The principle of discrimination or civilian/non

I. Teorija pravične vojne
a. Klasična besedila
Tomaž Akvinski, »Whether it is always sinful to wage a war?«
Joseph Boyle, »Just war thinking in Catholic natural law«
John Finnis, »The ethics of war and peace in the Catholic natural law tradition«
Robert Holmes, »St. Augustine and the justification of war«
Alexandre Moseley, »John Locke's morality of war«
Brian Orend, »Kant's ethics of war and peace«
Paul Ramsey, »The just war according to St. Augustine«
Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars, (izbrani odlomki)
Michael Walzer, »The moral standing of states« + David Luban, »The romance of the nation- state«
b. Sodobni zagovorniki teorije pravične vojne
David Luban, »Just war and human rights«
Vinko Ošlak, Mir in vojna, Ljubljana: Društvo Apokalipsa, 2004. (izbrana poglavja)
Michael Walzer, »The triumph of just war theory«
c. Kritike teorije pravične vojne
Robert Holmes, »Can war be morally justified? The Just War Theory«
Kenneth W. Kemp, »Just war theory – a reconceptualization«
Frances M. Kamm, »Failures of just war theory: terror, harm and justice«, Ethics 114; 650-694.
Jeff McMahan, »Unjust war«
Rob Lawlor, »Luck, evidence and war« (ali je pravičnost vojne lahko odvisna od njenega izida?)
David Rodin, War and self-defence (izbrani odlomki)
II. Alternative teoriji pravične vojne
R.B. Brandt, »Utilitarianism and the rules of war«
Richard M. Hare, »Rules of war and moral reasoning«
Kenneth W. Kemp, »Just war theory and its non-pacifist rivals«
Bruce W. Jentleson, »Preventive diplomacy: analytical conclusions and policy lessons«
a. (Zunanje-)politični realizem in njegovi kritiki
William O'Brien, »The challenge of war: a Christian realist perspective«
Robert Holmes, »Political realism: the challenge to morality in international affairs«
Jeff McMahan, »Realism, morality, and war«
David R. Mapel, »Realism and the ethics of war and peace«
Hans Morgenthau, »Šest načel političnega realizma«
Felix E. Oppenheim, »Racionalnost in zunanjepolitični cilji«
Felix E. Oppenheim, »Racionalnost, morala in posebne vrste zunanje politike«
Michael Walzer, »Against 'realism'«
b. Pacifizem in njegovi kritiki
Elisabeth Anscombe, »War and murder«
G.C. Field, »Pacifism as a policy«
G.C. Field, »Pacifism as an individual duty«
Robert Holmes, »The alternative to war«
Aldous Huxley, Različna besedila (v slovenščini)
John Keegan, »The origins of war« in »Can there be an end to war?«
Larry May, »Grotius and contingent pacifism«
Jeff McMahan, »The pacifist challenge«
Nikolaj Tolstoj, »Božje kraljestvo v vas«
Michael Walzer, »Political action: the problem of dirty hands«
III. Zgodovinski zgledi:
a. Druga svetovna vojna:
Stephen E. Garrett, »Ustrahovalno bombardiranje nemških mest v II. svetovni vojni«
Carl Lesnor, »The 'good' war«
Igor Primoratz, »The Bombing of German Cities in World War II: The Moral Issue”
Michael Walzer, »World war II: why was this war different?«
b. Jedrsko oboroževanje, zastraševanje/odvračanje in uporaba jedrskega orožja:
Robert Holmes, »Nuclear deterrence: the illusion of security«
Gregory S. Kavka, »Nuclear hostages«
Douglas P. Lackey, »Missiles and morals: a utilitarian look at nuclear deterrence«
Felix Oppenheim, »Morala in jedrsko zastraševanje«
c. Irak:
Michael Byers, »The shifting foundations of international law: a decade of forceful measures against Iraq«
Christine Gray, »From unity to polarization: international law and the use of force against Iraq«
Jeff McMahan, »Unjust war in Iraq«
David Mellow, »Iraq: A morally justified resort to war«
Dale T. Snauwaert, »The Bush doctrine and just war theory«
Fernando R. Teson, »Ending tyranny in Iraq«
Michael Walzer, »Five questions on Iraq«
d. Jugoslavija
Henry Shue, »Bombing to rescue?: NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia«
Bližnji vzhod:
Michael Walzer, »The four wars of Israel/Palestine«
e. Vojna proti terorizmu:
Joseph Boyle, »Just war doctrine and the military response to terrorism«
Karsten J. Struhl, »Is war a morally legitimate response to terrorism?«
IV. Jus ad bellum
Zahteva po pravičnem povodu ali razlogu za vojno ('just cause')
(i) splošne, načelne razprave
Thomas Hurka, »Liability and just cause«
Kenneth W. Kemp, »Punishment as a just cause for war«
James Turner Johnson, »Threats, values and defense: Does the defense of values by force remain a moral
Jeff McMahan, »Just cause for war«
David Rodin, »National defense and international law«
David Rodin, »War and defense of persons«
David Rodin, »War and the common life«
(ii) Za in proti humanitarnim intervencijam
Alex J. Belamy, »Responsibility to protect or Trojan horse? The crisis in Darfour and humanitarian intervention
after Iraq«
Gillian Brock, »Humanitarian intervention: closing the gap between theory and practice«
Chris Brown, »Selective humanitarianism: in defense of inconsistency«
Allen Buchanan, »Secession, state breakdown and humanitarian intervention«
Noam Chomsky, »Assessing humanitarian intent«
Noam Chomsky, »'In the name of principles and values'«
Christine Chwaszcza, »Secession, humanitarian intervention and the normative significance of political
C.A.J. Coady, »The ethics of armed humanitarian intervention«
C.A.J. Coady, »War for humanity: a critique«
Tom J. Farer, »The ethics of intervention in self-determination struggles«
Lucas, »From jus ad bellum to jus ad pacem: re-thinking just-war criteria for the use of military force for
humanitarian ends«
Rex Martin, »Just wars and humanitarian interventions«
Richard W. Miller, »Respectable oppressors, hypocritical liberators: morality, intervention and reality«
Henry Shue, »Bombing to rescue?: NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia«
George R. Fernando Teson, »Ending tyranny in Iraq«
Michael Walzer, »The politics of rescue«
Iris Marion Young, »Violence against power: critical thoughts on military intervention«
(iii) Izvoz demokracije z vojaškimi sredstvi
Simon Chesterman, »Occupation as liberation. International humanitarian law and regime change«
Dieter Janssen, »Preventive defense and forcible regime change. A normative assessment«
Michael Walzer, »Regime change and just war«
(iv) Preventivne in pre-emptivne vojne
Michael L. Byers, »Preemptive self-defence: hegemony, equality and strategies of legal change«
Randall R. Dipert, »Preventive war and the epistemological dimension of the morality of war«
John L. Hammond, »The Bush doctrine, preventive war and international law«
Whitley Kaufman, »What's wrong with preventive war? The moral and legal basis for the use of preventive
Jeff McMahan, »Preventive war and the killing of the innocent«
Judith Lichtenberg, »Pre-emption and exceptionalism in the U.S. foreign policy«
David Luban, »Preventive war«
Suzanne Uniacke, »Can pre-emptive war be self-defence?«
Jus in bello
(i) Zahteva po sorazmernosti
Gary D. Brown, »Proportionality and just war«
Paul Gilbert, »Proportionality in the conduct of war«
Thomas Hurka, »Proportionality in the morality of war« (dovolj za dva)
David Mellow, »Counterfactuals and the proportionality criterion«
(ii) Zahteva po razlikovanju med legitimnimi in nelegitimnimi tarčami napada oz. načelo nedotakljivosti
Richard J. Arneson, »Just warfare theory and non-combatant immunity«
Michael Clark, »Self-defence against the innocent«
C.A.J. Coady, »Terrorism and innocence«
Robert Holmes, »The killing of innocent persons in wartime«
Troy Jollimore, »Terrorism, war and the killing of the innocent«
Christopher Kutz, »The difference uniforms make: collective violence in criminal law and war«
Scott C. Lowe, »Terrorism and just war theory«
Larry May, »Killing naked soldiers: distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants«
Jeff McMahan, »The basis of moral liability to defensive killing«
Jeff McMahan, »Collectivist defenses of the moral equality of combatants«
Jeff McMahan, »On the moral equality of combatants«
Jeff McMahan, “The ethics of killing in war,” Ethics, 114 (2004), 693–733
George Mavrodes, »Conventions and the morality of war«
Thomas Nagel, »War and massacre«
Gerhard Overland, »Killing soldiers«
Lionel McPherson , “Innocence and responsibility in war,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 34 (2004), 485–
Igor Primoratz, »Civilian immunity in war« (dostopno v hrvaškem prevodu pod naslovom 'Zaštićenost civila u
Igor Primorac, »Nedotakljivost civilistov v teoriji pravične vojne Michaela Walzerja«
Burleigh Taylor Wilkins, »Innocence, just wars and terrorism«
(iii) Za in proti suspenzu načela nedotakljivosti v primeru višje sile oz. nepojmljive grožnje ('supreme
emergency exception')
Thomas Mertens, »Kant's cosmopolitan values and supreme emergencies«
John Rawls, The Law of Peoples (izbrani odlomki)
Statman, Daniel, »Moral tragedies, supreme emergencies and national defence«
Statman, Daniel, »Supreme emergencies revisited«
Toner, Christopher, »Just war and the supreme emergency exemption«
Michael Walzer, »Emergency ethics«
Jus Post Bellum
Gary J. Bass, »Jus post bellum«
David Cooper, »Collective responsibility, 'moral luck' and reconciliation«
Anthony Ellis, »What should we do with war criminals?«
Margaret Gilbert, »Collective remorse«
Margaret Moore, »The ethics of secession and postinvasion Iraq«
Brian Orend, »Jus post bellum«
Brian Orend, »Justice after war«
Margaret Urban Walker, »Restorative justice and reparations«
Moralna in kazenska odgovornost za sodelovanje v agresiji in vojnih zločinih ter za njuno podporo
Hannah Arendt, Eichmann v Jeruzalemu (izbrana poglavja)
Camillo Bica, »Opposing the war and/or supporting the warrior: the moral obligations of citizens in an immoral
war« + komentar Ovadia Ezra, »Moral obligations and immoral wars«
Neta C. Crawford, »Individual and collective moral responsibility for systemic military atrocity«
David Estlund, »On following orders in an unjust war«
Richard Falk, »Accountability for war crimes and the legacy of Nuremberg«
Peter French, »Unchosen evil and moral responsibility«
Paul Formosa, »Moral responsibility for banal evil«
H. Ingierd & H. Syse, »Responsibility and culpability in war«
Richard W. Miller, »Nationalist morality and crimes against humanity«
Sanford Levinson, »Responsibility for crimes of war«
Anthony F. Lang ml., »Crime and punishment: holding states accountable«
Larry May, »Act and circumstance in the crime of agression«
Larry May, »Collective responsibility, honor and the rules of war«
Larry May, »Prosecuting military leaders for war crimes«
Paul Kutz, Complicity (izbrani odlomki)
Michael Slote, »War crimes and virtue ethics«
Michael Walzer, »Two kinds of military responsibility«
Burleigh Taylor Wilkins, »Responsibility for the My Lai massacre«
Potreba po reformi mednarodnega prava in ustanov v luči spremenjenega značaja vojaških spopadov v
Allen Buchanan & Robert Keohane, »The preventive use of force: a cosmopolitan institutional proposal«
Allen Buchanan, »Institutionalizing the just war« (za dva)
Jeff McMahan, »The morality of war and the law of war«
Eric Neumayr, »A new moral hazard? Military intervention, peace-keeping and the International Criminal
Richard Wasserstrom, »The relevance of Nuremberg«
Jus ex bello
Darrel Mollendorf (2008), “Jus ex Bello”, Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (2), 123–136.