The Kite Runner- Literary Essay

The Kite Runner- Literary Essay
DUE: Thursday, July 23
Our study of the Kite Runner culminates with a literary essay in which you prove a thesis using critical analysis. This essay is part of your
summative assessment and is worth 5% of your final mark. The oral presentation (you will receive another handout for the oral presentation) is
also worth 5%.
Choose one of the following topics, all of which come from previous Board-wide 4U exams over the past few years:
 To what extent does ONE character’s struggle to escape his/her past contribute to the development of theme in The Kite Runner?
 Analyze the extent to which conflict is essential to the theme of a work studied in this course.
 With reference to The Kite Runner, to what extent is a central character enlightened or changed by his/her main quest?
 To what extent do relationships contribute to the central character’s ultimate understanding of himself/herself in The Kite Runner.
 Show how the author’s use of imagery and/or symbolism reveals theme OR reinforces aspects of character in The Kite Runner.
 Assess how betrayal and/or treachery develop character AND theme in The Kite Runner.
Your essay must:
be typed using 12 point, Times New Roman font, and double spaced
be between 1000 – 1500 words (under 500 words is considered below level in Communication)
use a minimum of four quotations from the novel, punctuated and formatted properly
have a properly formatted ‘Works Cited’ page (you will only have one source: the novel)
follow the essay format outlined in the 4U Handbook (an introduction, body paragraphs- at least three body paragraphs, and a
 have a cover page, with a title for the essay, the due date, the name of the course and the teacher’s name
 include also:
1) brainstorming notes,
2) an outline with: a thesis statement; a directional statement; the topic sentence for each of your three supporting arguments (topic
sentence must clearly state BOTH the point you will be discussing in the paragraph AND how this point adds to your argument)
5) at least ONE passage from the novel you will use as support for EACH of the arguments
6) a concluding sentence for each of your three supporting arguments (concluding sentence must state how your point and evidence
support the thesis)