Appendix 2 Eske

Photographs of site locations in the Eske Catchment and tributaries 2009
Site ES1
Eske River, DS N56 road bridge (G 93735 79083)
Approx. 100m DS N56 road bridge. Boulder/cobble riffle. Significant silt plume and rooted macrophytes common. Adult
mussels observed in margins.
Site ES2
Eske River, Thrushbank Bridge (G 95516 80982)
Sampled approx. 75m DS road bridge. Boulder/cobble riffle with clean substrates. Significant silt plume and rooted
macrophytes common.
Site ES3
Eske River, Lough Eske Bridge (G 96901 82031)
View downstream from Eske Bridge. Cobble/pebble riffles. Braided channels during low flow.
Site ES4
Drummeny River US Eske River confluence (G 93741 78553)
Sampled 30m US road bridge. Bouldery riffle/rapid with clean substrates. Moderate silt plume. Urban residential setting
with dense, mature riparian cover.
Site ES5
Eske Tributary – Christy’s Bridge (G 95660 81389)
Approx. 40m US of road bridge. Demesne woodland.
Site ES6
Lowerymore River – US Clogher River confluence (G 97976 81984)
Sampled in the tributary approximately 15m US of confluence with Clogher River.
Site ES7
Clogher River – US Lowery more River confluence (G 97951 81946)
Small low volume riffle/glide sequence stream at time of sampling. Significant silt plume..
Site ES8
Corabber River - Corabber Bridge (G 97475 86100)
Fast flowing bouldery rapid/rifle sampled downstream of the bridge. Difficult to sample due to rock weirs creating step-pool
type habitat. Very little silt or FGA.