SONET SYNCHRONOUS OPTICAL NETWORK INTRODUCTION: In 1985 Bell Core proposed SONET as a solution for high speed transmission over optical fiber Later, ANSI standardized SONET in North America and ITU-T SDH in Europe. SONET stands for “Synchronous Optical Network” and SDH stand for “Synchronous Digital Hierarchy” The term Optical was dropped by ITU-T because SONET was being transmitted using other media such as Micro Wave SONET Advantages: SONET uses synchronous multiplexing, that’s why STS-n (Synchronous Transport Signals) are an exact multiple of STS-1 signal ( as opposed to DS1, DS2, DS3 etc which are not). Synchronous multiplexing allows adding and dropping channels without demultiplexing and then re-multiplexing the entire set of channels at switching points. SONET uses ADM ( Add Drop Multiplexers) which allow channels to be switched and routed from one link to another within milliseconds as compared to T1 signals which take a long time. SONET is capable of Automatic Protection Switching (APS), which allows rerouting of traffic from a failed link to another active link without loss of information. SONET provides improved Operation, Administration, Management (OAM), Diagnostics, Fault Detection and Correction, and Communication facilities. SONET is an International Standard, whereas T3 is proprietary and therefore customers can switch between vendors and manufacturers. SONET Rates and SONET Hierarchy: Table below shows SONET Rates. STS designation stands for Electrical Signals and OC stands for corresponding OPTICAL levels. STM (Synchronous Transport Module) designation stands for the corresponding SDH ( European ) signals. Notice that STM-1 starts at STS-3 Draw the Table in the space provide Hyder Khoja Page 1 3/8/2016 SONET TOPOLOGY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Consider the generic implementation shown in the diagram(p320B) as well as ALCATEL implementation. Notice the existing payloads being aggregated by various SONET equipment and transported over a SONET Ring. Draw a rough sketch for your record in the space provided. Notice that SONET is capable of carrying all existing payloads such as DS0, DS1, DS3, E1, E2, E3, ATM, FR, IP Packets etc. Notice also that there are 3 major SONET devices (a) Terminal Multiplexer/Service Adapter /Access Node/STSMultiplexer (TM/SA/AN/STS-M): Performs following functions. - Maps various subrate payloads into SONET envelope - Generates STS-1 Frame - Can be a part of an ADD/DROP multiplexer, in that case it multiplexes various STS-n signals onto a fiber channel Hyder Khoja Page 2 3/8/2016 (b) - ADD/DROP Multiplexer (ADM): Multiplexes various STS-n signals onto fiber channel i.e converts electrical signals into optical signals Inserts and removes ( Multiplexes and De-multiplexes OC signals - (c) - Digital Cross Connect ( DCS or DXC): Acts as a HUB Can ADD/DROP payloads Makes two-way cross connection between different Carrier rates SONET MULTIPLEXING: Consider the Fig shown (P322B). Notice how various existing payloads are fed to the Service Adapters and mapped into STS-1 or STS-n frames. These are still electrical signals. These various STS frames are then fed to a Multiplexer, which generates a higher rate STS-n frame. Electrical to Optical conversion takes place following the Multiplexer and finally, this very speed frame is transmitted through the fiber. What device would you use to carry out electrical to optical conversion? _______ SONET CONFIGURATION, EQUIPMENT AND LAYERS: Fig below shows SONET configuration (p323B, p595,596 F). Draw a sketch in the space provided. Any SONET Network will be configured the way shown below. Hyder Khoja Page 3 3/8/2016 A SECTION : is a portion of transmission facility between any two adjacent Network elements A LINE is an optical link between any two multiplexers. A PATH is an end to end link between two STS-Multiplexers SONET LAYERS: Fig below shows SONET Layers. Notice that the SONET layers correspond to the SONET configuration defined above. PATH LAYER: Performs following functions: (a) (b) Maps user payload into STS-1 Frame Inserts path level overheads that are carried end-to-end LINE LAYER: Performs following functions (a) (b) (c) (d) Synchronization and Multiplexing of STS-1 signals into STS-n signals Error monitoring Line Maintenance and Automatic Protection Switching Inserts Line level Overheads SECTION LAYER: Performs following functions (a) (b) (c) (d) Framing Error monitoring Scrambling Inserts Section Overheads PHOTONIC LAYER: Performs following functions: (a) (b) Hyder Khoja Converts Electrical signals into optical signals and Vice-Versa. Deals with signal levels, pulse shape, power levels, spectral characteristics of 1310 and 1550nm wavelength and all other physical characteristics of the fiber and the corresponding optical signals. No Overhead associated with this layer Page 4 3/8/2016 SONET EQUIPMENT: Corresponding to above-mentioned layers a SONET Network always deploys following equipment to carry out layer functions PATH TERMINATING EQUIPMENT ( PTE): Performs following functions: - Maps user payloads into a standard STS frame format LINE TERMINATING EQUIPMENT: Performs following functions - Combines STS-1 frames into higher multiplexed levels at the transmit end Converts STS-n signals into corresponding ON-n level At the RX end, converts optical signals back to electrical and also demultiplexes STS-n into STS-1’s SECTION TERMINATING EQUIPMENT: Performs following functions: (a) (b) (c) (d) Framing Timing Regeneration of Signals Amplification Notice that a Terminal multiplexer ( STS- Multiplexer/SA) incorporates path layer functions And an ADM/DCS incorporates Line Layer functions A Regenerator incorporates Section and Photonic layer functions SONET ENVELOP (SONET FRAME) : Consider the Fig shown (P328B). This fig shows serial bit stream of the SONET FRAME. Draw the picture in the space provided. Notice the SONET envelop (Fig 15-18 T). Notice that although the transmission is serial, the SONET frame is organized in the form of an envelope. This is called an STS-1 Frame. Bits are transmitted from left to right, beginning with the first octet of the first row, then the 2nd octet of the first row, and the 3rd and the 4rth Hyder Khoja Page 5 3/8/2016 and so on till the 90th octet of the first row. Then the first octet of the 2nd row, then the 2nd octet of the 2nd row and so on until the 90th octet of the 9th row. STS-1 envelope consists of ___Columns____Rows of ____ bits Octets with a total of ______Octets 8bits/Octet___________bits transmitted in 125S SONET transmits 8000 such frames per second. Therefore, SONET STS-1 transmission rate will be _______frames/second_______Octets/frame______bits/Octet_______Mbps. The first 3 columns (total of 27 bytes) are reserved for transport overheads(TOH). First 3 bytes in the first 3 rows (total of 9 bytes) are reserved for Section Overheads (SOH) and the remaining 18 bytes of the TOH are reserved for Line Overheads (LOH). The remaining 87 columns are called the Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE). One column of the SPE is reserved for Path Overheads (POH). The POH may be located any where in the SPE, however it usually appears in the First column of the SPE. Therefore the remaining 86 columns are used to carry the actual Payload. Thus the actual payload rate will be _____Columns_____ Rows _____bits= _____Mbps An STS-3 envelope transmits 3 STS-1 frames in 125S giving a line rate of _______________________Mbps. An STS-12 envelope transmits 12 STS-1 frames in 125S giving a line rate of __________________= ___________Mbps. An STS-192 transmits 192 STS-1 frames in exactly 125S giving a line rate of _______________= _________Gbps and so on. Notice that each higher-level STS frame is an exact multiple of STS-1 frame or an exact multiple of any intermediate level. That’s why SONET is Synchronous as opposed to DS levels that are not The SDH envelope begins at STS-3 with a line rate of 155.52 Mbps. The STS-3 frame can transport a broadband ISDN H4 channel directly in to the Envelope. Fig shows the construction of STS-3 frame ( fig 16.15 H). Notice that 3 STS-1 frames are byte interleaved into the STS-3 frame. Fig below shows the construction of STS-3c Frame ( c indicates concatenated). In this case a user payload is large enough to be mapped into an STS-3 frame and therefore requires only one set of overheads rather then 3 separate sets of overheads. Hyder Khoja Page 6 3/8/2016 Mapping User Payload into SONET Envelope: Before we discuss how user payload is mapped into the SONET Envelope, we must have a clear understanding of what the user payload might be. A user payload might consist of: (a) Sub STS-1 rate signals such as DS0 at 64 Kbps DS1 at 1.544 Mbps E1 ( CEPT-1 at 2.048 Mbps DS1-c at 3.152 Mbps DS2 at 6.312 Mbps DS3 at 44.738 Mbps ATM cells at 51.84 Mbps FDDI (e) FR (f) (b) © (d) ISDN (g) IP Data Most of the existing payload consists of lower rate Sub- STS-1 Signals. These subrate signals are mapped into the STS-1 frame using a technique called Virtual Tributeries (VT) in North America and Virtual Containers (VC) in Europe. Four sizes of VTs have been defined in North America as follows. VT1.5 at 1.728 Mbps (to carry DS1 load) VT2 at 2.304 Mbps (to carry E1 or CEPT-1 load) VT3 at 3.456 Mbps (to carry DS1-c load) VT6 at 6.912 Mbps (to carry DS2 load) DS3 signals at 44.738 Mbps can be mapped directly into the SPE without VT groupings. Consider the Fig shown. (VT groupings P1 of your notes). 86 columns of STS-1 SPE VT 1.5 SECTION Hyder Khoja VT2 SECTION Page 7 VT3 SECTION VT6 SECTION 3/8/2016 3C9R 4C9R 6C9R VT1.5 1.728 VT2 2.304 VT3 3.456 12C9R VT6 6.912 Furthermore these VTs are organized into 7 groups with each group consisting of 12 Columns by 9 Rows. Each group can carry only one type of VT. SPE consists of 87 columns. This gives __Groups__ Columns /group = __C+1C of POH+2 Empty Columns = 87 Columns, which is the SPE capacity. 87C9 R=SPE P GR 1 GR2 O 12C9R 12C9R GR3 GR4 12C9R 12C9R GR5 12C9R GR6 GR7 12C9R 12C9R H Since each VT group can carry only one type of VT, how many VT 1.5s or VT2s or VT3s or Vt6s can we fit in one VT group? Look at the fig below 12C 9R 12C 9R 12C9R 12C9R In each VT group we can transport ___VT 1.5s or ___VT 2s or ___VT3s or _VT6 Therefore an SPE can carry any combination of VTs that will give us a total of 84columns. For example we can have all 7 groups carry VT1.5s for a total of ____ = ____VT1.5s = ___ DS0___ = ______ Voice channels. However, we have _____ bytes available in a VT 1.5. Why? _________. . The remaining 3 bytes are used for VT 1.5 OH Similarly, ___ ____ = ______ VT2s = ____ _____= ______voice channel can be carried in an SPE. OR ___ ___ = ____ VT3s = 48 DS1-c____ = _____ voice grade Channels OR ___ ___ = ____ VT6s = __ DS2 _____ = ____voice grade channels Hyder Khoja Page 8 3/8/2016 OR an SPE can carry a combination of 4VT1.5groups+2VT2 groups+1 VT6 group or any other combination as long as total number columns occupied = ___ Furthermore, the VT Groups are assigned specific columns in the SPE for byte interleaving (to mimic STS-3 structure). The reason for doing that is to multiplex byte by byte each source until an entire row is filled. The result is that the multiplexing process creates a column-by-column structure where each column belongs to a specific source and always occupies the same position in the SPE. This makes synchronous Multiplexing, De-multiplexing, Identification and Switching of individual VTS extremely fast. And it also makes the adding and dropping individual channels at various switching points extremely easy, fast and efficient. Look at fig 7-2 , p211 of the handout . VT’s within a group is also interleaved for easy identification and switching for example, a VT Group can carry 4 VT 1.5 as follows VT 1.5 (A) VT 1.5 (B) VT 1.5 (C) VT1.5 (D) 1 5 2 3 4 A B 9 C D A 6 10 B C D 7 11 A B C 8 12 D Complete the Map yourselves. Similarly, VT2 following columns in Groups A, B, and C A 1, 4, 7, 10 B 2, 5, 8, 11 C _, _, _, __ ( Fill in the blanks ) Show the chart for VT3 and VT6 DS3 signal can be mapped directly into the STS-1 Frame. I will show you ATM cell mapping into the SONET envelop when we cover Atm in the class. Hyder Khoja Page 9 3/8/2016 SONET OVERHEAD BYTES SONET OH bytes perform following functions. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Synchronization and Multiplexing Alarms and Supervisory reporting Provisioning commands Emergency Restoration Instructions Voice Circuits ( popularly called Order Wiring) Provides Data communication channels for interoffice communications The STS-1 frame structure is reproduced below to show the location of OH bytes STS-1 Frame- 90 Bytes TOH = 27 Bytes S O H SPE POH Framing Framing STS-ID TRACE A1 A2 C1 J1 B BIP-8 B1 Order wire USER CH E1 Datacom Datacom D1 D2 Pointer H1 BIP-8 B2 Pointer H2 APS K1 BIP-8 F1 B3 Datacom D3 Signal Label C2 Path Status G1 Pointer Action H3 APS K2 User Channel F2 Multi Frame H4 Growth Z3 Datacom Datacom Datacom D4 D5 D6 L O Datacom Datacom Datacom D7 D8 D9 H Datacom Datacom Datacom D10 D11 Growth Z1 Growth Z2 Growth Z4 D12 Growth Z3 Growth Z5 Fill out the rest of the bytes yourselves as we discuss them in the class. Hyder Khoja Page 10 3/8/2016 PATH OH: Path OH stays with the payload up to the receiving node. That’s why it is called Path OH J1 Trace: Used to transmit 64 Kbps signal to verify connection. The contents of this channel is user programmable at both TX and RX end B-3 ( BIP-8): Bit Interleaved parity –8: This byte is used for Path Error monitoring. A Block Check Character is formed by generating an even parity at the transmit end over all previous SPE by first forming a block consisting of one bit from each byte in the part of the frame to be checked. An even parity BCC is then generated. C2 ( Signal Label): Indicates the type of payload in SPE ( DS1, DS2, DS3, ATM, FR, IP , SMDS , FDDI etc) G1 ( Path Status): This bytes contains performance monitoring information such as maintenance an diagnostic signals for example indication of block errors. It informs the upstream receiving node that a down stream node has detected a failure indication. F2 (Channel Path ): User Channel: Reserved for communication between Path Terminating Equipment. H4 ( Multiframe Indication): Indicates more than one type of payloads. Currently being used to indicate the frame position of VT or ATM. It can also be used to show a DS0 signaling bit. Z3, Z4, Z5 ( Growth): Presently undefined. Allocated for future use. SECTION OVERHEADS: A1, A2 Framing: The Framing pattern to allow the Receiver to lock on to the 125ms frame. The pattern is A1A2= F628 C1 ( STS-ID): ID # assigned to STS-1 frame and stays with the frame until decoded beginning with 01H for the first frame, 02H for the 2nd and so on. B1 (BIP-8): Bit Interleaved Parity calculated over all bits of the previous SPE for performance monitoring. E1 ( Order Wire) : Voice channel for voice communication between STE’s F1 (User Channel): Reserved for User D1-D3 (Data Communication): 192Kbps message based channel for alarms, maintenance, control, monitoring, administration between STE’s LINE OVERHEADS: B2 ( BIP-8): Calculated over the Line OH and SPE of the previous frame for performance monitoring.. Only LTE processes Line BIP –8 K1, K2, ALAMRMS & APS ( Automatic Protection Switching): The SONET provides for Automatic Protection Switching to a parallel system in case of failure of the working system. It monitors the BIP-8 of the working system and if BIP-8 indicates a failure of the working system or signal degradation beyond a pre-set value, it automatically switches to a parallel system with minimal loss of customer information. Hyder Khoja Page 11 3/8/2016 K1: contains signals requesting service action as well as identifies the requesting line K2: Identifies the failed line ( working line that has failed) D4 –D12:(576 Kbps Data Communication Channels): These channels are used for OAMP ( Operation, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning) exchanges between large Networks. Not accessible by STE’S and not used for small Networks E2 (Order Wire): Voice Circuits for voice communication between LTE”S Z1, Z2 ( Growth) : Not defined. Reserved for future use. H1, H2,(STS Pointers), and H3( Pointer Action ) Bytes: One of the most important advantages of SONET is that it permits asynchronous and synchronous data to be carried synchronously. It does this through the use of pointers and pointer action bytes. Since an SPE can begin anywhere in the frame (except where OH bytes reside) and also it can begin in one frame and end in another frame, pointers bytes are needed to indicate exactly where payload is beginning and where it is ending. Consider the fig shown. 8 7 6 5 4 0 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 I D I NDF - H1 8 7 6 5 4 D I D I 3 D I 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D H2-10 Bit Pointer H3-Pointer Action H1 & H2 Bytes: Indicate the location of the SPE within an STS frame as shown in the Fig above. Usually, the SPE begins right after the H3 byte. In that case 10 bit pointer value will be 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. H1 Hyder Khoja H2 H3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Page 12 16 17 3/8/2016 If 10 bit pointer value was 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (16), then the SPE starts at the 16th byte after H3 counting across the row and down the column as shown in the fig below If pointer value is 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 111 ( decimal 263) then the SPE begins at the 3rd byte in the 3rd row immediately after H3. Since the SPE contains a maximum of 783 bytes, the largest allowable pointer value is 782. This mechanism allows transportation of floating SPE’S. FREQUENCY JUSTIFICATION: Because of slight timing differences, an SPE may be running slightly faster or slower the transport overhead. Consider the fig shown below: F2 West SONET TM F1 F2 SONET ADM 40 Km F1 EAST SONET TM Let n = 1.5 (index of refraction), c = 300,000000 m/s (Speed of light), S = 40 Km If a frame starts from West TM, calculate how long will it take to arrive at the ADM? ANS: ______________ Notice that in the mean time ADM is sending a frame continuously at 125s intervals. 200s 125s 250 s 375s This means that the ADM will have to buffer the frame for 50s before it can load it into the next frame. However that would require (at OC-48 rate) a buffer size of app 125 Megabytes at every Equipment along the way, which is very expensive to implement. Problem is solved by frequency justification technique as follows. Hyder Khoja Page 13 3/8/2016 POSITIVE FREQUENCY JUSTIFICATION ALSO CALLED POSITIVE STUFFING: If the SPE was loaded into the frame one byte later (i.e if SPE is running slower then the frame the TOH), I bits are inverted. Receiver compares the I bits of the previous frame with the I bits of the current frame. If it finds I bits inverted, it knows the SPE begins one byte later. This is called positive stuff i.e the byte after H3 byte is empty as shown in the fig below. If the payload is running faster then the TOH, by a maximum of 1 byte, then the pointer action byte is used to contain data of the previous SPE. This happens if the SPE was loaded into the STS-1 frame 1 byte too soon. In this case H1 and H2 bytes will be decremented to notify the receiver of this action. This process is called Negative Stuffing as shown in the Fig If the location of the SPE changes by more then one byte, the entire pointer value is changed. This is indicated by the first 4 bits of H1 byte. These 4 bits are called NDF ( New Data Flag). Normally NDF is set to 0 1 1 0. It is inverted ( changed to 1 0 0 1) to notify the Receiver that the pointer value indicates a new beginning location of the SPE. 1 2 3 90 87 Data begins in byte 1 for Positive stuff H1 H2 H3 0 1 Positive Stuff-Dummy value inserted SPE begins in byte 1 Negative Stuff-H3 byte contains Data from the previous SPE Hyder Khoja Page 14 3/8/2016