Study Guide – Test 1 Personality Psych (255) Fall, 2014 Material: Lecture notes Readings: Funder - Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Furr (2002) Larson & Buss – Chapter 15, pp. 270-275, 287-292 Factor Analysis reading Wagerman & Funder (2006) Judge et al. (2008) Vazire & Carlson (2010) Topics Intro to personality psychology Personality Assessment Purposes of assessment (when/where is it done) Clues to personality o BLIS strategies of personality assessment) Be able to describe each, identify examples of each Know pros and cons of each What is a hypothetical construct or latent variable? What’s its connection to personality assessment? What are some of the key challenges to personality assessment? Are they all unique/particular to personality psychology – be able to explain Personality Tests o S-data vs b-data tests o Projective vs objective tests (eg, Rorschach, Draw-a-person, TAT) What is the logic of a “projective” test? Why would projective tests be used? What is a key psychometric problem with Rorschach test? Methods of scale construction - Rational, factor-analytic, empirical (describe, know strengths/limitations) Quality of measurement o Reliability (Generalizability) What is reliability? What is “measurement error”(describe, note examples) What level of reliability is good? Methods of evaluation reliability: Test-retest rel, Internal consistency rel Aggregation as way of enhancing reliability (see also Furr 2002) o Validity What is validity? Ways of evaluating validity: content validity, convergent validity, discriminant (describe; why are these important?) o Generalizbility Scientific Methods Research Designs (describe each, know strengths/weaknesses of each) o Case studies o Passive/Nonexperimental Designs (AKA “Correlational”) o Experimental Designs o Which is most common in personality psych and why? o What is the third variable problem? Which design(s) is it a problem for? Why? How does the experimental design (ideally) eliminate it? o Representative designs Statistics – interpreting results of a study o Descriptive statistics - correlation coefficient, means, etc Correlations What is it? Range, magnitude, direction, scatterplot (be able to interpret) Interpretation What is “big”? BESD Effect sizes more generally, what are they? Be able to interpret the meaning of a correlation or set of correlations (eg from Wagerman & Funder) o Inferential Statistics (significance testing) What question does NHST address? What does a p value represent? Type 1 and Type II errors – what are they? Does significant = important? Ethics Trait Perspective on Personality: Conceptual Issues Theoretical issue - Basics about traits o What are traits? o Causal entities or descriptive labels? o Why do we prefer thinking in terms of “traits” instead of “types” Theoretical issue - What are the fundamental traits? o Approaches – theoretical and atheoretical o Lexical hypothesis – what is it, what are the criteria for identifying the key traits? o Factor analysis What is it for? How does it work, conceptually? o The Five Factor Model (FFM, AKA the Big Five) What are the factors? Are they universal? How should we think about them? Factors and facets – what are “facets” of the factors? Criticisms of the FFM? Using personality traits – approaches (Funder text). o Single trait approach – specific traits of particular interest EG, Self-monitoring & Narcissism – what are they? Know some empirical findings o Many trait approach EG California Q-set – what is it, how has it been used and what are some examples of findings (see the non-clinical depression example, below, from class, and political orientation from book) o Essential trait approach o See the questions (above), related to “What are the fundamental traits” and the Big Five Using personality traits – goals. (see below for detailed questions) o Understand an individual o Understand a group (prototypical group member) o Understand the personality implications of an important psychological quality or behavior o Predict behavior, feelings o Predict important events in life (death) Criticisms of the trait approach o Mischel’s (1968) “situationist” arguments & responses to it o The “Person-situation debate” o The theoretical implications of behavioral predictability and consistency (or the lack thereof) o Responses to the situationist position Trait Perspective on Personality: Practical importance via Illustrative Applications/Findings Study on non-clinical depression o California Q-sort (Lecture and Funder) o Self-perceptions of people with NCD, behaviors associated with NCD, behavioral responses to NCD, long-term social effects of NCD Personality and worklife o Judge et al (2008) What types of organizational outcomes have been examined? What is a meta-analysis? In general, do personality traits (in the form of the Big 5, let’s say) seem to be related to the organizational outcomes? Which trait(s) is/are most strongly related to job performance? In general, which traits are most strongly related to organizational outcomes, and which are less so? What are concerns/criticisms of the link between personality and organizational outcomes, and what are the authors’ responses? Do you believe the authors’ responses – if not why not? Are there other criticisms/concerns that you’d raise? What is most interesting to you about this research, what it the most surprising? What are some of the directions for future research (unanswered questions) that the authors raise? Personality and Romantic Relationships (Lecture and L & B) o What kind of people tend to be romantically satisfied? o What kind of people tend to make their partner satisfied? o What traits do we look for in a partner? o To what degree are “Idealness” and “personality similarity” related to romantic satisfaction? o To what degree do personality traits related to future romantic satisfaction? Why? Personality and physical health o Study: Personality and diabetes o Study: Mother’s personality and communication with pediatrician o Study: Childhood personality and longevity Aggression and evocation (L & B) Personality traits and manipulation tactics (L & B) Personality Judgments in Real life Why do they matter? Opportunities, expectations – explain Could we truly determine whether a given personality judgment is accurate? What are the challenges and a potential resolution? Are first impressions or “minimal knowledge” impressions accurate? Describe relevant research & results.(e.g. from class) What about well-acquainted individuals? Are some people better judges of personality than others? How clear is the answer to this, examples of studies? Are some people easier to read – who, why? Are some facets of personality easier to read – which, why? Quantity and quality of information. What must happen for a judgment to be accurate? (RAM model – steps, etc.) Vazire and Carlson (2010) o What do the authors mean by “Self-knowledge”? o Why might self-knowledge be inaccurate? o What is the criterion problem, what are the proposed solutions, and what the strengths/weaknesses of each? o In general, what does the research say with regard to the level of (i.e., accuracy of) self-knowledge? In terms of correlational strengths, what are the ballpark ranges? o How was this research done – some examples? o What is a meta-perception and what is “meta-accuracy”? How accurate are meta-perceptions, according to this lit review? o What conclusions do the authors reach? Do you agree with these conclusions – why/why not? o What’s most interesting and/or surprising to you about this paper?