UTIPS - Power Point

Utah Test Item Pool Service
January 17, 2007
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
Utah Test Item Pool System
• TIPS transition to UTIPS
– TIPS is no longer maintained by USOE
• http://tips.usoe.k12.ut.us
• Math, Science, ELA items will be removed
• UTIPS functional fall of 2004
– http://utips.org
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
UTIPS Improvements
• Reporting features
• Improved items in the item pools
• Process in place for item quality control
• Multiple choice, short answer, matching,
and essay
• Surveys
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
UTIPS Improvements
• Partnership with Curriculum
– Professional Development on formative assessment
• Improves classroom assessment
• Creates items
• Teachers also create items
– Alignment to standards/objectives provides reports
– Opportunity to submit for item pool consideration
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
UTIPS Reports
• Student summary
– Can be exported to Excel
• Pie chart by mastery
– Clickable to show individual students in each group
• Bar graph with percent correct by item
– Clickable to show item with response percentages &
students who chose each option
• Individual student mastery
– Indicates mastery level by student for standards and
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Report: Student Summary
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Report: Pie Chart
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Report: Bar Graph
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Report: Standards Mastery
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Report: Objectives Mastery
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Improving Instruction
• Summative results of assessment systems
• Varied definitions of “formative assessment”
• UTIPS training takes time
• Availability of local expertise with UTIPS
programming language
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Improving Instruction
• Growing attention to using feedback to improve
• Increasing number of UTIPS trainers
• Local technical expertise is growing
• Professional Development: School and District
Share teaching strategies and resources
Focused on feedback and data
• Item pools expanding
Better items, more subjects
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Common Assessments
• Departments or teams can administer
common assessments
– Administrative rights can be given that view
individual and aggregate results of the test
• Districts are beginning to use UTIPS to
administer benchmark tests
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Common Assessments
• USOE Science pre-tests
– http://science.utips.org
• Results are most effective when followed
up by discussion centered around results
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Non-CRT Subjects
• Many non-CRT subjects have curriculum
entered into UTIPS
• Teachers can align their questions, and
submit for consideration
– Questions should be original and noncopyrighted
• Item pools are being seeded in CTE, Fine
Arts, Social Studies, etc
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
More than Testing
• UTIPS provides a public webpage for
each account
• Documents can be uploaded
• Websites can be linked
• Media can be imported (sound, video, etc)
• Calendar feature
• Blogging tool
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Classroom Access
• UTIPS assessments can be administered
on-line, or paper/pencil
– Paper/pencil tests can be scanned, with the
results sent to the teacher’s account as if the
test was taken on-line
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
State-Wide System
• UTIPS is available regionally, through
servers set up locally
• Information and Training Manuals are
available via USOE’s UTIPS website
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction
Contact Information
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Assessment and Accountability
Utah State Office of Education
(801) 538-7723
Julie Quinn
Accountability/UTIPS Specialist
Utah State Office of Education
January 17, 2007
UTIPS Introduction