The purpose of the Career Studies Portfolio is to demonstrate your understanding of the career
planning process. The Career Studies Portfolio is a collection of purposefully collected items that you
gather to illustrate your knowledge, skills, values, abilities, and interests. These items will reflect the
experiences you have had both in and out of school.
Your portfolio must include these entries
job search - reflect on this collection of items – comment on how these items will help you attain full or part time
employment in addition to the guiding questions on next page
 resume (must be up to date and include the information outlined in class)
 cover letter
 follow up letter
 networking plans
personal achievements - reflect on this collection of items – see guiding questions on next page
 minimum of four (4) personal items -–copies or photos only - (see suggestions at end of assignment)
volunteer experience - reflect on the use of volunteer hours to gain experience and networking opportunities in addition
to the guiding questions on the next page
o evidence of volunteer/community service –outline of what you have done or plan to do –detail the skills you
have developed - your report card/status sheet shows what has been documented by guidance
abilities and interests - reflect on this collection – what is the significance of this to the planning process; select five
characteristics and explain why these are of significance; and how you can use this information to aid you in
selecting a career path
 personality profile chart (personality quiz summaries from Career Matchmaker, True Colours, John Holland, Career
Navigator, etc…)
essential skills and work habits - reflect on this entire collection – see guiding questions on next page
 essential skills and work habits –find physical evidence (concrete examples) of these skills
include as many as you can - (try to find one or two assignments that
demonstrate multiple skills (these may come from other classes or outside
experiences) – use the info. from the lists given or in job shadow assignment
career research -reflect on this collection of items – see guiding questions on next page
 laws protecting workers’ rights – ESA & OHSA
 job shadow report
 career research report
 job market trends – part of Career Research Report, Video clips, Job Market Trends sheet
personal management- reflect on this collection of items – see guiding questions on next page
 time management
 goal setting assignment
 course selection for next year(s) – print from Career Cruising
Your portfolio should be well organized, attractively presented and include thoughtfully selected
items. Each section that you include in your portfolio must be accompanied by a reflection.
Reflection - expressed in paragraph format (it should make sense without reading the questions)
- approximately ½- ¾ of a page each – 7 in total (one for each grouping of assignments)
Answer most or all of the following questions in your reflection:
 What did this assignment reveal? (be specific)
 Why was I assigned this topic / Why did I choose this item?
 What was I expected to learn?/ What have I learned from this experience? (over
In what ways is it / should it be important to me?
How does it illustrate my accomplishments, skills or goals?
What skills or qualities does this demonstrate that an employer would want to know
What do I want an employer to know about me as a result of viewing this item?
How does this affect my future choices?
How does it influence my career pathway?
Remember to avoid restating what you did in the assignment. Focus on what you have
learned, how you can make use of the information, and what it reveals about you to other people.
Important skills that are transferrable to many situations like organization, presentation, your ability to
use the computer and your research / analysis skills need to be demonstrated in your portfolio.
Keep in mind that you will be discussing the contents of your portfolio with an interviewer. You will
update this portfolio prior to the interview by changing it from a class project to an employment tool.
title page for portfolio and each section
a table of contents will be of benefit
course description for Career Education class
all entries must have a reflection to accompany them
make it as professional (in look, as well as content) as possible
These items tell a story about something important that you have done and/or they are a permanent
record of an accomplishment.
Scan or photograph these items – originals should never be submitted:
· report cards for grade 8 and 9
· special academic awards
· winnits
· poem/drawing
· consolidated report (from guidance)
· course path completed
· University course programs (i.e. dance
program offered by Queens)
· contest entries
· graduation diplomas
continued on web page
reference letters
sports/dance certificates
ACADEMIC (continued)
· honour distinction awards
· academic awards
· school crest or letter
· First Aid and CPR certificates
· photos of award presentations
· photos of you demonstrating specific
skills (cake decorating, hair dressing,
rebuilding an engine, etc…)
swimming certificates
any extra-curricular activities so you can
show how you manage your time
play/music programs
written stories/poems/written music
babysitting certificates
reference letters
sports/ dance certificates
swimming certificates
evidence of participation in team related
referee’s card
attendance certificates
activities (photos, participation medals,
play programs
music programs
Level 1
* Incomplete or work
demonstrates limited
understanding of career
planning process.
*Limited decision
making methods, to set
learning, community
and/or work goals, are
* Most assignments
present. Work
demonstrates some
understanding of career
planning process.
*Some decision making
methods, to set learning,
community and/or work
goals, are demonstrated
* All assignments present.
Work demonstrates
considerable understanding of career planning
process. *Considerable
decision making methods,
to set learning, community
and/or work goals, are
* All assignments are
present. Work demonstrates
understanding of career
planning process.
*Thorough decision making
methods, to set learning,
community and/or work
goals, are demonstrated
* Identification of
suitable employment,
based on personal
interests and skills is not
* Identification of suitable
employment, based on
personal interests and
skills, is demonstrated
some of the time
* Identification of suitable
employment, based on
personal interests and
skills, are demonstrated
most of the time
* Identification of suitable
employment, based on
personal interests and skills,
is thoroughly demonstrated
* Minimal use of
available technology
evident in research and
* Limited use of available
technology is evident in the
organization and a few
* Some use of available
technology resources is
demonstrated in
assignments, research,
and organization
* Available technology
resources are used in
assignments, research,
display and organization of
entire portfolio
* Few entries are
included. Most of the
portfolio is disorganized
and messy. Items are
difficult to understand.
* Not all of the portfolio is
complete, organized or
suitably presented.
* Most of the portfolio is
complete, neat and clearly
organized. Items are
attractively presented.
* Every aspect of the portfolio
is complete, clearly organized
and exciting to look at. Items
are attractively presented.
* The reflections provide
very little review of the
portfolio. They are
lacking in focus, depth,
or do not provide insight
into the career planning
* The reflections provide an
incomplete review of the
portfolio. Reflections focus
on the achievements of the
student with description of
the assignments only and
indicate minimal insight into
the career planning
* The reflections provide a
review of the portfolio
contents. They usually
touch on the achievements
of the student with some
depth, and provide some
understanding of the career
planning process.
* The reflections are a
thoughtful review of the
portfolio contents. They
focus on achievements of the
student with great depth, and
demonstrate an insightful
understanding of the career
planning process
Organization &
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Overall Mark & Comments