
Homework #2
CMSC 615
(Instructor: Dr. Maccarthy)
Fall 2006
Team: ABC
Mollick A. Arefin
Duy Huynh
Submission Date: 14 September 2006
1. What is the difference between a Life Cycle Model and and Development Life Cycle
Model? (1pt)
Ans. Life cycle model is collection of all phases from conception to close out of the
project. It define what work will be performed at each phase, what deliverables will
be produced and when, who is involved at each phase, and how management will
control and approve each work produced in each phase.
The Development Life Cycle on the other hand is a portion of the Life Cycle Model
dealing with the development. This is used as frame work for developing information
systems and software development, because it include requirement, design,
implementation/ coding/ unit testing, integration testing/verification. Unlike the Life
Cycle Model, the development life cycle spend a large portion of the project effort
attempting to clarify the requirements of the project and developing. The
Development Life Cycle Model generally excludes Manufacturing, Deployment,
Operations, Maintenance, and Retirement phases.
2. List the activities and milestones associated with the DoD System Development and
Demonstration Phase Life Cycle Model. What kind of model is it? (1pt)
The activities and milestones associated with the DoD System Development and
Demonstration Phase Life Cycle Model are sequentially –
Milestone: B
“An affordable increment of militarily-useful capability has been
“The Technology for the increment has been demonstrated in a relevant
environment” (i.e., TRL 6)
“A system can be developed for production within a short time frame
(normally less than 5 years)”
Refine System Performance Spec & Environmental Constraints
* System Requirements Review (SRR)
Develop System Functional Specs & System Verification Plan
* System Functional Review (SFR)
Develop CI Functional (Design to) Specs & CI Verification Plan
* Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
Develop Product Documentation and Inspection Plan
* Critical Design Review (CDR)
Design Readiness Review (DRR) Milestone
CI Verification Development Test & Evaluation (DT&E)
Verify System Performance: Integrated DT&E & Live Fire Test and Evaluation
Test Readiness Review (TRR)
Verify System Functionality: System DT&E & LFT&E, & Operational
Assessment (OA)
Demonstrate System: Combined DT&EO/OT&E/LFT&E
* System Verification Review (SVR)
* Production Readiness Review (PRR)
* Functional Configuration Audit (FCA)
Milestone: C
“An affordable increment of militarily-useful capability has been
“The Technology for the increment has been demonstrated in a relevant
environment” (i.e., TRL 6)
“A system can be developed for production within a short time frame
(normally less than 5 years)”
DoD System Development and Demonstration Phase is a “V” LCM.
3. Explain how the “V” model is essentially a classic waterfall model? Why is it drawn
as a “V”? (1pt)
The V model is essentially the classic waterfall model because the sequential nature of
processes; each process must be completed before the next phase can be started. Both the
V model and the classic waterfall model include the requirement, design and analysis,
implementation, testing, and maintenance phases.
The V model is drawn as V shape in order to visually map (or pair up) each design phase
to the corresponding test or verification phase. For example, the Systems Functional
Review (SFR) corresponds to the System verification Review (SVR) . If something does
not fulfill the customer requirement at SVR stage, the “V” model suggests to revisit the
SFR stage directly and make corrections. The bottom of the V represents the Critical
Design Review (CDR) that decides the development; CDR is a very important stage of
the V model.
4. Go to the DAU Systems Engineering web site
<>. Download (and skim) a copy of the
“Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) Preparation Guide”.
5. Download a copy of my recommended SEP Annotated Outline from Blackboard &
read it.
6. 1.Develop an annotated draft Systems Engineering Plan for your Project (IN YOUR
7. Develop drafts for each of the following Sections (5 pts):
1.1.2 Program Description
Amazing books projectl is a program contracted from Amazing Books
corporation. This is the web-based ordering system that provides users the
capability to find and purchase the book online using the internet. The Customer
Interface, Inventory and Shipping capabilities is expected to be deployed in the
next 4 months and Finance capabilities will be deployed within 6 months.
The client have identified the business requirements of the project, though UMBC
Management Team will conduct interface design and other requirements. Since
there’s a short time frame for the project, we propose an concurrent development
life cycle for this project. We will performing
1.2 Program Technical Status (Address DOD Acquisition Life Cycle)
1.3 Approach for SEP Updates Technical Development Process (Address Development Life Cycle and
Systems Engineering Process) Technical Planning (Include a WBS)
2.4.2 Technical Reviews
8.1 Take the Myers-Briggs Test
8.2 Develop a Team Personality Profile (E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P Result/Score for each team
Mollick A. Arefin: (I, N, T, J) = (33, 75, 25, 44)
Personality type:
moderately expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality
Duy Huynh (Bao):
(E, N, T, J) = (1, 12, 12, 1)
Personality type:
slightly expressed extrovert
slightly expressed sensing personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personality
8.3 What did you learn?
One thing we have learned is that a Systems Engineering team can (or usually) have
members of diverse personality types. Therefore, the success of the team as a whole
significantly depends on how well the members get along and communicate with each