MEMORANDUM Date: 7 June 2007 ___________________________________________________________________________ To: All Members of the Performance Cabinet Panel; Senior Management Board; Geoff Brown, Peter Stanley From: Ask for: Ext: County Secretary’s Department Emma Lund 25563 PERFORMANCE CABINET PANEL 24 MAY 2007 MINUTES ATTENDANCE MEMBERS OF THE PANEL C L Berry, K J Coleman, M Cowan, D Cullen, A D Dodd (substituting for R M Roberts), S Drury, R I N Gordon (Executive Member, Performance and Resources), D J Hewitt, I H Laidlaw-Dickson, D B Lloyd, A Oaten, S Quilty, A M R Searing (Chairman), R H Smith, R A C Thake Upon consideration of the agenda for the Performance Cabinet Panel meeting on 24 May 2007 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below: Note: No declarations of interest were made by any member of the Panel in relation to the matters considered at this meeting. PART 1 ACTION 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Gary Cook for this meeting only. 2. MINUTES 2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2007 were confirmed as a correct record. 2.2 With regard to conclusion 3 of item 5 (‘Improvement Plan’), Members had not yet received a list of service officers responsible for each of the strategic areas in the Improvement Plan: this is to be provided. 106753240 Geoff Brown 1 MEMORANDUM Date: 7 June 2007 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. THE COMPREHENSIVE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (CPA) / JOINT AREA REVIEW (JAR) [Officer Contacts: John Harris, Director of Children, Schools and Families and John Sellgren, Communications Director Tel: 01992 55570/555619 3.1 The Panel received an update from John Harris, Director of CSF, and John Sellgren, Communications Director, on the feedback arising from the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) and Joint Area Review (JAR). 3.2 Members were advised that the CA and JAR fieldwork concluded on Friday 18 May. The JAR team has provided provisional judgements, and oral feedback has been provided by the CA team. Draft reports will be produced on 20 June and the County Council will have until 4 July to respond to matters of fact within the report and the provisional inspection judgements. A pre-publication version of the report will be issued in July prior to final publication in October. JAR will feed into the Annual Performance Assessment of Children’s Services to be published at the end of October. 3.3 Conclusions The Panel: 4. 1. noted the feedback from the Comprehensive Performance Assessment and the Joint Area Review and thanked John Harris and John Sellgren for their informative reports; 2. expressed appreciation to all those who had been involved in preparing for the assessments; 3. recommended that the forthcoming scrutiny of IRIS should include a review of the use of the system by CSF. THE TRANSITION FROM CPA TO CAA (COMPREHENSIVE AREA ASSESSMENT) [Officer Contact: 4.1 David Moses Geoff Brown, Head of Performance Improvement Tel: 01992 555370] Geoff Brown, Head of Performance Improvement, presented a report which informed the Panel about the proposed process for Comprehensive Area Assessment, which will replace the Comprehensive Performance Assessment from March 2009. The Panel was asked to agree an outline response to the Audit 106753240 2 MEMORANDUM Date: 7 June 2007 ___________________________________________________________________________ Commission’s consultations on: the proposed changes to single tier and county council CPA for 2007; initial consultation on the general approach to proposals for the transitional year 2008/09; and principles for developing Comprehensive Area Assessment within the new performance framework from April 2009. 4.2 Conclusion The Panel noted the key features of the new CAA performance framework and agreed the proposed responses to the Audit Commission as outlined in the report. 5. THE CORPORATE PLAN [Officer Contact: 5.1 5.2 Geoff Brown Geoff Brown, Head of Performance Improvement Tel: 01992 555370] Geoff Brown, Head of Performance Improvement, provided an oral report for Members on the expected process and timelines for updating the Corporate Plan. He advised that the Plan will be ‘refreshed’ with updated data, but that the framework of the Plan will remain the same. Updates will need to be included for the Improvement Plan, BVPI, and the Workforce Matters statement. Member sign-off of the updated Plan will be required and final ‘refreshed’ data will be presented to the Panel in July. Geoff Brown/Nicola Hayden Conclusions The Panel noted the process for updating the Corporate Plan. 6. CHALLENGES MONITOR [Officer Contact: Geoff Brown, Head of Performance Improvement Tel: 01992 555370] 6.1 Members received a report which provided an update on progress against the measures in the challenges scorecard. The report presented the challenges monitor data as at end March 2007. 6.2 Conclusions The Panel: 1. noted that performance against the indicators shows a positive picture over all; 2. noted the increased number of visits to licensed premises 106753240 3 MEMORANDUM Date: 7 June 2007 ___________________________________________________________________________ to combat the illegal sale of alcohol to young people; 3. noted that the target of 40 visits for performance indicator ref. CH033 (The number of licensed premises visited during multi-agency operations, to combat the sale of alcohol to young people) requires review. 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 7.1 A meeting of the Performance and Resources Cabinet Panel will take place on Tuesday 12 June at 2pm. Geoff Brown All to note Andrew Laycock County Secretary 106753240 4