IDEA Alert

IDEA Final Reports & NCLB Final Expenditure Reports
Please be advised that in the reconciliation of the January 2012 IDEA and NCLB entitlement
payments to districts, an error occurred in the exchange of information from the New Jersey
Department of the Treasury fiscal system to the EWEG payment system. Specifically, the
EWEG system is not recording that these January payments were posted to districts’ accounts,
even though districts’ records confirm the postings. As a result, districts cannot submit their
respective FY 2011 IDEA Final Reports and/or NCLB Final Expenditure Reports at this time.
The IDEA Final Reports are due 2/6/12. The NCLB Final Expenditure Reports are due 1/30/12.
When attempting to submit the IDEA Final Reports and/or NCLB Final Expenditure Reports, if
your district receives an error message that references the existence of ‘an outstanding payment,’
please e-mail the EWEG Help Desk at In the e-mail, please include
the following information:
County and District Codes;
Name of the District;
Name of the specific final expenditure report (i.e., IDEA Basic, Title I Part A, etc.); and
The full text and/or a screen view of the complete error message.
This information will be utilized in the decision to grant extensions to the submission due dates
for these final expenditure reports. If you have any questions regarding the content of this
notification, please contact the Office of Grants Management at (609) 633-6974.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.