EXAM DAY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH & LIBERAL STUDIES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2009 Exam attendance is mandatory. EXAM CONFLICTS Please check your SIRIS exam schedule for the dates, times and locations of your exam(s). If your schedule indicates a conflict, you will need to show a printout of the SIRIS schedule to your professor to resolve the conflict. Two Exams Scheduled at the Same Time? Ask one of your professors to write the exam at another of his/her invigilation times. Three or More Exams Scheduled at the Same Time? Your professor will direct you to see Louisa Caravella in the English and Liberal Studies office (S2089) as soon as possible before December 4. You will write two exams as scheduled on Exam Day and the others as arranged with Louisa in the Exam Conflict Room. SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMMODATION Present a copy of your Special Needs form to your professor to request accommodation for the final exam. Do this as soon as the exam schedule is published so that space may be reserved for you in the Test Centre. EXAM EMERGENCIES In the event of an emergency that causes you to miss your exam, contact (email or telephone) your professor to discuss the situation with him or her. You must also notify the English & Liberal Studies office at 416-491-5050 ext. 3070 or Room S2086. You will require medical or legal documentation to merit special consideration. EXAM CONDUCT To help promote an optimal exam experience for all, you are required to read and observe Seneca’s Academic Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism turn off all electronic devices for the duration of the exam present your Seneca I.D. card and sign the exam attendance sheet Thank you for your cooperation and best of luck on your exams.