ROLE DESCRIPTION FOR FOUNDATION STAGE CURRICULUM LEADER. A INTRODUCTION. 1. In providing leadership for FS curriculum you will be making an important contribution to the overall development of the school, the meeting of our aims and objectives and to the attainment of our pupils. 2. The description and tasks are based on the National Standards for Subject Leaders (2008) published by the Teacher Training Agency. B. WHAT WE BELIEVE SUBJECT LEADERSHIP TO BE ABOUT. 1 We accept the rationale contained within the National Standards for Subject Leaders that management in FS curriculum and to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources and improved standards of learning and achievement in the subject for all the pupils of our school. C. THE KEY TASKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LEADERSHIP OF FS CURRICULUM. We believe that part of the support that we can offer you are clear descriptions of the key tasks associated with the leadership of this subject. These descriptions have been organised into four areas that match those to be found in the National Standards for Subject Leadership, namely:Strategic direction and development Teaching and learning Leading and managing staff Efficient and effective deployment of resources 1.STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND DEVELOPMENT The tasks in this section will help you provide and communicate a clear direction for the subject and to ensure that it is managed and organised to help meet the overall aims of the school. The specific tasks are to:a) Establish with the involvement of other colleagues a policy for FS curriculum. This policy should be the subject of a review that you will have the lead in organising. b) Provide appropriate advice to the headteacher and governors to ensure that the objectives with the FS curriculum is reflected in the school’s strategic plan. c) Establish with the involvement of other colleagues an action plan for the development and resourcing of FS curriculum. d) Analyse and interpret relevant national,local and school data, plus research and inspection evidence, to inform policies, practices, expectations, targets and teaching methods. e) Monitor the progress in achieving the FS curriculum action plan and targets and use this information to guide further information. 2.Teaching and Learning The tasks in this section will help you know what is happening in FS curriculum and to identify strengths and weaknesses. You will then be able to use this information to help you decide what further aspects need to be addressed through the FS curriculum action plan. The tasks will also help to clarify how you can contribute to other key aspects of school development. a) Develop overviews for FS1 and FS2 with key staff. b) Participate in the evaluation of teaching, learning and attainment in FS curriculum, use this to help identify effective practice and areas for improvement and use this to inform future developments in the subject. c) Contribute to whole school policies and practice in the areas of:*Assessment, recording and reporting *Target setting *The development of literacy, numeracy and ICT *Citizenship *Partnership with parents *Special educational needs 3.Leading and managing staff The tasks in this section will help you to work in partnership with colleagues to develop subject expertise within the school and to keep senior leaders and governors informed on developments within FS curriculum. Help gain expertise in FS curriculum through activities such as: Leading staff meetings on aspects of the subject Giving individual help as and when required Drawing attention to relevant courses and literature Participate in the school arrangements for ensuring that senior leaders and governors are informed about the progress and developments in FS curriculum. 4.Efficient and effective use of resources The term ‘resources’ refers to accommodation, equipment and storage and staff. These tasks will help you ensure that appropriate resources have been identified for FS curriculum and that they are used efficiently, effectively and safely. a) Establish what resources are needed and advise the headteacher and governors of the priorities for expenditure in FS curriculum b) Allocate the available resources to meet the needs of the EYFS curriculum. c) Advise the headteacher on the best deployment of available staff to help meet the identified needs of the subject. d) Devise and implement appropriate systems to ensure the efficient and effective storage, upkeep and retrieval of the subject resources. e) Contribute to any necessary risk assessments. D. Subject leadership and school inspection 1. From time to time the school will be inspected by OFSTED or by advisers from the LEA. At these times you will be expected to co-operate with the inspection team by providing all necessary information. Inspectors must report on the overall quality of provision, based on its effectiveness and any strengths and weaknesses. 2. To complete their work inspectors seek from you information about: The standards achieved by pupils The quality of teaching and learning Other factors that may explain pupil’s achievement How quality and standards have changed since the previous inspection The various ways in which you have provided subject leadership 3. By undertaking the key tasks within this role description you will be able to demonstrate how you have provided leadership. 4 In order to ensure that all the relevant information is easily accessible, an additional task Is to maintain a subject leader file. E. Our expectations of you as a subject leader. 1. Subject leadership plays a key part in school development. In order that you can fulfil this role effectively we expect you to: Remain up to date with developments in FS curriculum and other aspects of education relating to this role. Access any relevant training opportunities that are made available. F. Our commitment to you as a subject leader. 1. Whilst you have a key role to play in the effectiveness with which FS curriculum is organised, taught and resourced the headteacher and governors acknowledge that they have a responsibility to ensure that you are appropriately supported in carrying out the tasks associated with subject leadership. 2. The headteacher and governors are committed to providing you with the most effective support possible within the resources available to the school. The details of this support will vary from year to year and will be subject to an annual discussion with a member of the senior management team. ROLE DESCRIPTION OF PHASE LEADER A. INTRODUCTION 1. In providing leadership for a phase you will be making an important contribution to the overall development of the school, the meeting of our aims and objectives and to the attainment and progress of our pupils. B. WHAT WE BELIEVE PHASE LEADERSHIP TO BE ABOUT 1. We have organised four age phases within the school, they are: a) Foundation Stage: included in this phase are the children in the Nursery and Reception classes. b) Key Stage 1: included in this phase are the children Year 1 and 2 classes. c) Key Stage 2: included in this phase are the children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 2. The core purposes of phase leadership is to contribute to the achievement of the school aims through: a) The continuous improvement in the quality of education b) The raising of standards of pupil achievement c) Ensuring children make good rates of progress commensurate with their abilities The implementation of school policies and practices d) Ensuring equality of opportunity for all e) Ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively C. THE PHASE FOR WHICH YOU CURRENTLY HAVE LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITY IS: FOUNDATION STAGE D. SENIOR LEADERSHIP FORUM 1. As a phase leader you will be expected to participate in the regular meetings of the senior leadership team. E. THE KEY TASKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ROLE OF PHASE LEADER We believe that part of the support we can offer you are clear descriptions of the key tasks associated with the role of the Phase Leader. The following descriptions have been organised under the same headings as those to be found in the National Standards. The key tasks are grouped under the five headings: Strategic direction and development of the phase Teaching and learning Leading and managing staff Efficient and effective deployment of staff and resources Accountability 1. THE STRATEGIC DIRECTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHASE a) Analyse and interpret relevant national, local and phase related data, plus b) c) d) e) f) research and inspection evidence to help identify improvement priorities Contribute to the development of the school strategic plan through ensuring the needs of the phase are taken into account. Ensure the elements within the strategic plan that relate specifically to the phase are effectively implemented. Contribute through participation in discussions within the senior leadership team to the development of whole school policies and procedures. Ensure that agreed school policies and procedures are implemented effectively within the phase. Monitor and evaluate the effects of school policies, priorities and targets on the quality of education within the phase. 2. TEACHING AND LEARNING a) Work with class teachers, subject leaders, SENCO and assessment b) c) d) e) f) g) manager to ensure that realistic expectations of achievement and progress are established for all pupils within the phase. Work with class teachers to ensure that pupil’s work is regularly assessed. Participate in the evaluation of teaching, learning, the achievement of targets and the effective use of resources within the phase and use this to inform future developments. Work with class teachers to ensure high standards of pupil behaviour within the phase. Liaise with the school assessment manager over the organisation and management of statutory and school assessments. Maintain an overview of the curriculum to ensure that it is suitably relevant and maintains breadth and balance. Where it is felt changes need to be made bring these to the attention of the appropriate subject leader and the senior leadership team. Work with class teachers and subject leaders to determine and organise within the resources available to the school, a programme of events, visits and visitors, which will enhance the educational experience of the children in the phase. h) Help to maintain effective partnerships between parents and staff so as to promote pupils’ learning by organising the production of a regular halftermly newsletter giving parents brief information about what is being taught within each of the year groups, any forthcoming visits/visitors or special events and any other relevant information. i) Work with other phase leaders and the SENCO to ensure that there is good continuity in terms of pupils’ support and progression between the phases within the school. Where children transfer from or to other schools/establishments ensure that liaison procedures are effective in transferring all relevant and appropriate information. 3. LEADING AND MANAGING STAFF a) Maximise the contribution of staff to improving the quality of education b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) provided and standards achieved through organising and implementing regular meetings of phase staff to discuss relevant issues Advise and where appropriate contribute to the professional development of staff Participate in performance management arrangements for staff within the phase Supervise the work of and give professional guidance to any student or NQT teaching within the phase Help all staff to understand and fulfil their statutory responsibilities for pupils Support staff in the phase who may be having problems with individuals or groups of pupils Deal sensitively with people, recognise individual needs and take account of these in securing a consistent phase team approach to the raising of standards and the procurement of good pupil progress. Devolve responsibilities and delegate tasks, as appropriate and monitor practice to see that they are being carried out. Acknowledge and utilise the experience , expertise and contribution of others. Encourage creative and imaginative ways of anticipating and solving problems and identifying opportunities that will enhance the quality of education within the phase 4. EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE DEPLOYMENT OF STAFF AND RESOURCES a) Work with governors and other members of the senior leadership team to recruit and retain staff of the highest quality within the phase. b) Work with subject leaders to monitor and review the range, quality and quantity of resources within the phase and suggest where improvements could be made. c) Deploy, or advise the headteacher on the deployment of staff working with children within the phase to ensure the most efficient and effective provision. d) Advise on the management and organisation of accommodation within the phase to ensure that it meets the needs of the curriculum and health and safety regulations. e) Work with other colleagues to ensure that the teaching areas allocated to the phase present a stimulating learning environment f)Contribute to any necessary risk assessments relating to provision within the phase g) Within the school’s financial procedures manage any budget allocated for phase development to achieve value for money. h) Contribute to the school arrangements for the supervision of children and collective acts of worship. 5. ACCOUNTABILITY a) Provide information, objective advice and support to the governing body and senior leadership team about issues relating to the phase to enable responsibilities for effective teaching and learning, improved standards of achievement, efficiency and value for money to be fulfilled. b) Ensure that the reporting of pupil achievement, progress and targets to parents of pupils within the phase is communicated in clear and easily understood language. c) Work with colleagues responsible for attendance to monitor and encourage good pupil attendance and punctuality. F. PHASE LEADERSHIP AND SCHOOL INSPECTION 1. From time to time the school will be inspected by OFSTED or by advisers from the LEA. At these times you will be expected to co-operate with the inspection team by providing all necessary information. Inspectors must report on the overall quality of provision, based on its effectiveness, and any strengths and weaknesses. 2. To complete their work inspectors may seek from you information about: The standards achieved by pupils within the phase The effectiveness of teaching and learning within the phase How the curriculum meets the needs of pupils in the phase How quality and standards have changed since the previous inspection How pupils’ attitudes, values and personal qualities are developed within the phase How pupils are cared for, guided and supported within the phase How within the phase we work in partnership with parents, other schools and the local community. The various ways in which you have provided phase leadership. 3. By undertaking the key tasks within this role description you will be able to demonstrate how you have provided phase leadership. G. OUR EXPECTATIONS OF YOU AS A PHASE LEADER 1. The leadership and co-ordination of a phase plays a key part in school development. In order that you can fulfil this role effectively we expect you to:a) Command credibility through the discharge of the key tasks and to provide professional direction to the work of others within the phase. b) Take responsibility for your professional development c) Access any relevant training opportunities that are made available d) Prioritise and manage your own time effectively, particularly in relation to balancing the demands made by teaching, phase leadership and involvement in other aspects of school leadership and management. 1. OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU AS A PHASE LEADER 1. Whilst you have a key role to play in the effectiveness with which the phase is led and managed, the headteacher and governors acknowledge that they have a responsibility to ensure that you are appropriately supported in carrying out the tasks associated with phase leadership. 2. The headteacher and governors are committed to providing you with the most effective support possible within the resources available to the school. This may be through training courses or development opportunities within the school. The details of this support will vary from year to year. They will be the subject of an annual discussion between yourself and a member of the senior leadership team. Prince Edward Primary School Person Specification Prince Edward Primary School Qualifications: Qualified Teacher Status, UK Certificate of Education or First degree or equivalent Evidence of further study for a management post Experience: Proven record of success as a teacher At least 3 years’ teaching experience. Experience of teaching in more than one school Experience of leading and managing learning within a subject to effect improvement. Skills and attributes: Understanding of pupils’ complex learning needs including EAL and SEN. Ability to lead and manage teaching and learning within a team. Knowledge and understanding of the EYFS Knowledge and understanding of what motivates and supports staff and pupils to perform to a high standard. Ability to understand and consistently apply aspects of educational legislation, such as Every Child Matters, within the year group Knowledge of a range of management strategies Knowledge and understanding of assessment for learning and of learning, as applicable to the year group. Personal Qualities: Ability to reflect on professional practice personally and with colleagues in order to develop individually and as a team for the benefit of learners. Flexibility with a positive outlook Good organisational skills Commitment to providing high quality education with inclusion A co-operative team member Self motivated with the ability to motivate others by support, challenge and example. Commitment to developing the school within the community. Commitment to continuing professional development. A desire to develop Prince Edward Primary’s Foundation Stage in the long term. High expectations of the school’s ability to achieve good standards and outstanding achievements.