MIS 552 – Systems Analysis and Design

M IS 552 – Sy st em s Ana ly s is a nd D es ig n
Credit Hours: 3 or 4
Term Year: Fall 2010
CRN 11981 (Section A, Blended), 10128 (Section B, Online),
To Access the Course Web site visit bb.uis.edu
Instructor: Te-Wei Wang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of MIS
Office: UHB 4033
Office Hours :Wednesday 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm or by appointment
Office Hours: Visit http://teweiwang.net/ to chat online or Participate scheduled
Elluminate/GoToMeeting Office hours (announced at the beginning of the
Phone: 217-206-8253 (Voice Mail) 815-575-9264 (Cell, Please call this number)
Email: twang22@uis.edu
Fax: 217-206-7543
Course Description
The overall goal of this course is to introduce students to a wide range of theoretical as well as
practical techniques and methodologies in the area of information systems analysis and design.
The course will train the students to assume roles such as systems analyst and technical project
management in their career. The three most important topics addressed in the course are Analysis,
Design, and Implementation of information systems where Systems Development Life Cycle,
various diagramming techniques, and decision analysis concepts are discussed and practiced.
Course Objectives
At beginning of this semester, we will be engaging in discussing the field of Systems
Analysis and Design in general. The discussion will include the history and implications
of Process Modeling, Data Modeling and Object Modeling paradigms.
The first half of this course introduces Systems Analysis and Design from a traditional
life cycle approach. The emphasis is on the analysis phase of the life cycle. Process
modeling and data modeling are covered.
The second half of this course delivers the Object-Oriented concepts, methodologies,
skills and software tools (explained below) to students. The emphasis of this course is on
Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have a documented disability.
A documented disability can include: physical, psychological, chronic health, vision,
hearing, learning, traumatic brain injury, Asperger’s Syndrome and/or autism, cognitive,
and A.D./H.D.D.
Please notify the instructor during the first week of class of any
accommodations needed for the course. While O.D.S. does accept late applications,
accommodations are not retroactive. All accommodations must be approved through the
Office of Disability Services (ODS) (217-206-6666), HRB 80.
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learning. While the instructor will be a catalyst and guide for this learning, the primary
learning responsibility lies with the students.
Concepts: The main objective of this course is to help students understand and learn
various modeling method including process model, data model, and object-oriented
Methodology: A good practice in Information Systems design is coming from good
methodologies. Several popular analysis and design methodologies are introduced in this
course. We follow the selected textbook framework as the foundation to discuss other
methodologies. These methodologies include Zachman Framework, Rational Unified
Process (RUP), and several Agile Methodologies.
Skills: Team work and problem solving skills are considered the two most important
factors in a successful IS project. Learning of these two critical skills is through
assignments. Students will be assigned a group project. By completing the assignment,
students will learn how to solve business problems in information technology with a
Tools: Two software packages are used. Microsoft Visio, a diagramming tool, is the
supplementary tool for student to complete assignments. Visual Paradigm for UML, a
free software modeling and management tool, is used as the primary tool.
MIS502 Technical Foundation in Information Systems (or equivalent)
Learning Outcomes
After finishing this course, students should be able to:
Describe traditional, contemporary, as well as object-oriented system development
2. Identify system problems and potential solutions from modeling, data collection and
organization, as well as documentation efforts.
3. Have basic understanding about the functionalities and the role of Computer-Aided Systems
Development (CASE tools).
4. Know how to conduct a feasibility analysis.
5. Know various data collection and fact gathering methods.
6. Build a process model.
7. Use Microsoft Visio to complete various graphical models.
8. Use Visual Paradigm to create an Object-Oriented Model.
9. Know the advantages and disadvantages among various systems development
10. Structure and Compile a system document.
Behavioral Learning Outcomes
1. Students can work together as a team to complete a modeling assignment.
2. Students can organize and present their system models well.
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3. Students can engage in interviewing and collecting data from information system
4. Students can implement the iterative development concept in discussions and
Required Text
Systems Analysis & Design Methods, 7th Edition, By Whitten and Bentley
Published by McGraw Hill
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-305233-5
ISBN-10: 0-07-305233-7
Other materials to be distributed via Blackboard
Course Overview
This course will start with one weeks of discussion on the general topics of systems analysis and
design as an introduction to this field. Following the introduction, students will have hand-on
experience to download, install and configuration Visual Paradigm software. A system analysis
case is introduced in this phase and the use of Microsoft Visio is also introduced as an alternative
software tool. There will be 4 main assignments in this course. These 4 assignments together will
be a rather complete analysis report. Quizzes and two proctored exam will be given to test
student’s understanding toward the textbook contents. Every week, students are asked to
participate in weekly discussion, taking a quiz, and complete weekly or bi-weekly assignments.
Course Requirements
Scoring Components
Assignments: A large proportion of each student's grade in this course will be assessed on
the basis of the student's performance on various activities that are expected to complete
during the semester. Instructions for all assignments are posted in the Assignments section
on Blackboard. Two major types of assignments given in this class are:
a. Weekly Assignment: This assignment asks each individual to participate in class
discussion on a topic chosen by the instructor, or perform certain tasks assigned by the
professor. As an IS professional, you need to keep abreast with current and emerging
topics in your field. Oftentimes, you have to share and discuss those topics with your
colleagues or subordinates. Also, reading new materials and try new software are also
important practices in the IT field.
b. Report and Modeling: Most systems development methodologies utilize one or more
modeling techniques. 4 assignments based on the same case are designed to train
students with software modeling skills. Two modeling assignments are individual
assignment. The other two modeling assignments are optional group assignments. No
extra credit assignments are possible.
c. Talk to a system Analyst: This assignment is a podcast assignment. Students are asked
to identify a person in any organization assuming the role of System Analyst. They
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then are asked to interview this person, record the interview, and produce a podcast to
share with other students.
Quizzes: You will be given a quiz almost every week. These quizzes will be count toward
your final grade. Quizzes are open book with time limit. Please do observe the time limit
when taking the quizzes. Also, all quizzes have expiration date. After a quiz expires, you
cannot take it again.
Exam: One Midterm and one final exam are scheduled for this semester. Students can take
the exam on campus or through a trusted proctoring organization. Both exams will be closebook, 2 hour exams. No make-up exams will be given except for emergent situations. You
will be asked to submit an exam proctor form for the exams.
There is a fairly substantial amount of reading materials to be covered in this course. This
amount though is typical for a graduate-level course. It is very easy to fall behind especially
when we discuss two topics concurrently in the same week. You are responsible for all the
readings assigned. In order to generate useful discussions and stimulate critical thinking, you
need to read in advance the materials assigned for a given week. Failure to do so will negatively
influence your performance.
Assignment's Timeliness Submission
It is very important to submit all assignments on time. All assignments are due on the certain
date stated in the instruction, unless an extension is announced. Late assignments will be subject
to a penalty (e.g., 10% reduction every day after the due date until the score reaches zero). This
policy is strictly enforced, unless you inform the instructor 24 hours before the due date with
acceptable excuses (see the Acceptable Excuses section). It is your responsibility to know when
the assignments are due. I don't plan to go after you if your assignments are not turned in. If you
submit the assignments on time, I will give you feedbacks (if any) within a reasonable
amount of time (5 working days). The 5 working day policy is based on the instructor’s past
experience. Grading system model is a very time consuming process. Please be patient waiting
for your assignments to be graded. A sample model will be posted right after the assignment due
date so that you can compare your model with a benchmark. If you don't receive any feedback
after 7 days, you need to send me a reminder because it could be that I didn't receive your
It is very important to submit your assignment through the assignment page. For a group
assignment, every member needs to submit the same model through his/her own account.
The main reason for this requirement is that the assignment page is tied to your GRADEBOOK
in the Blackboard system. It is much easier for the instructor to update your score and provide
feedbacks through this arrangement.
The means of submitting assignments will be stated clearly in the instructions, which can be
found in the Assignments section on Blackboard. Most likely, you will be asked to submit them
directly from the assignment page on the Blackboard. All submissions must be in an electronic
format (preferably .doc or .rtf). The modeling assignments will be submitted in Visio or Visual
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Paradigm files. It is also your responsibility to make sure that your submissions are placed in the
correct area.
Attendance and Participation
You are not required to log on Blackboard at a particular time or place. You can demonstrate
your attendance and participation by completing and meeting the expectations of weekly
activities (discussions) assigned. Only logging on Blackboard frequently does not count as
attendance. Unlike a typical lecture-type class where an instructor does all the talking, this class
requires heavy interaction between all participants and an individual’s ability to lead a
discussion. Your participation is important to the learning process for yourself and your
classmates. Although there is no specific participation score assigned to some activities, I do
keep a participation record, which can influence your final grade if your grade is on the border
Changes to the Syllabus
I reserve the right to alter the syllabus as necessary to meet the course's goals at any time during
the semester. Any changes will be announced with a rationale in the Announcements section of
Contact Information (For Technical Problems Only)
The following support units are available to help you solve technical problems while taking this
course. Please contact them directly when the problem arises. Your question will be answered
sooner if you contact the right unit.
For technical questions such as how to use the Blackboard, please contact the UIS Technical
Support Center at techsupport@uis.edu or call 217-206-7357. The Center is the first stop for
troubleshooting technical problems. Hours and contact information for the Center are listed right
on the help page http://online.uis.edu/support.cfm
For PC application-related questions (e.g., how to use Word, PowerPoint, FrontPage, etc.) or
other support (e.g., writing, statistics, research methods), please contact the Center for Teaching
& Learning. For contact info, visit http://www.uis.edu/ctl/services.htm
For Mac application-related questions (e.g., how to use Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, etc.),
please contact Educational Technology. For contact info, go to http://edtech.uis.edu/contact.html
The best way to communicate with me is via email. When you send me an email, please include
your name and the course number at the end of the message because more often I can't tell who
you are if your email address looks different from your name.
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You can also call me at my cell phone (305-609-4205). I usually will answer the phone during
business hour (Monday through Friday, from about 9:30 am to 4:30 pm). Please leave a voice
message if you cannot reach me. You can also call my office (217-206-8253). Due to my multilocation teaching schedule, I may not be able to answer my office phone. You can also leave a
voice message there. I will be able to receive the voice message through my UIS e-mail. Please
allow at least a day for me to return your call in some cases. If you need immediate assistance,
please call the MIS office at 217-206-6067.
A forum titled Professor's Office in the Discussion Board on Blackboard is another area where
you can post questions or find out what questions other students have asked. Please allow one or
two days for me to respond since I will check this forum a few times a week. I will use this
forum to collect questions and responses I gave to those who emailed or called me, so use this as
an area where you can find frequently asked questions (FAQ).
I will mainly use two means to communicate with you: e-mails and Announcements via
Blackboard. A weekly agenda that contains a list of activities scheduled to be completed will
be posted on the Blackboard. This is the place provide a weekly laundry list for you to work on
your readings and assignments. Low priority messages such as misspelling in the syllabus,
availability of feedback, and availability of supplemental course materials will be posted in the
Announcements section only. On the other hand, high priority messages such as major revisions
in the syllabus, extension of an assignment deadline, and change in evaluation criteria will be
sent via email as well as posted on the Blackboard.
Office hour discussion will be conducted through Elluminate sessions. The actual time for the
Elluminate sessions will be announced at the beginning of the semester. To chat with me online,
you can also use the instant messaging service provided by meebo.com. You can find a chatting
box on my personal web site http://teweiwang.net/. This chatting box will display my online
status. Please use this chatting box to interact with me online.
Facebook: You can also socialize with me through Facebook. I would like to keep long term
relationship with all my students. Find me and invite me as your friend on Facebook. I also have
a MySpace account. However, I don’t visit my MySpace page very often.
(Acceptable) Excuses
Acceptable excuses include verifiable illness, death/major illness in the immediate family, workrelated obligations that are scheduled before the semester starts, or any other emergency reasons
which sounds reasonable, discussed and agreed to in advance. If emergency circumstances occur,
please promptly notify me.
Grading Scale
Student Grades will be based on the following table. The actual calculation of your grade may
deviate slightly from this table.
Weekly Quizzes
100 (Approximately 10-12 quizzes, each quiz
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Midterm Exam
Final Exam
4 Assignments
One Podcast Assignment
Weekly Assignments
92% or higher
has 10 points)
400 Each Assignment is 100 points
40 points
160 Points
1000 Points
60% or lower
Academic Integrity
I support the UIS policy on Academic Integrity, which states, in part: “Academic integrity is at
the heart of the University's commitment to academic excellence. The UIS community strives to
communicate and support clear standards of integrity, so that undergraduate and graduate
students can internalize those standards and carry them forward in their personal and
professional lives. Living a life with integrity prepares students to assume leadership roles in
their communities as well as in their chosen profession. Alumni can be proud of their education
and the larger society will benefit from the University's contribution to the development of
ethical leaders. Violations of academic integrity demean the violator, degrade the learning
process, deflate the meaning of grades, discredit the accomplishments of past and present
students, and tarnish the reputation of the University for all its members.”
Academic sanctions range from a warning to expulsion from the university, depending on the
severity of your violation and your history of violations. Whatever the sanction, I will file a
report of academic dishonesty to the Office of the Provost.
You are responsible for understanding and complying with the UIS Academic Integrity Policy
Accommodations Statement
Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have a documented disability. Please
notify the instructor during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course.
Late notification may cause the requested accommodations to be unavailable. All
accommodations must be approved through the Office of Disability Services (ODS) in the
Student Life Building (SLB), Room 11, 217-206-6666.
The following is the tentative schedule for our class. Changes and additional assignments will
occur throughout the semester. It is your responsibility to make sure you are aware of the current
schedule and your assignment responsibilities. Current versions of the schedule are posted on
the class Blackboard Web site.
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Instructor Roles
Unlike a traditional instructor, my role is not to lecturer, but to facilitate or mediate learning in
this course. Students will be provided with needed information and guidelines for working on an
assigned task while I observe and support students when needed. I will also be a coach who
provides directions, comments for improvements, and redirections of your efforts. A coach
provides the right amount of help when needed, so don't be afraid to ask me when you have
questions. During discussions, I may play the devil's advocate role by challenging your ideas
and thoughts simply to stimulate in-depth discussions and higher order thinking. When students
are challenged, it doesn't mean that they answer the questions wrong or are disliked by the
instructor. The intent is only to measure the depth and breadth of your knowledge in a certain
topic and to help enhance learning.
Parking for Online Students
Any student that is taking “only” on-line classes, and visits campus less than 6 times a
semester (for exams, etc.), will be allowed to acquire and display a temporary “one-day”
dashboard pass. The UIS On-line Student should request and pick up the “one-day”
dashboard pass from the UIS Parking Operations office at PAC 119, (217) 2068502.Section 3-105 – Online Student Registration
Any student that is taking “only” on-line classes, and visits campus less than 6 times a
semester (for exams, etc.), will be allowed to acquire and display a temporary “one-day”
dashboard pass. The UIS On-line Student should request and pick up the “one-day”
dashboard pass from the UIS Parking Operations office at PAC 119, (217) 206-8502.
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Tentative Schedule (This schedule is subject to change, Updated schedule will be posted on
the Blackboard)
Aug 23-29☼
Aug 30-Sep 5
Sep 6
Sep 7-12☼
Topic & Assignment
Ch 1 SA&D Context
Ch 2 & Ch 3 Concept
Labor Day (Campus Closed)
Ch 5 System Analysis
Sep 13-19
Sep 20-26☼
Sep 27- Oct 3
Ch 6 Requirement Analysis
Ch 9 Process Modeling
Ch7 Requirement Analysis
Oct 4-10☼
Ch 10 OO Analysis Model
(Exam Review)
Midterm Exam
Ch 11 Feasibility Analysis
Ch 12 System Design
Ch 13 Architecture
Ch 18 OO Design
Ch 15 Ch 16 I/O and
Ch 17 User Interface
Oct 11-17
Oct 18-24☼
Oct 25-31
Nov 1-7☼
Nov 8-14
Nov 15-21☼
Learning Outcomes
Assignment 1 Given
Interview Assignment
Assignment 1 Due
Assignment 2 Given
Submit Exam
Proctoring Information
Assignment 2 Due
1,7,9, B3
Assignment 3 Given
Assignment 3 Due
Assignment 4 Given
8,9, B1, B2
Submit Exam
Proctoring Information
7,8, B2, B4
Nov 22-28
Thanksgiving (University
Nov 29-Dec 5☼ Reflection
Assignment 4 Due
8, 10, B1, B4
Dec 6-14
Final Exam
Dec 15-18
Grade Calculation &
Consultation (No on campus
*The prefix “B” denotes the behavior outcomes described in the syllabus. The behavior
outcomes are the results of enforcing class assignments. In this schedule, only the effects of
“modeling assignments” are associated with the behavior learning outcomes. Other weekly
assignments will also contribute to these behavior outcomes.
☼ denotes week when the blended session will meet on campus. The meeting time is scheduled
on Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.
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