Dynamic S-MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks based on

An Energy Efficient Cross Layer Design for
Wireless Sensor Network
Prathibha M J
National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India
Kiran B N
National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India
Abstract- Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an inter
connected collection of sensor nodes used for sensing.
Energy optimization is a major issue in Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN). WSN nodes operate on batteries due
to this WSN has a limited lifetime. In this paper, a cross
layer design using EEDSR and S-MAC is proposed
which helps to achieve the efficiency in terms of
increased network life time. It is compared with DSR
and MAC, DSR and S-MAC and the results are
analyzed. NS-2 is used for simulation.
protocols Dynamic Source Routing protocol realized
to be promising one. A significant design challenge is
presented by Routing to meet the various design
challenges to cater the real time application
requirements in wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
communication. In this paper, we design a modified
Dynamic Source Routing protocol, termed as Energy
Aware DSR EEDSR and cross link it with S-MAC
which aims to consumes very less energy to provide
enhanced quality of Service for delay applications in
Wireless Sensor Networks. This method leads to
significant power saving and long lasting routes. It
maintains the existing performance of DSR and adds
to it the power awareness to increase the network
lifetime. The most significant benefit by adding
energy awareness is that it avoids, for a long time,
partitioning of network into non-communicating
disjoint sets.
The paper aims at discovering a power efficient cross
layer scheme for ad hoc network with less or no
mobility. Simulation result shows that the proposed
cross layer scheme outperforms other schemes used
for communication in terms of different energy
related parameters. At the time of route selection,
EEDSR takes consideration of battery status of the
path while also giving importance to delay. With this
main factor in consideration, EEDSR always selects
less congested and more stable route for data
delivery. In this paper, an attempt has been made to
evaluate the performance of cross layer scheme using
some simulation network models, to investigate how
well this performs on WSNs using NS-2 simulator.
Index terms: WSN, Cross layer, DSR, Energy aware
The specialized category of sensor networks is
increasingly deployed
to monitor the physical
environments in variety of delay sensitive
applications such as military applications, agriculture,
medical transport, industry etc. The monitoring
applications involves sensing of information during
emergency state from the physical environment
where the network of sensor is deployed. During
critical conditions like explosions, fire and leaking of
toxic gases, there is a need of system which should be
fast enough and must respond within a fraction of
seconds. These leads to a big challenge for
researchers to develop a fast, reliable and fault
tolerant channeled sensor networks during emergency
and critical conditions to base station that receives
the events [1].Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) [2] is
a special category of Ad hoc Network that may be
used for a specific targeted application. Wireless
Sensor Networks mainly consists of thousands of low
cost, small size and battery powered sensor nodes
which has more potentials than other Ad hoc
networks to be deployed in many emerging areas. It
is necessary to modify the existing DSR and to cross
link it with S-MAC to meet the criteria such as
robust, energy efficient, minimum delay in routing
the packets in WSN[3]. Out of so many routing
Many research efforts in the recent years have
focused on developing efficient scheme for energy
optimization. [5] uses S-MAC with routing protocols
such as DSR,AODV,DSDV, and OLSR for
comparison and shows that S-MAC when used with
OLSR consumes less power, increased network life
time and survivability. In [6] a dynamic S-MAC that
adapts dynamically to the network-traffic state is
proposed. The dynamic S-MAC protocol improves
the energy consumption of S-MAC by changing the
frame length according to the network-traffic state.
Using the NS-2 Simulator the performance of
dynamic S-MAC is compared with that of the SMAC protocol and showed an improvement in terms
of energy efficiency.
[7] discusses about DSR routing protocol which has
provided the basic for any energy efficient routing
protocols where by modifying its structure of control
packet and considering some new energy matrices,
power consumption can be reduced.
along the link Y-> X, they are still sent, to
avoid destabilizing the network.
If one of the neighbors Y receives a packet
to be forwarded, containing in its path, the
link Y-> X, Y will attempt to save (salvage)
the packet, or will generate a Route Error to
be sent in broadcast, so that it reaches the
source of this packet, which will attempt to
re-send the package using a different path,
not containing the link Y-> X. If the source
cannot find other paths in its Route Cache,
and on sending of a Route Request, if it
appears that the node X is still active, and it
appears to be the only "bridge" node to a
certain destination, it will be still used to
forward packets.[8]
The DSR protocol is composed of two mechanisms
that work together to allow the discovery and
maintenance of source routes in the ad hoc network.
A Modifications to route discovery phase
When a node receives a Route Request (RREQ)
which is not a final destination, before forwarding
RREQ packets to neighboring nodes, it waits for a
pseudo random amount of time interval. This time
interval is inversely proportional to the level of
residual energy of the node in that moment. RREQ
wil be sent through the best route from the point of
view of "overall" energy. The path is chosen by
computing the sum of the energy levels through all
the possible paths and selecting the one which has got
maximum energy level from source to destination.
B Modifications to route maintenance phase
Following modifications are done to original DSR
1. When the energy of an intermediate node X,
forwarding data within a multi-hop path
reaches a level less than or equal to a certain
threshold of the initial energy, the node X
sends a special broadcast packet to its
neighbors Y, containing a flag in the header
"low energy" set to 1, with which it implies
asks not to continue to forward packets to it,
if there are other paths to the destination
2. Each neighbor Y which receives the
broadcast packet of "low energy", it
eliminates the paths containing the link Y->
X from its Route Cache , which is
considered to be "virtually" dead (although
in fact it is still working, not having X
completely exhausted of its energy). If there
are packets that have yet to be forwarded
A Periodic Listen and Sleep
In many sensor network applications, nodes will be in
idle state for a long period of time if no sensing event
happens. The nodes need not to keep listening all the
time even though if no transmission is there. S-MAC
reduces the listen time by allowing nodes to go into
periodic sleep mode. For example, if in each second a
node sleeps for half second and listens for the other
half, its duty cycle is reduced to 50%. So we can
achieve close to 50% energy savings.
B Collision Avoidance
Multiple senders may want to send the data to a
receiver at the same time, then they need to contend
for the medium to avoid collisions. For this a
RTS/CTS exchange mechanism is used to
address the hidden terminal problem [4].Unicast
RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK between the sender and the
receiver. There is a duration field in each transmitted
packet which indicates the remaining transmission
time. So if a node receives a packet destined to
another node, it knows how long it has to wait befor
the next attempt and hence defers from sending.
C Overhearing Avoidance
S-MAC tries to avoid overhearing by allowing
interfering nodes go to sleep after they hear the RTS
or CTS packet. Since the DATA packet is normally
much longer than the control packets, the approach
prevent the neighboring nodes from overhearing the
long DATA packet and the following ACK.
D Message Passing
The message is fragmented into many independent
small packets. Entire message uses only one
RTS/CTS exchange. Every time a data fragment is
transmitted, the sender waits for an ACK from the
receiver. If it fails to receive the ACK, it will extend
the reserved transmission time for one more
fragment, and re-transmit the current fragment
Fig 1.3 shows plot of residual energy versus
time for DSR, DSR SMAC and EEDSR
SMAC protocols
Fig 1.1 Scenario showing the commincation pattern
Fig 1.4 shows Residual energy levels at a
node at the end of 200sec.
Fig 1.2 Scenario showing thw communication
Fig 1.5 shows Residual energy levels at a
node at the end of 350 sec
The residual energy level of 15 nodes in network for
three protocols DSR, DSR-SMAC and EEDSR
SMAC protocols is plotted using various graphs. The
values of residual energy for individual nodes are
obtained from trace files generated by simulation.
The histogram results and pie chart of the same are
shown in figures. From the different histogram plots
and pie chart plots it is found that EEDSR SMAC
protocol proves to be comparatively energy efficient
than DSRSMAC protocol and DSR protocol.
This paper proposes a scheme which improves the
energy efficiency significantly. Comparision is done
among DSR and MAC, DSR and S-MAC and
EEDSR and S-MAC. The results shows that EEDSR
and S=MAC provides higher energy efficiency and
improved network life time..
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