Sensor Network Protocol Stack & Routing Protocols Lecture

Protocol Stack and Routing Protocols
Sensor network Protocol stack
The protocol stack for such a network is similar to ordinary network except that it
includes 3 planes termed as Task management plane, Mobility management plane and
Power management plane as shown in figure 3.1. The following section provides the
functionalityof each layer.
3.1 Physical layer
 The objective of physical layer is to increase the reliability by reducing
path loss effect and shadowing
 This layer is responsible for established connection, data rate,
modulation, data encryption, signal detection, frequency generation.
Data link layer
 The objective of Data Link Layer is to insure inter-operability amongst
communication between nodes to nodes
 This layer is responsible for error detection, multiplexing, Prevention
of Collision of packets, repeated transmission etc.
 Some researchers proposed the possible use of public key
cryptography, secure code distribution to create secure key…
3.3Network Layer
 The objective of Network layer is to find best path for efficient routing
 This layer is responsible for routing the data from node to node, node
to sink, node to base station
 WSN use ID based protocols and data centric protocols for routing
 In WSN, each node in the network acts as a router, so as to create
secure routing protocol
 Encryption and decryption techniques are used for secure routing
3.4 Transport layer
 The objective of Transport Layer is to establish communication for
external networks i.e. sensor network connected to the internet
 This is most challenging issue in wireless sensor networks
((Basically the connection between the sink and the central authority
may be either TCP/UDP but the communication between the sensor
nodes to the sink and among the sensor nodesonly UDP can be used.
So in Sensor networks the communication is not end-to-end andso they
are not based on Global addressing as IP addresses in Internet.
Basically they areidentified by using attribute-based naming to address
the destinations for data packets)).
Application Layer
The following are the various application layer protocols that can be used in
Sensor nodes
 Sensor Management Protocol(SMP)
 Task Assignment and Data Advertisement Protocol(TADAP)
 Sender Query and Data Dissemination Protocol(SQDDP)
Sensor Management Protocol(SMP)
This application protocol is used by the System Administrators to interact
with the SensorNetworks. Since sensor networks don't have Global
Identification, they can be accessedusing attribute-based naming and location
addressing which are used for doing the followingtasks like Moving Sensor
nodes, Turning Sensor nodes on and off, Authenticationand Security in data
communications and many more.
Task Assignment and Data Advertisement Protocol(TADAP)
Most important activity in Sensor networks is how interest can be sent to the nodes or
subset of nodes or to the whole network. One way is to inform the nodes that i have data
and wait for response from the interested node. Another way is to send our interests to
the user and let the user query at his interest.
Sender Query and Data Dissemination Protocol(SQDDP)
SQDDP basically provides interfaces for users to query the network and to receive the
replies from the network. Queries will not be towards a particular node but location
based or attribute based.