1) Analytical Reports


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1) Analytical Reports

Executive Snapshot *

Online Management reports, including Financial and Human Resources reports.

Regional Resource Overview report*

Aggregate financial summary for the list of offices in selected region. It covers

ASL/Cash, Budget, Expenditure, Advances.

Office Resource Overview report*

Aggregate financial summary for the list of projects in selected office. It covers

ASL/Cash, Budget, Expenditure, Advances

UN Resource Overview query*

ASL/Cash, Expenditure and Budget details for selected department by fund.

2) Project Management

2a) Portfolio Analysis

Combined Delivery Report*

Expenditure information for selected Award, Project by Fund, broken down to

Government vs. UNDP vs. Agency disbursements, and encumbrance.

Cost-Sharing Apportionment *

Opening balance, income and expenditure for project, fund and donor combination.

Resource Planning Framework*

For the selected department and fund at the award and project level it shows project budget vs. department budget, associated award, expenditure and advance (aggregated, not project level).

Project Budget Balance Report*

Expenditure detail at activity level for selected business unit/projects broken down by fund/implementing agent, etc.

Status of Project Budget

For a combination of selection criteria shows project-level detail of budget, preencumbrance, encumbrance and expenditure. Can be sorted by department, fun, operating unit or project manager.

2b) Project/Budget Approval Documents

Project Budget Cover Page*

For selected award includes total award, budget and expenditure amount, as well as unprogrammed/unfunded amount.

Annual Work Plan*

It shows for selected award and all associated projects the expected output, activities, timeframe, responsible party, planned budget (including fund, donor, budget description, amount).

2c) Project Analysis

UN Expenditure Detail query*

Expenditure details to the activity level, including voucher and PO information.

Current Project Activity

Recent activity against a project. This will enable managers to track recent transactions and focus on current details i.e. past two weeks and next two weeks.

Cumulative Project Activity

Year-to-date activity against a project. This will enable managers to track progress on milestones, and monitor resource situation.

Search for Converted Projects

List of all projects loaded thrugh conversion.

Search for New Projects

List of all projects that were entered into Atlas.

Search for Project Award

Award ID for a given project.

2d) Project Transaction Inquiries

Voucher Inquiry

View voucher details.

Payment Inquiry

View payment details.

2e) Pipeline Management

Pipeline Overview Report

Overview of pipeline projects.

Project Pipeline Status

Proposal negotiation and funding details for a given proposal.

Proposal Cover Page

Cover page with proposal details and proposal budget information.

2f) JPO Reports

JPO Activity Report

Summary JPO financials report.

JPO Expenditure

Query for JPO expenditures.

JPO Expenditure detail

Query for JPO detailed expenditures.

JPO Income

Query for JPO Income.

2g) Special project information

UNDP Iraq TF Source and Summary

Iraq Trust Fund source summary

UNDP Iraq Detailed Fund Source

Iraq Trust Fund detailed financials.

UNDP Iraq Fund Summary 1

Iraq Trust Fund summary financials

3) Financial Management

3a) Accounts Management reports

GL Activity Report

Debits and credits against selected chartfields.

Trial Balance Report by Account (GLAN)

Net activity by fund and account.

Trial Balance Report by Account (GLAN) – UNDP version

Debits and credits by fund and account.

3b) Budget Management Reports

Cash Balance*

For selected criteria combination income and expenditure for all cash-controlled

(cost-sharing) projects, including opening balance, collected revenue, available cash, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, disbursement, expenditure.

Extrabudgetary Status Report*

Fund status, income and expenditure projections, actual income and expenditure overview for extrabudgetary resources. Can be run at global, regional or department level.

Authorized Spending Limit

ASL for a given department.

Department Level Cash Limits

Cash limit for a given department.

Project Co-financing Cash Limits

Opening cash limits for project with project-level co-financing.

Budget Status

Summary of budget, pre-encumbrance and expenditure for selected combination of chartfields.

3b) Expenditure Management Reports

Budget Transaction Detail*

Detailed information about all transactions that were bud get checked “valid” by any combination of chartfields.

AP Voucher Details

Print payment and distribution line details relating to an AP Voucher.

Vouchers not Approved

By business unit and department all vouchers that were ot approved and their gross amount.

Wrongly posted transactions

Identifies wrongly posted transactions, e.g. expenditure items recorded using

Balance Sheet account codes.

Agency Service Clearing Account Local

Advance received from an agency, against Fund 17000, and details of the expenditure made against the advance.

Agency Service Clearing Account Global

Information on the advance received from an agency against fund 12000 and details of the expenditure made against the advance.

UNDP Project Clearing Account

Information on the advance of an agency account by project.

Monthly Pension Fund Contribution

Employee’s monthly pensionable remuneration and their contributions to the pension fund.

Deduction Register

Deductions taken for a pay group and calendar sorted by deduction type. Details are used to reconcile the total amounts paid to third parties.

Benefits Bill

Billing statements to employees.

Payroll GL Account

Posted items into payroll account in GL used in reconciliation process.

AP Worklist

Lists all items under worklist waiting approval (for approving managers.)

Non-pensionable supplement

Shows all staff for the selected pay calendar with their net payment amount in the salary scale currency and the non-pensionable supplement they received in the local currency.

Separation Staff Pension Details

List of employees who have separated in the selected date range with index number, pension fund number, separation date and BCS date.

Payroll Outstanding Receivables

List of staff with outstanding balances on salary, medical, educational, or emergency advances. It includes original balance, deductions in period and current balance.

Projects Staff Payroll Expenditures

Details of payroll expenditure for project staff.

Earning/Deduction Register

Chartfields associated with the post of the staff member, lists the individual earnings and deductions for each staff member in the paygroup. Shows the net total of earnings and deductions and the cost of the employee.

Net Pay Roster

All the staff in a pay calendar either sorted by net pay or by name with the net pay for the prior pay period. It can include staff paid in prior pay period but no longer on payroll, or exclude these. It is used to validate payroll by highlighting net pay out of range or an unusual change in net pay.

3c) Revenue Management Reports

Unapplied Contributions

For the selected business unit payment amount not applied to projects from selected donor.

Unapplied Deposits Aging

For the selected business unit payment amount not applied to projects from selected donor with age in days.

Cash Receipt Voucher

Could be sent as a cash receipt voucher to donors.

Outstanding Receivables

Enables keeping track of pledges, payment schedule contributions received and realized/unrealized gains and losses.

Payment Schedule Reconciliation Report

Budget, payment schedule, payment received and balance information for selected business unit and project.

3d) Cost Recovery Management Reports

Extrabudgetary Status Report*

Fund status, income and expenditure projections, actual income and expenditure overview for extrabudgetary resources. Can be run at global, regional or department level.

PO Activity CRU Bills

All PO transactions done for UNDP.

PO Activity CRN Bills

All PO transactions that were done for non-Atlas agencies.

AP Activity CRE Bills

All AP transactions done for other Atlas agencies.

PO Activity CRE Bills

All PO transactions done for other Atlas agencies.

Invoiced Bills not Completely Processed

All invoiced bills that have not been completely processed.

Sales by Customer

Summarized sales number by customer at the invoice level.

Sales by Customer with AR detail

Summarized sales number by customer at the invoice level and to also link to the

AR module to show item status.

Sales by Customer Detail

Detailed sales number by customer at the invoice/charge code level.

Bills not Invoiced

Bills that have not been invoiced.

4) Treasury

Account Register

Detailed Reconciliation information for a particular bank.

Bank to Book Reconciliation Report

Reconciles the Bank Balance as reported by Bank to Book balances recorded in GL.

Investment Exposure Summary (Restricted access for UN_TR_TREASURER role)

Detailed information about total investments in a counterpart by currency and its equivalent US$ amount.

Pending Security Settlement (Restricted access for UN_TR_TREASURER role)

All pending settlements by settlement date (excluding FX deals) and adds them up by date and currency.

List of Maturity and Coupon (Restricted access for UN_TR_TREASURER role)

Projects investment cash-flow for liquidity planning and reinvestment purposes.

Investment Holdings Schedule (Restricted access for UN_TR_TREASURER role)

Reconciles investment assets weekly and/or monthly.

Portfolio Performance (Restricted access for UN_TR_TREASURER role)

Monthly management reporting.

Pledge Reconciliation Report (Restricted access for UN_TR_TREASURER role)

Reconciles pledges recorded in Accounts Receivables with project budgets recorded in Grants.

Security Limit Report

All pending settlements by settlement date (excluding FX deals) and adds them up by date and currency.

Issuers Limit Report

Generate report on Issuer/Counterparty investment

5) Procurement Reports

List of requisitions

Search for requisitions by BU, date, vendor, buyer and status.

List of POS not approved

List of puchase orders that have not been approved.

List of all vendors by setID

Search for vendor by set ID and vendor ID

Recurring Voucher Contracts

Vendor, Gross Amount, invoice ID, chartfield details and line amount for recurring voucher contracts.

Requisition/PO Budget Activity

Lists encumbrance, expenditure and liquidated amount for a particular transaction.

PO Listing ( UN_RUN_PO_LIST)

List of POs.

UN PO list by project (UN_PO_LIST_BY_PROJECT)

Lists POs for selected project

UN PO list by department (UN_PO_LIST_BY_DEPT)

Lists POs for selected department

UN PO list by chartfield ( UN_PO_LIST_BY_CHARTFIELD)

Lists POs for selected chartfield

6) Asset Management Reports

Asset Management Detailed Report

Detail asset information for selected agency/business unit with further filtering options.

Asset Management Summary Report

Opening balance, acquisition, disposal and in service amount for all business units under the given agency and date range.

7) Donor Reports ( HQ roles have access to these only)

8) Reconcilitation Reports ( HQ roles have access to these only )

AP Reconciliation

AP Reconciliation Report

AR Report

AR Reconciliation Report

TR Report

TR Reconciliation Report

GL Report

GL Reconciliation Report

8) Table Refreshes ( HQ roles have access to these only )

Flat Tree Refreshes

Refreshes UN_TREE_LEAF and UN_FLAT_TREE tables.

Tree/Ledger Refreshes

Refresh/load flat tree tables combined with ledger data.

9) Record Capacity Planning ( HQ roles have access to these only)
