Mechanics Punctuating with Skill Essentials of Electronic Communication Optimizing E-mail at Work E-mail and Organizational Communication Delivering Successful Presentations Simulation Presenting to Succeed Delivering Your Message 2 2 11 2 2 7 1 5 4 5 3 5 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 9 1 7 3 2 8 2 2 1 1 3 1 16 SQB00076 SQB00079 SQB00083 SQB00086 SQB00087 SQB00089 SQB00090 SQB00092 SQB00093 SQB00094 SQB00095 SQB00096 SQB00097 SQB00099 SQB00100 SQB00101 SQB00102 SQB00103 SQB00104 SQB00105 SQB00109 SQB00110 SQB00112 SQB00113 SQB00114 SQB00117 SQB00126 SQB00128 SQB00132 SQB00133 SQB00134 SQB00141 SQB00143 SQB00144 SQB00145 SQB00151 SQB00156 SQB00158 SQB00161 SQB00170 SQB00171 SQB00173 SQB00175 SQB00176 SQB00177 SQB00178 SQB00179 SQB00180 SQB00183 SQB00186 SQB00187 SQB00189 SQB00190 Presentation Resources Available to You Leading Effective Business Meetings Handling Conflict with Others Telephone Skills for Business Professionals Simulation Effective Telephone Techniques Negotiating to Win Simulation Crafting a Deal The Negotiation Process The Dynamics of Interaction Inclusive Negotiating When the Going Gets Tough The Master Negotiator Getting Results without Authority Simulation Teamwork and Results without Authority Leadership without Authority Gaining Allies, Creating Change Getting Results through Communication Getting Results from the Boss Effective Feedback for Employees and Colleagues Simulation An Essential Guide to Giving Feedback Giving Feedback: A Manager's Guide Effective Use of Feedback for Teams Simulation Experiencing Anger Managing Your Anger Preparing a Business Case Essentials of External Consulting A Workable Solution for Internal Clients The Technical Professional as Internal Consultant Excelling at Customer Service Simulation Building the Service Foundation: Corporate Culture Fundamentals of Exceptional Customer Service Customer Service Simulation The Call Center Industry Call Center Communication Skills Call Center Customer Service Internal Customer Service: Conflict and Complaints Simulation The Customer Service Agent in Action Managing Challenges in Customer Service The Contact Center and the Technical Support Agent ITIL: The Service Desk and Incident Management ITIL: Configuration and Release Management ITIL: Problem and Change Management ITIL: Financial and Security Management The Inbound Call Center Inbound Call Center Management: Leadership Inbound Call Centers: People Management Inbound Call Center Technology Performance Metrics for an Inbound Call Center Effective Communication Skills TestPrep Final Exam: Six Sigma Foundations TestPrep Final Exam: Six Sigma Team Implementation TestPrep Final Exam: Accounting 101 TestPrep Final Exam: Advanced Business Finance 17 1 1 1 1 12 8 2 8 6 9 9 9 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 8 8 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 SQB00192 SQB00198 SQB00201 SQB00202 SQB00203 SQB00204 SQB00205 SQB00206 SQB00207 SQB00208 SQB00209 SQB00210 SQB00211 SQB00212 SQB00218 SQB00219 SQB00224 SQB00225 SQB00229 SQB00235 SQB00238 SQB00240 SQB00241 SQB00242 SQB00243 SQB00244 SQB00251 SQB00252 SQB00254 SQB00260 SQB00261 SQB00266 SQB00267 SQB00268 SQB00269 SQB00270 SQB00271 SQB00272 SQB00273 SQB00274 SQB00275 SQB00276 SQB00277 SQB00278 SQB00283 SQB00296 SQB00301 SQB00307 SQB00308 SQB00314 SQB00318 SQB00319 SQB00320 TestPrep Final Exam: HRCI/PHR Certification Program TestPrep Final Exam: C++ programming Accounting Fundamentals Accrual Accounting Procedures Accounting Systems and Closing Activities Accounting for Cash Control Accounting for Merchandising Businesses Principles of Financial Management Basics of Budgeting Managing Cash Flows Understanding Financial Statements Creating and Analyzing an Operating Budget The Ins and Outs of Capital Budgeting Effective Budget Management Financial Risk Management International Finance Introduction to Auditing Introduction to Internal Auditing Overview of Managerial Accounting Analyzing the Income Statement and Balance Sheet Ratio Analysis for Financial Statements Analyzing an Annual Report Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Equations Decimals and Percents Ratios and Averages Managing Diversity Simulation Screening Applicants Preparing for the Behavioral Interview Preparing as the Interviewee Facilitating Effective Hiring Retention EEO and Affirmative Action (HRCI/PHR) Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (HRCI/PHR) Managing Employment (HRCI/PHR) Employee Relations (HRCI/PHR) Non-union Work Environments (HRCI/PHR) Union Work Environments (HRCI/PHR) Employee Benefit Programs (HRCI/PHR) Employee Development (HRCI/PHR) Human Resource Development (HRCI/PHR) Recruitment and Selection (HRCI/PHR) Occupational Health and Safety (HRCI/PHR) Employee Compensation (HRCI/PHR) Offers, Contracts, and Organizational Exit (HRCI/PHR) Managing the HR Process The Art of Knowledge Management Knowledge as Strategy: Performance Improvement Training for Business Results A Manager's Introduction to Business Law Leading from the Front Line Simulation Leadership and the Knowledge Worker Leading Change from the Front Line Dynamics of Leadership 18 1 1 11 6 2 4 2 2 7 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 SQB00322 SQB00326 SQB00327 SQB00333 SQB00342 SQB00354 SQB00355 SQB00356 SQB00357 SQB00358 SQB00359 SQB00360 SQB00361 SQB00365 SQB00367 SQB00370 SQB00372 SQB00376 SQB00379 SQB00380 SQB00384 SQB00385 SQB00390 SQB00391 SQB00392 SQB00394 SQB00395 SQB00406 SQB00413 SQB00417 SQB00425 SQB00426 SQB00429 SQB00430 SQB00434 SQB00436 SQB00461 SQB00462 SQB00463 SQB00466 SQB00467 SQB00468 SQB00469 SQB00470 SQB00471 SQB00472 SQB00473 SQB00474 SQB00475 SQB00479 SQB00480 SQB00482 SQB00484 The Secrets of Female Leaders Establish and Maintain Authority Going from Management to Leadership Simulation Coaching for Performance Introduction to Work Force Generations Becoming a Manager A New Manager's Responsibilities and Fears Lead and Communicate Effectively as a New Manager A New Manager's Role in The Company's Future Moving into Management Simulation Leadership in Management Simulation Essential Skills for Tomorrow's Managers Simulation Competencies for Tomorrow's Managers A Manager's Primer for Ensuring Accountability Essential People Management Skills Simulation Communication Skills for Successful Management Leadership Development for Technical Professionals About 360-Degree Performance Feedback Averting Problem Performance Simulation Preventing Problem Performance Addressing Problem Performance Simulation Business Crisis Management Simulation Beginning the Change Process Managing Through the Change Incorporating Change in Your Organization Mentoring Essentials Simulation Effective Mentoring The Role of the Facilitator Coaching for Business Mindsets, Emotions, and Coaching Proactive Approaches to Stop Negativity Overcoming Organizational Negativity Reviewing Performance Hiring and Managing Contractors Simulation Legal Pitfalls Regarding Independent Contractors Managing and Rewarding Top Performers Identifying What the Customer Wants Translating Requirements into Process Goals Understanding Processes Six Sigma Introduction Six Sigma: Reducing Variation to Improve Quality Six Sigma: Listening to the Voice of the Customer Six Sigma DMAIC: Defining the Problem Six Sigma DMAIC: Measuring the Process Six Sigma DMAIC: Analyzing the Data Six Sigma DMAIC: Analyzing the Process Six Sigma DMAIC: Improving the Process Six Sigma DMAIC: Controlling the Improved Process Lean Logic Six Sigma and the Corporate Enterprise Leadership in Six Sigma History of Organizational Improvement and the Foundations of Six Sigma The Importance of Metrics to Six Sigma 19 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SQB00485 SQB00486 SQB00487 SQB00488 SQB00489 SQB00490 SQB00491 SQB00492 SQB00493 SQB00494 SQB00496 SQB00497 SQB00506 SQB00508 SQB00509 SQB00539 SQB00540 SQB00541 SQB00542 SQB00545 SQB00546 SQB00547 SQB00548 SQB00549 SQB00552 SQB00555 SQB00556 SQB00557 SQB00559 SQB00560 SQB00561 SQB00562 SQB00563 SQB00570 SQB00579 SQB00584 SQB00586 SQB00590 SQB00605 SQB00606 SQB00607 SQB00608 SQB00609 SQB00610 SQB00637 SQB00665 SQB00690 SQB00693 SQB00711 SQB00712 SQB00713 SQB00718 SQB72003 Define the Six Sigma Opportunity The Six Sigma Project Charter and Plan Six Sigma Team Leadership Six Sigma Team Dynamics and Performance The Six Sigma Change Agent Six Sigma Management and Planning Tools Six Sigma and the Voice of the Customer Six Sigma and Critical Customer Requirements Defining and Mapping the Six Sigma Process Scoping the Six Sigma Project Probability and Statistics Collecting and Summarizing Data Six Sigma--Statistical Process Control Six Sigma--Lean Tools for Control Six Sigma--Measurement System Re-analysis Fast-tracking Your Career Simulation Get Your Career on the Fast Track Basic Business Skills to Get You on the Fast Track Communication Skills to Fast-track Your Career Improving Your Image Working More Effectively Simulation You and Your Time Techniques for Better Time Management Developing Good Time Management Habits Managerial Business Ethics Living a Balanced Life Simulation Finding Your Life Balance Success over Stress Dealing with Organizational Change Simulation Perspectives on Organizational Change Being Prepared for Change Communicating during Organizational Change Creative Problem Solving and Effective Thinking Simulation Rational Problem Solving and Decision-making Simulation Developing Fundamental Critical Thinking Skills Self-empowerment: Managing from Within Developing a Positive Attitude Project IT Management Simulation - The Early Stages An Introduction to Project Management Project Life Cycles and Stakeholders Introduction to Project Process Groups and Initiating a Project Project Planning Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, and Closing a Project Initiating a Project and Preparing the Project Plan Territorial Account Sales Skills Simulation Negotiating to Mutual Benefit Strategic Management - Planning Globalization and Our Changing World Effective Team-building Strategies Effectively Communicating in Teams The Individual's Role in a Team Conquering Conflict through Communication THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 4 3 18 14 6 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 SQB72007 SQB72008 SQB78016 SQB82111 SQB82145 SQB82159 SQB82188 SQB82190 SQB82200 SQB82201 SQB83009 SQB83035 SQB83046 SQB83049 SQB83061 SQB83090 SQD00001 SQD00002 SQD00003 SQD00004 SQD00005 SQD00007 SQD00008 SQD00009 SQD00010 SQD00011 SQD00012 SQD00013 SQD00014 SQD00015 SQD00016 SQD00017 SQD00018 SQD00019 SQD00020 SQD00021 SQD00022 SQD00023 SQD00024 SQD00025 SQD00026 SQD00027 SQD00028 SQD00029 SQD00030 SQD00031 SQD00032 SQD00033 SQD00034 SQD00035 SQD00036 SQD00037 SQD00038 SIX SIGMA PROCESS IMPROVEMENT MANAGING AND DEPLOYING SIX SIGMA Developing Human Resources (HRCI/PHR) ISO 9001:2000 - The Auditing Process Human Resources Fundamentals (HRCI/PHR) HR's Strategic Role in the Organization (HRCI/SPHR) Problem Performance Improvement Starting the Change Process Training and Development Six Sigma and Lean in the Organization Communication Skills for Leadership: Replaced Leadership Communication Skills Handling Conflict Connecting and Communicating Becoming a Manager: Replaced Business Coaching Lotus Notes 6 End User: Using Notes 6 Mail Remotely Lotus Notes 6 End User: iNotes Lotus Notes 6 End User: Calendar,To Do List features, and TeamRoom Microsoft Office 2000 - New Features for Users Microsoft Office 2000 - New Features for Power Users Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning Word Microsoft Office 2000 - Intermediate Word Microsoft Office 2000 - Advanced Word Microsoft Office 2000 - Word for Power Users Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning Excel Microsoft Office 2000 - Intermediate Excel Microsoft Office 2000 - Advanced Excel Microsoft Office 2000 - Excel for Power Users Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning PowerPoint 2000 Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning Access Microsoft Office 2000 - Intermediate Access Microsoft Office 2000 - Advanced Access Microsoft Office 2000 - Advanced PowerPoint 2000 Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning Outlook Microsoft Office 2000 - Advanced Outlook Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning Project Microsoft Office 2000 - Intermediate Project 2000 Microsoft Office 2000 - Beginning FrontPage Microsoft Office 2000 - Advanced FrontPage Office 2000 - Advanced Project Windows XP: Fundamentals Windows XP: Advanced Introducing Windows XP Lotus Notes 6 End User: Personalizing Notes 6 features Getting Started with Microsoft Windows XP Up and Running with Microsoft Windows XP Getting Started with Word 2003 Working with Documents in Word 2003 Advanced Formatting in Word 2003 Advanced Data Manipulation Features in Word 2003 Collaborative Features in Word 2003 Basic Features of Excel 2003 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 9 9 2 1 28 12 6 1 9 6 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 8 1 4 1 5 1 2 1 1 14 SQD00039 SQD00040 SQD00041 SQD00042 SQD00043 SQD00044 SQD00045 SQD00047 SQD00048 SQD00051 SQD00052 SQD00053 SQD00054 SQD00055 SQD00056 SQD00058 SQD00061 SQD00063 SQD00064 SQD00065 SQD00066 SQD00067 SQD00068 SQD00069 SQD00070 SQD00071 SQD00072 SQD00073 SQD00074 SQD00075 SQD00076 SQD00077 SQD00078 SQD00079 SQD00080 SQD00081 SQD00082 SQD00083 SQD00084 SQD00085 SQD00086 SQD00087 SQD00088 SQD00089 SQD00090 SQD00091 SQD00092 SQD00094 SQD00095 SQD00103 SQD00104 SQD00106 Excel 2003 Formulas and Functions Advanced Data Management in Excel 2003 Advanced Data Analysis in Excel 2003 Sending and Receiving Messages in Outlook 2003 Configuring Rules, Alerts, and Junk Mail Settings in Outlook 2003 Creating Documents in Word 2002 Working with Documents in Word 2002 Advanced Data Management in Excel 2002 Advanced Data Manipulation and Analysis in Excel 2002 Advanced Formatting and Navigation in Word 2002 Advanced Document Features in Word 2002 Collaborative Features in Word 2002 Creating Presentations using PowerPoint 2002 Basic Features of Excel 2002 Optimizing Excel 2002 Common Features in Microsoft Office XP Advanced Database Design in Access 2002 New Features Review of Microsoft Office XP Customizing, Running, and Broadcasting PowerPoint 2002 Presentations PowerPoint 2002 Customization and Office XP Integration New and Enhanced Features for End-Users in Office XP Office XP for the Advanced User Printing, Help, and Automated Formatting in Word 2003 Working with Tables and Media Features in Word 2003 Creating Diagrams in Visio 2002 Working with Diagrams in Visio 2002 Introduction to Access 2002 Intermediate Access 2002 Fundamentals of Internet Explorer 6 Moving on with Internet Explorer 6 Data Sources, Templates, and Customization in Project 2002 Workgroup, Collaboration, and Advanced Reporting Options in Project 2002 Microsoft Office 2003: New Features for End Users Microsoft Office 2003: New Features for Advanced Users Microsoft Office 2003: New Applications Getting Started with Project 2002 Up and Running with Project 2002 Tracking and Reporting with Project 2002 Advanced Data Exchange in Excel 2003 Formatting Data in Excel 2003 Excel 2003 Chart and Multimedia Features Advanced Customization in Excel 2003 Advanced Document Features in Word 2003 Advanced Validation and Collaboration in Excel 2003 Getting Started with FrontPage 2003 Introduction to Microsoft Office 2003 Formatting and Printing Files in Office 2003 Creating Basic Presentations using PowerPoint 2003 Customizing PowerPoint 2003 Presentations Printing and Collaborating in Excel 2003 Slide Layout and Design in PowerPoint 2003 Structuring, editing, saving, and opening documents in Word 2003 22 13 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 8 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 3 2 1 2 SQD00107 SQD00109 SQD00110 SQD00111 SQD00112 SQD00113 SQD00115 SQD00116 SQD00118 SQD00119 SQD00121 SQD00124 SQD00125 SQD00134 SQD00135 SQD00136 SQD00137 SQD00138 SQD00139 SQD00149 SQD00150 SQD00153 SQD00164 SQD00165 SQD00166 SQD00167 SQD00175 SQD00176 SQD00178 SQD00190 SQD00191 SQD00192 SQD00193 SQD00203 SQD00204 SQD00205 SQD00207 SQD00211 SQD72001 SQD72002 SQD72003 SQD72005 SQD72006 SQD82035 SQD82066 SQD82069 SQD82077 SQD82079 SQD82080 Working with text and paragraphs in Word 2003 Advanced formatting in Excel 2003 Preparing PowerPoint 2003 Presentations for Effective Delivery Using Visuals in PowerPoint 2003 Presentations Getting Started with Access 2003 Basic Access 2003 Tables Using Queries and Reports in Access 2003 Personalizing and Maintaining Access 2003 Advanced Document Navigation in Word 2003 Using Tables, Charts, and Graphics in Word 2003 Advanced Querying in Access 2003 Access 2003 Programmability Database Administration in Access 2003 Creating and Defining a Project Tracking and Reporting Progress Specifying and Assigning Resources Creating Diagrams with Visio 2003 Developing Diagrams with Visio 2003 Visio 2003 and Other Programs Introduction to Reporting with Crystal Reports 10 Creating Basic Reports with Crystal Reports 10 Getting Started with Publisher 2003 ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 2: Using the Computer and Managing Files - Using Windows XP ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 2: Using the Computer and Managing Files - Files and Folders ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 2: Using the Computer and Managing Files Customization ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 5: Database - Getting Started with Access 2003 ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 4: Spreadsheets - Basic Features of Excel 2003 ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 4: Spreadsheets - Formatting Data in Excel 2003 ECDL/ICDL 4 Module 4: Spreadsheets - Formulas and Functions in Excel 2003 Introduction to information security Information security and the Internet Malicious code and information security Operational information security Getting Started with Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Up and Running with Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Home Networking with Microsoft Windows XP Basic Concepts of FreeHand 10 Getting Started with a Palm Handheld Device NEW FEATURES FOR END USERS IN MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007 MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL, POWERPOINT, AND OUTLOOK 2007 MICROSOFT ACCESS 2007 AND MICROSOFT PUBLISHER 2007 WINDOWS VISTA USER EXPERIENCE WINDOWS VISTA SECURITY AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS Digital Photography MS Word 2002 Fundamentals MS Excel 2002 Fundamentals Importing and Exporting Data and Data Presentation in Access 2007 Creating Custom Slide Shows in PowerPoint 2007 Distributing Presentations in PowerPoint 2007 23 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 6 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 SQD82083 SQD82084 SQD82093 SQD82095 SQD82101 SQD83001 SQD83005 SQE82006 SQI00001 SQI00006 SQI00027 SQI00036 SQI00089 SQI00104 SQI00107 SQI00108 SQI00131 SQI00174 SQI00183 SQI00185 SQI00186 SQI00230 SQI00309 SQI00354 SQI00365 SQI00369 SQI00411 SQI00413 SQI00428 SQI00474 SQI00476 SQI00573 SQI00574 SQI00733 SQI00737 SQI00751 SQI00811 SQI00819 SQI00825 SQI00827 SQI00831 SQI00852 SQI00889 SQI00904 SQI00906 SQI00922 SQI00923 SQI00924 SQI00926 SQI00928 SQI00931 SQI00934 SQI00952 Basic Access 2007 Tables Basic Access 2007 Forms Exchanging Data with Excel 2007 Microsoft Office 2007: Sharing Information with OneNote 2007 Configure Windows Vista Environments Windows Vista Users and Groups Windows Vista Mobile Computing and Troubleshooting Getting Started with Access 2007 UNIX User and Data Management .NET Solution Vision and Requirements DHTML and Cascading Style Sheets Testing and Instrumenting Web Applications in VB.NET JavaScript: Language Basics ANSI C Programming: Introducing C C++ Programming: Structured Programming C++ Programming: Classes and Data Abstraction Getting Started with Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2003: Managing Users, Groups, and Computers Basic Networking Installing, Configuring, and Optimizing Computers Windows Server 2003: Basic Concepts Security Fundamentals Auditing and Monitoring Debian and Red Hat Package Management Networking Security Fundamentals Internet Fundamentals Setting up a Site and Adding Content in Dreamweaver MX 2004 Creating Interactive Web Pages in Dreamweaver MX 2004 Introduction to Oracle and SQL in Oracle Database 10g IP Addressing and Subnetting Network Security Photoshop CS Basics Selections and Layers in Photoshop CS Overview of SQL Server 2000 Security in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Environment Advanced HTML Design Elements Moving to Visual Basic .NET Getting Started with ColdFusion 5 Beginning C# Inside C# Introduction to Security in Networked Environments Introduction to ASP.NET Solaris 9 System Administration Solaris 9 System Operations Working with Images in Macromedia Fireworks MX Solaris 9 Device and File System Management Solaris 9 Management Tools Solaris 9 Security Getting Started with Wireless Home Networking An Overview of Database Design Solaris 9 Networking Getting Started with Programming Relational Databases 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SQI00979 SQI69001 SQI69002 SQI69003 SQI69004 SQI69005 SQI69006 SQI69009 SQI69010 SQI69011 SQI72002 SQI72018 SQI78015 SQI78028 SQI78029 SQI78030 SQI78031 SQI78032 SQI78035 SQI78036 SQI78056 SQI78057 SQI78058 SQI78059 SQI78135 SQI78136 SQI78145 SQI78153 SQI78155 SQI82157 SQM78012 SQM78020 SQM78043 SQT00012 SQT00070 SQT72001 TCC 502A TCC 502B TCC 503A TCC 503B TCC 504A TCC 504B ADM 102W ADM 110W CSECMP618 CSECMP623 CSEEST501 CSEEST503 CSEEST504 CSEEST506 CSEEST507 LDAP Fundamentals SAP R/3 RELEASE 4.6 FUNDAMENTALS SAP OVERVIEW MYSAP FINANCE MODULES MYSAP LOGISTICS MODULES MYSAP ERP ARCHITECTURE SAP R/3 ADMINISTRATION ABAP FUNDAMENTALS NAVIGATING SAP R/3 RELEASE 4.6 USING SAP R/3 RELEASE 4.6 Creating Interactive Web Pages in Dreamweaver 8 Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0 Reporting Basics with Crystal Reports XI Introduction to the features of Flash 8 Using Text and Components in Flash 8 Animation in Flash 8 ActionScript, Sound, and Video in Flash 8 Workflow, Navigation, and Publishing in Flash 8 ABAP Programming I ABAP Programming II Setting up a Site and Adding Content in Dreamweaver 8 Adding Links, Images, and Flash Objects in Dreamweaver 8 Tables, Accessibility, and Standards in Dreamweaver 8 Reusing Content in Dreamweaver 8 Fundamentals of Internet Explorer 7 Customization and Security in Internet Explorer 7 Implementing IT Security Managing Laptops and Portable Devices Implementing IT Security and Workplace Safety Measures Programming with XHTML 1.1: CSS, Metadata, RDF, & Namespaces Managing IT Security Mentoring 220-601 A+ Essentials Mentoring Using PowerPoint 2007 TestPrep 220-301 A+ Core Hardware TestPrep Project Management Professional (PMP) PMBOK Guide Third Edition Aligned TESTPREP 220-601 A+ ESSENTIALS MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT THE COLLECTION & DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY TAXES ADVANCED COLLECTION & DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY TAXES THE COLLECTION OF LICENSES, TAXES AND FEES THE ADVANCED COLLECTION OF LICENSES, TAXES AND FEES NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION - WEB BASED TRAINING APPROPRIATE WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR - WEB BASED IRS INTERCEPTS WORKING WITH THE MILITARY ON CHILD SUPPORT MATTERS CHILD SUPPORT GUIDELINES FLORIDA LEGAL DOCUMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE PATERNITY REVIEW AND ADJUSTMENT EXCEL CHILD SUPPORT GUIDELINE CALCULATION PROGRAM 25 2 1 5 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 81 14 79 22 58 14 229 215 44 149 439 42 1 40 49 CSEEST510 CSEEST511 CSEEST514 CSEEST518 CSEEST519 CSEEST520 CSEEST521 CSEEST522 CSEEST523 CSEEST525 CSEEST525 CSEEST525 CSEEST526 CSEEST526 CSEEST527 CSEEST530 CSEEST531 EXTBIT300 EXTBIT400 EXTCSESAP GTA 003W GTA 008W GTA 021W GTA 034W GTA 108W GTA 138W GTA 206A GTA 301W GTA 401W HRD 550W IAAO 101B IAAO 102B IAAO 300A IAAO 300B MGT 100D AWI_TEST01 AWI_TEST02 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)100 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERFORMANCE ACCTABILITY & INV FOR LGL SVS (PAILS) SYSTEM-CSE VERSION PERFORMANCE ACCTABILITY & INV FOR LGL SVS (PAILS) SYSTEM-LSP VERSION ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ESTABLISHMENT OVERVIEW STANDARD JUDICIAL ACTIVITIES CSE LEGAL REFERRALS INTRODUCTION TO PATERNITY ESTABLISHMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF PATERNITY CREATING REFERRALS IN PAILS PAILS AND PAMS OVERVIEW: CSE VERSION DETAILED ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUPPORTMODULE I DETAILED ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUPPORT MODULE I DETAILED ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUPPORTMODULE I BRADENTON DETAILED ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUPPORTMODULE II DETAILED ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUPPORTMODULE II BRADENTON SCHEDULING & PROCESSING GENETIC TESTS PAILS AND NEW PAMS OVERVIEW: CSE VERSION PAILS AND NEW PAMS OVERVIEW FOR LSPS: LSP VERSION APPLICATION LINK ENABLING (ALE) TECHNOLOGY SAP EXCHANGE INFRASTRUCTURE SAPEP SAP ENTERPRISE PORTAL FUNDAMENTALS FUNDAMENTALS OF SALES & USE TAX - ONLINE COURSE INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX-ONLINE BASIC AUDITOR TRAINING SEMINAR - ONLINE E AUDITING & STRATIFIED STATISTICAL SAMPLING EXAM & SURVEY NON-STATISTICAL SAMPLING EXAM & SURVEY U T LAW - ONLINE SUNTAX-COLLECTIONS CENTRAL 2003 - PHASE ONE INTERNAL CONTROL SEVERANCE TAX - ONLINE COURSE IRS VIDEO - STOP UNAX IN ITS TRACKS WEB BASED FUNDAMENTALS OF REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL - SECTION B INCOME APPROACH TO VALUATION - SECTION B FUNDAMENTALS OF MASS APPRAISAL - SECTION A FUNDAMENTALS OF MASS APPRAISAL - SECTION B EMPLOYEE EVALUATION & DEVELOPMENT (EE&D)SUPERVISOR SEMINAR MODULE AWI SHARED DRIVE PRACTICES IT EMERGENCY CALL PROCEDURES 4 10 403 105 108 17 69 62 36 397 32 10 318 10 12 6 5 1 1 1 85 9 32 57 13 170 6 3 13 307 24 16 31 30 1 3 1 ATTENDING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)TRAINING 361 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)101 365 26 AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)101 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)102 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)103 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)104 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)105 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)106 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)106 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)106 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GETTING STARTED WITH CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 368 USING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)- PART I 16 USING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)- PART II 5 LOADING AND LOCATING BUSINESS PARTNER DATA 379 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)GET TOGETHER 564 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)GET TOGETHER O 1 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)GET TOGETHER - MODEL 41 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)GET TOGETHER MANATEE 1 27 (CAMS)106 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)106 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)107 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)108 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)108 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)108 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)108 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)108 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)108 CSECHILD SUPPORT CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)GET TOGETHER (ALL LOCATIONS) 2 PRACTICAL EXERCISES WITH CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 33 MANAGE CASE 128 MANAGE CASE O 2 MANAGE CASE-1 3 MANAGE CASE - MODEL 17 MANAGE CASE - MODEL CLASS 3 MANAGE CASE - REGION 1 ONLY 5 DATA MANAGEMENT AND LOCATE 28 161 ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)109 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)109 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)109 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)110 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)114 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)140 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)140 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)140 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT DATA MANAGEMENT AND LOCATE-1 4 DATA MANAGEMENT AND LOCATE - MODEL 54 MANAGE CASE PRACTICAL EXERCISES 21 MANAGE DISPUTE PRACTICAL EXERCISES CLOSE CASE 2 240 CLOSE CASE - 7 CLOSE CASE - PM 6 CLOSE CASE - MODEL 17 29 SYSTEM (CAMS)140 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)140 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)141 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)142 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)142 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)143 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)143 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)144 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)145 CSECHILD CLOSE CASE (MIA ONLY) 28 INTERCEPTS PRACTICAL EXERCISES 3 ASSISTING CUSTOMERS USING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 1 ASSISTING CUSTOMERS USING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)(MIA ONLY) ASSISTING EXTERNAL PARTIES ASSISTING EXTERNAL PARTIES (MIA ONLY) 20 1 20 MANAGING CAMPAIGNS USING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 1 EDUCATING EXTERNAL PARTIES REMEDIES INITIATED BY ENFORCEMENT TOOL SELECTION 1 1 30 SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)149 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)156 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)158 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)159 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)202 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)205 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)208 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)209 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED PRACTICAL EXERCISES LEGAL REMEDIES PRACTICAL EXERCISES 7 SPECIALIZED ETS REMEDIES PRACTICAL EXERCISES 10 FUNDAMENTALS OF WINIC 53 ENFORCE COMPLIANCE AND COMMON REMEDIES PRACTICAL EXERCISES 11 SPECIALIZED REMEDIES IN ENFORCE COMPLIANCE PRACTICAL EXERCISES REMEDIES FOR GENERALIST AND REFERRAL PRACTICAL EXERCISES 9 11 REMEDIES FOR PO - COMPLIANCE I 3 REMEDIES FOR PO - COMPLIANCE II 3 31 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)210 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)212 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)213 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)214 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)214 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)214 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)214 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)215 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)215 REMEDIES FOR INSUFFICIENCY RESOLUTION REMEDIES FOR INSUFFICIENCY RESOLUTION PRACTICAL EXERCISES ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES I ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES I - ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES I - MODEL ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES I - REGION 1 ONLY ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES II ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES II -MODEL 32 132 4 172 2 27 8 150 32 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)215 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)215 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)216 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)217 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)217 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)218 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)218 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)219 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES II - MODEL ENFORCE COMPLIANCE & COMMON REMEDIES II - REGION 1 ONLY 14 8 SPECIALIZED REMEDIES IN ENFORCE COMPLIANCE 159 REMEDIES FOR GENERALIST AND REFERRAL 160 REMEDIES FOR GENERALIST AND REFERRAL - MODEL SPECIALIZED ETS & LEGAL REMEDIES SPECIALIZED ETS AND LEGAL REMEDIES 1 135 13 COMPLETING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)TASKS 500 COMPLETING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)TASKS - 1 33 AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)219 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)219 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)219 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)220 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)221 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)222 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)222 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)222 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPLETING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)TASKS - MODEL 63 COMPLETING CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)TASKS BRADENTON 2 REMEDIES FOR PO - COMPLIANCE 1 MANAGE DISPUTES 4 BPRVR- REGION 1 ONLY 12 BPRVR-LICENSE & REGISTRATION SUSPENSION ON CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 564 BPRVR-LICENSE & REGISTRATION SUSPENSION ON CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)O 34 BPRVR-LICENSE & REGISTRATION SUSPENSION ON CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)- MODEL 8 34 (CAMS)222 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)301 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)302 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)303 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)304 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)400 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)400 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)900 CSECHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)902 EXTPF 101 EXTPLANG01 BUSINESS PARTNERS IN CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 390 CASES IN CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 402 ACTIVITIES IN CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 409 SERVICE CONTRACTS IN CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS) 412 REPORTING IN CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)FOR MANAGERS 42 REPORTING IN CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)FOR MANAGERS - MODEL 11 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)PILOT LEVEL 3 SURVEY - EMPLOYEE 1 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CAMS)WAVE 1 LEVEL 3 SURVEY - EMPLOYEE People First Basic Navigation NIH PLAIN LANGUAGE ONLINE TRAINING 2 1 2 35 EXTSAPCRM1 EXTSAPTEC1 FREAB 7275 FREAB 7298 FREAB 7944 GTASUNA100 GTASUNA300 GTASUNA510 GTASUNC200 GTASUNC210 GTASUNE100 GTASUNE110 GTASUNI100 GTASUNI110 GTASUNR125 GTASUNR200 GTASUNR210 GTASUNR215 GTASUNT100 GTASUNW100 IAAO 101 B IAAO 102 A IAAO 102 B SAPCRM AND CR100 SAPTEC FUNDAMENTALS OF SAP WEB AS USPAP UPDATE APPRAISAL LAWS AND RULES ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERVISOR/TRAINEE SUNTAX AUDIT INTAKE SUNTAX AUDIT SUPPORT STAFF ACTIVITIES SUNTAX UT AUDIT LEAD DEVELOPMENT SUNTAX UT COLLECTIONS SUNTAX UT CENTRAL COLLECTION SUNTAX EXPERIENCE RATING SUNTAX EXPERIENCE RATING INTRODUCTION TO SUNTAX SUNTAX RESEARCH TECHNIQUES REGISTRATION ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT SUNTAX UT REGISTRATION SUNTAX UT REGISTRATION-SOCIAL UPDATE SUNTAX UT CENTRAL COLLECTION SOCIAL UPDATE SUNTAX TIME TRACKING SUNTAX BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS OF REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL SECTION B INCOME APPROACH TO VALUATION SECTION A INCOME APPROACH TO VALUATION SECTION B Total 18 25 1 1 1 1 18 273 440 137 12 4 249 214 48 187 475 135 34 228 19 20 25 36587 36 APPENDIX B L E V E L 1 C O U R S E E VA L UA T I O N C H A RT S 37 ha d ic al og O bj e ly le ar ct iv ec es w er ec tiv sta te d. es al w str er Co e u ct nt m ur en et ea . tr nd el ev f l an ow O tt ve . o Tr ra yo ll ai ur ni ra jo ng tin b. g m V of at Tr isu e c a r ou in i al a in ls rs ai g e. w ds ac er su tiv eu pp i se tie or fu sw te l. d er Co th eu ec ur se se on fu he te l. nt ld Eq de in Ex ui l a i hi ve pm q bi ua ry en te lit . tu d y kn Ex se fa ow ci d hi l w bi i le ty as te dg . d of e ab of qu ili co al ty i ur ty to . se re m sp Ex at o er nd hi i bi al to te . qu d pr es es t io en n ta s. tio A n pp s k ea En ill re s. co d Tr ur pr ea a e g te pa ed d re pa pa d. rti rti ci ci O p p ve an O a t ve ra io ts ll, n. ra re ll sp ho ra ec w t tfu in w g ou lly of ld . in yo s tru u ra c to te r. th is co ur se ? rs e Co u O bj rating ha d ic al og O bj ec es w er ec tiv le ar ec tiv ly sta te d. e sw al str er Co e u ct nt m ur en et ea . tr nd el ev f l an ow O tt ve . o Tr ra yo ll ai ur ni ra jo ng tin b. g m V of at Tr isu e c a r ou in i al a in ls rs ai g e. w ds ac er su tiv eu pp i se tie or fu sw te l. d er Co th eu ec ur se se on fu he te l. nt ld Eq de in Ex ui l a i hi ve pm q bi ua ry en te lit . tu d y kn Ex se fa ow ci d hi l w bi i le ty as te dg . d of e ab of qu ili co al ty i ur ty to . se re m sp Ex at o er nd hi i bi al to te . qu d pr es es t io en n ta s. tio A n pp s k ea En ill re s. co d Tr ur pr ea a e g te pa ed d re pa pa d. rti rti ci ci O p p ve an O a t ve ra io ts ll, n. ra re ll sp ho ra ec w t tfu in w g ou lly of ld . in yo s tru u ra c to te r. th is co ur se ? ur se Co O bj rating True Colors Training 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 item True Colors Training 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 item 38 ur se ec tiv ha d es w er e a l Ob cle a og je ct rly ic iv Co al es state s nt t en ruc wer d. t r tur em el e Tr Ov eva and et. nt er ai al ni V to flow l isu n y al Tra g m ratin ou . r a ai ds inin teri g o job s u g a als f co . pp ct ur w i o Co rte vitie ere se. ur d th s w use se e c er ful Ex h eu . hi Equ eld ont en sef bi i i p n t d ul. Ex ted m a e e q hi bi kno nt u ual live te d wle sed ity f ry. ab dg w a as cil ili e it o ty o to f co f q y. Ex ur ua re li s s hi bi pon e m ty. te d d to ater pr es que ial. en ta stio A Tr En pp tion ns. e c ea te our ared ski d a l Ex pa ged pr ls. e rti hi bi ci par pare O t Ex ted ve pa n icip d. ra hi bi kno ll r ts re ati te a w sp on ti d ec . ab ledg ng of tfu ili e of ty in lly s . t c Ex o re our truc s t s hi bi pon e m or. te d d to ater pr es que ial. en ta stio A Tr En pp tion ns. ea ea co sk r ur te il d a ed O pa ged pr ls. ve ep rti p ra ll, Ov cip art are ho era an icip d. ts w l a w l ra res tio ou t pe n. ld ing ct fu o yo u f ins lly. ra te truc th is tor. co ur se ? Co O bj rating True Colors Teambuilding Training 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 item 39 Workplace Ethics for Leaders 6.00 5.00 rating 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 The objectives were clearly stated. The objectives were met. Overall, how The Course had The content Overall, how The training The training The visual Course was equipment would you held in a aids activities materials a logical was relevant would you rate this used was of quality were useful. were useful. supported rate the structure to your job. course? quality. facility. the content. course and flow. content? item 40 ha d ic al og O bj ec es w er ec tiv le ar ec tiv ly sta te d. e sw al str er Co e u ct nt m ur en et ea . tr nd el ev f l an ow O tt ve . o Tr ra yo ll ai ur ni ra jo ng tin b. g m V of at Tr isu e c a r ou in i al a in ls rs ai g e. w ds ac er su tiv eu pp i se tie or fu sw te l. d er Co th eu ec ur se se on fu he te l. nt ld Eq de in Ex ui l a i hi ve pm q bi ua ry en te lit . tu d y kn Ex se fa ow ci d hi l w bi i le ty as te dg . d of e ab of qu ili co al ty i ur ty to . se re m sp Ex at o er nd hi i bi al to te . qu d pr es es t io en n ta s. tio A n pp s k ea En ill re s. co d Tr ur pr ea a e g te pa ed d re pa pa d. rti rti ci ci O p p ve an O a t ve ra io ts ll, n. ra re ll sp ho ra ec w t tfu in w g ou lly of ld . in yo s tru u ra c to te r. th is co ur se ? ur se Co O bj rating Meeting Management 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 item 41 42 Level 1 Survey - Building Respectful Workplace 4.60 Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 4.55 4.50 4.45 4.40 4.35 4.30 4.25 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.05 The The Course The objectives objectives had a content were were met. logical was clearly structure relevant to stated. and flow. your job. Overall, The how would training you rate materials the course were content? useful. Questions 43 The The visual Course The training aids was held in equipment activities supported a quality used was were the facility. of quality. useful. content. ha d ic al og O bj ly le ar ec tiv ec es w er ec tiv sta te d. es al w str er Co em uc nt tu en et re . tr an el d ev flo a nt O w ve . to Tr ra yo ll ai ur ni ra jo ng tin b. g m V of at Tr isu er co ai ia al ni ur ls ng ai se w ds . ac er su tiv eu pp i s t ie ef or s u te l. w d er Co th eu ec ur s se on ef he ul te . nt ld Eq de in Ex ui liv aq hi pm er bi ua y. en te lit tu d y kn Ex se fa ow ci d hi lit w bi le as y. te dg d of e ab of qu ili co al ty ity ur to . se re m sp Ex a on te hi ri a d bi to l. te qu d pr e s es tio en ns ta . tio A n pp s ki ea En lls re co . d Tr ur pr ea ag ep te ed ar d ed pa pa . rti rti ci ci O pa pa ve O nt tio ve ra s ll, n. ra re ll sp ho ra ec w tin tfu w g ou lly of ld . in yo s t u ru ra ct te or . th is co ur se ? ur se Co O bj rating Meeting Management 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 item 44 ha d ic al og O bj ly le ar ec tiv ec es w er ec tiv sta te d. es al w str er Co em uc nt tu en et re . tr an el d ev flo a nt O w ve . to Tr ra yo ll ai ur ni ra jo ng tin b. g m V of at Tr isu er co ai ia al ni ur ls ng ai se w ds . ac er su tiv eu pp i s t ie ef or s u te l. w d er Co th eu ec ur s se on ef he ul te . nt ld Eq de in Ex ui liv aq hi pm er bi ua y. en te lit tu d y kn Ex se fa ow ci d hi lit w bi le as y. te dg d of e ab of qu ili co al ty ity ur to . se re m sp Ex a on te hi ri a d bi to l. te qu d pr e s es tio en ns ta . tio A n pp s ki ea En lls re co . d Tr ur pr ea ag ep te ed ar d ed pa pa . rti rti ci ci O pa pa ve O nt tio ve ra s ll, n. ra re ll sp ho ra ec w tin tfu w g ou lly of ld . in yo s t u ru ra ct te or . th is co ur se ? ur se Co O bj rating Meeting Management 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 item 45 ha d O bj ly le ar ec tiv ec es w er lo g ec tiv ic sta te d. es w al er Co s tr em u nt ct et en ur . O tw e& ve as ra flo ll r el ra w ev tin . an Tr g tt ai of o ni co jo ng ur b. m se at Tr co er ai n i n al te V in sw nt isu g . ac er al tiv eu ai iti ds s ef es su u l. w pp er Co or eu ur tc s se on ef he ul te . nt ld Eq de in ui liv aq pm er ua y. en lit tu y Ex se fa ci d hi lit w bi O as y. te ve d of ra Ex kn l q l ua ow hi ra lit bi tin le y. te dg g d of e ab of co ili co ur ty se ur to . se re m sp Ex at o er nd hi ia bi to l. te qu d pr es es tio en ns ta . tio A n pp s ki ea En lls re co Tr . d ur ea pr ag ep te ed d ar pa ed pa rti . rti ci ci pa pa O n ve tio ts ra w n. ll ith ra re tin s p g ec of t. In s tr uc to r? se ur Co O bj rating Plain Language Training 5.10 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 item 46 ha d ic al og O bj ly le ar ec tiv ec es w er ec tiv sta te d. es al w str er Co em uc nt tu en et re . tr an el d ev flo a nt O w ve . to Tr ra yo ll ai ur ni ra jo ng tin b. g m V of at Tr isu er co ai ia al ni ur ls ng ai se w ds . ac er su tiv eu pp i s t ie ef or s u te l. w d er Co th eu ec ur s se on ef he ul te . nt ld Eq de in Ex ui liv aq hi pm er bi ua y. en te lit tu d y kn Ex se fa ow ci d hi lit w bi le as y. te dg d of e ab of qu ili co al ty ity ur to . se re m sp Ex a on te hi ri a d bi to l. te qu d pr e s es tio en ns ta . tio A n pp s ki ea En lls re co . d Tr ur pr ea ag ep te ed ar d ed pa pa . rti rti ci ci O pa pa ve O nt tio ve ra s ll, n. ra re ll sp ho ra ec w tin tfu w g ou lly of ld . in yo s t u ru ra ct te or . th is co ur se ? ur se Co O bj rating Problem-solving Tools Training 5.00 4.80 4.60 4.40 4.20 4.00 3.80 3.60 item 47 ai ds g g at e th e ls to ob . se f eu et . w . fl o em te d. ur j yo d an w er nt re iti es w ria ac tiv m re le va ct u sta es w er ly le ar ec tiv al str u te d or pp su ic O bj es w er ec en t in ai n Tr nt in Co al og Tr ai n ha d ec tiv Co ur ul . er eu se co se fu nt he l. en ld td Eq in e liv Ex ui aq er pm hi ua y. bi en lit te tu y d f s k ac Ex ed no ili hi w w ty bi le as . te dg of d e ab qu of ili al co ty ity ur to . se re m sp at Ex on e r hi ia d bi l. to te qu d es pr tio es en ns ta . tio A n pp sk ea ill En s. re co d Tr pr ur ea ep ag te a e re d d d. pa pa rti rti ci ci pa pa O tio O ve nt ve sr ra n. ra ll, es ll pe ho r at ct w fu in w g lly ou of . ld in yo str u uc ra to te r. th is co ur se ? al V isu se ur Co O bj rating Problem-solving Tools Training 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 item 48 ai ds g g at e th e ls to ob . se f eu et . w . fl o em te d. ur j yo d an w er nt re iti es w ria ac tiv m re le va ct u sta es w er ly le ar ec tiv al str u te d or pp su ic O bj es w er ec en t in ai n Tr nt in Co al og Tr ai n ha d ec tiv Co ur ul . er eu se co se fu nt he l. en ld td Eq in e liv Ex ui aq er pm hi ua y. bi en lit te tu y d f s k ac Ex ed no ili hi w w ty bi le as . te dg of d e ab qu of ili al co ty ity ur to . se re m sp at Ex on e r hi ia d bi l. to te qu d es pr tio es en ns ta . tio A n pp sk ea ill En s. re co d Tr pr ur ea ep ag te a e re d d d. pa pa rti rti ci ci pa pa O tio O ve nt ve sr ra n. ra ll, es ll pe ho r at ct w fu in w g lly ou of . ld in yo str u uc ra to te r. th is co ur se ? al V isu se ur Co O bj rating Problem-solving Tools Training 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 item 49 ha d al og eo es tiv Th bj ec eo tiv ec le bj ec w er O ve ec on Th ar ly ic sta te es d. al w ra str er te ll, nt uc em ho tu w et re as w . an w re ou le d va flo ld nt yo w . to u Tr ra yo ai te ur ni c ng jo ou b. rs m ec Tr at er ai V o ia nt ni isu l en ng sw al t? ac er ai tiv ds eu iti su s ef es pp ul w or . Co er te eu d ur co se s ef nt he ul en ld . Eq td in O el ui ve a i p v ra qu m e ll, r en al y. ity ho tu Ex w se fa d w c hi i ou w lit bi as te y. ld d of yo Ex kn qu u ow hi ra a bi lit te le te y. dg th d e is ab of co ili co ur ty se ur to ? se re m sp Ex a o t hi nd er bi i al to te . d qu pr es es t io en n ta s. tio A n pp sk ea En ill re co s. O Tr d ve ur pr ea ag ra e t e p ll, ed d a re ho pa pa d. rti w rti ci w ci pa ou p a nt ld tio sr yo n. es u pe ra ct te f ul th ly is . in str uc to r? se ur Co Th rating Supervisor Seminar I Training 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 item 50 ha d al og eo es tiv Th bj ec eo tiv ec le bj ec w er O ve ec on Th ar ly ic sta te es d. al w ra str er te ll, nt uc em ho tu w et re as w . an w re ou le d va flo ld nt yo w . to u Tr ra yo ai te ur ni c ng jo ou b. rs m ec Tr at er ai V o ia nt ni isu l en ng sw al t? ac er ai tiv ds eu iti su s ef es pp ul w or . Co er te eu d ur co se s ef nt he ul en ld . Eq td in O el ui ve a i p v ra qu m e ll, r en al y. ity ho tu Ex w se fa d w c hi i ou w lit bi as te y. ld d of yo Ex kn qu u ow hi ra a bi lit te le te y. dg th d e is ab of co ili co ur ty se ur to ? se re m sp Ex a o t hi nd er bi i al to te . d qu pr es es t io en n ta s. tio A n pp sk ea En ill re co s. O Tr d ve ur pr ea ag ra e t e p ll, ed d a re ho pa pa d. rti w rti ci w ci pa ou p a nt ld tio sr yo n. es u pe ra ct te f ul th ly is . in str uc to r? se ur Co Th rating Supervisor Seminar I Training 5.00 4.95 4.90 4.85 4.80 4.75 4.70 4.65 4.60 4.55 4.50 4.45 item 51 ha d al og eo es tiv Th bj ec eo tiv ec le bj ec w er O ve ec on Th ar ly ic sta te es d. al w ra str er te ll, nt uc em ho tu w et re as w . an w re ou le d va flo ld nt yo w . to u Tr ra yo ai te ur ni c ng jo ou b. rs m ec Tr at er ai V o ia nt ni isu l en ng sw al t? ac er ai tiv ds eu iti su s ef es pp ul w or . Co er te eu d ur co se s ef nt he ul en ld . Eq td in O el ui ve a i p v ra qu m e ll, r en al y. ity ho tu Ex w se fa d w c hi i ou w lit bi as te y. ld d of yo Ex kn qu u ow hi ra a bi lit te le te y. dg th d e is ab of co ili co ur ty se ur to ? se re m sp Ex a o t hi nd er bi i al to te . d qu pr es es t io en n ta s. tio A n pp sk ea En ill re co s. O Tr d ve ur pr ea ag ra e t e p ll, ed d a re ho pa pa d. rti w rti ci w ci pa ou p a nt ld tio sr yo n. es u pe ra ct te f ul th ly is . in str uc to r? se ur Co Th rating Supervisor Seminar I Training 5.00 4.95 4.90 4.85 4.80 4.75 4.70 4.65 4.60 4.55 4.50 4.45 item 52 ha d al og eo es tiv Th bj ec eo tiv ec le bj ec w er O ve ec on Th ar ly ic sta te es d. al w ra str er te ll, nt uc em ho tu w et re as w . an w re ou le d va flo ld nt yo w . to u Tr ra yo ai te ur ni c ng jo ou b. rs m ec Tr at er ai V o ia nt ni isu l en ng sw al t? ac er ai tiv ds eu iti su s ef es pp ul w or . Co er te eu d ur co se s ef nt he ul en ld . Eq td in O el ui ve a i p v ra qu m e ll, r en al y. ity ho tu Ex w se fa d w c hi i ou w lit bi as te y. ld d of yo Ex kn qu u ow hi ra a bi lit te le te y. dg th d e is ab of co ili co ur ty se ur to ? se re m sp Ex a o t hi nd er bi i al to te . d qu pr es es t io en n ta s. tio A n pp sk ea En ill re co s. O Tr d ve ur pr ea ag ra e t e p ll, ed d a re ho pa pa d. rti w rti ci w ci pa ou p a nt ld tio sr yo n. es u pe ra ct te f ul th ly is . in str uc to r? se ur Co Th rating Supervisor Seminar I Training 5.00 4.95 4.90 4.85 4.80 4.75 4.70 4.65 4.60 4.55 4.50 4.45 item 53 ur se ec tiv ha d es w er e a l Ob cle ar og je ly c i Co cal tive sta nt stru s w ted en . e t r ctur re el e a me e O t v n Tr . ai ver ant d fl a ni V o isu ng ll r to y w. a T o al t m at ing ur jo ai rain er ds i o b su ng a ials f co . pp c u or tivi wer rse Co te e ti . ur d th es w use se e c er ful Ex h . e us hi Equ eld ont e b e i i Ex ited pm n a nt d ful. e e q hi bi kno nt u ual live te d wle sed ity f ry. ab d w a as cil i l i ge it o ty o to f co f q y. ua Ex u r lit hi espo rse y bi te nd mat . d pr to q eria es l e ues . A nta tio Tr En pp tion ns. e ea co ur ared ski te d a l Ex pa ged pr ls. e rti hi bi ci par pare O t Ex ted ve pa n icip d. ra hi bi kno ll r ts re ati te a w s t pe on. d i ab ledg ng ct f o ili e of f in ully ty . to co str u Ex u r hi espo rse ctor bi m . n te d d to ater pr es que ial. en ta stio A Tr En pp tion ns. e c ea te our ared ski d a l O pa ged pr ls. ve rti pa epa ra c O re ll, ip r ho vera an ticip d. ts w l a w l ra res tio ou t pe n. ld ing c yo of tful in l u str y. ra te u th cto is r co . ur se ? Co O bj rating True Colors Teambuilding Training 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 item 54 ha d ic al og O bj ly le ar ec tiv ec es w er ec tiv sta te d. es al w str er Co em uc nt tu en et re . tr an el d ev flo a nt O w ve . to Tr ra yo ll ai ur ni ra jo ng tin b. g m V of at Tr isu er co ai ia al ni ur ls ng ai se w ds . ac er su tiv eu pp i s t ie ef or s u te l. w d er Co th eu ec ur s se on ef he ul te . nt ld Eq de in Ex ui liv aq hi pm er bi ua y. en te lit tu d y kn Ex se fa ow ci d hi lit w bi le as y. te dg d of e ab of qu ili co al ty ity ur to . se re m sp Ex a on te hi ri a d bi to l. te qu d pr e s es tio en ns ta . tio A n pp s ki ea En lls re co . d Tr ur pr ea ag ep te ed ar d ed pa pa . rti rti ci ci O pa pa ve O nt tio ve ra s ll, n. ra re ll sp ho ra ec w tin tfu w g ou lly of ld . in yo s t u ru ra ct te or . th is co ur se ? ur se Co O bj rating True Colors Team Building Training 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 item 55 Level 1 Survey - Meeting Management Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 Objectives Objectives Course had Content were clearly were met. a logical relevant to stated. structure your job. and flow. Overall rating of course. Training Training Visual aids Course held Equipment materials activities supported in a quality used was of were useful. were useful. the content facility. quality. delivery. Questions 56 Level 1 Survey - PDA Quick Start 4.90 Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 4.88 4.86 4.84 4.82 4.80 4.78 4.76 4.74 4.72 Objectives Objectives were clearly were met. stated. Course had a logical structure and flow. Content relevant to your job. Overall rating of course. Training Training Visual aids Course held Equipment materials activities supported in a quality used was of were useful. were useful. the content facility. quality. delivery. Questions Level 1 Survey - Problem Solving Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 Objectives were clearly stated. Objectives were met. Course had a Content logical relevant to structure and your job. flow. Overall rating of course. Training Training Visual aids Course held Equipment materials activities supported in a quality used was of were useful. were useful. the content facility. quality. delivery. Questions 57 Level 1 Survey - DCF Site Visits Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 5.10 5.00 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 The objectives were clearly stated. The objectives were met. Course had a The content Overall, how The site visit The site visit The visual The site visit logical was relevant would you materials activities aids facilities were structure and to your job. rate the were useful were supported the of quality. flow. course (handouts, beneficial. site visit. content? etc.) Questions 58 Level 1 Survey - Supervisor Seminar Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 4.85 4.80 4.75 4.70 4.65 4.60 4.55 4.50 4.45 4.40 4.35 4.30 The objectives were clearly stated. The Course had The content Overall, objectives a logical was how would were met. structure relevant to you rate and flow. your job. course content? Training materials were useful. Questions 59 Training activities were useful. Visual aids Course held Equipment supported in a quality used was content facility. of quality. delivery. Level 1 Survey - True Colors 4.50 Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 4.45 4.40 4.35 4.30 4.25 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.05 4.00 Objectives Objectives Course had Content were clearly were met. a logical relevant to stated. structure your job. and flow. Overall rating of course. Training Training Visual aids Course held Equipment materials activities supported in a quality used was of were useful. were useful. the content facility. quality. delivery. Questions 60 Level 1 Survey - Valuing People Rating (5 = Strongly Agree; 1 = Strongly Disagree) 4.60 4.55 4.50 4.45 4.40 4.35 4.30 4.25 4.20 4.15 The The objectives objectives were clearly were met. stated. Course had The content Overall, how The training The training The visual Course was The a logical was relevant would you materials activities aids held in a equipment structure to your job. rate the were useful. were useful. supported quality used was of and flow. course the content. facility. quality. content? Questions 61 APPENDIX C L E V E L 2 S T U D E N T P E R F OR M A N C E E VA L UA T I ON S 62 Level Two Data . Online Course Mean Percent Standard Deviation N Evolution of Quality 90 7.4 11 Baldrige Management System 97 6.4 19 Problem Solving Tools for Teams 91 6.9 157 63 A P P E N D I X D L E V E L 3 S T U D E N T A N D S U P E RV I S O R C OU R S E E VA L UA T I ON C H A RT S 64 Level 3 Supervisor Seminar Student 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.40 rating 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 My The I feel I had the knowledge knowledge motivated to materials and skills in and skills use the and this area taught in knowledge equipment I have this course and skills on needed to increased as are the job. apply the a result of important to knowledge this course. my job. and skills. Since the I have used training, I the have had an knowledge opportunity and skills on to apply the the job. knowledge and skills I learned. item 65 The My My coknowledge supervisor workers and skills I has were learned have supported supportive of helped me me in my my attempts work more attempts to to use the effectively apply the new and/or knowledge knowledge efficiently. and skills and skills. taught in this class. In the next Overall, I six months, believe this I expect to was a have an valuable opportunity course. to use the knowledge and skills I learned. Level 3 Supervisor Seminar Supervisor 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 rating 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 My employee's knowledge and skills in this area have increased as a result of this course. My My The employee knowledge employee has the has been and skills taught in motivated to materials and use the this course knowledge equipment are important to and skills on needed to apply the the job. my knowledge employee's and skills job. they learned. My Since the training, my employee employee has used the has had an knowledge opportunity and skills on the job. to apply the knowledge and skills they learned. item 66 I have The knowledge supported my and skills employee's my employee attempts to learned has apply the helped my knowledge and skills employee work more taught in the class. effectively and/or efficiently. My employee's co-workers have been supportive of attempts to use the new knowledge and skills. In the next Overall, I six months, believe this was a I expect that valuable my course. employee will have an opportunity to use the knowledge and skills they learned. Level 3 Problem Solving Student 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 rating 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 I had the I feel The My knowledge knowledge motivated to materials and use the and skills in and skills knowledge equipment I taught in this area this course and skills on needed to have apply the the job. are increased as knowledge a result of important to and skills. my job. this course. Since the I have used the training, I have had an knowledge opportunity and skills on the job. to apply the knowledge and skills I learned. item 67 My coMy The workers knowledge supervisor were has and skills I learned have supported supportive of me in my my attempts helped me work more attempts to to use the new apply the effectively knowledge knowledge and/or and skills. efficiently. and skills taught in this class. In the next Overall, I six months, believe this was a I expect to valuable have an course. opportunity to use the knowledge and skills I learned. Level 3 Problem Solving Supervisor 4.60 4.50 4.40 rating 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 My employee's knowledge and skills in this area have increased as a result of this course. My My The employee knowledge employee has the has been and skills taught in motivated to materials and use the this course knowledge equipment are important to and skills on needed to apply the the job. my knowledge employee's and skills job. they learned. My Since the training, my employee employee has used the has had an knowledge opportunity and skills on the job. to apply the knowledge and skills they learned. item 68 I have The knowledge supported my and skills employee's my employee attempts to learned has apply the helped my knowledge and skills employee work more taught in the class. effectively and/or efficiently. My employee's co-workers have been supportive of attempts to use the new knowledge and skills. In the next Overall, I six months, believe this was a I expect that valuable my course. employee will have an opportunity to use the knowledge and skills they learned. Level 3 Meeting Management Student 4.60 4.40 rating 4.20 4.00 3.80 3.60 3.40 My The I feel I had the knowledge knowledge motivated to materials and skills in and skills use the and this area taught in knowledge equipment I have this course and skills on needed to increased as are the job. apply the a result of important to knowledge this course. my job. and skills. Since the I have used training, I the have had an knowledge opportunity and skills on to apply the the job. knowledge and skills I learned. item 69 The My My coknowledge supervisor workers and skills I has were learned have supported supportive of helped me me in my my attempts work more attempts to to use the effectively apply the new and/or knowledge knowledge efficiently. and skills and skills. taught in this class. In the next Overall, I six months, believe this I expect to was a have an valuable opportunity course. to use the knowledge and skills I learned. Level 3 Meeting Management Supervisor 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 rating 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.90 3.80 3.70 3.60 3.50 My employee's knowledge and skills in this area have increased as a result of this course. My My The employee knowledge employee has the has been and skills taught in motivated to materials and use the this course knowledge equipment are important to and skills on needed to apply the the job. my knowledge employee's and skills job. they learned. My Since the training, my employee employee has used the has had an knowledge opportunity and skills on the job. to apply the knowledge and skills they learned. item 70 I have The knowledge supported my and skills employee's my employee attempts to learned has apply the helped my knowledge and skills employee work more taught in the class. effectively and/or efficiently. My employee's co-workers have been supportive of attempts to use the new knowledge and skills. In the next Overall, I six months, believe this was a I expect that valuable my course. employee will have an opportunity to use the knowledge and skills they learned. E N D OF R E P ORT Florida Department of Revenue Office of Communication and Professional Development Workplace Learning and Performance Business Process F I S C A L Y E A R J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 7 - J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 0 8 71