An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff NHS Mental Health & Learning Disability Trust An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.4 March 2012 Page 1 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4 2 Purpose .................................................................................................................... 4 3 Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................... 4 4 Duties ....................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 4.2 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................... 4 Committees and Groups with Overall Responsibilities........................................................... 5 5 Clinical Supervision .................................................................................................. 6 6 Managerial Supervision ........................................................................................... 6 7 Clinical Supervision Models ..................................................................................... 6 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 One to One Supervision .......................................................................................................... 6 Peer Group Supervision .......................................................................................................... 6 Multidisciplinary Group Supervision ....................................................................................... 6 Informal Supervision ............................................................................................................... 6 8 Frequency of Supervision ........................................................................................ 7 9 Contracts of Supervision .......................................................................................... 7 10 Recording .............................................................................................................. 7 11 Confidentiality ...................................................................................................... 7 12 Training ................................................................................................................. 7 13 Equality Impact Assessment ................................................................................. 7 14 Monitoring Compliance with the Document ....................................................... 8 14.1 14.2 15 15.1 16 Process for Monitoring Compliance ....................................................................................... 8 Standards/Key Performance Indicators .................................................................................. 8 References ............................................................................................................ 8 Guidance from Other Organisations ....................................................................................... 8 Associated Documentation .................................................................................. 9 Appendix A - Template Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff .................................................................................................................. 10 V.4 March 2012 Page 2 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Review and Amendment Log Version No Type of Change Date Description of change V.3 Annual review Mar 2011 Update to section 15 ‘References’ V.3 Amendment Mar 2011 Addition of amendment log Addition of example of definition Addition of examples of associated documents V.4 Annual review Mar 2012 Update to section 4 ‘Duties’ V.4 Amendment Mar 2012 Change to format including automated contents page Please Note the Intention of this Document This document has been developed with the aim of providing a model document template. However, any documentation subsequently produced must follow its own rules and include details of all the requirements set out in sections 1-16, where relevant. The organisation may use this template and adapt it to reflect procedures within the organisation or alternatively use a document already in existence. Whichever approach is used the organisation must ensure it is compliant with the minimum requirements of the relevant National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) Risk Management Standards. a To assist the organisation, areas have been identified in the margins where the section within the template document relates to the minimum requirements for the criterion in the relevant NHSLA Risk Management Standards. It is important that the document should follow any pre-existing guidance within the organisation in relation to style and format of documentation. Please note that a template document entitled An Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents can be found on the NHSLA website which may provide the organisation with additional guidance. V.4 March 2012 Page 3 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff 1 Introduction This section should give an overview of the importance of supervision as an integral component of staff support and professional development, which in turn raises the standards of service delivery. 2 Purpose Within this section the organisation should provide the rationale for the development of the document. It should include a description of how the organisation intends to ensure that supervision of clinical staff is managed in the most effective way. This guidance seeks to inform the development of local strategies, models and procedures for clinical and managerial supervision for all clinical staff. 3 Explanation of Terms This section should provide the meaning of the terms used in the context of the document if considered necessary. For example: Clinical supervision This is “a formal process of professional support and learning which enables individual practitioners to develop knowledge and competence, assume responsibility for their own practice and enhance consumer protection and safety of care in complex clinical situations. It is central to the process of learning and to the scope of the expansion of practice and should be seen as a means of encouraging selfassessment, analytical and reflective skills”. (Vision for the future, DH 1993) The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: a 4 Management supervision Supervision models Duties Give a brief overview of the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for the implementation of the organisation’s process. This section should be a brief overview only and the details of the process for managing this should be incorporated within later sections of the document. The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: 4.1 Duties within the Organisation Some example responsibilities have been identified below; however, these should be considered within the context of the individual organisational structure. Chief Executive This section should state that the chief executive is ultimately accountable for the implementation of this organisation-wide process. V.4 March 2012 Page 4 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Senior Manager(s) Roles and responsibilities of senior manager(s) and their involvement in clinical and managerial supervision of all clinical staff should be documented. Line Manager(s) Roles and responsibilities of line manager(s) and their involvement in clinical and managerial supervision of all clinical staff should be documented. Risk Manager Roles and responsibilities of the risk manager in relation to the clinical and managerial supervision of all clinical staff should be documented. Supervisor Responsibilities This section should detail the need to ensure that the diverse needs of the person being supervised are considered in relation to the process. The document should identify that there is joint responsibility for drawing up a supervision contract between the supervisor and the supervisee(s). Supervisee Responsibilities This section should detail the need to choose an appropriate model of supervision and to seek an appropriate supervisor or group for the chosen model of supervision. The document should identify that there is joint responsibility for drawing up a supervision contract between the supervisee(s) and the supervisor. 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overall Responsibilities Trust Board For effective implementation of the Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff there must be active support from the most senior members of the organisation. Organisations should detail how the chief executive and the nominated directors are to gain assurance that this document is being implemented within the organisation. There must be effective cooperation at all levels of the organisation in order for this process to be successful. Committees/Groups This section should identify the committee/group which will have overall responsibility for the clinical and managerial supervision of all clinical staff. The section should include: V.4 how this committee/group links with all the other relevant risk management committees; the role this committee/group has with ensuring continuous development of this document; the role the committee/group has in the analysis of the clinical and managerial supervision of all clinical staff; March 2012 Page 5 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff how this committee/group communicates both up to board level, and down to the local management levels; and how the committee/group facilitates organisational learning and improvement as a result of monitoring the provision of staff support mechanisms. It would be considered good practice if the organisation developed terms of reference for this committee/group including: accountability, responsibility, authority, membership (including identified co-opted members and deputies), meeting schedule and quorum, etc. In addition the terms of reference should be dated and signed. b c d 5 Clinical Supervision This section should include how the organisation provides clinical supervision, including how the organisation makes sure that staff receive appropriate clinical supervision. It should also be distinguished from preceptorship and mentoring. 6 Managerial Supervision This section should include how the organisation’s expectations in relation to managerial supervision. It should also include how the organisation makes sure that staff receive managerial supervision. 7 Clinical Supervision Models The organisation is encouraged to outline the supervision models in use which may include: 7.1 One to One Supervision This type of clinical supervision usually takes place between two members of the same staff group with the supervisor usually being senior to the supervisee. 7.2 Peer Group Supervision Peer group supervision usually takes place within a small group setting of the same staff group with equal experience and sharing supervision tasks equally. 7.3 Multidisciplinary Group Supervision This model of clinical supervision is a non-hierarchical relationship and takes place between a facilitator and a group. The facilitator does not have a line management relationship with the supervisees and the supervisees will be from different professional groups. 7.4 Informal Supervision This can happen in a variety of settings and forms and may be called consultation. All staff should have access to daily ad hoc supervision for urgent and routine work. V.4 March 2012 Page 6 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff 8 Frequency of Supervision It is expected that each organisation will set the frequency with which both clinical and managerial supervision are required to take place and include these timeframes within the documentation. 9 Contracts of Supervision This section should include a description of the negotiated and written agreements which identify the terms of the supervision relationship and could include the following: frequency, duration and venue for sessions; records or notes to be kept regarding supervision sessions; responsibilities of parties and expectations of each other; ground rules for the relationship, including limits of confidentiality; and arrangements for termination of the relationship. The supervision contracts should be reviewed at least annually. 10 Recording Supervisee(s) should keep a log of supervision, covering dates, times, duration and a record of any cancelled sessions. Record forms in use within the organisation should be appended to the document and may be used by the organisation for audit purposes. 11 Confidentiality Clinical supervision is a confidential process between the supervisor and the supervisee. There are limits to the confidentiality, for example issues of grave concern regarding possible malpractice, lack of competence or issues affecting the safety of others, which may require reporting through appropriate channels by the supervisor. e 12 Training It is important that all staff are trained in supervision and appraisal processes, so they are clear what is expected of them and can benefit fully from the process. The organisation’s expectations in relation to both supervisor and supervisee training should be included in the organisation’s training needs analysis and a link to this document should be clearly identified. 13 Equality Impact Assessment The organisation should identify who will undertake the Equality Impact Assessment which is required to consider the needs and assess the impact of this document in accordance with the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents. The Equality Impact Assessment Tool found at Appendix E of the Organisationwide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents could be V.4 March 2012 Page 7 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff completed and form part of the body of the document, but as a minimum a statement should be included within the document to demonstrate that an Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out and that the document does not discriminate, highlighting any areas of good practice or risk areas requiring attention. f 14 Monitoring Compliance with the Document 14.1 Process for Monitoring Compliance This section should identify how the organisation plans to monitor compliance with the Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff. As a minimum it should include the review/monitoring of all the minimum requirements within the NHSLA Risk Management Standards. The following list is a guide to issues which could be considered within this section and should be added to where appropriate: 14.2 Who will perform the monitoring? When will the monitoring be performed? How are you going to monitor? What will happen if any shortfalls are identified? Where will the results of the monitoring be reported? How will the resulting action plan be progressed and monitored? How will learning take place? Standards/Key Performance Indicators This section could contain auditable standards and/or key performance indicators (KPIs) which may assist the organisation in the process for monitoring compliance. 15 References This section should contain the details of any reference materials reviewed in the development of the procedural document. V.4 15.1 Guidance from Other Organisations The Department of Health website provides further information and resources: Vision for the future (1993) The Ten Essential Shared Capabilities A Framework for the whole of the mental health workforce (2004) Guidance on New Ways of Working for Psychiatrists in a Multi-agency Context (2004) From values to action: The Chief Nursing Officer’s review of mental health nursing (2006) March 2012 Page 8 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff 16 Mental Health: New Ways of Working for Everyone: A best practice implementation guide (2007) Capabilities for Inclusive Practice (2007) New Horizons: A Shared Vision for Mental Health (2010) ‘The Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards’ DH website list of resources and links Morgan, S. (2009) Clinical Risk Management: A Clinical Tool and Practitioner Manual National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) CG16 Self-harm: The short-term physical and psychological management and secondary prevention of self-harm in primary and secondary care Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Clinical supervision for registered nurses. Patient Safety First ‘Deterioration’ Patient Safety First website page Royal College of Psychiatrists (2010) Self-harm, suicide and risk: a summary Position statement Associated Documentation This section should provide a cross reference to any other related organisational procedural document(s). The following list is a guide only and not exhaustive: V.4 Care Programme Approach (or other care planning processes dependent upon configuration) Induction Mandatory training Training needs analysis March 2012 Page 9 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Appendix A - Template Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff NHS Trust An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.4 March 2012 Page 10 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 13 2 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 13 3 Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................. 13 4 Duties ..................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 4.2 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................. 13 Committees and Groups with Overall Responsibilities......................................................... 13 5 Clinical Supervision ................................................................................................ 13 6 Managerial Supervision ......................................................................................... 13 7 Clinical Supervision Models ................................................................................... 13 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 One to One Supervision ........................................................................................................ 13 Peer Group Supervision ........................................................................................................ 13 Multidisciplinary Group Supervision ..................................................................................... 13 Informal Supervision ............................................................................................................. 13 8 Frequency of Supervision ...................................................................................... 13 9 Contracts of Supervision ........................................................................................ 13 10 Recording ............................................................................................................ 14 11 Confidentiality .................................................................................................... 14 12 Training ............................................................................................................... 14 13 Equality Impact Assessment ............................................................................... 14 14 Monitoring Compliance with the Document ..................................................... 14 14.1 14.2 15 15.1 16 Process for Monitoring Compliance ..................................................................................... 14 Standards/Key Performance Indicators ................................................................................ 14 References .......................................................................................................... 14 Guidance from Other Organisations ..................................................................................... 14 Associated Documentation ................................................................................ 14 Appendix A Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents ...... 14 Appendix B Version Control Sheet ........................................................................... 14 Appendix C Plan for Dissemination .......................................................................... 14 Appendix D Equality Impact Assessment Tool ......................................................... 14 Examples of the Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents, Version Control Sheet, Plan for Dissemination and the Equality Impact Assessment Tool can all be found within the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents on the NHSLA website. V.4 March 2012 Page 11 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff Appendix B in the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents contains a flowchart to assist with the process for the creation and implementation of procedural documents. Review and Amendment Log Version No V.4 Type of Change Date March 2012 Description of change Page 12 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff 1 Introduction 2 Purpose 3 Explanation of Terms 4 Duties 4.1 Duties within the Organisation 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overall Responsibilities 5 Clinical Supervision 6 Managerial Supervision 7 Clinical Supervision Models 7.1 One to One Supervision 7.2 Peer Group Supervision 7.3 Multidisciplinary Group Supervision 7.4 Informal Supervision 8 Frequency of Supervision 9 Contracts of Supervision V.4 March 2012 Page 13 of 14 An Organisation-wide Document for the Clinical and Managerial Supervision of all Clinical Staff 10 Recording 11 Confidentiality 12 Training 13 Equality Impact Assessment 14 Monitoring Compliance with the Document 15 14.1 Process for Monitoring Compliance 14.2 Standards/Key Performance Indicators References 15.1 16 V.4 Guidance from Other Organisations Associated Documentation Appendix A Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents Appendix B Version Control Sheet Appendix C Plan for Dissemination Appendix D Equality Impact Assessment Tool March 2012 Page 14 of 14