instruction booklet - Mount Logan Middle School

Human Resources
After completing this unit, students
will identify the role of human
resources in business.
Introduction: During this unit, you learn about the
human resource department, job
interviewing, and completing job
Related Careers:
Human Resource
Human Resources
UTIPS Pretest
Activity Goal: You will be completing a Human Resources
Pretest using the UTIPS website.
Instructions: You will be taking a pretest using UTIPS. Answer the questions to the
best of your ability. Follow the steps below.
1. Login the computer and go to your teacher’s website for this class.
2. Click on UTIPS.
3. Click on the pretest for this unit.
4. Make sure when you login that you use your full first name and full last name
then click LOGIN & START. If you do not CLICK LOGIN & START, your test will
not be saved correctly and you won’t receive credit.
5. Take the test. Your score is automatically saved for your teacher. Once you
have answered all of the questions, click on the SUBMIT button at the top left of
the screen get out of the website.
6. Go on to activity one.
Human Resources
Activity 1: What is Human Resources?
Activity Goal: In this activity you will identify what human
resources is.
1. Locate your Human Resources, Activity 1: What is Human Resources?
Worksheet found in your student binder.
2. You will need to answer the questions using the information found in your
What does the term HUMAN RESOURCES mean? Another word for Human is
people; another word for Resources is supplies. Human Resources is the people
supply in a business, or in other words, the employees or PEOPLE.
Sometimes the employees of an organization are called PERSONNEL. With so many
people working together, some of the responsibilities of the human resources
department are:
Help employees work well with others
Train them properly so they can do their jobs well
Make them feel appreciated.
Every employee is important to the company. In a recent survey, employers listed the
main characteristics they look for in an employee. They were:
 Personal Integrity (You can be trusted to be honest and can be counted on in
any situation.)
 Effort and Excellence (Whatever you do for your company, it is the very best–
even if it’s not part of your “job description”.)
 Potential and Worth (A company puts much time and money into your training.
You are an asset to them and they want you to stay with them long enough to
help them see the benefits of hiring you.)
 Responsibility and Consideration (Some people lose their job because they
can’t work with others.)
Human Resources
Activity 1: What is Human Resources?
A good person can always be trained to do an assignment, but it is more important to
find a person with HONOR and VALUES.
Top three basic skills to look for when hiring new employees.
1. 3R’s: The old saying goes, “Reading, Riting & Rithmatic”(reading writing &
arithmetic). An employer obviously wants someone who can read, write and
figure out a problem.
2. Communication: This is the key to getting along with others. Most companies
have an “open door” policy which means employees and employers are free to
talk to each other. Communication should be done without shouting, losing
tempers, or using rude language. It is important to avoid arguments and gossip.
3. Teachable: People who think they know it all are
not teachable. Employers want someone who is
willing to learn, who keeps up with new ways, and
who is always trying to improve.
It’s important to know what kind of responsibilities you
might have when you apply for a job. Most companies
will give a “job description” which is a description of
the tasks, responsibilities, and duties of that specific job.
Human Resources
Activity 2: Job Interviews
Activity Goal: In this activity you will identify good
interviewing skills during a job interview.
One of the first steps in getting a job is the Job Interview. Being prepared for an
interview with a job application, possibly a resume, and good interviewing skills is
1. Locate the worksheet for Human Resources, Activity 2: Job Interviews found in
your student binder.
2. To learn more about these skills, you will be watching a video called “Who
Would You Hire?”
3. Rate the job interview applicants on the sheets while the interviews are shown
on the video. Circle a 5 if the applicant did really well for that item. Circle a 0 or
1 if they did a poor job for the item.
4. Follow all the instructions on the video. The video tape will be sitting near the
TV. If you are unable to locate it, contact your teacher. You will be using the
worksheets to grade the following applicants you will see on the movie:
Job Interview Applicants
Craig Byers
Gretta Larson
Jeffrey Cohn
Kris Edison
Randy Devit
Rebecca Thomas
Human Resources
Activity 3: What Makes a Good Employee?
Activity Goal: In this activity you will identify what makes a
good employee.
What makes a good employee? You can find the answer to this question by reading
the following true stories about employees who developed certain characteristics or
attributes that made them valuable to the company.
1. Locate your Human Resources, Activity 3: What Makes a good employee?
worksheet from your student binder.
2. You will need to read each situation in your training manual to help you answer
the questions.
3. Answer the question about each employee. Use the following list of
characteristics and attributes or come up with some on your own.
Good Employee Attributes
Be on time.
Be pleasant and helpful.
Put in a full-day’s work even when unsupervised.
Be thorough and efficient.
Be willing to follow company standards.
Do more than you are asked to do.
Go the extra mile.
Be self-motivated.
Be considerate.
Do the job you are asked to do even when it is difficult.
Human Resources
Activity 3: What Makes a Good Employee? (Continued)
Situation 1: Nate landed a job working for a telemarketing company. Each day as he came to work,
he checked in by sliding his time card into a machine that recorded the time he arrived. After his first
two months on the job, he received a $200 bonus check. The check stub thanked him for never
being late for work during the two months.
~ What characteristic made Nate a good employee?
Situation 2: Mark had just graduated from high school. His uncle, a construction contractor, helped
him get his first part-time job at a lumber company. When he wasn’t working, he went to college. His
supervisor told him if things went well they would eventually make him a delivery driver. After the first
day, Mark was ready to quit. He shoveled weeds in the hot sun by the building. He did the same
thing the next day.
Each day brought a new challenge – wash all the company trucks, clean the restrooms, shovel more
weeds. After three months, Mark’s supervisor told him to go get his chauffeur’s license to deliver the
lumber. He was happy. Next they had him work in the mill cutting the lumber. He eventually got to
work in the store and help customers. Because he was working towards a math/drafting degree in
college, he began figuring the bids for construction jobs. After four years he became a store
manager. The company decided to build and open an additional store in a neighboring state. They
chose Mark to oversee its construction and be the manager.
~What attributes or characteristics made Mark a good employee?
Situation 3: The owner of a fast-food franchise would stop by once in a while and see how his store
managers and teenage employees were doing. He would pick different times of the day to do so. His
employees had specifically been assigned certain tasks such as: sweep the floor, wipe down the
tables, wait on customers, cook the food, etc. One day he decided to put some ketchup on a shutter
at the window to see if any employee would notice it and wipe it off. He decided to leave the store
and come back another day to see if the shutter had ever been cleaned. He waited several days. To
his surprise when he returned the ketchup was still on the shutter.
~What characteristic was the owner looking for in his employees that he did not find?
Situation 4: Trent works alone in a warehouse bending metal for a siding company. There are days
when he never even sees his employer. However, he arrives at work at 8 a.m., works until noon and
leaves for lunch for one hour. He returns to work at 1 p.m. and works until closing at 5 p.m. He
records the work he does and at the end of the month gives it to his employer.
~ How is Trent a good employee?
Human Resources
Activity 3: What Makes a Good Employee? (Continued)
Situation 5: Many companies have dress code standards. This is especially true in companies that
have employees who meet the public. Celeste had been told about the dress code when she was
hired. When she first started to work, she made sure she followed the guidelines for dress at work.
However, after a few months she started wearing jeans once in awhile. When no one said anything
to her, she started wearing T-shirts with her jeans. Finally her supervisor had to call her in to talk
about her clothes.
~What did Celeste need to remember?
Situation 6: Kevin files invoices for his company and has access to many office supplies. If he
needs things for his home office, he takes them from his work. He thinks to himself how inexpensive
a box of staples or paper clips, pens, pencils, folders and binders are and that those few items would
never be missed.
~ Explain why it is or is not ethical for Kevin to use company supplies for his personal
use at home?
Situation 7: Brenda is employed by a company that allows one hour lunches and two 10 minute
breaks – one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Brenda is a good worker and does her job
well. Therefore, she thinks it is okay for her to come back a few minutes late from break and lunch.
~Why is or why isn’t Brenda ethical about this situation?
Situation 8: Tom works in an office with five other employees. Tom is becoming more and more
frustrated with Erin. She is the employee whose desk is next to his. Whenever one of the other four
employees leaves the office for a few minutes, Erin will say something negative about the person who
has left the room.
~How might Tom solve his problem?
Situation 9: Jennifer is absent from work frequently. Whenever she is gone, the supervisor always
gives Jennifer’s work to Ashley to complete. Ashley finds herself working late to get Jennifer’s work
done. In addition, Ashley feels exhausted by the time the day is over because she has to rush all
~What should Ashley do?
Situation 10:
Jared has tickets to a concert on Friday evening in a neighboring city. He has
asked his employer if he can leave work early so he can get there on time. His employer said “yes” if
he can get someone to stay late and cover for him. The three of them have had several
conversations about music and concerts. Jared doesn’t think either one would stay late for him
because of their negative attitude about music.
~What can Jared do?
Human Resources
Activity 4: Multiple Intelligences
Activity Goal: In this activity you will identify your own
multiple intelligences.
During this activity you will complete an online questionnaire about
yourself to determine your own multiple intelligences. The questionnaire will show you
some of the areas that are strengths for you and could be used when applying for a
Go to the Internet
Go to your teacher’s Web page
Click on CTE Business Introduction
Click on Other Links
Click on Multiple Intelligences.
Start at the top of each page and go through each of the sections and answer
the questions.
Once you have answered all of the questions, click finish.
A diagram will appear (example on the next page) and the colored areas
represent your multiple intelligences depending on how you answered the
When the diagram appears, click on print. (You may PRINT IN COLOR)
10. Place this in your binder for Pay Day.
Human Resources
Activity 5: Finding a Job in the Classifieds
Activity Goal: In this activity you will identify skills and abilities
needed for jobs available in the classifieds.
There are many ways to find jobs that are available. Many companies post jobs on the
Internet or do something as simple as hang a “Help Wanted” sign in a store window.
An easy way to find out jobs that are available in a specific location is to look in the
local newspaper or in online classified ads.
1. Locate the worksheet for Human Resources, Activity 5: Finding a job in the
classifieds found in your student binder.
2. Login to the computer.
3. Go to the Internet.
4. Go to your teacher’s Web page.
5. Click on CTE Business Introduction.
6. Click on Other Links.
7. Click on HJNews and locate the classifieds on the web page.
8. Browse through the different job opportunities. On your worksheet, list 10
different skills, abilities, qualities or training that are requested of possible
applicants in the different classified ads you read.
For example, the classified ad might say something like…
“Draftsman needed. Must be highly motivated and experienced.”
“Office Manager position. Must type 60 WPM and have filing skills.”
From these example ads you would be able to list the following:
1. Draftsman
2. Draftsman
3. Office Manager
4. Office Manager
highly motivated
type 60 word per minute
filing skills
Human Resources
Activity 6: Positive Attributes
Activity Goal: In this activity you will identify your own positive
All of us have personal attributes. Some are positive and some are
negative. When preparing for a job, it is important to recognize the positive
and work to eliminate the negative.
Personal Attributes
make excuses
hard worker
follow safety rules
poor personal hygiene
often absent
fake being sick
poor manners
always do my best
listen to directions
poor listener
talk too much
finish work on time
gossip about others
neat and clean
easily offended
keep my mind on work
take pride in work
enjoy causing trouble
often late
find fault with others
do as little as possible
willing to learn
take long breaks
good manners
go the extra mile
1. Locate the worksheet for Human Resources, Activity 6: Positive Attributes found
in your student binder.
2. Choose ten that you feel are positive attributes that describe you.
3. List them in the left column.
4. Choose five that you feel are negative attributes that describe you.
5. List them in the right column.
6. Place an asterisk (*) next to five positive attributes that you would like to work on
during the next few months.
7. Put an ‘X’ next to 3 negative attributes that you would like to eliminate.
Human Resources
Activity 7: Job Application Information
Activity Goal: In this activity you will complete a job
application with the information provided.
1. Locate the worksheet for Human Resources, Activity 7: Job Application
Information found in your student binder.
2. Read the information closely and use it to fill out the job application
Print! B Do not write in cursive except for your signature at the end!
Answer all questions. If it does not apply to you, write N/A which stands
for Not Applicable.
Carefully read every instruction before you start filling out the application to
avoid mistakes.
Keep it neat. If you make a mistake and you can not get a new
application, draw one line through the mistake and rewrite the correct
information above or to the side.
Keep all information positive.
4. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Use this information to fill out the
Make sure to put your complete last, first, and middle name.
Make sure to use current date in the following format: month/day/year.
Make sure to put your current mailing address. B Do not abbreviate the city.
B Use the common two letter state code for the state in all caps, without
punctuation; for example: UT
Make sure to put your area code before your phone number. Use the
following format: (801) 402-6000.
Use the number 123-45-7890 as the Social Security Number blank. I do
not want others in the school to know your social security number.
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? Answer YES
Were you ever convicted of a felony? Answer NO
Do you have a physical condition which may limit your ability to perform the
job applied for? Answer NO
Human Resources
Activity 7: Job Application Information (Continued)
Logan High
Logan, UT
Logan, UT
Utah State
You are applying for a position as a Marine Biologist.
You are available for work Immediately.
You are applying for a Full Time position.
You may choose what shift you would consider working.
You may choose whether or not you are willing to relocate.
Did you serve in the Armed Services? Answer NO
You have worked two jobs. Remember to start with the most recent. Use
the information below for the work history:
9. JOB #1
ADDRESS: 777 N. 222 W. Hyrum, UT 319
JOB TITLE: Assistant to the Marina Manager
TO: Present
START SALARY: $6.50/hr
TITLE: Marina Manager
PHONE: (435) 881-1010
Human Resources
Activity 7: Job Application Information (Continued)
10. JOB #2
EMPLOYER=S NAME: Dan and Jane Smith
ADDRESS: 333 N. 555 Periwinkle Way Logan, UT 84321
JOB TITLE: Babysitter
TO: 08/04
START SALARY: $4.00/hr
TITLE: Parents of children
PHONE: (435) 299-9999
REASON FOR LEAVING: I wanted to improve my skills in the field of Biology.
11. Can we run a detailed reference check including but not limited to a check with
your employers?
 ~ Answer YES
12. List any employers you do not wish contacted and explain why.
 ~ Answer N/A
13. Date and Sign the job application. Remember that a signature should be written in
Human Resources
Activity 8: Wendy’s Job Application
Activity Goal: In this activity you will complete a job
application for Wendy’s..
During the next two activities, you will have the opportunity to complete two
applications for two local companies. This will allow you to see how employment
applicants can vary. When you go for a job, you might not have an adult or anyone
else with you, so do your best to fill the application out on your own.
1. Locate the worksheet for Human Resources, Activity 8: Wendy’s Job
Application found in your student binder.
2. You will notice that there are two applications; one in English and one in
Spanish. Many employers have applications available in different languages for
applicants. You will only fill out one.
3. Choose the one you are going to fill out and recycle the other application.
4. Remember that how you fill out the application might be the first impression
that the company has of you, so do a great job in completing the application.
5. Use the information from the table below and add any information needed to
complete the application.
6. If you need phone numbers or information located in a phone book, locate
the phone book on the shelf.
Information for the Job Application
Use your name
School and Grade
Logan High School, Sophomore
Work Experience
Use your own work experience:
For example: child care
newspaper carrier
lawn care
Use people’s names that know you are a
good worker or know good qualities
about you.
Read through the entire application and check for any errors! Place this in your
student binder for Pay Day
Human Resources
Activity 9: FM Job Application
Activity Goal: In this activity you will complete a job
application for Fred Meyers.
1. Locate the worksheet for Human Resources, Activity 9: Fred Meyer’s Job
Application found in your student binder.
2. Read the information closely and use it to fill out the job application correctly.
3. Use the information from the table below and add any information needed to
complete the application.
4. If you are in need of a telephone book for phone numbers or addresses,
there are some on the shelves of the classroom.
Information for the Job Application
Use your name
School and Grade
Logan High School, Sophomore
Work Experience
Use your own work experience:
For example: child care
newspaper carrier
lawn care
Use people’s names that know you are a
good worker or know good qualities
about you.
5. Remember that how you fill out the application might be the first impression
that the company has of you, so do a great job in filling it out.
7. Place the application in your binder for Pay Day.
Human Resources
Activity 10: Job Interview Questionnaire
Activity Goal: In this activity you will answer job interview
1. Locate the worksheet for Human Resources, Activity 10: Job Interview
Questionnaire found in your student binder.
2. You are to pretend that you are interviewing for your “dream” job, so imagine
that you are 25 years old and have finished your schooling and/or training for
whatever “dream” job you want and it’s time to interview.
3. Use complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling as you write your
answers to the interview questions.
Human Resources
Human Resources UTIPS Post Test
Activity Goal: To demonstrate a basic understanding of
human resources.
1. Use your checklist to put your human resources worksheets in order.
2. Locate the rubric for human resources.
Score yourself on the rubric then staple all of the papers together with the rubric
on the front.
4. Review all of the information from the human resources unit before beginning
your post test.
5. Place your papers in your student binder until Pay Day.
6. Login the computer and go to your teacher’s website for this class.
7. Click on UTIPS.
8. Click on the post test for this unit.
9. Make sure when you login that you use your full first name and full last name
then click LOGIN & START. If you do not CLICK LOGIN & START, your test will
NOT be saved correctly and you won’t receive credit.
Take the test. Your score is automatically saved for your teacher. Once
have answered all of the questions, click on the SUBMIT button at the top left of
the screen get out of the website.
Go on to activity one.