Anti-Racism Policy - Continu Plus Academy

The ContinU Plus Academy
Anti-Racism Policy
MARCH 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
The ContinU Plus Academy
Anti-Racism Policy
What do we mean by racism?
Racism adversely affects the lives of many black/minority ethnic, refugee, GypsyTraveller and non-Welsh (including English) children and families;
Racism is the belief that some ‘races’ are superior to others - based on the false
idea that different physical characteristics (like skin colour) or ethnic background
make some people different from others;
Racism is a major concern for all involved at The ContinU Plus Academy (CPA);
Racial discrimination occurs when you are treated less favourably on racial ground
than other people are treated, or would be treated, in similar circumstances. This
is called direct discrimination. A less obvious form of discrimination is indirect
Discrimination takes many forms. In the treatment of students, for example, it may
vary from crude racist remarks to subtle differences in assessment, expectation,
provision and treatment. It may by unconscious or even well intentioned, however
nonetheless unlawful.
The CPA has a duty under the Race Relations Act 1976 to ensure that we deliver
our curriculum in ways that do not discriminate on racial grounds.
There are considerable benefits from tackling racism effectively and
Improved safety of students;
Improved standards of behaviour;
Improved self-esteem and motivation;
Improved social awareness;
Improved partnerships, communication and trust.
CPA Procedures
All students, carers, staff and other agencies are informed of this Anti-Racism Policy;
The Headteacher is the designated Anti-Bullying and Anti-Racist Co-ordinator.
Dealing With, Recording & Monitoring Incidents:
All staff will be required to follow the guidelines on dealing with incidents of all forms
of bullying which includes racist bullying;
All reported incidents will be taken seriously;
All incidents will be recorded and forwarded to the Local Authority (LA) as directed by
Worcestershire County Council’s Race Equality Scheme and reporting procedures;
Parents/Carers will be informed of reported incidents;
CPA: Anti-Racism Policy / Page 2
Anti-Racism Policy
MARCH 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
This Anti-Racism Policy will be reviewed regularly;
Opportunities for staff development on issues of racism will be available on request.
The Curriculum
The curriculum - formal, informal and hidden - is a powerful tool in countering racism
and equal opportunities;
The CPA takes the view that it is the responsibility of all staff to address issues of
race and racism through the curriculum;
The ContinU Trust and LA will give support to staff in addressing these issues;
External agencies will be invited into the CPA to address racial issues e.g. ’Show
Racism the Red Card’ initiative.
The CPA is committed to ensuring that all communications to parents/carers are
accessible both in their use of plain English and in offering opportunities for
translation or interpretation into different languages where requested;
The CPA will contact Pupil Support Service when communicating with adults for
whom English is an additional language or who require specific communication tools.
Our Responsibility
Develop, maintain, communicate and implement the Anti-Racism Policy for the CPA;
Provide direction and guidelines on procedures and suggested strategies;
Monitor and review anti-bullying and anti-racism incidents;
Report to the LA racist incidents.
Create an ethos whereby everyone is involved in challenging inappropriate behaviour,
harassment, discrimination, bullying and are prepared to report incidents;
Ensure a safe environment for all students and staff.
(Chair of Governors)
CPA: Anti-Racism Policy / Page 3