AGENDA ITEM 14 RESPONSE TO THE CONSULTATION ON THE CHERWELL CATCHMENT ABSTRACTION MANAGEMENT STRATEGY (CAMS) Summary: The Environment Agency has consulted the Cotswolds Conservation Board on the Cherwell Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS). The deadline for response is 31 March 2005, coinciding with the Executive Committee meeting. Author: Mark Connelly, Land Management Officer Recommendation: The Executive Committee endorses the response Background 1. The Environment Agency launched the CAMS process in April 2001 and set out a six-year programme to develop a CAMS for every catchment in England and Wales 2. The main aims of CAMS are: to make information on water resources and licensing practice available to the public to provide a consistent approach to local water resources management, recognising the reasonable needs of water users and the environment to provide the opportunity for greater public involvement in managing the water resources of a catchment . In order to try and achieve these aims each CAMS is being developed through a process of consultation with local stakeholders. 3. There is an overlap between the Cherwell CAMS area and the Cotswolds AONB around Edge Hill, Ratley and Warmington in Warwickshire and to the east of Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire. A few small water courses are tributaries of the Sor Brook which itself forms the AONB boundary south of Ratley. There are also a number of ground water abstraction sites within the AONB. 4. The basis for the response to the consultation is the Cotswolds AONB Management Plan, in particular section 4, Sustainable Resources. Supporting paper A copy of the response is attached as sent to the Environment Agency subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee.