Chapter 11 Guided Reading Questions Why did you decide to take

Chapter 11 Guided Reading Questions
1. Why did you decide to take AP Psych instead of regular psych?
2. Define motivation3. Summarize the story of Aron Ralston in less than 30 words? Did you feel that you heard this
story before? (movie-127 hours)
4. Name and describe the 4 theories that psychologists believe view motivated behavior? Prior to
reading the following sections, which theory do you find most interesting and why?
5. Explain the early problems that the instinct theory faced due to Darwin’s theories popularity?
(be specific)
6. Define instinct and give 2 examples from prior chapters? Who came with the term imprinting?
(was on your power point)
7. Read the caption of the picture titled, same motive; different wiring? Summarize the caption in
8. Explain how twin studies and John Garcia’s study support the idea that genes predispose us to
species- typical behaviors?
9. What was the second theory of motivation? Define and draw figure 11.1 into your notes
10. Define homeostasis and come up with your own quote that shows that you understand this
11. Why do you believe you are motivated to do well in school, yourself (intrinsic) or your parents
12. According to this theory what question do we have to ask ourselves regarding motivation?
13. What do some motivated behaviors actually do to our sense of arousal?
14. Explain Zuckerman’s 1979 study and do you believe this applies to yourself, your best friend, or
your parents? (answer all three parts)
15. What did Biederman and Vessel (2006) mean that we are infovores?
16. What happens when we get too much stimulation?
17. Define hierarchy of needs- Who came up with it and draw figure 11.2 into your notes and be
18. Is the order of this fixed? Name 1 example that clearly supports that the hierarchy is fixed?
19. Explain the results of Oishi’s 1999 study on life satisfaction paying attention to what brings
feelings of well being? (poorer vs. wealthier nations)
20. Answer the following question- While on a long road trip, you suddenly feel very hungry. You see a
diner that looks pretty deserted and creepy, but you are really hungry, so you stop anyway. What
motivational perspective would most easily explain this behavior, and why?
How did you feel when you read David Mandel’s recollection of a father and son fighting over food?
Explain what Washburn and Walter Cannon discovered when it came to his hunger? (Be sure to mention
hunger pangs)
Explain why the Irish proverb” The full person does not understand the needs of the hungry” appears to
be true?
Describe Ancel Key’s 1950 study on semistarvation? Whose theory does this study support?
“Explain Dorothea Dix’s quote “Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry”
Name and xplain two studies that show that Maslow’s hierarchy appears to be mood congruent?
If you had to give your parents a tip on when to go grocery shopping, would you tell them to do this prior
or before dinner? (assuming you have food at your house)
28. Explain Tsang’s 1938 study that tells us it is far more than just hunger pangs?
29. Define glucose and explain the relationship between insulin and glucose?
30. Explain the relationship between stimulating and destroying the lateral hypothalamus? (for
memory purposes- (think of l.h. as less hungry, thus destroying it makes us less hungry)
31. Read Sakurai, 1998 study on orexin and explain to a friend who is considering dieting, why it is
not a good idea to skip meals?
32. Explain the relationship between stimulating and destroying the ventromedial hypothalamus?
Memory purposes- (think of v.h. as very hungry, thus destroying it makes us very hungry)
33. Explain Miller’s 1995 study that supports this finding?
34. Define the terms in Figure 11.5- 6 total terms(The appetite hormones)
35. Critical thinking questions- If you were in charge of funding for the US government, would you
put money into experimental manipulation of appetite hormones with our nations current
obesity problem? Why or why not?
36. Define set point- On my last vacation, I did not like the food and lost 5 pounds in a week and
gained back in 1 day when I returned to the U.S.? With your knowledge of set point- what
happened to me?
37. Define basal metabolic rate and relate this term to Key’s experiment on semistarvation?
38. Name two pieces of evidence that show we do NOT have a preset tendency for optimum
weight? What term do they prefer?
39. Explain Paul Rozin’s research that time is important when it comes to anticipating our next
meal? Do you find yourselves getting hungry at certain times?
40. My friend Matt tends to eat when feeling tense or depressed. What type of fodd does he usually
eat and what neurotransmitter is released?
41. Give two pieces of evidence that shows that culture affects taste? What is the “strangest” food
you have ever tried?
42. You have a friend who tries Indian food and hates it, explain from Pliner’s study why they might
like it or a Cambodian meal the next few times?
43. Define neophobia and explain its importance from the evolutionary perpspetive?
44. Read the caption in Figure 11.6 and explain who would prefer spicier foods, an Asian or a
European on average?
45. Explain how social facilitation may contribute to my overeating when I go out with other couples
on weekends? (Herman and Hetherington’s study?
46. Explain unit bias and how was this investigated? Explain the advice you would give to United
States citizens who are struggling with obesity?
47. Give 3 characteristics of anorexia nervosa? (make sure to include the binge-purge depression
48. Give 4 characteristics of bulimia nervosa?
49. Which condition would be easier to hide?
50. Define binge-eating disorder51. Give prevalence statistics on all 3 disorders and which is most prevalent?
52. State Pike and Rodin’s study on mother of girls with eating disorders?
53. State Joacobi’s study on families of bulimia patients?
State Pate and Yates study on the families of anorexic patients?
Name four characteristics of anorexic sufferers?
Were you aware that Princess Diana has a eating disorder?
Name 1 piece of evidence that supports the evolutionary perspective? (Hint Fairburn, Kaplan
Name 1 difference between our culture and Indian and African culture when it comes to the
perceived ideal body types?
The e-book states that 50% of US women report feeling preoccupied with being or becoming
overweight. What perspective in psychology do you believe causes this?
What is the irony between men and women in perceptions of weight? (Emslie study)
Read the University of Michigan study on math performance and swimsuits. Did you find this
study awkward?
Explain Lever’s study on the ideal body and mate selection?
Do you find Dave Berry’s quote true, sad or funny? ““Why do women have such low self-
esteem? There are many complex psychological and societal reasons, by which I mean Barbie.”
64. Read Eric Stice’s 2001 study and explain what advice you would give your teenage daughter if
constantly saw her reading US weekly and other fashion magazines? (only one I could think of)
65. Simply read figure 11.7 and you do you feel that you have an understanding of all the
bulletpoints listed in the figure? (yes-no question?)
66. France has recently banned certain models for being too thin on their fashion runways and the
media quickly deplored the action as a limitation of personal freedom. What is your opinion on
whether this law should be universal or banned?
67. What percentage of Americans, according to the CDC, are overweight?
68. Explain how fat is viewed from an evolutionary perspective and explain the irony in famine
stricken countries?
69. Define clinically obese and give 2 pieces of evidence that show obesity is a global epidemic?
70. Name 5 life threatening risks that obesity contributes to?
71. Who is more at risk, a apple shaped person or a pear shaped person?
72. Name 1 piece of evidence that shows the risk between obesity and mortality?
73. Name 3 characteristics of obese people?
74. Explain the economic impact of obesity according to Gortmaker’s 1993 study?
75. Explain how US Senator Jim Sensenbrenner quote shows disdain for the overweight?
76. Explain Pingitore’s study on obesity and job interview discrimination?
77. Why do you believe weight discrimination is hardly ever discussed even though it is greater than
race and gender discrimination?
78. Explain in a sentence how you feel, when you read that 4 in 5 children asked their parents not to
attend a school function after intestinal bypass surgery?
79. Read the section on fat cells and note the two most important facts?
80. Read the caption on figure 11.12 and explain how it contributes to the falsehood that you will
lose a pound for every 3500 calorie reduction in their diet?
81. Explain how fidgeting can contribute to weight loss?
Name 4 pieces of evidence that reveal a genetic influence on body weight?
Explain the link between sleep deprivation and weight gain?
Give one piece of evidence that social influence is a factor in gaining weight?
Read the research on Mexican obesity from 1989 to current, what would you do to make kids
less prone to obesity at DHS? (make 3 suggestions)
86. Read Hu’s 2003 long term study on nurses and answer the following question- Will you monitor
your child’s television viewing? Read the study on the Amish and suggest 1 activity that people
should be doing rather than watching television?
87. Explain the difference between your parents’ generations and your generation when it comes to
soda and milk consumption?
88. Why do you have to monitor your food intake in the dorms many of you will be living in the next
few years?
89. Name 1 change that industrial psychologists have made to combat increasing obesity?
90. Name 3 reforms that Kelly Brownell has suggested to reduce obesity? Which is most practical
and why?
91. Explain how Mann’s 2007 study correlates to Ryan Benson’s experience?
92. Give two pieces of advice you would give a television show, “The Biggest Loser”?
93. Read the section listed Close Up-Waist Management and give four recommendations for people
who are struggling with weight?
94. Explain Masters and Johnson’s 1966 study of sexual cycles?
95. Define sexual response cycle and explain 1 characteristic of what happens to men and women
during the excitement phase, plateau phase, and during orgasm? (make a t-chart)
96. What is similar to men and women when it comes to orgasms when men and women are placed
in the PET scan?
97. Define refractory period and what phase does this occur in? Whose refractory period is shorter
a male or female?
98. Define sexual disorders and name 2 that occur in men and one that occurs in women?
99. Name 1 piece of evidence that suggests that orgasms are genetically influenced?
Define estrogen and testosterone and explain how they influence human sexual
Name 3 pieces of evidence that show that sexual desires rise slightly during ovulation?
Explain Dabb’s 2000 study on social and sexual arousal?
Explain what happens to adult males sex drive when being castrated and what happens
to male sex offendedrs taking Depo- Provera?
What is a greater need, hunger or sex?
Draw Figure 11.14 into your notes
Explain 1 similarity between men and women when viewing erotica?
Explain how habituation pertains to erotica?
Name 3 pieces of evidence the average man does not know when viewing erotica?
Name 1 piece of evidence each regarding males and females when it comes to imagined
stimuli in dreams?
What percentage of people report fantasizing about sex whether male or female or
straight or gay?
What percentage of high school students acknowledged sexual intercourse in 2005?
Summarize Bricker’s 2006 twin study on sexual initiation and environment?
Name 3 pieces of evidence that show that teenagers are often ignorant about sex?
Why do you believe there is minimal communication about birth control in our culture?
What percentage of American girls regretted having sex between 12-17 according to a
Reuters, 2000 survey?
Explain how alcohol use correlates to sexually active teens?
Give 2 pieces of evidence that the media perpetuates unprotected promiscuity and
explain George Lucas 1992 quote?
Explain Forhan’s 2008 study on sexually transmitted infections?
Explain Brannon and Brock’s study on underestimating risks pertaining to “Pat’s sex
How did the Thailand government reduce STI’s?
Name 4 pieces of predictors of sexual restraint according to the National Longitudinal
Study of Adolescent Health?
Define sexual orientation and explain the difference between homosexual orientation
and heterosexual orientation?
Explain 3 cultural differences in attitudes toward homosexuality?
At what age do most people report thinking of themselves of gay or lesbian?
What is the most accurate figure in sexual orientation according to Myers?
How do most psychologists view sexual orientation?
According to Baumeister, who has more flexibility to change their sexual drive a male or
a female?
Explain how heterosexual men and woman differ in viewing erotica?
Explain erotic plasticity130.
Explain the Kinsey Institute’s findings on the causes of homosexuality?
Name 3 professions that show an overrepresentation in homosexual and bisexual
Explain the fraternal birth order effect and draw Figure 11.15 into your notes and
explain whether you believe this to be true or not?
Explain how Storms and Hammack’s study is contradicted by Hammack and Money’s
Give three examples of same-sex attraction in Animals?
Explain what Levay found when he did a blind study on cell clusters and sexual
Explain how Savic & Lindstrom, 2008 study supports the idea that everything
psychological is simultaneously biological?
Contrast and compare Savic’s study on sexual scents using gay men, straight men, and
lesbian woman?
Give 3 pieces of evidence that show genes play a role in sexual orientation?
Explain Barry Dickson’s research on genes in the fruit fly?
Explain two pieces of evidence that show that prenatal hormones may affect sexual
Open up table 11.1 and write down 3 brain differences that surprised you in observed in
gay-straight differences?
Why does the cause of sexual orientation matter? (Allen 1996 study)
Explain how sexual orientation could be a double edged sword (Diamond, 1993)
Explain what Baumrind found about adults having neutral positions about adolescent
sexual activity?
State Adler and Baumeister’s saying that clearly show we need to belong?
Name 3 positive characteristics of marriage that aid t osurvival?
Explain in your own words your opinion on Berscheid’s 1985 study on what makes
people’s lives meaningful?
Explain ostracism and relate it to the story of Andy Williams?
Give one example of cyber-ostracism150.
What does ostracism do to the anterior cingulated cortex?
Explain Williams 2007 study on school violence?
Explain the difference between how people view a job compared to a career?
Define flow and explain how Microsoft is trying to lead this new research?
What do flow experiences boost?
Explain figure 11.18 in less than 20 words?
Define I/O Psychology; personal psychology, organizational psychology
Read the close up section on discovering your strengths and name 7 enduring qualities
that speak to yourself?
Since interviews do no not predict performance, give 3 ways you would hire someone to
work for you?
Explain Nisbett’s finding on the interviewer illusion and explain 4 factors that explain the
Define structured interviews and give two pieces of evidence that support its findings?
Name 3 ways that managers appraise their employees?
Explain 360 feedback; halo errors; leniency and severity errors; and recency errors
Define achievement motivation164.
Explain the study of 1528 children whose intelligent scores were in the top 1%?
Explain the 10 year rule and what discipline do you think it pertains to?
Explain Robert Owen’s contribution to the workforce?
Explain Crabtree’s findings on the three types of employees?
Explain Kenneth Tucker’s 4 findings on great managers?
Define task leadership and social leadership?
Explain Smith and Tayeb’s research on leadership?
Explain how managers can exploit the voice effect in decision making?
In less than 20 words, explain Harley Davidson’s corporate success?