The Crucible

Group Members: _____________________
The Crucible
Who is that fool?!
Each group will be assigned a character from The Crucible to analyze and depict on a piece
of butcher paper. Complete the following areas concerning the physical/emotional make-up
of your character. Then, include ALL the information on your poster in any appropriate way
you see fit.
1. Body Drawing
Give at least three physical traits:
What style of clothing would the character wear?
2. Quotations with page numbers (from dialogue, not description)
Quotation by your character that shows his/her personality:
Page #:
What does it show about your character?
Quotation by another character about your character, showing personality:
Who said it?
What does it show about your character?
3. Give three personality traits about your character:
4. Create a visual symbol for your character.
The symbol should express one or more of the personality traits from #3.
Group Members: _____________________
5. Write a valid prediction concerning your character.
You must include two pieces of evidence to validate your prediction.
Evidence #1:
Evidence #2:
Group Members: _____________________
Goody Proctor
Rev. Hale
Mary Warren
Giles Corey
Rebecca Nurse