
Crest Whitestrips- Premium Plus
1. Who, How, Why. How the ad communicates; to what target market,
how this communication fits the marketing mix and strategy (Chapter1)
This advertisement by Crest is a form of National Advertising. The
goal of this ad was to inform or remind consumers of the Crest brand
and its features, benefits, and advantages.
In chapter one of the advertising and promotion course we
have studied how an advertisement communicates and to which target
market. Crest Whitestrips in this advertisement communicates to the
reader by differing there product from anything a professional dentist
can do. Product Symbolism is defined as what a product or brand
means to customers and what customers experiencing by purchasing or
using the product, and in this advertisement Crest uses the tagline, One
level of Whitening two very different prices. They symbolize their product
as accomplishing the same level of whitening as a dentist would
accomplish but at a very low price at 40 dollars compared to 400.
The target market of this ad is 30-50 year old men and woman who
use professional whitening at a dentist. This advertisement is trying to
persuade that target market to switch from professional whitening to
their own product the Crest Whitestrips premium plus. I believe this ad
has conquered that target market because after taking the time to view
the ad one would be intrigued to try a product that can accomplish the
same goal but for ten times lower the price.
The marketing mix consists of 4 elements, the 4 P’s which are
Product, Price, Promotion and Place. The basic task of marketing is
combining these four elements into a marketing program to facilitate the
potential for exchange with consumers in the marketplace. In order to
complete the marketing mix Crest has gone outside the box and created
a new product other than toothpaste, the Crest Whitestrip. With this
advertisement specifically they are re-informing the consumer of their
product and showing the severe price difference. Crest is a national
brand as seen on television, radio ads, billboards and of course magazine
ads. These are all ways they promote their product and they have placed
their brand image as one of the best toothpaste companies in the nation
and continue to differ their product from others.
Overall I think this advertisement for Crest Whitestrips was very
effective at capturing the marketing mix and promoting their product as
one that provides healthy beautiful smiles for life.
Dolce & Gabbana
2. Ethics, Social Issues, Deception, Stereotyping, Subliminal advertising
offensive advertising social and ethical considerations. Why this is an
example of one of these categories? Is this message or presentation of
this ad moral in your opinion? (Chapter 18)
Dolce and Gabbana is a company that relies heavily on advertising
their perfume/clothing product as the smell/look of beautiful woman
and higher class woman. In this particular advertisement I believe they
have crossed a line when it comes to offensive advertising. This
advertisement uses sexual appeals to sell a product, which is not
unheard of as of late, but the image that the article evokes is an image of
a gang rape and also violence against woman.
It is a known fact that the advertising appeals that have received
the most criticism for being in poor taste are those using sexual appeals
and or/nudity. This technique was clearly used in this advertisement
and was an ad to create consumer attention not to sell their specific
In chapter 18, we learn that there are many criticisms of
advertising with regard to stereotyping, and one is, Portrayal of woman
as sex objects. It is not hard to see that this ad is clearly portraying
woman as sexual objects and they are giving the message that if you buy
this perfume you will attract all the ‘hot’ guys. I believe that Dolce &
Gabbana could have given this message without making an offensive ad
towards woman. It’s a provocative ad but its provoking things that really
are not what we want to have provoked.
There is a Canadian code of advertising Standards, called “the
code” as it describes acceptable ads. Some may believe this
advertisement to be very smart because it provides publicity but I believe
that this particular advertisement has gone against the code of what is
considered an acceptable ad.
The Gender Portrayal Guidelines states that the overall impression
of the ad should not violate the spirit of gender equality. Clearly this
advertisement by Dolce & Gabbana depicts men being above woman and
it negatively portrays woman as sex objects.
Lee- Denim Collection
3. Making Ads: The scope of advertising. who is the sponsor of this ad?
The author? Who would have been on the team to create this ad? What is
the big idea? What media is used?
Lee, find your perfect fit. This ad for the new natural fit jeans by
lee was found in an Oprah magazine and I believe it is a very good ad. It
depicts a positive image of a woman so comfortable and happy because
of the new natural fit slimming jeans by Lee.
The sponsor of the ad is both Lee jeans and also Kohl’s where the
jeans can be purchased. On the bottom of the page it says available at
Kohl’s just to show the viewer of the ad where they can purchase this Lee
The team that would have created this advertisement would be the
marketing team of new products for Lee jeans. They would have had to
design the advertisement according to a magazine layout and many
people would have been involved. There would have had to be a graphic
designer to design the images in the ad to make the woman stand out to
all viewers.
The layout of the page was done very well and a lot of thought was
put into this advertisement. The layout of the page in the magazine I
believe had a large role on the success of the ad. The woman is the focal
point and she is emphasized because of the plain white background. It
makes her happiness stand out and the way she is standing makes her
seem very comfortable. Than on the other side of the page there is the
line New Lee Natural Fit with a picture of the jeans on a woman’s hip and
once again the jeans are shown as very slimming and comfortable. It’s a
very interesting ad because although plain and typical it gets the job
done. Woman reading Oprah would stop and view this ad and view how
beautiful and happy the woman is.
When it comes to acquiring a brand image, this advertisement has
conquered a brand image of a strong happy woman and I believe this
article to be very successful in capturing the target market of 25-40 year
old woman.
Dodge Nitro – Get your boost.
4. Consumer Behavior- perception, markets, decision making process,
influence on consumer (chapter 2)
Consumer Behavior is defined as Processes and activities which
people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using,
evaluating, and disposing of products and services to satisfy needs and
desires. Buying a car is a very high involvement decision to make and a
lot of time is needed. What the Dodge Nitro is trying to do with its new
line, of get your boost advertisements, is make that decision a little
This advertisement was in a Maxim magazine which is directed at
males between the ages of 18-25. Dodge was very smart to put an ad
about a brand new car in this magazine because the Dodge Nitro is
clearly advertised to men from the ages of 20-40 who are in need of a
boost. The line reads who needs extra protein when you’ve got available
features like a 255-horsepower 4.0L V6 engine...Etc. As we learn in
chapter 2, satisfaction is a judgment that consumers make with respect
to the pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment. When men
buy a car they think about how satisfied the car will make them and the
new Dodge Nitro ads of get your boost try to make the consumer see how
much they will be satisfied if they purchase the product.
When purchasing any product a consumer must go through the
consumer making process which consists of 5 different steps. They are
as follows: need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation,
purchase decision and post purchase evaluation. I believe that this ad
has successful targeted the first step in the process, need recognition. At
the bottom of the advertisement there is a complete list of all the features
of the new Dodge Nitro.
A large part of what the consumer gets from an advertisement is
their perception of the product. How the consumer interprets the
message of the ad and how they store the information of the ad in their
mind will determine if the product is worth buying in the end. The
Dodge Nitro tries to perceive their product as a strong, manly car that
will also provide a boost or rush once purchased.
I am a male within the brackets of the target market and this
advertisement intrigued me and I read all the information on the bottom
before turning the page so to me it is a successful ad in influencing the
Crown Royal- The king kissed by a queen.
5. Communication Model- how does the ad communicate, segmentation
and marketing mix, why is ad appropriate for the market segment
intended, the communication process, audience interpretation, feedback,
cognition, affect and experience.
Crown Royal has come up with a very interesting message for this
ad, The King kissed by a queen, implying that only the highest class of
woman drinks the king of whiskey, Crown Royal. The sender of this
message is Crown Royal, and once the message has gone through a non
personal channel than the message is encoded to the receiver.
The semiotic perspective states that there is 3 steps in every
marketing message: the object brand (Crown Royal), sign or symbol
representing intending meaning (King of Whiskey) and the
interpretant/intended meaning (high class, masculine, royal ness). This
advertisement was done particularly well because the sender or reader
gets a clear brand image and a clear message that Crown Royal is among
the best of whiskeys.
Once a reader has viewed the advertisement one of two things can
happen, either response or feedback. Response being a receiver’s set of
reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message and Feedback
being the part of the response communicated back to the sender. A
response to this advertisement would be actually going out and either
viewing the product on a shelf or even purchasing it. When a reader of
an ad actually goes out and purchases the product he/she saw they go
through a response process that has three stages. Those stages are the
cognitive stage, affective stage, and the behavioural stage. The most well
known response model is the AIDA model which consists of 4 stages.
The first stage is attention, or the first encounter with the advertisement,
in this case an ad for crown royal. The second stage is interest, so now
the reader is intrigued by the ad and the ad has sparked something in
their mind. The third stage is desire, now they are at the point of
actually desiring to go out and purchase crown royal. Interest and desire
are both in the attention stage of the response model. The last stage is
action, or actually going out and purchasing Crown Royal.
This advertisement was located in a maxim magazine, and I believe
was not the best to capture the target market. I believe with the tagline,
the king kissed by a queen, is trying to reach the 30-50 year old woman
market. This ad could be very effective as a billboard in a high traffic
The New AT&T, the Masters
6. Objectives & IMC: Relating the marketing plan with advertising
objectives—planning and tactics. Discuss the 5 Ws and the DAGMAR
approach .research process that would relate to the ad: tone, audience,
testing. (Ch. 4)
This advertisement is for the New AT&T combined with the 2007
Masters Golf tournament. The marketing message in this ad is that you
can get love coverage of the Masters, in three different ways, TV,
broadband, and wireless. The illustrators of this ad, made an interesting
comparison to a TV, monitor, and cell phone compared to a driver, an
iron, and a putter in golf.
Communication objectives are statements of what the
communications will accomplish. There are three levels of
communication objectives, the overall IMC plan, Individual IMC tools,
and individual elements of a communication tool. It is said that
communication objectives should be based at a relevant point within the
target market’s purchase decision-making process and consumption
experience. This ad by AT&T was in last month Sports Illustrated, a
week prior to the Masters starting so it clearly be seen that this was a
perfect time to release the ad. It captured the target market and
probably sparked a lot of sales.
The DAGMAR approach is defined as; define advertising goals for
measuring advertising results. The DAGMAR approach is also defined as
the recognition that communication effects are the logical basis for
advertising goals and objectives against which success or failure should
be measured. This ad by AT&T has defined its advertising goals at
reaching the target market of golf lovers from the ages of 25-60 and has
created a communication that should be successful. The punch line is
don’t miss a shot at the 2007 Masters basically stating that with these
three things, TV, broadband, and wireless you can have the Masters
wherever you go.
There was a lot of specific planning when it came to creating this
ad because it is not an ad that can be in every magazine you see because
it is devoted for a specific period of time when the Masters are covered on
TV. 5 W’s , where, sports illustrated magazine, what, Masters/ At&T ad,
when, one week prior to the Masters starting, who, sports illustrated
readers who are interested in golf, why, to spark sales of the new AT&T
wireless network.
Kool Cigarettes
7. Brand Positioning: target markets and positioning strategy Brand
image and influence on the market. Stages of the branding process and
how it is supported by the marketing mix. How is strong brand
established (Chapter 5.)
When trying to advertise a successful product, where the product
is positioned can play a large role. Positioning is defined as the art and
science of fitting the product or service to one or more segments of the
broad market in such a way as to set it meaningfully apart from
competition. If you can position your product high up in the broad
market and conquer a quality and strong brand image than your product
will be successful.
All companies go through a market positioning strategy and Kool
Cigarettes has created an ad that is very simple although very smart. I
believe this ad has tried to position the product as a cool thing to do.
The picture of the sophisticated black male, with headphones on and lots
of jewelry is trying to show that you will be cool if you smoke Kool
Cigarettes. The green tinge to the page also made the ad stick out in the
Along with a market positioning strategy there is also a brand
positioning strategy. This ad by Kool cigarettes has created a strong
brand image for the consumer to view. Brand position exists in the
minds of the target market and Kool cigarettes are trying to position their
brand in the consumers mind and differ their product from others.
There is a long process in creating a brand image for your product
and the steps are as follows: identify competitors, assess consumer’s
perceptions of competitors, determine competitor’s decisions, analyze the
consumer’s preferences, make the brand positioning strategy decision,
and once all this is done you must monitor the position.
In the cigarette business there are many competitors with many
different images. It is hard to create a strong brand image for cigarettes
because the market is getting harder and harder to deal with considering
the government intervention with warnings having to be on packaging.
There is a lot of health effects of smoking and it is hard to get past that
with advertising but I believe that Kool Cigarettes have created a strong
brand image with this specific advertisement.
Head and Shoulders
8. Ad’s Effectiveness, Discuss the research process that would relate to
the ad: tone, audience, testing. How would managers know if this ad is
working within the IMC plan? (Chapter 8).
Head and shoulders have created what I believe to be a very
effective ad. The thought process that went into creating this ad was
very well done and most likely promoted a lot of sales of the product.
Head and shoulders has already defined their company as a quality hair
product so this ad is basically re-defining their image and getting their
product in the minds of consumers.
There should always be an intense amount of research being put
into creating an ad and the company always has to measure the
effectiveness of that ad before letting it hit the mark. Some reasons to
measure effectiveness are to avoid costly mistakes, evaluate strategies,
increase efficiency of advertising in general, and determine if objectives
are achieved.
I thought this was a very effective ad because of the interesting
design of the picture and the smart tagline. The picture is of a beautiful
head of hair without any dandruff and there is a football play designed
on the part of the hair. The tagline reads when the goal is healthy hair
start at the line of scrimmage. The ad is trying to say that the only play
to choose or the only product to choose for gorgeous flake free hair is
Head and Shoulders. Managers would were looking over production of
this ad most likely agreed with the central theme and believed that it
could be a quality advertisement.
Before placing an advertisement on the market there is a lot of
different testing to be done. The testing process occurs at 4 different
stages: 1. concept testing, 2. Rough testing, 3. Finished art or
commercial testing, 4. Market Testing (post testing). I believe that Head
and shoulders must of done a large amount of testing for this ad,
because it is either a hit or miss ad. If it doesn’t catch the eye of the
reader of the magazine they will just flip the page and look over it.
There is also Physiological tests of finished ads that can be taken
in order to get a better view of the probability of success for your ad.
They are pupil dilation, galvanic skin response, eye tracking and
brainwaves. Head and shoulders however I don’t think used any of these
types of testing to test a magazine ad. Companies who are just starting
out making ads could go through that process but a company like head
and shoulders who are already an established company in their
department does not need to do physiological tests.
TAG- All Nighter
9. Media Strategy, How does the media match the audience in this
campaign? Strategy, media mix, coverage and scheduling. What media
strategies have been employed here? (Chapter 9)
WARNING, after application of new tag all nighter, you’ll be
required to entertain all manner of bouncing babe-a-loids. Failure to stay
up may result in serious loss of action.
This advertisement was absolutely perfect for the media that it was
found in, a maxim magazine. The media matches the audience very well.
Any male would stop and look at this page because there are three young
woman dancing around in their pajamas as a teenage guy is passed out
on a bed. Much of the readers of maxim magazine are 18-25 year old
males and this type of ad is intriguing to that age group. There have
been many ads in this recent marketing campaign by TAG that have the
same type of idea. The main idea is that spraying tag deodorant spray
will cause many woman to be around you, and there tagline is consider
yourself warned.
There are many commercials that have the same style of ad as well
and I believe this strategy was very well done. When it comes to
acquiring and covering your target market this ad was perfectly done.
When it comes to geographic coverage, maxim magazine is released all
over North America in Canada and the United States therefore covering a
large geographical area.
When it comes to scheduling TAG has used a Continuity schedule.
Some of the advantages of using this type of schedule are, serves as a
constant reminder to consumers, covers the entire buying cycle, and
allows for media priorities. When TAG scheduled there marketing plan
they had to take into consideration, reach and frequency. There are
many marketing factors that determine frequency, such as brand loyalty,
brand share, and usage cycle.
TAG is an increasingly popular brand of deodorant spray and it is
currently taking over AXE as the highest selling deodorant spray on the
market. Because they are making so money they are getting more money
to use on marketing and advertising. This is when a company needs to
be able to set a budget.
The managers of TAG advertising must set a budget to coincide
with 5 factors: market size, market potential, market share goals,
economies of scale advertising, and IMC Tools.
Overall this was a very successful as it caught my eye and im sure
it caught the eye of many other males my age.
10. Greatness, Choose a great ad. Why is it great in terms of strategy
and creative execution? Why is the big idea so big?
The all new 2007 Jeep Patriots punch line is ‘choose your
adventure’. I have seen commercials that also show the choose your
adventure punch line so prior to reading this ad I already knew about the
2007 Jeep Patriot. This ad just made my opinion of the marketing plan
so much higher and I think that this is one of the most creative ads I
have ever seen.
When it comes to making an ad creative, marketers must differ
there ad from other companies and making it stand out to the consumer
or reader. The big idea of this ad is the connect the dots all around the
jeep patriot. At first when I spotted the ad I was confused because it was
a car and then a whole bunch of dots around it with numbers. Than I
realized it was a connect the dots theme that we all used to do when we
were growing up in elementary school. Then I read the top and it says to
see your next adventure take shape pick a colour and connect the dots.
I was so intrigued by the idea I had to fill it in. So I picked the pool
and continued to connect the dots. The one I chose ended up being a
rocky mountain background and the jeep patriot being at the end of a
I thought this was a very interesting and very risky way of
advertising. A reader like me was sucked in by the connect the dots
theme but what if another reader didn’t have time to connect the dots
he/she would of just flipped the page and not think twice about the ad. I
believe that if the dots are actually filled out is a very creative way of
The reach of this ad was probably not too high considering when
people reading magazines aren’t sitting there with a pencil in hand ready
to connect the dots. Under the tagline it states, what adventure will you
be drawn to first, implying that upon purchase of this SUV there will be
many adventures to choose from and all roads will open for you.
I was never big on the Jeep company line but now after this
interesting marketing ploy I find my opinion of the company has gone up