Code No: 813 FACULTY OF INFORMATICS M.C.A. II Year I Semester (Supplementary) Examination, April/May 2009 INTERACTIVE COMPUTER GRAPHICS Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Answer one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit – I 1. (a) Describe the working of a CRT as a display device. (b) Describe the methods used for character generation. (c) A display device has 525 scan lines, an aspect ratio of 4:3 and uses 8 bits per pixel. What is the storage capacity required to store one minute of video data, if 30 frames are present per second? 10+3+3 Or 2. Derive the equations required to find out the points on the circumference of an ellipse with major and minor axes equal to r1 and r2 and centered at the origin of Co-ordinate points. 16 Unit – II 3. (a) A rectangle with two of its diagonal vertices at (0,0) and (16,8) is subjected to a shear. Find out the modified position of the object if it is subjected to a shear of (i) sh x=0.75 and (ii) sh y = 3. (b) Write notes on area fill attributes. 8+8 Or 4. (a) Find the matrix transformation for finding the reflection of a point with respect to the line given by the equation 4x + 3y + 5 = 0. (b) Write brief notes on affine transformations. 10 + 6 Unit – III 5. Explain what to you understand by clipping a polygon against a rectangular window. Write down the different steps involved in Weiler Atherton clipping algorithm. 16 Or 6. (a) Explain Liang Barsky line dipping algorithm with the help of an example. (b) A straight line y = 3x – 4 and a rectangular window with its diagonals at (2,2) and (8,4) are present. Using the algorithm described above, find the points at which the line is clipped. 10 + 6 Unit – IV 7. (a) What is the use of control points in generating Bezier curves? With appropriate equations explain the effect of control points. (b) What are the continuity condition methods to join two successive curve sections? Explain and compare them with proper sketches. 8+8 Or 8. (a) Write notes on BSP trees. (b) Write notes on fractal geometry methods. 8+8 Unit – V 9. (a) Distinguish between perspective projection and parallel projection of three Dimensional objects. (b) Write detailed notes on Gaurarud shading. 8+8 Or 10. Write detailed notes on computer animation. ******* 16.