Uploaded by Ashy Honcada

Lexicon, Parts of Speech, and Word Formation

At the end of the lesson, you can:
be acquainted with two primary concepts, the lexicon and parts of
identify the parts-of-speech of every word in a sentence;
list some idioms in a language you know, give their meaning and
determine the modifications they allow;
generate realization about the thought that not all words are
neutral, but can evoke emotional responses in speakers of a
language and be used to soften or make harsher unpleasant
realities; and
create new words using different word formation processes.
Linguistic theories generally regard human languages
involves two parts: a lexicon, basically a list of a language's
words; and a grammar, a system of rules that permits the
combination of those words to create meaningful
sentences. The knowledge that a native speaker has about
a language includes information about the form and
meanings of words and phrases; the appropriate usage of
words and phrases; the relationships between words and
phrases; and the categories of words and phrases.
Parts of Speech
• Noun - are person, place, concept or object.
two categories:
*Common Noun - are general names for things,like planet
and game show.
*Proper Noun - are specific name for individual things, like
Jupiter and Jeopardy.
• Pronoun - are words you substitute for specific nouns whenn
the reader or listener knows which specific noun you’re
referring to.
Example ; I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few,
many, who
• Adjectives - are the words that describe noouns.
Example: yellow, fun, fast
• Verbs - are words that describe specific actions, like
running, winning, and being amazing.
• Adverbs - is a word that describes and adjective, a verb,
or another adverb.
Example: I entered the room quietly.
• Preposition - tell you the relationship between the other
words in a sentence.
Example: I left my bike leaning against the garbage.
• Conjuctions - a word used to connect clauses or
sentences or to coordinate words in the same cluse.
Example: and, but, if
• Articles - are used before nouns or noun equivalents and
are type of adjective.
Example: the, a , an
• Interjection - is a word or phrase that expresses
something in a sudden or exclamatory way, espeacially
an emotion.
Example: oh!, ouch!
Identify the underlined word.
1. Because the weather is too cold, I need to drink a lot of water.
2. After she observed it was damaged, he returned the item.
3. I must save this coupon since I don’t have time to shop
right now.
4. They say that money can’t buy happiness.
5. Since then, evergreen trees symbolize fertility because they do
not die in the winter.
6. She has few friends because of her attitude.
7. What toppings do you want for your pizza?
8. I am sorry for coming over unannounced like this.
9. I replied in like manner.
10. He looked up as he entered the room.
11. She had often been sick as a child.
12. Few of the gardens had been devastated by the
13. More than 10,000 Facebook users like her page.
14. Our house is along the highway.
15. They announce that everything is theirs.
16. Optimism is hard to achieve in the midst of trials.
17. You can't be successful merely by doing nothing.
18. As they say, depth of friendship does not depend
on length of
19. He looks upset regarding the announcement.
20. She became suspicious when she saw that the
vault was open.
- are
fixed strings of words forming single
lexemes of which are not predictable from the
component of words or grammar.
Word Formation Process
- demonstrate
how new words are being formed
in the language. The process consists of a
combination of morphemes that are rulegoverned. Therefore, a new word is formed.
- is a phenomenom by which one form has no phonoogical or
morphological connection with the base form. This process rarely
- is traditionally understood as the use of one word as the inflected
form of another word when two words are not coguate.
Good Vs. Better
Go vs. Went
Ana is a good student, but Rico is better
I will go to the mall
I went to the mall yesterday
- are words that are formed from the initials of several
- are sets of initial representing a name, organization or the
like, with each letter pronouncedseparately.
The term acronym is the name for a word formed from the
first letters of each word in a phrase.
Different examples of acronym:
• Pronounced as a word, containing only initial
E.g. NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organizatons
• Pronounced as a word containing a non-initial
E.g. Interpol International Criminal Police
- is a process of creating a new word by combining the
parts of two different words, usually the beginning of one
word and the end of another.
Examples: smoke + fog = smog, emotion + icon = emoticon
-is a process of creating new words by shortening parts of
a longer word.
Examples: examination → exam, gasoline → gas
Types of Clipping
• Middle Clipping or syncope, the middle clipping of the
word is retained .
Example: flu (influenza), tec(detective), polly(apollinaris),
jams(pyjamas), shrink(head-shrinker).
• Complex Clipping - forms are used in compounds. one
part of original compound most often remains intact.
Examples: cablegram(cabletelegram), op art (opticalart),
org-man (organization man)
• Fore Clipping or Aphaeresis retains the final part.
Example: phone (telephone), chute (parachute), coon
(raccoon), gator (alligator), pike (turnpike).
• Back Clipping or Appocopation is the most common
type, in which the beginning is retained. The unclipped
original may be either a simple or a composite.
Example: ad ( Advertisement), doc (doctor), exam(
Neologism or Coinage
- is the word formation process of inventing entirely new
words. This is a very rare and uncommon method to create
new words.
Examples: Aspirin: acetylsalicylic acid, Xerox: photocopy
- are words that are based on the name of a person or a
place. They are very frequently used in science as units of
Examples: sandwich, Fahrenheit and Celsius
-is a special type of word that depicts the sound associated
with what is named.
Example: “Meow of a Cat
Boom of Fire works
tick-tock of clock
ding dong of a dorbell