POLS 104 International Politics

POLS 104 International Politics
Fall 2008 MWF 12:00 a.m.
HAL 310/ Final Exam: M15Dec 7:00pm
Dr. Folkertsma
Office: HAL 300D Phone 2198
Office Hours: 11-12:00 MWF/ 10:30TR
I. Introduction:
A. Goals: Our objective is to provide an overview of the basic principles of international
relations, including the characteristics of the state system since its formation in the 17th
B. Outcomes: Topics covered include the following: Approaches to studying IR, states,
nations, sovereignty, power—types and uses of, evolution of the state system, foreign
policy decision-making, functions, forms, purposes of war, “tiers” of states, great
powers in the world today, colonialism, international political economy, transnational
issues—human rights, demographics, environment, international security, diplomacy—
history, uses of, international law and organizations.
C. Assessment of outcomes is achieved through course exams.
D. The following Departmental Goals are met by this course:
1. Christian perspective relevant to the subject matter.
2. Major Field Achievement Tests in International Relations
3. Encourage participation in the Washington Internship Program.
4. InfoLiteracy/Writing-Speaking Research in professional literature
II. Texts:
A. Donald Snow, Eugene Brown, International Relations, 2nd Edition
B. Donald Snow, Cases in International Relations, 3rd Edition
C. Richard Overy, The Origins of World War Two.
D. Mark Steyn, America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It
III. Course Requirements:
A. Attendance: You are expected to attend class regularly. Note that more than THREE
unexcused absences results in a reduction of three points from your final exam grade
per class session missed.
B. Exams. There are three exams for the course, two mid terms and a final exam. Exams
consist of multiple-choice questions. The final exam is essay and multiple choice. The
final exam will be given at the time scheduled by the college. This is college policy,
there are NO exceptions, so don’t even ask.
C. Exam preparation. Each chapter in Snow/Brown begins with a list of key concepts that
will be covered in our exams. Exams also include lecture material that is not found in
our texts. Note that we shall NOT be able to cover everything discussed in our texts, so
be sure to do the reading using the key concepts as your guide.
D. Grade structure: All grades are based on a one hundred point scale, with the following
divisions: A: 100-93; A-: 92-90; B+: 88-89; B: 83-87; B-: 80-82; C+: 78-79; C: 73-77;
C-: 70-72; D+: 68-69; D: 63-67; D-: 60-62; Below 60: F
E. The grading structure is based on the following breakdown: Exam One: 25%; Exam
Two: 25%; Final Exam: 40%; Writing Assignment: 10%
F. Writing assignment: The writing assignment for this course consists of a journal report
based on your observations in our simulation. Consult the forms attached to this
IV. Class Simulation
A. Problem of War: We shall also deal with the special problem of war in international
relations by participating in a simulation called Origins of World War Two. You will
play the roles of journalists reporting events from the point of view of your country.
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This simulation is designed to test assumptions about possibilities of preventing conflict
among great powers.
B. Paper Instructions:
1. Write THREE pages on the causes of WWII, based on your reading of Richard
Overy’s book, chapters 1-3 and 5. Papers are due ONE WEEK after the simulation
is completed.
2. Write TWO pages on how the class simulation differed from, or was similar to the
actual events that took place during the thirties
3. Paper format should include a Header with name, paper title, and page number.
Write double-spaced, do not justify margins.
C. Newspaper Articles Instructions:
1. Act as a journalist for the country you represent by writing a minimum of TWO
reports per turn. Write about events that take place during each turn, such as
placement of PFs, U’s and C’s, conflicts, negotiations, “hot tips,” and whatever you
find newsworthy.
2. You may use the attached forms to write your stories create your own newspaper.
You may also create your own “newspaper” complete with whatever items you
deem interesting or relevant.
3. Tips: if you create your own newspaper, be SURE your maps, drawings, photos,
and whatever else you choose to include are accurate as to the era, the 1930s.
Remember, this is a diplomatic simulation, not a war game. No war has broken out,
so exclude such illustrative materials from an extra credit assignment.
D. Grading system for paper: Papers are graded on a credit, no-credit basis, with
exceptionally well-done papers earning extra credit, and poorly done work receiving
less than full credit.
V. Course dynamics: Comments & Observations.
A. This is a lecture and discussion course that involves much more material than can
possible by covered in class; hence the list of topics for your consideration. Please feel
free to question, probe, object (civilly, of course), and otherwise engage the material.
B. Films: We shall be viewing several films during this course, because there is much
outstanding material presented in this format. All films will be shown with Study
Guides containing questions for your attention as you view the narrative.
C. Computer use in class. Okay, this is a tough one. Computer use in class frankly is
problematic. Please note that computers may be used in class FOR NOTE-TAKING
ONLY. Any other uses detract from your engagement in course material and also
constitute a distraction for the instructor.
D. Thus, it is necessary to take a hard line on this technology. I will on occasion ask you
simply to put your screens down if I even suspect that you’re in la-la land somewhere
on the www. If I ever ask you to do that, then don’t take your machine to class next
time; you’re done.
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Week 1
1. M 25 Aug
Snow/Brown, Ch. 1 + Snow, Ch. 1 + Steyn, Part I
2. W 27 Aug
3. F 29 Aug
4. W 3 Sep
Snow/Brown, Ch. 2 + Snow, Ch. 5
5. F 5 Sep
6. M 8 Sep
7. W 10 Sep
8. F 12 Sep
9. M 15 Sep
Snow/Brown, Ch. 3
10. W 17 Sep
11. F 19 Sep
12. M 22 Sep
13. W 24 Sep
14. F 26 Sep
First Midterm
15. M 29 Sep
Snow/Brown, Ch. 4
16. W 1 Oct
17. F 3 Oct
18. M 6 Oct
19. W 8 Oct
20. F 10 Oct
Snow/Brown, Ch. 5 + Snow, Chs. 4, 10, 16
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21. M 13 Oct
22. W 15 Oct
Overy, Chs. 1-3, 5
23. F 17 Oct
Overview of Origins of WWII—Scheduling is approximate
24. M 20 Oct
25. W 22 Oct
26. M 27 Oct
27. W 29 Oct
28. F 31 Oct
Second Midterm
29. M 3 Nov
Snow/Brown, Ch. 7 + Snow, Ch. 3 + Steyn, Part II, III
30. W 5 Nov
31. F 7 Nov
32. M 10 Nov
Snow/Brown, Ch. 8 + Snow, Ch. 6
33. W 12 Nov
Snow, Chs. 7, 9
34. F 14 Nov
35. M 17 Nov
36. W 19 Nov
37. F 21 Nov
38. M 1 Dec
39. W 3 Dec
40. F 5 Dec
41. M 8 Dec
42. W 10 Dec
Snow, Ch. 13
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1. It is important to note that the following lists are not exhaustive. There are numerous
matters covered in class that are not on these lists of topics. Every semester is a bit
different, depending on amount of class discussion, breaking events, and so forth.
2. Our lists will be updated shortly before each exam.
3. Keep in mind that review of the items below involves understanding their context,
significance, and relevance. In short, be prepared to probe each topic, asking what it is,
what it means, why did it take place, and consequences.
Exam One: Review of Topics
Snow/Brown: Ch. 1, The Study of International Relations
Snow: Ch. 1, Popular Terror & Democratic Peace
Steyn: America Alone Part I: The Gelded Age
Subnational actors
Supranational actors
Levels of analysis
Transnational issues
First tier
Second tier
Revisionist States
Great powers
Third world
Clash of Civilizations
End of History
Dem peace theory
Critique of Dem Peace Hamas
Predictions v reality
EU Demography
Muslim demography
Islam POV v EU
Mullah Krekar
“secondary impulses”
Soft culture
Snow/Brown: Ch. 2, The International System
Snow: Ch. 5, International Permission Slips
Measures of power
Balance of power
Failed state
Bipolar system
Multipolar system
Subnational actors
Case study: Bosnia
Indices of power
Billiard ball theory
National interests
Unipolar system
Nonstate actors
Instruments of power
“Permission slip”
UN & sovereignty
Ch. 3: Historical Evolution of the State System
War/Peace system
Collective security
Critical events
Peace of Westphalia
Concert of Europe
Flexibility of alliance
18 century system
19th century system
Cold war system
Post Cold War system
Distribution of power
Change agents
Ancien regime
Balance of power
Inter-war system
War ending lessons
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Exam Two Review of Topics
Snow/Brown, Ch. 4, Foreign Policy Decision-making
False analogy
Cognitive dissonance
Operation restore hope
Rational decisions
Barriers to rationality
Cultural factors
Personal factors
Cuban missile crisis
Neuchterlein’s matrix
Snow/Brown, Ch 5, Functions, Origins, Forms of War
Snow, Ch. 4, War Crimes
___, Ch. 10, Future War: Symmetrical, Asymmetrical…
___, Ch. 16, Understanding… Post 9/11 World
Functions of war
Types of war
Technology and war
Nuclear war concepts
Causes of war
Marxism & war
Hobbes & war
Konrad Lorenz
Difference theory
Prisoner’s dilemma
Technology negation
Terrorism: causes
Internal wars
Types of war crimes
Ethnic cleansing
Arguments re: ICC
ICC & sovereignty
Vietnam war
Future of warfare
Terrorism: targets
Terrorism: goals
Terrorism: models of
Overy, Chs. 1-3, 5
Fr/Br Imperialism
Am isolationism
Amau doctrine
Have-not powers
Nazi-Soviet pact
League of nations
Fr/Br reactions 1939
Have powers
Polish corridor
Causes of the war
Exam Three Review of Topics
Snow/Brown, Ch. 7, The First Tier
Snow, Ch. 3, China Rising
Steyn, Part II, Arabian Night; Part III: The New Dark Ages
G-7, G-8
Classical liberalism
John Locke
Truman doctrine
Marshall doctrine
EU commission
Maastricht Treaty
Yoshida Doctrine
Four modernizations
Special econ zones
McDougall FP Review Mao Zedong
China’s problems
China’s military
Containing China
Japan’s future
EU unification
Japan’s self-concept
Al Qaeda
Islamist methods
Saudi Role/terrorism
Saudi schools
Poll of UK Muslims
Muslim moderates
Muslim on welfare
London mosque
Post-Christian west?
“4 horsemen” of EU
EU birthrates
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Can EU survive?
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Elements of natl power
West’s options/Islam
Snow/Brown, Ch. 8, The Second Tier
Snow, Ch. 6, Resolving the Irresolvable
3rd world, 4th world
Colonialial legacy
Development strategy
Irresolvable conflicts
Arab-Israeli wars
The fence
Four tigers
Relative deprivation
group of 77
Development barriers
Camp David I & II
Snow, Ch. 7, Free Trade or Not Free Trade
___, Ch. 9, Evaluating Globalization
___, Ch. 13, Warm and Getting Warmer
Arguments-free trade
Arguments-no free trd
IMF, World Bank
NAFTA debates
NAFTA origins
Carbon sinks
Greenhouse effects
Annex I & II & III
Objections to Kyoto
Bretton woods
Fast track
NAFTA effects
Study Questions: Islam: What the World Needs to Know
1. What do politicians say about Islam?
2. What does Bat Ye’or say about Islam’s goals?
3. What sort of person was Muhammad? What did he do?
4. How do Muslims regard the Koran?
5. What does the Koran say about unbelievers?
6. What is the Hadith? What is its relationship to the Koran?
7. How are verses in the Koran arranged?
8. What does the Koran say about Jews?
9. Islam is the only religion in the world that does what?
10. Jihad guarantees what? What is the justification for suicide bombing?
11. Why couldn’t Shoebat complete his mission?
12. Identify the waves of Islamic expansion.
13. What perspectives are there on the Crusades?
14. What is significant about 9/11/1683?
15. Where does most of the conflict in the world take place?
16. What is the Islamic position on truth and deceit?
17. What do the narrators say about Muslims “playing the game”
18. What do the narrators say about PC, multiculturalism and Islam?
19. How do the narrators characterize Islam? What is Sharia?
20. How do Muslims regard non-Muslim societies they live in?
21. How do Muslims regard treaties and negotiations?
22. What choices does the West have with regard to Islam?
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Study Questions: An Inconvenient Truth
1) What evidence is presented for global warming? This question is addressed throughout the
film, so expect to be taking notes continuously.
2) What causes global warming? This question is also addressed throughout the film.
3) What kind of issue is the global warming issue, according to Gore?
4) What personal experiences does Mr. Gore bring to his review?
5) What comparisons does Mr. Gore make to explain global warming?
6) What does he say about Greenland?
7) What is America’s responsibility for global warming, according to Gore?
8) What does Mr. Gore say about misconceptions about global warming?
Study Questions: The Great Global Warming Swindle
1) How do critics of global warming explain temperature changes?
2) How do critics characterize global warming advocates?
3) What trends are evident in earth’s temperature throughout the immediate and distant past?
4) How much has the earth warmed over the past century?
5) What is the main source of global warming?
6) What does the film say about CO2 trends and global warming?
7) What is the main source of CO2?
8) What is the relationship between sun activity and earth temperatures?
9) What are the political/ ideological reasons for global warming advocacy?
10) What is wrong with IPCC models?
11) What do the narrators say about the sun, the sea, and temperature changes?
12) What effect does global warming ideology have on developing countries?
13) What do the narrators conclude about man-made global warming views