Using Workflow for Strategic Case Management Agenda • Document Management • Wait Period • Locate Process • Interstate Process • Enforcement Actions • Case Closure Process • Task Prioritization Document Management Comparison LEGACY SYSTEM 1. 2. Printing was done manually. When a form is returned, users had to verify the information manually. CAMS SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. Automated way of generating forms/bundles of forms. Track the inbound form using the unique barcode. Mark sense technology to take the next appropriate action automatically. Legacy System Volume of mail-outs generated annually (Approximately) Resources CAMS System 4 Millions 6 Millions (More communication) 95 Members 15 Members(1/6th of the team) How Automation can be done? Forms automation can be achieved by using below options. Bar Code Mark Sense • Tracks Incoming and Outgoing forms • Contains unique number to identify form • Combination of Form version, client category, form code, and internally generated number • • • • Used to fill specific data Used for Change of Address Selection of check box Scan and track the incoming data on the form Inbound • Any mark sense form filled by user like address change that’s returned to the Client. • Scanner reads the updated information and creates an inbound interface file. Inserter Marks • Horizontal line to define start and end of single form. One horizontal line on all pages and two horizontal lines on last physical page. • Lines scanned by machine folding and packaging forms in envelope. Barcode Mark Sense Inserter Marks Forms used Trigger Source Printing Type Transaction: Forms generated due to status change of Transaction. Online: Forms generated from a custom program . •Individual •Packet • Simplex : Prints on only one side of the paper. • Duplex : Prints on both sides of the paper. • Mixed : Combination of simplex and duplex. Forms will be printed at local or central printer. Form Type •Normal : Forms which are generated in the system. •Images : Tiff files are considered as images Grouping •Individual : Single form is sent to the customers. •Packet : Two or more forms are grouped together and sent to the customers. •Normal •Images •Transaction Grouping Online Form Type Printing type •Simplex •Duplex •Mixed Wait Period Comparison LEGACY SYSTEM 1. All the ‘Wait’ related items were manually tracked by the Case workers. CAMS SYSTEM 1. 2. Specific number of days can be configured in the system through ‘Wait Period’ in CAMS system. System can automatically trigger the defined actions after the wait period is over. Use of ‘Wait Period’ in Case Creation Process Public Assistance Service Request Collect Critical Data Process CP/DP Benefits Yes No Program checks for Benefits for 65 days Benefits Available No CP/DP Benefits Close Public Assistance Service Request Creation of Case Locate Process Comparison LEGACY SYSTEM CAMS SYSTEM An alert was created when the following information was received 1. Employment and Wage Data 2. Address Data 3. Personal Information (SSN, DOB etc.) 4. Liquid Asset 1. Employment and wages are updated automatically based on 50 rules. 2. Address is verified and updated automatically based on 122 rules. 3. Personal data is verified and updated into the system based on more than 50 rules. 4. Liquid Asset data is updated automatically based on rules. I/B and O/B FTP SERVER File 1 File 2 File 3 File 4 File N External agency files SQL SERVER PROCESSING F I L E L E V E L V A L I D A T I O N Ranks Table (High/Med/Low for each source) Staging Tables File(s) Address Employment Personal Data Rules Engine Load Program Match flags Reject flags Update flags Update Program Address Normalization Automated Locate Process Master Data Interstate Process Comparison LEGACY SYSTEM CAMS SYSTEM • • Any CSENet request would result in an alert. • • • Automated Transmittal 1/2/3. Automated determination of CSENet states based on FAR codes. Location information through rules. Automated reprocessing of erroneous records. CAMS FAR (Function Action Reason) CSENet Hub T1 CSENet File FAR Based Configuration Tables Staging Table C S E N E T Create Service Request Case Create CAMS Case C A S E D O C U M E N T S CSENet O/B (Ack) T2 Process T3 Create ZIQL Update Rules Locate in CAMS Automatically Updated CSENet O/B (Response) Automated CSENet Inbound Process Florida CAMS CSENet O/B (Ack) CSENet O/B -----------------CSENet O/B (Response) Changes on Address/ Employment/ Personnel -----------------Update Rules Changes on Case -----------------Changes on Workflow Data from Interstate C O N F I G U R A T I O N T A B L E S Electronic Document Automated CSENet Determine Function Action Reason Staging Tables (Validation) CSENet Hub State Exception Configuration Printed Forms CAMS CSENet Outbound Process Other States Enforcement Actions Comparison LEGACY SYSTEM CAMS SYSTEM • • • • • One day delay in Financial postings were affecting Enforcement actions Case attributes were not considered. Manual Enforcement actions based on the Segment Enforcements hierarchy was not flexible. • • Financial postings are synched everyday. Combination of Payment behavior and Segment drives enforcement actions Highly configurable, so hierarchy can be maintained without changing the actual program Automated Enforcement Functions Payment and financial accounts information from financial system is posted Medical Compliance NCP’s New employment 1. Enforce Health Insurance Compliance Determination 2. Enforce NonCovered Medical Expenses STOP Income Deduction Notice (IDN) Compliant YES 1. Paper IDNs 2. Electronic IDNS (eIWO) 3. Lapse of Insurance Changes from Interface. Ex: SSI Benefits, TANF, Disability, Unemployed, Employed single Case NO Agencies Receiving Files 1. DHSMV 2. LSP 3. Credit Reporting Agency Compliance Remedy Selection Segment 1. 2. Send Past Due Notices Call for an interview 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Suspend Drivers license Interstate Enforcement Credit Reporting Legal Referral Personal property lien Close the Enforcements Payments Received? NO YES Case Closure Process Comparison – Case Closure LEGACY SYSTEM NEW CAMS SYSTEM 1. Closure reasons were set by the case workers manually. 2. After the case is set to 'Evaluating closure' status, case was manually being evaluated by the case workers. 1. Almost all the federal case closure reasons are set automatically by the system 2. System automatically moves the cases from Evaluating to ‘Closed’ status. Case Closure Process by Closure Reasons Recipient Of Services (Applicant) Requests Closure Determine New Household Process (Child No Longer Living With CP ) Perform CP, DP benefit checks Check if Arrears are more than $500 N Manage Unknown Fathers Process CP Deceased N Y Y Reopen the Case Send out ‘Notice of Intent to Close the Case’ and wait for 60 days Proceed with Closure Task Prioritization • Customized inbox showing all the assigned Tasks with the priorities. • Automated escalation of Tasks if not worked after certain number of days. • Automated way of assigning the Tasks to Workgroups based on availability. Next steps… • Automated assignment of tasks based on Federal Performance Metrics. Questions? Need More Information? Feel free to contact us. Jay Kumar 850.339.9434