Course on “Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in UNICEF”
Facilitation guide – final draft
This facilitation guide represents a detailed script designed to deliver a 2-day stand-alone course for about 20-25 participants. If necessary, it can also be adapted for an add-on 1-day module (see instructions below). The guide being most important document of the training course, the training team should have a thorough knowledge of each session. Participants will only receive a general course agenda.
The guide illustrates in detail the actions to be performed by the trainers and the trainees during each session and provides detailed instructions relating to:
learning objectives
delivery methodology
room set-up and other logistics
learning format (group work, in pairs, individual)
required training materials
any other relevant information (e.g. reminders about following sessions).
The timing indicated in the first column of the guide allows for some flexibility, especially for the most complex sessions where extra time may be needed. The duration of sub-sessions is indicated into brackets in the second column. This column illustrates the actual sequence of events ( what happens), the rationale behind them ( why we do it) and the method ( how the session is to be run). The third column provides the name(s) of the lead trainer(s) for that specific session. The fourth and last columns contains the list of training materials (handouts, PowerPoint, video, etc.), supporting tools (markers, cards, masking tape, etc.) and facilities (break-out room, outdoor table, etc.) required to run the session.
1. It is strongly suggested to keep a printed copy of this facilitation guide at hand during the course delivery.
2. The guide is somehow a confidential document and should not be shared with the participants in order to avoid any unintentional disclosure of contents and delivery methods. Surprise is a fundamental feature of a learning environment and should be preserved.
3. Notwithstanding the level of detail, facilitation guides are not a substitute for proper on-site preparation. Adequate time for individual rehearsals, content customization, group discussion and session dry-runs by trainers should be factored in before each course.
Course on “Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in UNICEF”
Facilitation guide – final draft
8.30- 10.15
What, Why, How
Welcome participants and give short introduction on the objective of the general course
Security Briefing (20 minutes)
Participants and training team presentation (25)
experience with conflict and peace building – self assessment
Overview of course agenda and learning objectives ( 5’)
Learning objectives: by the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand what is conflict, grasp its dynamics and nuances
Recognize the role played by personal beliefs, culture and values in a conflict situation
Appreciate the contribution of conflict analysis as a process
investigating conflict dynamics in a more neutral and useful manner.
Understand why CA is important for UNICEF’s mandate and particularly for education – situate CA in the programme philosophy
Alligator river exercise
– individually, in pairs (about 30)
( follow the facilitation script )
Exercise debriefing and dialogue on exploring conflict (30)
Coffee break
Intro to Conflict, Violence, and Children -
PPT (10’)
Intro do Peace building and Education Programme
Explain that each of the following working groups needs to identify a focal point wil ling to be ‘eyes and ears’ and to give a quick snapshot of feed-back on the morning of day 2
THE PLUNGE – Situation Profile
The lead facilitator for this session has to pretend that she/he is actually opening the course by welcoming the participants and i ntroducing the training team before getting stopped by a team member who’s rushing into the classroom in urgency saying
Vipp cards
(for participant’s expectations)
Objectives on flipchart
Presentation + brief
Parking lot
Alligator River handout (for participants)
Alligator River facilitation script (for trainers)
Email text hand-out
1 flipchart for per group
Intro to Conflict, Violence, and
Children, PPT
Liberia + Matrix examples
Course on “Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in UNICEF”
Facilitation guide – final draft that everyone will have to suspend the course to address an incoming emergency in Country X [ where the training is taking place ] (see the script).
The Plunge – group exercise (15’)
Distribute email text
Participants stay at their tables to discuss in groups and write in bullet points on a flipchart: (a) what are the key issues that need to be tackled urgently and (b) what rapid measure could UNICEF take.
Ask participants to select a group rapporteur/speaker
Presentation of group work (10’)
If time allowed let all groups present their work. Otherwise to save time ask just one group to present their work (one that has completed the exercise) and then ask if the other groups have anything different to add.
Debriefing (15’)
Explain the reason for this emergency simulation, i.e. it reflects the reality as we are often confronted by emergencies and we need to act rapidly. At the same time, this simulation comes upfront at the very beginning to show that this course is different from other courses and has several reality checks embedded in its agenda.
Learning objectives: by the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Practice the fundamental tools used during conflict assessments.
Understand the value-added of a participatory use of conflict analysis tools
Determine what steps and requirements make a qualitative conflict
analysis process.
Design a Conflict analysis process - PPT (10’)
1) Conflict analysis & key stages
2) Mapping of existing conflict analyses, policies and plans & Desk Study
3) Mapping of key stakeholders to participate in the conflict analysis
Causal analysis (10 ’)
Levels of conflict – car accident example
Problem Tree methodology (total 45’)
Presentation of methodology (10’)
(See PPT presentation)
Group exercise (25’)
Each group can choose 1 main problem/issue that was identified during “the plunge” exercise (remember it was a situation profile) and build a problem tree on that selected issue.
Group work presentation (10’)
Gallery-walk presentation mode: participants walk around the room reading the outputs of other groups. 1 rapporteur per group stays to answer questions.
Country briefs (4/5 pages) prepared in advance for each country
– WG of CO members
Course on “Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in UNICEF”
Facilitation guide – final draft
Stakeholder analysis in Country X (45
PPT on stakeholder analysis (10’)
- Group work: stakeholder map of Country X (30 ’)
Gallery walk (10’)
15.45-16.00 Coffee break
16.00- 17.30
Conflict dynamics: moving from static to dynamic conflict analysis
Introduction (5 ’)
What we have produced so far is important, but we have the impression we still don’t have the full picture, something is missing…it’s the dynamic element that we have not yet captured. Most of the factors determining a country situation, and most of potential causes of violence are applicable to many countries. Notwithstanding the amount of analysis done, this doesn’t help up predict or anticipate violence or any sort of crisis. Think of the Arab Spring: the static picture – an accurate one – was there for 10 years. We knew what were the main issues at stake but we could not anticipate when it was going to happen and why did it happen in December 2010. This is because we disregarded what the conflict dynamics were in those countries.
PPT with definitions of trends and drivers (10’)
Exercise on conflict dynamics (20
In groups participants identify trends and drivers of conflict in Country X
Group work presentation (15
Connectors and dividers in Country X (25 ’)
PPT on connectors and dividers (5’)
Facilitated plenary discussion – “give me an example of a connector/divider” (20’)
General de-debrief - quiz
PPT on conflict dynamics
Conflict dynamics analysis hand-out
Course on “Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in UNICEF”
Facilitation guide – final draft
What, Why, How
Plenary: debrief from previous day- eyes and ears
Learning objectives: by the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Grasp the theoretical and practical difference between conflictsensitivity and peacebuilding.
Understand the relationship between education and peacebuilding
Understand the roles and functions of the UN peacebuilding architecture
Contribute to strengthening UNICEF conflict-sensitivity and
peacebuilding approach in post-conflict countries.
Conflict-sensitivity and peacebuilding UNICEF (30 ’)
PPT presentation + Q&A
Education and Peacebuilding (30 ’)
PPT presentation + Q&A
Coffee break
Group exercise – participants come up with two UNICEF project ideas of their current country portfolio (at least one on education) – 45’
conflict sensitive project
peacebuilding project
If they don’t have examples in current portfolio, they will be asked to come up with an idea.
Project Matrix that includes:
1) Programme title
2) Objective
3) Who is involved (stakeholders, target population, partners)
4) Process (how to)
Theories of change- use education example (relevant region/country if possible) – use diagramme on key actors for change
This is perhaps the most significant and though underestimated project design tool
Presentation of Theories of change
– plenary (30’)
PPT (10’) + Q&A 20’
Group exercise: Refining project ideas through theories of change (40’)
Use the theories of change to make the project assumptions explicit and identify some indicators to measure the assumptions
Pr esentations (20’)
Who Materials
PPT on conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding.
PPT on education and PB
Course on “Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in UNICEF”
Facilitation guide – final draft
14.00 – 15.45
15.45- 16.00
M&E (including indicators) (30’)
PPT presentation + linkages to UNICEF systems + ideas for roll out for programme
Group exercise- develop PB relevant indicators for project idea
UNI CEF programming cycle (30’)
PPT presentation
Coffee break
UN planning processes (including new deal)
- Group exercise (20’)
4 stations with timeline and cards with different planning & programming processes (UNDAF, PCNA, ISF, CAP, CHAP, SA,
- Facilitated presentations (25’)
General de-brie, self- assessment f and evaluation + plenary feedback
Closing of training + certificates
PPT presentations
New Deal hand-out
Hand-out on planning processes
Evaluation form