In this Constitution and these By-laws, except where inconsistent with the Context:
" ASSOCIATION " means the International Association of Lions Clubs.
" CABINET " means the Cabinet of District 201 V2.
" CLUB " means a Lions Club in this District that has been duly chartered by The International
Association of
Lions Clubs and is in good standing with that Association.
" CLUB MEMBER " means a member in good standing of a Lions Club in Good standing in this
" COUNCIL " means the Council of the Multiple District of Lions Clubs International of which District
201 V2 forms part.
" MULTIPLE DISTRICT " means the area designated from time to time by The International
Association of Lions Clubs of which District 201 V2 forms Part.
NOTE : In accordance with a ruling of Lions Clubs lnternational, a District Governor may elect not to appoint Region Chairmen in his term of office. In which case, any reference to Regions or Region
Chairmen shall have no effect during the said District Governor's term of office.
Words or expressions contained in this Constitution and the accompanying By-laws shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 as in force from time to time.
This organisation shall be known as District 201 V2 of the International Association of Lions Clubs.
The object of the District shall be to provide an administrative structure with which to advance the purposes and Objects of the Association within the boundaries of the District.
The members of the District shall be all Lions Clubs in the District chartered by the Association.
The District shall comprise all that part of the State of Victoria enclosed by the outer boundaries of the former municipalities of Williamstown, Footscray, Sunshine, Werribee, Corio, Bannockburn, Leigh,
Hampden, Mortlake, Ararat, Stawell, Dunmunkle, Wimmera and Kaniva; the Victoria/South Australia border and the Victorian coastline east to the River Yarra, but excluding the former municipality of
Kowree; or as amended from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Association.
District Organisation
Section 1. The District shall have a District Cabinet comprising the District Governor, Immediate Past
District Governor, first Vice District Governor, second Vice District Governor, the Region Chairmen, the Zone Chairmen, a Cabinet Secretary, a Cabinet Treasurer (or a Secretary/Treasurer) and such other Chairmen as the District Governor of the day may appoint from lime to time.
Section 2. The members of the Cabinet shall be, the Officers of the District. Each such Officer must be and remain an active member in good standing of a Lions Club in good standing in the District.
Section 3. The District Governor shall by the time he takes office appoint a Cabinet
Secretary/Treasurer or a Cabinet Secretary and a Cabinet Treasurer, a Region Chairman for each
Region and a Zone Chairman for each Zone in the District.
Section 4. If a vacancy occurs in any Office, except that of District Governor or first and second Vice
District Governor, the District Governor may (subject to section 5 hereof) appoint another Lion who is qualified to be an Officer to fill such office for the unexpired term thereof
Section 5. Should a Region Chairman or a Zone Chairman cease to be a member of a Club in the
Region or Zone, as the case may be, to which he was appointed, his term of office shall thereupon cease and the District Governor shall appoint a successor to fill that office.
Section 6. Should any Officer cease to be member in good standing of a Club in good standing in the
his term of Office shall likewise cease and the District Governor may appoint a successor to fill that office.
Removal of Officer
Section 7. The District Governor may at any time by notice in writing to the Lion concerned remove him from any office to which he may have been appointed and may (subject to Section 5 hereof) appoint a successor to fill that office.
Salaries & Honoraria
Section 8. No Officer of the District shall be paid a salary but may be reimbursed for any approved expenses and, in addition, the District Governor, the Cabinet Secretary and the Cabinet Treasurer may each be paid an honorarium.
Cabinet Meetings
Section 9. A Regular Meeting of the Cabinet shall be held in each quarter of the financial year, with the first to be held within sixty days after the adjournment of the preceding Convention of the
Association. At least ten days' written notice of such regular meetings, setting forth a date, time and place determined by the District Governor shall be given to each Officer by the Cabinet Secretary.
Special Meetings
Section 10. Special Meetings of the Cabinet may be called by the District Governor at his discretion, and shall be called upon a written request made to the District Governor or the Cabinet Secretary by a majority of the members of the Cabinet. The District Governor shall determine the date, time and place of the Special Meeting which shall take place within twenty one days of the date upon which the request was received. At least five days' written, telegraphic, email or personal notice of the Special
Meeting, setting forth the purposes thereof and the date, time and place, shall be given to each
Officer by the Cabinet Secretary or some other person appointed by the District Governor for that purpose, provided however, that the requirement of five days' notice may be reduced or waived by a two-thirds majority of the Officers voting thereon at such Special Meeting.
Section 11. The attendance of not less than fifteen of the Officers shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Cabinet.
Section 12. Every Officer including the District Governor shall be entitled to vote on any matter. In the event of voting being equal, the District Governor shall in addition have a casting vote but may use the same onlyto maintain the status quo.
Section 13. The District Governor shall ensure that an accurate record is kept of the proceedings of each meeting of the Cabinet held during his term of office, and that within twenty one days of each
Cabinet Meeting shall ensure that a copy of such proceedings is forwarded to the Office of the
Association and to each District Officer and other District Lions by written request.
Regions & Zones
Section 14. The District Governor shall divide the District into Regions of no more than sixteen and no fewer than six Lions Clubs, and each such Region into Zones of no more than eight, and no fewer than three Lions Clubs (unless exemption is given by the Association) or such other number as may be permitted by the policy of the Association from time to time giving due regard to the geographical locations of the Clubs. Such division shall be made before the District Governor commences his term of office but shall be subject to change by the District Governor when in his sole discretion, he shall deem the same necessary in the best interests of the District.
Region Meetings
Section 15. Meetings of representatives of all Clubs in a Region with the Region Chairman of the
Region as Chairman shall be held during the financial year at times and places determined by the
Region Chairman of the respective Region in conjunction with the District Governor. All Zone
Chairmen for Zones in that Region and the Presidents and Secretaries of all Clubs in that Region shall be invited to attend all such Region Meetings.
Zone Meetings
Section 16. In each Zone, the Zone Chairman and the Presidents and Secretaries of all Clubs in the
Zone shall comprise a District Governor's Advisory Committee with the Zone Chairman as Chairman thereof. This Committee shall meet at such time, date and place as shall be determined by the Zone
Chairman, but always in accordance with the current policy established by the Association.
Section 17. The Agenda and all other matters relating to Region or Zone Meetings shall be determined by the District Governor or in default by the Chairman of the Meeting who may permit persons other than those mentioned in Sections 15 & 16 hereof to attend such Meetings.
District Committees
District Governor's Honorary Committee
Section 18. The District Governor may appoint a Committee composed of Past District Governors who are members in good standing of a Club within the District. This Committee shall meet as and when convened by the District Governor.
Standing Committees
Section 19.
[a] There shall be a Convention Standing Committee comprising three Lions members appointed by
Cabinet to liaise between the Cabinet and Convention Organising Committees for the purpose of assisting with the planning and management of District Conventions Initially one of the Committee serves for a period ending 30 June 1994. The second member shall serve for a period ending 31
December 1995, and the third member shall serve for a period ending 31 December 1996.
Prior to the expiry of each member's term of office, the Cabinet shall appoint (or re-appoint) a Lion to serve for a three-year term commencing on 1 January next occurring. As soon as a Convention Host
Club is elected (or appointed) the District Governor of the day shall designate the member most recently appointed (or re-appointed) to the Standing Committee as Convention Liaison Officer to work with the Organising Committee in the planning and management of that Convention. In addition to the
Cabinet appointees, the District Governor-Elect shall be a member of the Committee and shall remain a member during his term of office of District Governor for the purpose of advising the Liaison Officer on matters relevant to the Convention held whilst he is District Governor.
Casual vacancies occurring among members of the Committee, as a result of resignation from the
Committee or cessation of membership of a Club in this District shall be filled as soon as practicable by the Cabinet for the unexpired portion of the former member's term.
Prior to 1 January each year, the District Governor (or, in default the Cabinet) may appoint a member of the Committee to be the Convener thereof for the purpose of facilitating such meetings of the
Committee as may be required.
Section 20. The Cabinet shall arrange for the regular monthly production and distribution of a District
Governors Newsletter to all Club Members in the District.
Election of District Governor & first and second Vice Governor
Section 1. The Delegates attending the Annual District Convention shall at each Convention elect a
District Governor and a first and second Vice Governor for the following year by secret ballot by the preferential system of voting as set out in the Commonwealth Electoral Act for the election of Members of the
House of Representatives.
Section 2. No person shall be entitled to be elected as District Governor or first and second Vice
Governor unless:
[a] he is qualified in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Association;
[b] he is nominated by his Club and such nomination is certified in writing by the President or
Secretary of the Club of which he is a member (or he is endorsed by a majority of the Clubs in the
District and such endorsement is certified in writing by the President or Secretary of such Clubs) and such certification or endorsements (as the case may be) together with the nominee's written consent is delivered to the Cabinet Secretary at least sixty days prior to the date fixed for the opening of the
District Convention; or he is nominated from the floor of the District Convention in accordance with
Section 5 of this Article; and;
[c} “In the event of a vacancy in the offices of both first and second vice district governor a qualified candidate may choose to nominate for each office. In such event the nomination for the office of second vice district governor shall be deemed to be withdrawn if that candidate is elected to the office of first vice district governor. An election for the office of first vice district governor shall be conducted prior to the election for the office of second vice district governor.”
[d] the District Constitution & By Laws Chairman shall have confirmed his eligibility.
Notice to Clubs
Section 3. At least thirty days prior to the opening of the District Convention the Cabinet Secretary shall post or deliver to each Club in the District written advice of the persons nominated for election as
District Governor or first and second Vice Governor.
Section 4. At any Convention where an election is to be held for District Governor or first and second
Vice Governor a nominating speech on behalf of each candidate shall be made by a Delegate to the
Convention selected by the candidate. The nominating speech shall not exceed four minutes for each candidate, and a candidate's speech shall be limited to five minutes. A warning signal shall be given thirty seconds before time elapses with respect to each such speech.
No Nomination
Section 5.
[a] Should no proper nomination have been made for either the office of District Governor or first and second Vice Governor under Section 2 of this Article, or should the only qualified nominee or nominees die or withdraw prior to the time of the matter being dealt with at the Convention then nominations for that position (or those positions) shall be sought from the floor from Delegates at the
[b] Such nominations must be made at a time designated on the programme for that purpose on behalf of members suitably qualified and who shall have signified their willingness to stand for election. If more than one proper nomination for either the office of District Governor or first and second Vice Governor shall have been received under Section 2 of this Article, and such nominations shall for any reason have been subsequently reduced to one, further nominations may be made from the floor of the Convention with the consent of at least two-thirds of the accredited Delegates present and voting.
[c] Where nominations are made pursuant to this Section, nominating and candidate speeches shall be in accordance with Section 4 hereof.
Semi-annual Dues
Section 1.
[a] Each Club shall pay to the Cabinet Treasurer to defray District administrative costs such fee per member per annum as shall be determined by a Convention. This amount shall be due and payable in two semi-annual payments as follows:
[i] One half thereof on the tenth day of August of each year to cover the period 1 July to 31 December; and,
[ii] One half thereof on the tenth day of February of each year to cover the period 1 January to 30
[b] Each Club shall pay to the Cabinet Treasurer in respect of each member such annual sum as the
Cabinet may from time to time decide to assist defray the costs of the District Governor's Newsletter.
Such sums shall be invoiced to Clubs with the semi-annual dues.
These billings shall be based on the membership of each Club at 1 July and 1 January respectively.
Where a Convention has determined, prior to 31 December in any financial year, that the fee per member shall be increased for that financial year, the amount of the increase shall become due and payable on the following 10 February in addition to the semi-annual payment.
Section 2. New Clubs will be liable for fees from 1 July or 1 January which first occurs after the date which appears on the Charter, and re-organised Clubs will be liable for fees from 1 July or 1 January which first occurs after the date of reorganisation.
Administration Fund
Section 3. District fees shall be credited to the District Administration Fund and shall be disbursed only for District administrative expenses as approved by Cabinet in accordance with the provisions of
Sections 10 & 11 hereof.
Section 3 (a). The Cabinet Treasurer in constructing the District Administration Budget in each year shall allocate a sum of two dollars ($2.00) per member per annum from Annual dues, or such lesser amount as the Cabinet may determine from time to time to a Fund named District Equipment
Replacement Fund.
Section 4. The reasonable expenses of the District Governor, in excess of those reimbursed by the
Association in connection with his accommodation for a maximum of five (5) nights at the Multiple
District Convention and two (2) nights at the District Convention shall be a District administrative expense.
Section 5.
[a] The reasonable expenses of the Cabinet Secretary incurred in attending the Multiple District
Convention and the District Convention shall be an administrative expense.
[b] The reasonable expenses of the Cabinet Treasurer incurred in attending the District Convention shall be an administrative expense.
Section 6. The reasonable expenses of the partners of the District Governor, first Vice District
Governor, Cabinet Secretary and the Cabinet Treasurer shall be considered an administrative expense in the following circumstances:
[a] The District Governor's partner, the fir st Vice District Governor’s partner and the Cabinet
Secretary's partner attending Multiple District Convention .
[b] The District Governor’s partner, the Cabinet Secretary’s partner and the Cabinet Treasurer's partner attending District Convention.
Section 7. The reasonable expenses of the District Governor Elect in attending the January/February
Multiple District Council meeting shall be an administrative expense.
Section 8. The Cabinet Treasurer shall open such deposit accounts as are consistent with this
Constitution in such financial institutions as are approved by Cabinet and are in accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Section 25 hereof, and no other deposit account shall be opened by any person for purposes associated with District administration functions and/or activities.
Section 9 hereof
Section 9. Payments from all District deposit accounts shall be by cheques drawn and signed by any two signatories approved by Cabinet one of whom shall be the Cabinet Treasurer.
Section 10. At the first Cabinet Meeting in each financial year, the Cabinet Treasurer shall present an itemized budget of all anticipated receipts and expenditure in connection with the Administration
Fund. At this meeting, Cabinet shall approve the budget (as presented or amended) and no item of expenditure contained therein shall be exceeded without the prior, explicit approval of Cabinet.
Financial Stability
Section 11. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 10 hereof, the District Governor and the Cabinet shall not incur any financial obligation which may impair the financial stability of the District.
Convention Fund
Section 12. Each Club shall pay to the Cabinet Treasurer, to assist defray the administrative expenses of the District Convention, such fee per member as shall be determined by a Convention.
Such fees shall be due and payable on 10th August of each year and shall be credited to the District
Convention Fund.
Section 13. All moneys received by the District Convention Organising Committee in respect of members', hospitality and registration fees etc., shall be credited to the Convention Fund.
Convention City Fund
Section 14. Together with the first semi-annual District fees each year, each Club shall contribute from it’s Activities Account, an amount equal to $1.00 (one dollar) per Member to the Convention City
At each District Convention, the balance of this Fund shall be presented to the Convention Host Club to be paid into its activity account and be used for a community service project of its choosing.
Special Purposes Fund
Section 15. The District Special Purposes Fund shall be maintained in a separate deposit account.
Each year, any surplus remaining after the payment of all expenses of the District Change-Over
Function, or the District Convention or a Region Meeting, shall be credited to the Special Purposes
Fund. In addition to the provisions of Section 16 hereof, the Fund may be used at the discretion of
Cabinet to offset any loss incurred in the proper administration of a District Change-Over Function or a Region Meeting or a District Convention.
The Fund may also be used, on a limited basis, to subsidise the cost of a District Change-Over
Function or the cost of hospitality books at a District Convention, and a Multiple District Convention hosted by and held within the District now known as 201V2.
District Activities Fund.
Section 16. There shall be a District Activities Fund to fund District Activities as approved by Cabinet, to be administered as follows::
[a] Provided that Cabinet considers there is an adequate credit balance in the Funf, the Cabinet may approve expenditure on Activities approved by Cabinet.
(b) The Fund may not be over expended in any one year.
(c) An activity seeking funding under the terms of this Section shall submit to Cabinet a comprehensive report including full costing’s.
(d) The request should be in writing and shall be circulated to all Cabinet Members by the Cabinet
Secretary with Cabinet Papers prior to the Meeting where approval is requested.
(e) The Fund shall be financed by a contribution of $3.00 (three dollars) per Club Member or such lesser amount as Cabinet may decide from time to time. This amount shall be paid from Activities
(f) This amount as established from time to time shall be billed to Clubs with the second half yearly dues account, commencing with the billing on the 10 th day of February 2014.
Christmas Cake Sales
Section 17. Each year, the District's share of the proceeds from Christmas Cake sales made available by the Multiple District Council shall be applied in the following manner:
The gross proceeds shall be credited to the Lions International District 201 V2
Charitable Fund (the “Fund”), the trustees of which shall submit a financial report for inclusion in the
Convention papers. The Fund, under the control of three Trustees appointed by Cabinet, be applied to subsidising District Clubs on a one-for-one basis or such other club contribution, determined only after full disclosure of the club complete financial statements, and voted for by a two-thirds majority of the Cabinet members present for specific health purposes and/or authorities/institutions referred to in subsection 30-20 Health Table (1) and 30-45 Welfare Table (1) parts 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 of the Income
Tax Assessment Act 1997.Clubs seeking such a subsidy must first apply in writing to the Cabinet
Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Cabinet Meeting, who shall immediately refer all such applications to the Trustees of the Fund for their scrutiny and recommendation.
No club shall be eligible for more than one subsidy in any one Lions year; and at no time shall subsidies be approved which exceed the balance available in the Fund.
The Trustees may, at their absolute discretion, invest funds not immediately required in terms similar to those expressed in Article 7, Sections 8 & 25 of the Constitution. Interest Section 18. Interest earned on all District Funds shall be transferred to the Administration Account as it accrues and shall be taken into account when framing the annual administrative budget.
Section 19. There shall be an audit of all books of account of the District after the close of each financial year for presentation to the succeeding District Governor by the end of the month of August after he takes office, and also to the succeeding District Convention. The Auditor shall be appointed by Cabinet, but no person shall be so appointed unless he is a Registered Company Auditor or a member of the Australian Society of Accountants or of the Institute of Chartered Accountants or any professional body succeeding either of those bodies.
Balance of Funds
Section 20. Any balance of District Funds at the close of the financial year shall be handed to the incoming District Governor to be used solely in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
Multiple District Funds
Section 21. Any fees payable from time to time to the Multiple District Council shall be collected by the
Cabinet Treasurer and forwarded by him to the Executive Officer of the Multiple District Council.
Bonding of Officers
Section 22. An insurance policy to provide adequate fidelity bonding for the Cabinet Secretary and the
Cabinet Treasurer shall be effected by Cabinet at District expense.
Cabinet Treasurer
Section 23. The Cabinet Treasurer, under the supervision of the District Governor, shall carry out such duties relating to finance and accounts as the District Governor may assign to him. His books and accounts must be available at all times to the District Governor and any duly qualified Auditor appointed by the District Governor or the Cabinet.
Section 24. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 8 and 16 hereof, the Cabinet may invest funds not immediately required for the administration of the District in such investments as are authorised by the law of the State of Victoria or the Commonwealth of Australia for the investment of trust funds.
District Convention
Section 1. The District shall hold a Convention each year during the weekend immediately following the 1 st Tuesday in November.
Section 2. The city or town where a Convention shall be held shall be determined by the Convention held two years before the Convention in respect of which the application or decision is made.
Section 3. Any Club desiring to be Host Club of a District Convention shall make application in writing to the Cabinet Secretary at least sixty days prior to the date fixed for the opening of Convention at
which the decision will be made. Each application shall be certified as complying with current By Laws by the District Constitution & By Laws Chairman after consultation with the District Convention
Standing Committee.
Section 4. The District Governor and the Cabinet shall have the power to change at any time, for good reason, the Convention Host Club and/or the Convention Host City chosen by a Convention, and neither the District Governor nor the District nor any member of the Cabinet shall incur any liability thereby to any Club or any Club member in the District.
No Nomination
Section 5. If no nomination is submitted at the Convention in accordance with the provisions of this
Article or if the Convention should not accept any nomination duly made, the District Governor and first and second Vice District Governors (in office at the time when the decision would normally be made pursuant to Section 2 hereof) shall determine the location where the Convention shall be held after consultation with the Convention Standing Committee which must review any bid prepared in accordance with the By Laws by any nominating club.
Organising Committee
Section 6. As soon as practicable after the appointment of a Convention Host Club the District
Governor, in consultation with the second Vice District Governor, shall appoint a Convention
Organising Committee and a Chairman of that Committee shall act in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the relevant By-laws hereof
Section 7. The Delegates at each Convention shall be determined in accordance with the provision of the Constitution of the Association Section 8. The District Governor shall be a Delegate of the
Convention with full rights as such independent of the ordinary Delegate quota of his Club.
Rules of Procedure and Debate
Section 9. The rules governing procedure and debate at District Conventions shall be those contained in the By-laws hereof.
Hospitality Fees
Section 10. A hospitality fee, the amount of which shall be determined by Cabinet, shall be collected from each person who applies to attend each Convention. His fee shall be collected in advance by the
Convention Organising Committee and used exclusively to meet hospitality expenses. Such fees shall be handled by the Committee in the manner prescribed herein. Refunds of hospitality fees shall be made only at the discretion of the District Governor after all other claims for payment have been satisfied.
Section 11. Such fees as may be set for registration and/or hospitality shall not be collected from the
District Governor, the Cabinet Secretary, the Cabinet Treasurer, the Chairman of the Convention
Organising Committee, and others specified from time to time in the District Convention Manual, together with the partners of the persons aforementioned”.
Accounts and Audit
Section 12. Within sixty days of the close of each Convention, the Cabinet Secretary shall transmit a copy of the complete proceedings thereof to the Association and the District Governor and to each
Club which shall request the same in writing from the Cabinet Secretary within twenty-one days of the close of the Convention.
Convention Motions
Section 1. Subject to Sections 4 and 6 hereof the only motions to be considered at a Convention shall be those which:
[a] have been submitted in writing to the Cabinet Secretary not less than sixty days prior to the date ofopening of the Convention by a Club and which are signed by the Club's President or Secretary, or,
[b] have been approved by Cabinet for submission to the Convention not less than sixty days prior to the date of opening of the Convention.
[c] A Notice of Motion to vary District dues shall include a detailed statement explaining the reason for the variation sought and, if the variation is an increase, how it is to be applied. PROVIDED that the limit of sixty days shall be increased to ninety days in the case of a motion to establish a District
District Projects
Section 2. Any motion to establish a District Project must contain full organisational details of the project and the financial responsibilities of the Clubs which decide to participate in the Project; and where such details of a District Project are being amended, such motion to amend must contain
sufficient information to identify the effect of the amendment on the organisational details of the
Project and the financial responsibilities of the Clubs participating in the Project.
Notice to Clubs
Section 3. The Cabinet Secretary shall " or deliver to all Clubs within the District a copy of all motions to be placed before the Convention (and the basic information submitted on a motion relating to a
District Project) at least thirty days (or, in the case of motions to establish a District Project at least forty five days) prior to the opening of the Convention.
Late Notices of Motion
Section 4. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Article a motion (except any motion concerning the adoption of a District Project activity of any nature) may be considered by the
Convention as a Late Notice of Motion provided that:
[a] [i] it arises as a result of debate or action taken at the Convention relating to a motion received in time; or,
[ii] it arises as the result of a recommendation contained in an official forum report to the Convention on a matter pertaining to a topic scheduled for discussion at that forum; or,
[iii] it relates to a happening or event occurring between the due date for lodgement of motions and the commencement of the Convention and is approved by the District Governor as a proper matter for inclusion in the agenda of the Convention as a Late Notice of Motion; and:
[b] at least two thirds of the Delegates present and voting support the admission of such a motion to the Convention programme or agenda; and,
[c] the Late Notice of Motion is supported by a written submission signed by a Club President on behalf of his Club, or by the District Governor.
Delegates Voting
Section 5. A vote on any question may only be cast by a Delegate present (which for the purposes of this Article includes Alternate Delegates acting as Delegates).
Section 6. Sections 1, 3 and 4 of this Article shall not apply to motions of a formal nature.
Section 7. The attendance in person of a majority of the Delegates registered at a Convention shall constitute a quorum at any session of the Convention.
Section 8. Any motion carried at a Convention shall take effect at the close of the Convention unless otherwise specified in that motion.
Suspension or Cancellation of Club Charter
Section 1. Where the Charter of any Club within the District is cancelled by the Association the property of the Club including all moneys standing to its credit at any financial institution and all other funds shall forthwith vest in the District Governor who may receive all property, moneys and funds and give all necessary receipts and discharges to any person or persons or corporation for the time being holding such property, moneys or funds. The District may (if approved by Cabinet) satisfy any liabilities of such a Club and dispose of the net assets of the Club (if any) for the benefit of the District and the area in which the Club is situated, subject nevertheless to the law for the time being in force in the State of Victoria.
Status Quo
Section 2. Where any Chartered Club within the District is placed in Status Quo by the Association for any period, the District Governor may instruct any financial institution holding that Club's funds to suspend all operations on the Club's deposit account(s), and during such period no moneys may be withdrawn from the Club's account(s) without the written consent of the District Governor.
Upon the dissolution of this District either by agreement of the District in accordance with a resolution carried at a District Convention by a two-thirds majority of Delegates voting thereon or by decision of the Association, the property and assets of the District shall be vest in such other Lions Clubs or Lions
Districts and in such proportions as such resolution may provide or the Association (or in default the
Council of Multiple District 201) shall determine provided that all such funds shall be applied to charitable purposes within the meaning of the laws of the State of Victoria or to another Lions Club or
Clubs or Lions District constituted principally in the State of Victoria. Funds held for a particular purpose should be applied to a purpose as closely as is practicable to that purpose.
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended only at a Convention by a resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes cast on such motion to amend.
Section 2. Article 9 hereof shall apply to any notice of any motion to amend this Constitution.
Section 3. Each amendment to the Constitution shall take effect at the close of the Convention at which it was adopted unless otherwise specified in the motion to amend.
Subject to the Constitution of the Association and its By-laws and to this Constitution, a Convention shall have the power to make such By-laws as it shall deem necessary with respect to the conduct and administration of District Conventions and for the purpose of the Cabinet carrying out its Duties.
Such By-laws may be made, altered or repealed only at a Convention by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast.
Article 9 hereof shall apply to any notice of any motion to amend the By-laws.
Power to Distribute Funds
The income and property of the District, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the District and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of bonus, dividend or otherwise however by way of profit to Clubs or Club members or to relatives of such members, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of an honorarium to any Officer or servant of the District or to any Club member in return for any services actually rendered to the District or the payment of interest on any moneys borrowed by the
District from a Club or Club member.
District Property
At the conclusion of his term of office, the District Governor shall ensure that a complete inventory of
District property, listing the whereabouts of each item is handed to the incoming District Governor.
The provisions of the Constitution and By-laws of the Association shall take precedence over the provisions of this Constitution, and the provisions of this Constitution relating to matter affecting the
District shall take precedence over the Constitution and By-laws of Clubs within the District.
[i] A Club wishing to apply to be Convention Host Club shall have first obtained the endorsement of its membership to make such application.
[ii] In a written submission in support of its applications the applicant Club shall guarantee that a minimum of 700 good class bed accommodation is available within reasonable proximity of the proposed Convention Centre. The submission shall further provide details of the name, location and number of beds available a teach establishment within radii of 5, 20, 40 and 60 kilometres respectively of the proposed Convention Centre.
[iii] The submission shall also guarantee the availability of the following venue capacities of the proposed
Convention Centre:
* Opening Ceremony 600 persons
* Saturday Business Sessions 400 persons
* Saturday Night Function 650 persons
* Sunday Business Session 600 persons
* Sunday Luncheon 600 persons and the locations and current costs of such venues.
[iv] The applicant Club shall also provide evidence of the availability of suitable venues for:
* Key Members' Breakfast 100 persons
* Club Presidents' Luncheon 140 persons
* District Governor's Official Dinner 25 persons
* Past District Governors' Luncheon 25 persons should any or all of these functions be required.
[v] The applicant Club shall also affirm that suitable caterers and catering facilities are available for all functions detailed above, and shall include in its submission details of menus and current prices for such Functions.
[i] In accordance with the provisions of Article 8, Section 6 of this Constitution, the District Governor is responsible for the appointment of a Convention Organising Committee (hereinafter referred to as
("the Committee").
[ii] At the first opportunity after the declaration of "Host Club", the successful applicant shall provide the District Governor with the names of the members it proposes shall constitute the Committee and the name of the member it recommends for appointment as Chairman of the Committee, When confirmed by the District Governor, this Committee automatically becomes a "District Committee" and the Chairman an "Officer of the District".
The Chairman of the Convention Organising Committee shall be an "Officer of the District" for a twoyear term commencing from 1 July immediately following the declaration of "Host Club" and terminating on 30 June following the Convention organised by that "Host Club".
[iii) At the first opportunity, the Secretary of the "Host Club" shall confirm tentative bookings for all accommodation and venues, and advise the District Governor in writing that this has been done.
[iv] The Chairman of the Committee is to ensure that the Convention Standing Committee, appointed by Cabinet is invited to all meetings of the Committee. The committee must work in accordance with the requirements of the current District Convention Manual.
[v] Official Guests, Guest Speakers, arrangements for Remembrance and Flag Ceremonies etc., and all programming details are the sole responsibility of the Convention District Governor.
[vi] Minutes are to be kept of all meetings of the Committee, copies of which are to be forwarded within seven days of each such meeting to the District Governor of the day, the Cabinet Secretary, the
Cabinet Treasurer and all members of the Convention Standing Committee and the Lion who would be District Governor.
[i] All moneys received by the Committee shall be deposited in the District Convention Account under the control of the Cabinet. No separate banking account may be opened by the Committee.
[ii] All payments in respect of Convention expenses (or refunds) shall be made by cheque drawn by the Cabinet Treasurer following receipt of a written request authorised by the Committee Chairman.
[iii] No commitment of funds by way of donation etc. shall be made without the written approval of the
Convention District Governor.
[ivl Prior to 31 December in the calendar year preceding the Convention, the Committee shall submit a preliminary budget of anticipated Convention receipts and expenditure to the District Governor and all members of the Convention Standing Committee. The budget shall be divided into administrative and hospitality functions.
[v] Prior to 30 April in the year of the Convention, a final budget including the proposed price of hospitality books must be submitted by the Committee to Cabinet for its approval. The Convention
Standing Committee must be consulted in the preparation of this budget.
[vi] Within one month of the conclusion of the Convention, the Committee shall forward the Record of
Receipts, all receipt books, invoices and final accounts relative to the Convention to the Cabinet
Treasurer.The Committee shall include with these records all claims for refunds of accommodation deposits or hospitality fees, and shall indicate whether these claims are recommended for payment.
[i] Should Cabinet decide that Lions merchandise will be sold at the Convention, the Committee is to ensure that an intensive inventory cheek is made both at the receipt and dispatch of merchandise from and to the Australian Office of Lions Clubs International. Copies of such inventory checks are to be forwarded to the Cabinet Treasurer without delay. In the event of merchandise received not being in accordance with dispatch advices, the Multiple District Council 0ffice is to be advised of the discrepancy without delay, and a copy of the advice forwarded to the Cabinet Treasurer.
[ii] The Committee shall consult with the Cabinet Treasurer in relation to mark-up to be applied to all merchandise.
[iii] No goods or merchandise other than those approved by the District Governor may be sold at a
Convention and any profit derived from the sale of such merchandise (other than from District pins) shall be used to help defray Convention administrative costs.
Unless specifically approved in writing by the District Governor, the sale of raffle tickets or other fundraising activities shall not be permitted at Conventions.
The District Governor shall appoint the following Convention Committees and shall designate the
Chairman of each Committee:
* Credentials Committee
* Rules & Resolutions Committee
* Constitution & By-Laws Committee
* Nomination Committee
* Elections Committee and may appoint such other Convention Committees and the Chairmen thereof as he deems fit, and shall designate their duties.
Except where the management of venues, where convention hospitality functions are to be held, reserves the exclusive right to the service of alcoholic beverages, the Convention Organising
Committee shall include in draft budget documents (referred to in By-law 1 [c] hereof) details of bulk purchase prices and proposed cost of individual serves of all alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to be provided at hospitality functions.
All moneys associated with the provision of such beverages shall be treated in accordance with Bylaw 1 [c].
Where these rules do not cover a particular situation, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the rules laid down in the publication entitled: "Joske's Law and Procedure at Meetings in Australia" as amended from time to time; and where the particular situation is not covered by either these rules or the said publications the Chairman shall make a ruling.
In these rules:
[a] "Business Session" means each separate half day of the Convention at which a vote of the
Delegates may need to be taken.
[b] "Chairman" means the District Governor of District 201 V2 (or any person lawfully acting in his stead) presiding at a Convention of this District.
[c] "Convention" means any properly constituted Convention of this District.
[d] "Delegate" means any Club Delegate registered for the Convention and any registered Alternate
Delegate when acting as a Delegate.
[e] "Quorum" means a majority of the Delegates registered for the Convention.
[f] "Formal Motions" shall include:
[i] The closure.
Iii] Proceed to next business.
[iii] Adjournment of debate to a later time at this Convention.
[v] Adjournment of debate to another Convention.
[v] Adjournment of debate indefinitely.
[vi] That the question lie on the cable.
[vii] That the speaker be no longer heard.
In these Rules:
[a] "THE CLOSURE" This motion is used if carried to terminate debate and bring a matter to the vote.
The form in which this motion is moved is: "THAT THE QUESTION BE NOW PUT". This motion may be applied to an amendment as well as motion. If this motion is carried a vote must be immediately taken on the question before the chair without right of reply by the mover of the original motion or further discussion or amendment of the motion or amendment to which it applies.
[b] "PROCEED TO NEXT BUSINESS" This motion is used if carried to shelve for the time being the particular matter then before the Convention. The form in which this motion is moved is: "THAT THE
CONVENTION PROCEED TO THE NEXT BUSINESS". This motion may be moved even though an amendment is being considered in which case, if carried, the Convention resumes discussion on the main motion.
[c] "ADJOURNMENT OF DEBATE" These motions are used, if carried to adjourn the particular matter being debated (both motion and amendments) after which the Convention continues to deal other business. The form in which these motions are moved is:
These motions cannot be amended, discussed or debated other than that amendments may be discussed as to the time or date of the Convention at which the adjourned debate is to be resumed.
Should Motion [iii] above be carried the matter which was adjourned may be reintroduced at another
Convention on due notice being given.
This motion is used, if carried to defer further discussion on the matter before the Convention and the
Convention proceeds to the next business. There can be a subsequent motion to take the question or matter from the table. If the question or matter shall not have been taken from the table before the rising of the Convention, the question or matter shall be deemed to have lapsed. The form in which this motion is moved
"THAT THIS QUESTION (OR MATTER) LIE ON THE TABLE". This motion may be applied to an amendment as well as a motion. If carried on an amendment the original motion is also laid on the table.
[e] "THAT THE SPEAKER BE NO LONGER HEARD" The form in which this motion is moved is:
SPEAKER BE NO LONGER HEARD". If this motion is accepted by the Chairman, the person who was speaking must immediately resume his seat until the motion is voted upon. If the motion is lost he may continue to speak.
[f] Nothing herein shall restrict the ability of the Chairman to accept a Formal Motion not listed herein and to bring the same before the Convention.
In these Rules:
[a] Formal Motions require to be seconded; and,
[b] Formal Motions cannot be moved or seconded by anyone who has moved, seconded or spoken on the matter immediately under consideration; and,
[c] The Chairman has the discretion as to whether he will allow Formal Motions to be moved.
[d] The mover of a Formal Motion has no right of reply.
[e] In addition to the qualifications referred to above, the following Formal Motions cannot be amended discussed or debated:
[i] The closure
[ii] Proceed to next business;
[iii] That the question lie on the table;
[ivl That the speaker be no longer heard.
[f] The following formal motions may not be moved whilst another person is speaking:
[i] Proceed to next business;
[ii] Adjournment of debate;
[iii] That the question lie on the table.
[g] The following formal motions may be moved whilst another person is Speaking:
[i] The closure;
[ii] That the speaker be no longer heard.
Rule 5. QUORUM
Should there be no quorum, a business session shall not commence or if commenced and a quorum ceases to be present, the session shall be adjourned by the Chairman.
Except in the case of a resolution to suspend Standing Orders, business at a convention shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the business paper or agenda prepared by the District Governor
(or other officer appointed by the District Governor) except that where notices of motion are materially related they may, at the discretion of the Chairman, be dealt with Consecutively.
[a] The Chairman shall preside over and control the Convention and may require any speaker to cease speaking and resume his seat if he speaks over his time or does not keep to the point under discussion or is disorderly.
[b] Notwithstanding what appears elsewhere in these Rules, the Chairman may at any time request the approval of the Convention:
[ii] To suspend Standing Orders for a definite time or until a defined event in either case to be stated by the Chairman.
[ii] To adjourn a matter under discussion to later in the order of business, or to some other time, in either case to be stated by the Chairman.
[iii] To grant leave to a person who is not a Delegate to address the Convention.
[iv] To terminate the debate if in his opinion reasonable discussion has taken place.
[c] The Chairman may, at his discretion, refuse to accept notices of motion, motions and/or amendments if in his opinion:
[i] They are ambiguous; or,
[ii] They are unconstitutional; or,
[iii] They are invalid; or,
[iv] They are procedurally out of order; or
[v] They have not been received, analysed and, if necessary redrafted by the Resolutions Chairman or the Constitution & By-Laws Chairman.
[d] During the course of a Convention, the Chairman may require any notice of motion, motion and/or amendment to be given in writing, and may require any motion or amendment to be divided.
The Chairman of a Convention may exercise voting rights only if:
[a] He is the District Governor; or,
[b] He is a person who is acting in the place of the District Governor and who is also a Delegate; AND he exercises that right before the result of the vote or ballot is known.
In the event of an equal number of votes being cast on any question, the Chairman shall have a casting vote which shall be used to preserve the status Quo.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 19 hereof, an Officer of the District or a Past District Governor
(being a member in good standing of a Club in this District) who is not a Delegate shall be entitled to move or second or speak to a motion or amendment but shall not be entitled to cast a vote.
Points of order may be raised by any Delegate at a Convention at any time and shall immediately be ruled upon by the Chairman.
In accordance with the provisions of Rule 1. hereof, where a dispute arises on a matter of procedure or a point of order the Chairman shall make a ruling and such ruling shall be final.
Subject to the admissibility of late notices of motion as defined in Article 9 of the Constitution, the
Chairman may in his discretion allow motions to admit late notices of motion to be dealt with singly or in groups of late notices of Motion.
Rule 13. MOTIONS
A motion shall be affirmative in form and shall be the property of a Convention when it has been moved and seconded and accepted by the Chairman, and cannot be withdrawn without the permission of the mover and seconder and the consent of the Convention. A seconder of any motion or amendment shall not be entitled to reserve his speech.
An amendment to a motion shall become the property of a Convention when it has been duly moved and seconded and accepted by the Chairman. Such amendment may add to, or alter, but shall not directly negate the original motion or be of such a nature that the original motion loses its identity.
Only one amendment to a motion at a time shall be dealt with, but a further amendment may be foreshadowed.
If an amendment is passed then the motion as amended shall become the motion before the
Convention and may be further amended. If the amendment is defeated the motion being debated remains the motion before the Convention.
The mover and seconder of a motion may, by their mutual consent, incorporate into their motion a proposed amendment provided that the amendment does not include matter requiring notice. Where the proposed amendment does include such matter, the motion as so amended shall only be accepted if it is in conformity with the provisions of Article 9 of the Constitution.
Subject to anything else contained in these Rules, the mover of a motion shall be entitled to a right of reply which must be exercised immediately prior to the motion being finally put to the vote. The
subject matter of the reply must be limited to matters raised in opposition and shall not include new material. There is no right of reply to an amendment.
Subject to the provisions of Rule 9 hereof, a person who is not a Delegate at a Convention (or an
Alternate Delegate acting as a Delegate) shall not move or second a motion or an amendment or cast any vote.
The Chairman shall permit the mover and seconder of a motion or an amendment to speak thereon, to be followed by two speakers against the motion or amendment then alternately one speaker for and one speaker Against.
A person wishing to speak to a motion or an amendment at a Convention shall rise to his feet and remain in his place until recognised by the Chairman.
Except as prescribed in Article 6 of the Constitution, the mover of a motion shall be permitted to speak for no longer than five minutes and any other speaker thereon shall be permitted to speak for no longer than three minutes, provided however that the Convention may grant to the mover or any other speaker thereon an extension or extensions of time of not more than three minutes each.
A person speaking upon a motion or an amendment shall confine himself strictly to the subject matter of that motion or amendment, and in the event of failing to do so, shall accept lawful directions from the Chairman.
[a] Except by way of explanation or by way of query or by way of answering a question directly put, and in each case with the permission of the Chairman, no person other than the mover shall speak more than once upon a Motion.
[b] A person shall not move or second more than one amendment to each motion. However, he may speak to amendments moved by others.
Apart from powers exercised by the Chairman speaker may only be interrupted by:
[a] The raising of a point of order;
[b] A motion: "That the question be now put"; or,
[c) A motion: "That the speaker be no longer heard".
Should a motion be lost, it is competent for a Convention at that Convention by a two-thirds majority of the Delegates present and voting to resolve to re-discuss it, whereupon the lost motion may be moved and seconded again and then debated and voted upon to the intent that it may be dealt with by an ordinary majority of Delegates present and voting.
[a] Should a motion be passed it is competent for a Convention at that Convention by a two-thirds majority of the Delegates present and voting to resolve to re-discuss it, whereupon a motion to rescind may be moved seconded and debated and voted upon to the intent that the motion to rescind may be passed by an ordinary majority of Delegates present and voting.
[b] No motion to rescind a resolution carried at any prior Convention shall be accepted if action has already been taken pursuant to such resolution which cannot be undone and the decision of the District
Governor in office at the time when the motion to rescind would otherwise be brought before the
Convention shall be final in determining whether or not such action can be Undone.
[a] Unless otherwise requested by the incoming District Governor, the annual District Change-Over
Function shall be held on or as near as practicable to, the same day on which the Convention of the
Association is scheduled to end its business in each particular year.
[b] The venue for each such function shall be determined by the Cabinet.
[c] A Committee shall be appointed by Cabinet to attend to the organisational details of the function and such Committee shall observe the following guidelines:
[i] At the Cabinet meeting immediately following its appointment, the Committee shall submit to
Cabinet for approval a budget of anticipated receipts and expenditure for the proposed function. The
Cabinet Treasurer must be consulted in the preparation of the budget.
[ii] After approval of the budget Cabinet shall decide on the price of the tickets for the function. The
Special Purposes Fund may be used to provide a subsidy, the amount of which is to be determined by Cabinet, to assist defray the cost of the function.
[iii] All moneys received by the Committee shall be passed to the Cabinet Treasurer who shall deposit same in the Special Purposes Fund.
[iv] All payments in respect of the function shall be made by cheque drawn by the Cabinet Treasurer in accordance with the requirements of this Constitution.
The Association has provided that there shall be a special 100% Club Secretary Award which may only be obtained (at the respective Club's cost) with the express consent of the District Governor of the relevant year. Before giving such consent, the District Governor shall satisfy himself that the
Secretary in question has complied with all of the following requirements:
[a] The Secretary shall have been recommended for the award by his Club's Board of Directors in the following way:
[i] At its last meeting for the financial year the Board shall have unanimously passed a resolution that:
[ii] A copy of the above resolution certified by the Club President as being correct is to be forwarded to the District Governor within seven days of the meeting at which the resolution was passed.
[b] The Secretary shall have:
[i] Attended the Club Officer School for Secretaries arranged by the District prior to the commencement of his term of office.
[ii] Attended the Region Meeting appropriate to his Club held in July/August of his year of office.
[iii] Correctly completed and forwarded all M & A Reports so as to reach the Cabinet Secretary by the designated monthly cut-off date which has been determined for that Lions year. An allowance may be made, depending on the overall general efficiency of the Secretary, for one M & A Report to be late provided that it is received by the Cabinet Secretary no later than the fifth day following the designated cut-off date.
[iv] Correctly completed all returns, including Form PU 101, required by the District and Multiple
District administration and shall have forwarded the same to the Cabinet Secretary by the due dates.
[v] Promptly attended to all items of correspondence received from the Association, the Multiple
District and the District administrations.
In the event of there being a vacancy in the office of District Governor or Vice Governor, the same shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Association for District
Governor Vacancy filling procedure.
Every candidate seeking election to the position of District Governor or first and second Vice District
Governor shall comply with the following prescriptions:
[a] No form of electioneering shall take place until sixty days prior to the opening of the Convention at which the subject election is to take place.
[b] Electioneering material:
[i] Electioneering material shall be limited to one sheet of paper which shall not exceed A4 (210mm x
297mm) in size, but which may be printed on both sides thereof. The material shall contain a statement of facts on the candidate's history, family and professional or business background, and may contain a statement by the candidate on his policies for his term of office if elected.
[ii] If the material is to contain a photograph of the candidate, it shall be current photograph which does not depict any other persons.
[iii] The material may include a report by the candidate's nominating Club.
[iv] Three copies of the material shall be submitted in advance to the District Governor together with a written statement from the Secretary of the nominating Club verifying the correctness of the information contained in the statement of facts and, if included, the report by the Club.
[vl If the material is approved by the District Governor, he shall immediately advise the candidate of such approval and the material may not subsequently be altered or amended in any way.
[vi] The approved material as herein defined may be distributed by the candidate or the nominating
Club, but only once, and in any event not later than fourteen days prior to the opening of the
Convention at which the subject election is to take place, to each Club Secretary and/or Club
President and/or District 0fficer except that one copy of the material may also be included in the Convention material handed to each
Lion attending the Convention. However, otherwise than as detailed above, no electioneering material of any description shall be distributed or handed out or published at Conventions.
[c] No organised functions, receptions, give-aways or similar promotions in support of a candidate shall be permitted.
[d] No candidate or candidates or other persons shall call together any Clubs, Zones or Regions for the purpose of electioneering, nor shall any candidate or candidates address any such group without the specific written permission of the District Governor.
[c] A candidate who is also a District Officer shall not at any time, use his official position for the purpose of electioneering.
[d] Provided that it is submitted in sufficient time for publication and is verified to the District Governor in the manner described in sub-clause [b] [v] hereof, a statement of facts (of not more than 500 words) on each candidate's history, family and professional or business background shall be included in the October issue of the District Governor's Newsletter.
[g] Except as is constitutionally permitted, no candidate shall be projected at the Convention at which the subject election is to be held.
[h] In the event that any candidate or person acting on behalf of any candidate shall contravene any of the prescriptions of this By-law, the District Governor or a person nominated by him shall, immediately prior to the subject election, inform the Delegates assembled of such contravention.
In consultation with the District Governor Elect, the District Governor shall set a date by which time all
Region Chairmen, Zone Chairmen and District Chairmen shall pass to their successors all records appropriate to their respective offices. Non-compliance with the provisions of this By-law shall preclude any of the aforementioned officers from achieving 100% status with respect to their Office.
Updated 11 th November 2012.